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Kansas Geological Survey, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66047

Abstract: The Kansas Geological Survey's New Initiative in the Manhattan 1° x 2° Quadrangle, Northeast Kansas

Because of its unique geology associated with the 1.1 billion-year old Midcontinent Rift, the area encompassing the largely unexplored Manhattan 1° x 2° quadrangle, has the potential to host major ore deposits and possibly hydrocarbon accumulations. Depth to the basement is the shallowest in all of Kansas, ranging from about 700 feet in the NE on top of the Nemaha Uplift to more than 4,000 feet in the SW in the deeper parts of the Salina Basin.

The aim of the four-year-long multidisciplinary study is to map the geology and assess the resources of the area. New geologic maps, re-evaluation of existing maps, and digitizing all geologic information for all and part of the ten counties in the quadrangle is a major component. Surface and subsurface structural studies, paying particular attention to neotectonism in the large area underlain by younger glacial materials is another important aspect. Known economic industrial mineral resources in the quadrangle include gypsum, sand and gravel, limestone and dolomite, and dimension stone; potential resources include volcanic ash, salt, coal gas, and hydrogen gas. Re-evaluation of existing and new aeromagnetic and gravity data as well as geochemistry of available Precambrian rock samples is an integral part of this study. The results of these studies will be used to evaluate the mineral and resource potential and to identify areas that may be favorable for future exploration of new resources.

All information obtained during the course of this project will be available on the web as well as in anticipated reports and publications.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90921©1999 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas