Pore Geometry Characteristics of the Lunde and Statfjord Reservoirs in the Snorre Field, North Sea
S. M. Habesch
Using polished thin sections and BSE image processing techniques, a pore geometry database has been established for reservoir sequences in five wells, and is integrated with routine petrographic and petrophysical data. Pore geometry data includes porosity, pore density, pore area, perimeter, diameter, surface area and shape factor. Pore connectivity and pore size distribution data can also be determined from BSE images. Using porosity and surface area data, permeability may be estimated from these images using the Carman-Kozeny equation.
Air permeability has been quantitatively modelled using pore geometry parameters and regression analysis. Significant equations have been developed between permeability and pore area, diameter, surface area and pore size distribution, allowing permeabilIty predictions from 2-dimensional thin section data.
Pore geometry parameters have been used in classification using bivariate or multivariate modelling, allowing the identification of specific 'poro-types'. These specific pore textural types and their distribution reflects a complex interaction of grain size, clay distibution and diagenetic cements.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995