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Department of Mines & Energy, Queensland

Abstract: Pipelines - the Link to Exploration Opportunities


Over the last 5 years, a massive expansion in pipeline infrastructure in has occurred in Queensland. This expansion mirrored the need to tap new gas reserves to replace the traditional supply of gas from the Bowen and Surat Basins in south-east Queensland and to provide energy to the growing industrial markets on the east coast. Completion of the proposed pipelines will see an even greater expansion of the pipeline infrastructure in Queensland. These pipelines are providing the ideal situation to capitalise on any gas discoveries in the remote areas in the State. Previously, discoveries had to be either near infrastructure or sufficiently large to justify the capital expenditure need to connect with major cities in eastern and southern Australia. Reduced infrastructure cost is renewing interest in many of Queensland's prospective sedimentary basins.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90928©1999 AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas