1GIS Research Institute, Handong
University, Pohang, Korea
2Department of Geology, Pusan National
University, Pusan, Korea
Abstract: A Development of ArcGeology, GIS-Based Geological D/B and Analysis of Geological Structure, Eoil Area, Korea
An arrangement and organization of geological data which are observed and collected in fieldwork play an important role in various geological research. Recently, the Geographic Information System (GIS), spatial data storage tool, has been applied to geological analysis and geophysical exploration. However, there are few studies of the application of geological data to GIS.
This research is to define an exact geological dataset in GIS data structure and to develop a program, ArcGeology, which stores, edits and manages the data. Various geological terms for example fault, formation, and rock type, were classified attributes (point, line, and polygon) in GIS and defined an importance and factor for geological analysis.
In this framework, ArcGeology was programmed in Windows NT using Arc Macro Language (AML). ArcGeology is composed of 1) geological boundary, 2) structure, 3) outcrop, 4) topology layer, and others. It is possible to edit, search and visualize the geological map. Also, the comparative research between seismic or remote sensing data and digital geological data constructed by ArcGeology is available and compared with ALACARTE of the USGS. Also, it is possible to exchange data from a remote field via Internet, which improves the Internet Geological Data System (IGDS; Yuri, 1997).
Using ArcGeology, which provides simple user-interface and more exact analysis compared with other tools, we can identify and visualize the domal structure of the Eoil area, Korea.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas