A.W. Bally1
(1) Rice University, Houston, TX
ABSTRACT: On the Role of Plate Tectonics in Hydrocarbon Exploration
Plate tectonics evolved in the sixties and seventies to become the leading conceptual framework of the earth sciences. Academic researchers were the main protagonists of this innovation. In general, hydrocarbon explorers were slow to accept the new paradigm. Some of the most vocal opposition to plate tectonics was expressed in the AAPG Bulletin. Eventually it was recognized that the sweeping perspective offered by plate tectonics was indeed most useful to obtain an overview over various types of sedimentary basins and folded belts. Thus plate tectonics brought some order into our regional thinking. Furthermore, basin-forming mechanisms such as thermal contraction following lithospheric extension and flexural loading of the lithosphere led to novel computerized models describing basin evolution. While providing important background by themselves, none of these new concepts allowed to improve hydrocarbon reserve forecasts significantly. Instead improved geophysical mappability of hydrocarbon traps and to a lesser degree, geochemical mappability were the driving factors that lead to the discovery of large new hydrocarbon reserves.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90906©2001 AAPG Annual Convention, Denver, Colorado