GHOSH, SUMAN, University of Missouri-Kansas City, Dept. of Geosciences, Kansas City, MO
ABSTRACT: Influence of Geochemical and Geotechnical Factors in Efficient Bioremediation of Petroleum-Contaminated Soils, Using a Combination of Plants and Microorganisms
The overall objective of the project is to develop a new method of bioremediation that, besides other controlling factors, will take into account the geochemical and geotechnical characteristics of soils for remediation of petroleum-contaminated sites. The project aims at identifying the most suitable soil type in terms of its geochemistry and physical properties and determining its control on bioremediation potential of petroleum-contaminated soil, utilizing both microorganisms and plants.
Soil is one of the key components of a bioremediation system. It is this medium that promotes the growth of both plants and microorganisms. It would, therefore, be expected that research on bioremediation should take into account the influence of soil chemistry and physical properties, in addition to the type of plants and microorganisms and related factors. This aspect, however, has not received much attention of researchers in the bioremediation field, which led to the development and formulation of the proposed study.
The research will utilize a number of different microorganisms found in petroleum-contaminated soils, along with three species of plantsalfalfa, tall fescue and bulrushin various combinations to determine their potential in cleaning up petroleum contamination. Since these microorganisms and plant species have been individually found to be quite effective in biodegrading petroleum in contaminated soils and groundwater, it will be possible to harness the synergies of plant and microorganisms to develop a better method for cost-effective and faster remediation.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90909©2000 AAPG Foundation Grants-in-Aid