Environmental Sedimentology of Pontchartrain Basin
George C. Flowers, Andrew W. Durfee, Wayne C. Isphording
The Pontchartrain basin is the site of one of the largest and most important estuarine complexes in southeastern Louisiana. The same factors that have made southeastern Louisiana an important metropolitan and industrial region have also led to disruption of the estuarine environment. Pollution, development, flood control, and dredging have all impacted the estuarine environment. Besides affecting the biota and water quality, the impact of these environmental pressures is reflected in the bottom sediments of lakes in the Pontchartrain basin.
As part of a continuing study of northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries, over 130 samples were collected from Lakes Pontchartrain and Maurepaus during November 1987. Textural analyses, carbon analyses, and clay mineral analyses of the samples are used to create maps showing the textural, mineralogical, and compositional characteristics of bottom sediments in the lakes. In addition, comparison of maps generated in the present investigation with previous studies permits the impact of various agents on the lake sediments to be assessed.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #91036©1988 GCAGS and SEPM Gulf Coast Section Meeting; New Orleans, Louisiana, 19-21 October 1988.