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Consultant, Sweetwater, Texas

Abstract: Lake Trammel, S. (5150) Field, Nolan County, Texas

The discovery well of the Lake Trammel, S. (5150) Field was drilled and plugged in 1950. A study of the local stratigraphy and well data led to the re-entry of the Sun #3 B. K. Stone. The well was re-entered and completed from the socalled Canyon Sand in 1974. During the intervening time, the Lake Trammel, Lake Trammel, South, and Lake Trammel, West Fields were discovered and developed from the same deltaic/slope sand interval. Subsurface geology led to the discovery of these fields in 1950, 1951 and 1953 by Rowan & Hope and Union Oil, which to date have produced more than 12 million barrels of oil from approximately 150 wells.

Though the early completions were thought to be from Canyon-age Sand, more recent information suggests Cook Sands of Wolfcampian age. The erratic occurrence of sand in the productive interval made prediction of its presence most difficult if not impossible and made every well a near wildcat. Rock properties in recent wells are found to be much better than had been determined by earlier drilling. Lease problems caused much of the delay in the field development. To date, 36 wells have been drilled, including 11 dry holes. The field has not been entirely delineated.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90918©1999 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Abilene, Texas