Abstract: Neogene-Quaternary Evolution of the Santa Barbara basin, California
FISCHER, P. J., Department of Geological Sciences, California State University, Northridge and MESA Cubed., Inc., Whittier, CA
An extensive seismic reflection data set (analog 3.5 kHzsparker and deep penetration CDP date), correlated to core hole data (lithologies and age information) was used to define the Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the Western Transverse ranges and specifically the Santa Barbara basin. This basin has changed in both tectonic style and rate of deformation during the past 16 million years. These changing tectonic controls have dictated the location and extent of uplift (e.g., the Conception-Arguello and Coal Oil-Goleta positives), the episodic growth of folds including most major trends in the basin, distribution of sedimentary facies including the location and growth pattern of submarine canyons and fans (e.g., the Quaternary Conception fan and the Gaviota, Hueneme, and Mugu canyons), the major hydrocarbon seep trends, and finally the location of many major oil and gas fields. A series of palinspastic/paleogeographic maps and sections that are primarily based on the seismic/core hole data set, supplemented with onshore mapping by numerous workers and our interpretation of remote sensing imagery, show these tectonically induced changes in basin character, sedimentary facies, and the occurrence of oil and gas fields. These illustrations and concepts explain the location of several oil and gas fields and may indicate yet untested prospects.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90935©1998 AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, Ventura, California