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Abstract: Geochemical evolution of ancients basins and separate prediction of oil-gas potential (Siberian platform megabasin, Timano-Petchera and Middle-Russian basins of the East-European platform)


The oil-source beds of the ancient platforms are distinctly traced on the sedimentation curve and displayed in the wide time interval. The old basins are distinguished, as a rule, by wide range of OM maturity. The Timan-Pechora basin by its development type inherits the basin of the Siberian platform. The ages of main Siberian platform and Timan-Pechora source rock formations are Vendian-Cambrian for first and Devonian for second. The area of source rock formation distribution over the Siberian platform almost 10 times exceeds those of the Timan-Pechora basin; however total OM and total emigration hydrocarbon contents are only 3-4 times different. In the both basins the sites of oil-gas generation tend to the marginal of the platforms.

The oil-source formations of the Middle-Russian basin are known only in the basal parts the Riphean, performing narrow grabens, and in the Vendian (the Redkinsk horizon). However, as distinct from the Siberian platform, where Vendian OM has high level of maturity, only small part of Redkinsky horizon source rocks had reached the "oil-window".

The thermal history of the basins, the oil - gas generation and emigration ratios, stimulated by source rock maturity, qualities and contents were used for the separate prediction of oil-gas bearing of these basins.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90942©1997 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria