PEREZ, LAZARO, HOCOL S.A., Cartagena, Colombia
ABSTRACT: Sequential Biostratigraphy of the San Jose-1, Puerto Estrella-1, Santa Ana-1, Uashir-1, and Jarara-1 Offshore Wells, Guajira Peninsula, Colombia
Sequence stratigraphical analysis of the San Jose-1, Puerto Estrella-1, Santa Ana-1, Uashir-1, and Jarara-1 offshore wells located
in the Portete area, Guajira Peninsula, provide insight into the development and distribution of reservoirs and seals and allows for a finer stratigraphic resolution and correlation than previously available. The sequence stratigraphical interpretation is based on the interpretation of detailed biostratigraphical analysis, the parasequence stacking patterns from the wireline logs, sedimentological data, and seismic stratigraphical interpretation.
The Eocene to Pliocene sediments of the Portete wells were deposited for the most part in outer shelf (shelf-slope break) to upper bathyal, disoxic to anoxic environments. Important reservoir development is formed by lowstand slope and basin floor fans interpreted to correspond to the Early Miocene TB1, 1.4 and 1.5, the Middle Miocene TB2 2.3 and 2.4 sequences, and to the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene TA4 supercycle.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90988©1993 AAPG/SVG International Congress and Exhibition, Caracas, Venezuela, March 14-17, 1993.