Abstract: Gulf of Mexico Basin Depositional Synthesis: Neogene Sequences, Depositional Systems, and Paleogeographic Evolution
Department of Geological
Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin;
Institute for Geophysics,
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
An industry-sponsored synthesis of the Cenozoic depositional history of the Gulf of Mexico basin has integrated well data from the onshore, shelf and upper slope areas with Feng's 1995 seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the deep basin. The first phase of the project identified ten Neogene genetic sequences that record major depositional episodes of the Gulf basin. For each sequence, digitally recorded data include thickness, lithofacies, depositional systems, stratigraphic architecture, local depocenters and paleogeographic features such as paleoshelf edge positions and submarine canyons. These data are stored in GIS format; (ARC/INFO{TM}) . Results of this synthesis are summarized in a series of interpretative maps showing the depositional system paleogeography for each of ten sequences throughout the Gulf basin: Lower Miocene 1 (24-18.2 Ma); Lower Miocene 2 (18.2- 16 Ma); Middle Miocene (1612.8 Ma); Upper Miocene (12.8-6 2' Ma); Miocene-Pliocene (Bul.1) (6.2-4.9 Ma); Pliocene (Glob. alt.) 1 (4.9-3.1 Ma); Pliocene (Lent. 1) (3.1-2.3 Ma); Pliocene (Ang. B) (2.3-1.6 Ma); Pleistocene (Trim. A) (1.6-.55 Ma); and Pleistocene (Sang.) (.55-.27 Ma). The maps are supplemented by a series of regional reference margin well and deep basin seismic cross sections.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90932©1998 GCAGS/GCS-SEPM Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas