Structural Styles in the Southern Apennines Thrust System
G. Cello, F. Lentini, M. Martini, W. Paltrinieri, L. Tortorici
Structural interpretation of available geological and geophysical data relative to many sections cutting across the Southern Apennines thrust system shows that the whole system is characterized by a distinct zonation defined by peculiar structural association. The overall geometrical arrangement of both surficial and deep-seated structures constrains possible reconstructions for the undeformed pre-Miocene southeastern margin of the Afro-Adriatic continent and its Neogene deformation history. Identification of peculiar structural association in the foreland-foredeep complex and reinterpretation of relevant stratigraphic data suggest that the progressive deformation of this sector of the Apennines has already affected the most external (Apulian) domains and is possibly migr ting, at present, toward the currently active Adriatic foredeep of the Southern Apennines thrust system.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91032©1988 Mediterranean Basins Conference and Exhibition, Nice, France, 25-28 September 1988.