Geologic a.s
Abstract: Using Geohistory Reconstruction to Improve Quality of Evaluation of Trap Style and Integrity.
Trap and seal development are amongst the moro critical risk factors to be evaluated during seismic interpretation. These factors can be significantly affected by the choice of seismic interpretation. Therefore, errors or possibilities not evaluated nor estimated in the early stages of interpretation could lead to wrong exploration decisions. The demand for high quality and sensitivity tested interpretation to ensure evaluation of all possible geological models in an area represents new challenges for the interpreter in the future.
The effect of different structural evolution of an area could be enormous for the play models and therefore deserves attention as early as possible in an exploration task. In order to evaluate the plausibility of one model versus another, tools that enables the interpreter to quickly and accurately test out different interpretations and their sensitivity upon prospectivity are needed.
We have used an automatic restoration technique based on vertical shear deformation to assess different interpretation alternatives. Evaluation of the alternative reconstructions of the different interpretations have been done in order to check their validity based upon our regional understanding of the area.
This study demonstrates a way to better understand and evaluate trap and seal development through geologic time and thereby increase the understanding of risk factors connected to trap and seal integrity. It was also found to be both time saving and cost effective to perform reconstruction of the seismic interpretation early in the project and led to a better exploration decision.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas