The Utilization of Sequence Stratigraphy in Reservoir Geology
D. Bradford Macurda Jr.
Initial applications of sequence stratigraphy focused on basin analysis and exploration problems. As finer scale studies were conducted using well logs and outcrops, it has become possible to apply the concepts to improving reservoir performance. Investigations of the fine scale sequence stratigraphy of carbonates has led to its application to enhance production in the complex Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs of the Permian and Paradox Basins. Studies of coastal plain and shallow marine sediments in the Colorado Plateau and Alberta Basin has led to effective utilization in Alberta Basin reservoirs. Outcrop of and subsurface investigations of fluvial and deltaic sediments in the North Sea has improved performance of Jurassic reservoirs in the North Sea. Geophysicists are ref ning statistical and numerical techniques for defining the seismic facies within reservoirs in Indonesia, Africa, and the Gulf of Mexico.
Several sequence stratigraphic concepts are available for application (e.g. genetic sequences, T-R sequences, forced regressions, etc.). Allowing the data to speak for itself rather than slavish adherence to only one theory has greatly improved the utilization of sequence stratigraphy at the reservoir level.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #91019©1996 AAPG Convention and Exhibition 19-22 May 1996, San Diego, California