Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Prinos Oil Field Submarine Fan With the Use of Logs
Panos Baltas
The Prinos oil field is located in the Gulf of Kavala in the north Aegean Sea, Greece. The sandstones which form the reservoir rock were deposited by a submarine fan during the Messinian. Core analyses of a full reservoir sequence revealed the presence of four facies: A4/B2, C, E, and D.
FDC, CNL, GR, CAL, HDT, and dipmeter logs of 24 wells were used to reconstruct the submarine fan. Following determination of the type of facies encountered by each well, the paleocurrent direction, and a fieldwide correlation, the final facies distribution maps were constructed.
Studying the facies maps, the isopach maps of the equivalent time zones, and the isobath maps of the equivalent time levels, I concluded three points. (1) Prinos oil field consists of the middle fan with channels and depositional lobes of a sand-rich fan. (2) Four mega-periods of sedimentation consisting of 14 equivalent time zones were defined. (3) The channels followed the topographic lows, which resulted in their continuous migration.
Much of the study utilized dipmeter data in the E facies. Alternations of red and blue patterns appear in the E facies interval with dip direction toward the nearby channel. Because this type of dipmeter pattern is interpreted as cross-bedding, I propose because the beds of the facies are cross-bedded with dip opposite to the paleocurrent direction from which they were deposited.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91032©1988 Mediterranean Basins Conference and Exhibition, Nice, France, 25-28 September 1988.