Formation Evaluation in the Republic of Cuba
O. Castro-Castineira, S. Valladares-Amaro, M. Rodriguez-Viera
We propose a model for the classification of rocks in different cuban areas; clastic, carbonate, ophiolites and tuffaceous rocks, covered by clays, claystones, dense limestones, and altered serpentinites, for different formations.
The described rocks show characteristic features such as primary and secondary pore structure, some degree of dirtiness and differences in composition. For its evaluation we have prepared a group of methods based on the more frequent wireline logs, and that may be lithological, structural or saturation.
We have developed a group of interpretative models that allows us to resolve each case in good correlation with the real data. The use of interactive softwares has made possible a wide range of interpretation, and increased precision.
Very important conclusions have been derived for the characterization of rock properties in Cuba.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91020©1995 AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1995