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LAWRENCE, MARC A., and HUGH T. LOGUE, Fairfiled Industries Inc., Houston, TX

ABSTRACT: New Exploration Opportunities in Shallow Water Offshore Louisiana Revealed by 3D Seismic Data

Undrilled economic prospects still abound in the shallow (<60') waters off Louisiana. This area which contains six of the ten largest producing oil fields in Louisiana, is covered with numerous wells and blanketed with 2D seismic data. However, examination of newly available, detailed regional 3D seismic data reveals that depleted fields and prospects previously condemned by dry holes should be re-examined. The new 3D seismic data shows why wells missed the target and why 2D seismic data are inadequate to determine drilling locations in some cases. Several case histories from this area are presented comparing 2D and 3D seismic data, and examining well locations with respect to new 3D data. A case history is also presented of a small independent oil company who, within one year of c mmencing acquisition of a shallow water 3D, drilled five commercial wildcat discoveries, each of which were located in discrete fault blocks only identifiable on the 3D seismic data.

Large deep prospects are now apparent on new 3D data. Data resolution on 2D seismic is generally poor below 3.5 seconds two-way travel time. However, improved resolution on the new 3D data now allows for stratigraphic sequence mapping as well as identification of structural features below 3.5 seconds. This capability now allows the accurate assessment necessary to evaluate this deep potential.

AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90987©1993 AAPG Annual Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25-28, 1993.