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The Combined Effects of Eustasy, Tectonism, and Clastic Influx on the Development of Pennsylvanian Cyclic Carbonates, Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico

GONG, SHOU-YEH, and JOHN D. HUMPHREY; University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

Pennsylvania cyclothems are well documented on stable continental shelves and the cyclicity has generally been attributed to glacio-eustasy. As a contrast, Atokan-Desmoinesian cyclic carbonates of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains developed in a tectonically active foreland basin, formed by thrusting along the Picuris-Pecos fault during early Pennsylvanian time. Strata exposed in two sections (Dalton Bluff, 260 m;Johnson Mesa, 340 m) are characterized by (1) shallowing-upward cycles, (2) cycles of variable thickness (5-20 m), (3) incomplete cycles, (4) cycles interrupted by terrigenous clastic input, and (5) noncyclic intervals. Allocyclic mechanisms alone cannot fully explain these observations; we herein propose that a complex interplay among eustasy, tectonism, and clastic se iment supply were responsible for the observed cycles.

Lithofacies analysis indicates that location within the foreland basin played a significant role in cycle attributes. In the deeper portions of the basin (e.g., Dalton Bluff), an idealized cycle, from base to top, consists of (1) shale/marl facies, (2) brachiopod wackestone facies, (3) phylloid algal facies, and (4) marine clastic facies. No evidence for subaerial exposure of cycle caps is noted. In contrast, in shallow portions of the basin near the forebulge (e.g., Johnson Mesa), the marine clastic facies is substituted by crinoidal grainstone/packstone facies that is capped by subaerial exposure surface.

Each of the two cycles displays an overall grand (lower order) shallowing-upward cycle. This grand cycle developed as sediments infilled the initially starved foreland basin.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91004 © 1991 AAPG Annual Convention Dallas, Texas, April 7-10, 1991 (2009)