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Abstract: Stratigraphy of Midland Basin in Regional and Global Context

R. Michael Robinson, Daniel Hayner

A new correlation of 85 well logs provides the data for a continuous set of structure and isopach maps covering one square degree of longitude and latitude from 101 to 102 west and 32 to 33 north. A corresponding set of maps showing paleogeography and tectonics relates each of the above maps to its surroundings in the southwest quarter of North America. A further set of maps of the globe then relates the paleogeographic settings to global plate tectonics. The logs were chosen for an even distribution throughout the study area, and they illustrate the stratigraphic development of the Midland basin from the Early Ordovician up to the middle of the Leonardian stage, i.e., up to the union of Gondwana.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90980©1994 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Ruidoso, New Mexico, April 24-26, 1994