--> Publications (1973 - present) of Paul M. (Mitch) Harris and co-workers.
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PAUL Previous HitMNext Hit. (MITCH) HARRIS

Publications (1973 – present) of Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris and co-workers:

A linked bibliography of articles in journals and volumes, theses, field-trip guides, course and
work-shop syllabi, etc., and abstracts for, and in some case with, presentations at meetings


Search and Discovery Article #100005 (2008)

Posted February 2, 2009; Updated September 7, 2015







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Articles, etc.


Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1973, Holocene Sediments and Stratigraphy of Marshes at Chincoteague Inlet, Virginia: Unpublished Previous HitMNext Hit. S. Thesis, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 214 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60012 –  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60012harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1976, The Sequence of Holocene Sediments, Joulters Cays Area, in Gebelein, C. Previous HitDNext Hit., Guidebook for Modern Bahamian Platform Environments: GSA Ann. Mtg., Field Trip Guidebook (2nd edition), p. 51-55. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60013 –  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60013harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1977, Depositional Environments of the Joulters Cays Area, in Multer, H. G. (ed.), Field Guide to Some Carbonate Rock Environments, Florida Keys and Western Bahamas: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa, p. 157-162. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60014 –  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60014harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1977, Sedimentology of the Joulters Cays Ooid Sand Shoal, Great Bahama Bank: Unpublished Ph. Previous HitDNext Hit. Dissertation, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 452 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60017 –  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60017harris/ndx_intro.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1978, Holocene Marine-Cemented Sands, Joulters Ooid Shoal, Bahamas: Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., v. 28, p. 175-183.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Halley, R. B. and Lukas, K. J., 1979, Endolith Microborings and Their Preservation in Holocene-Pleistocene (Bahama-Florida) Ooids: Geology, v. 7, p. 216-220.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1979, Facies Anatomy and Diagenesis of a Bahamian Ooid Shoal: Sedimenta 7, Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, Univ. Miami, Miami Beach, FL, 163 p.(posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60022 –  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60022harris/ndx_intro.pdf

Halley, R. B. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1979, Fresh-Water Cementation of a 1000-Year-Old Oolite: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 49, p. 969-987. Reprinted in Friedman, G. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Ali, S. A. (eds.), 1981, Diagenesis of Carbonate Rocks: Cement-Porosity Relationships: SEPM Reprint Series No. 10, p. 277-295.


Butler, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kendall, C. G. St. C., 1982, Recent Evaporites from the Abu Dhabi Coastal Flats, in Handford, C. R., Loucks, R. G. and Davies, G. R. (eds.), Depositional and Diagenetic Spectra of Evaporites - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 3, p. 33-64. Reprinted in Shale Shaker, 1983, Part 1 - v. 33, no. 5, p. 44-58 and Part 2 - v. 33, no. 6, p. 59-69. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Dodman, C. A., 1982, Jurassic Evaporites of the U. S. Gulf Coast, The Smackover-Buckner Contact, in Handford, C. R., Loucks, R. G. and Davies, G. R. (eds.), Depositional and Diagenetic Spectra of Evaporites - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 3, p. 174-192. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Jackson, J. B. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Jurassic Petroleum Geology of Southwestern Clarke County, Mississippi: Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol . Socs., v. 32, p. 45-57. Abridged version reprinted in Oil and Gas Journal, Jan. 24, 1983, p. 105-109.

Baria, L. R., Stoudt, Previous HitDNext Hit. L., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1982, Upper Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation, United States Gulf Coast: AAPG Bull., v. 66, p. 1449-1482.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), 1983, Carbonate Buildups - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 4, 593 p. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1983, Upper Jurassic Smackover Reefs - An Example from Walker Creek Field, Arkansas, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Buildups - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 4, p. 366-380. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Frost, S. H., Bliefnick, Previous HitDNext Hit. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Deposition and Porosity Evolution of a Lower Cretaceous Rudist Buildup, Shuaiba Formation of the Eastern Arabian Peninsula, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Buildups - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 4, p. 381-410. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Frost, S. H., Harbour, J. L. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Late-Oligocene Reef-Tract Carbonates, Southwestern Puerto Rico, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Buildups - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 4, p. 491-518. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Halley, R. B., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Hine, A. C., 1983, Bank Margin Environments, in Scholle, P. A., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Moore, C. H. (eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments: AAPG Memoir 33, p. 463-506. Part 1, Part 2

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, The Joulters Ooid Shoal, Great Bahama Bank, in Peryt, T. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Coated Grains: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 132-141. http://www.springer.com/?SGWID=5-102-0-0-0 (webiste of publisher)

Frost, S. H. , Harbour, J. L., Previous HitDNext Hit. K., Realini, Previous HitMNext Hit. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Oligocene Reef Tract Development, Southwestern Puerto Rico: Sedimenta 9, Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, Univ. Miami, Miami Beach, FL, 141 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60023 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60023frost/ndx_intro.pdf

Burruss, R. C., Cercone, K. R. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Fluid Inclusion Petrography and Tectonic-Burial History of the Al Ali No. 2 Well: Evidence for the Timing of Diagenesis and Oil Migration, Northern Oman Foredeep: Geology, v. 11, p. 567-570.

Harris P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Cores from a Modern Sand Body; The Joulters Ooid Shoal, Great Bahama Bank, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Sands - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 5, p. 429-464. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Dodman, C. A. and Bliefnick, Previous HitDNext Hit. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Permian (Guadalupian) Reservoir Facies, McElroy Field, West Texas, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Sands - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 5, p. 136-174. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Cementation and Porosimetry of Shoaling Sequences in the Subsurface Pettit Limestone, Cretaceous of East Texas, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Carbonate Sands - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 5, p. 263-305. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Frost, S. H., 1984, Middle Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoirs, Fahud Field and Northwestern Oman: AAPG Bull., v. 68, p. 649-658.

Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Depositional Models for Jurassic Reefal Buildups, in Ventress, W. P. S., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Perkins, B. F. and Moore, C. H. (eds.), The Jurassic of the Gulf Rim: Gulf Coast Section SEPM, Proc. Third Annual Research Conference, p. 57-102. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60025 - -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60025crevello/ndx_crevello.pdf)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Frost, S. H., Seiglie, G. A. and Schneidermann, N., 1984, Regional Unconformities and Depositional Cycles, Cretaceous of the Arabian Peninsula, in Schlee, J. S. (ed.), Interregional Unconformities and Hydrocarbon Accumulation: AAPG Memoir 36, p. 67-80.

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Burial Diagenetic Sequence in Deep-Water Allochthonous Dolomites, Permian Bone Spring Formation, Southeast New Mexico, in Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Deep-Water Carbonates: Buildups, Turbidites, Debris Flows and Chalks - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 6, p. 140-173. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1985, Allochthonous Carbonates of the Getaway Limestone, Upper Permian of the Delaware Basin, in Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Deep-Water Carbonates: Buildups, Turbidites, Debris Flows and Chalks - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 6, p. 174-211. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P . Previous HitMNext Hit., Kendall, C. G. and Lerche, I., 1985, Carbonate Cementation - A Brief Review, in Schneidermann, N. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Carbonate Cements: SEPM Special Publication No. 36, p. 79-95. Reprinted in Beaumont, E. A. and Foster, N. H. (eds.), 1988, AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology Reprint Series No. 5, Reservoirs III, Carbonates, p. 240-256. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Burruss, R. C., Cercone, K. R. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Timing of Hydrocarbon Migration: Evidence from Fluid Inclusions in Calcite Cements, Tectonics and Burial History, in Schneidermann, N. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Carbonate Cements: SEPM Special Publication No. 36, p. 277-289. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stoudt, Previous HitDNext Hit. L. and Baria, L. R., 1985, Porosity Evolution and Burial Diagenesis in a Jurassic Reef-Debris Reservoir, Smackover Formation, Hico Knowles Field, Louisiana, in Choquette, P. W. and Roehl, P. O. (eds.), Carbonate Petroleum Reservoirs - A Casebook: Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 386-406. http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences?SGWID=0-10006-0-0-0 (website of publisher)

Hine, A. C., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Neumann, A. C., 1985, Carbonate Sand Bodies of the Bahama Banks: SEPM Slide Set No. 1, 70 slides with accompanying text, references and captions. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1985, Reservoir Potential of Shoaling Carbonate Sequences in the Sligo Formation of East Texas, in Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Ratcliff, Previous HitDNext Hit. (eds.), Lower Cretaceous Depositional Environments from Shoreline to Slope - A Core Workshop: Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs. Ann. Mtg., Austin, TX, p. 77-79.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Moore, C. H. and Wilson, J. L., 1985, Carbonate Platforms, in Warme, J. E. and Shanley, K. W. (eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments, Modern and Ancient, Part 2: Carbonate Platforms: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, v. 80, no. 4, 60 p.(also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Moore, C. H., 1985, Modern and Ancient Shelf Carbonates - Facies, Diagenesis, and Petroleum Potential: The Modern of South Florida and the Bahamas, The Ancient of the U. S. Gulf Coast: Colorado School of Mines Short Course Notes, 172 p.) (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60024 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60024harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Depositional Environments of Carbonate Platforms, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., (compiler and issue editor), Moore, C. H. and Wilson, J. L., 1985, Carbonate Platforms, in Warme, J. E. and Shanley, K. W. (eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments, Modern and Ancient, Part 2: Colorado School of Mines Quarterly, v. 80, no. 4, p 31-60 (also in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Moore, C. H., 1985, Modern and Ancient Shelf Carbonates - Facies, Diagenesis, and Petroleum Potential: The Modern of South Florida and the Bahamas, The Ancient of the U. S. Gulf Coast: Colorado School of Mines Short Course Notes, 172 p.) (Posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60032 (2009) -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60032harris/ndx_harris.pdf)


Ward, R. F., Kendall, C. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1986, Upper Permian (Guadalupian) Facies and Their Association with Hydrocarbons - Permian Basin, West Texas and New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 70, p. 239-262.

Cowan, P. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1986, Porosity Distribution in the San Andres Formation (Permian), Cochran and Hockley Counties, Texas: AAPG Bull., v. 70, p. 888-897.

Garber, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1986, Depositional Facies of Grayburg/San Andres Dolomite Reservoirs, Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, in Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Hydrocarbon Reservoir Studies, San Andres/Grayburg Formations, Permian Basin: Permian Basin Section SEPM Publication No. 86-26, p. 61-66. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60026 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60026garber/ndx_garber.pdf)

Walker, S. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1986, McElroy Field: Development of a Dolomite Reservoir, Permian Basin of West Texas, in Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Hydrocarbon Reservoir Studies, San Andres/Grayburg Formations, Permian Basin: Permian Basin Section SEPM Publication No. 86-26, p. 127-132. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60027 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60027walker/ndx_walker.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Walker, S. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1988, McElroy Field-U.S.A., Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, Texas, in Beaumont, E. A. and Foster, N. H. (eds.), AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields No. 1, p. 1-32. Reprinted in Stratigraphic Traps 1: AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Beaumont, E. A., and Foster, N. H. (eds.), Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields,1990, p. 195-227.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Stoudt, E. L., 1988, Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of the San Andres Formation, C. S. Dean "A", XIT, and SW Levelland Units of Levelland - Slaughter Field, Permian Basin, in Lomando, A. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Giant Oil and Gas Fields - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 12, p. 649-693 http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Flynn, P. E., and Sieverding, J. L., 1988, Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Reservoir Study, Whitney Canyon - Carter Creek Field, Southwestern Wyoming, in Lomando, A. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Giant Oil and Gas Fields - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 12, p. 695-740. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Garber, R. A., Grover, G. A., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin - Subsurface Data from the Northern Delaware Basin, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Grover, G. A. (eds.), Subsurface and Outcrop Examination of the Capitan Shelf Margin - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 13, p. 3-269. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, Depositional Facies and Cycles in Yates Formation Outcrops, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Grover, G. A. (eds.), Subsurface and Outcrop Examination of the Capitan Shelf Margin - A Core Workshop: SEPM Core Workshop No. 13, p. 305-317. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Pray, L. C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, The Capitan Reef Complex, West Texas and New Mexico: Permian Basin Section SEPM, Field Trip Seminar No. 1, unpaginated. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60048 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60048pray/ndx_pray.pdf

Garber, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1990, Occurrence and Significance of Magnesite in Upper Permian (Guadalupian) Tansill and Yates Formations, Delaware Basin, New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 74, no. 2, p. 119-134.

Grover, G. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Garber, R. A., 1990, Subsurface Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin, Northern Delaware Basin: SEPM Slide Set No. 5, 80 slides with 50 p. accompanying text, references and captions http://www.sepm.org (Website of publisher).

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), 1990, Geologic and Engineering Approaches in Evaluation of San Andres/Grayburg Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - Permian Basin: Univ. of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, and PB SEPM Publication 86-26, 297 p. (foreword and table of contents posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60016 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60016bebout/ndx_bebout.pdf)

Garber , R. A., and P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Harris , 1990, Depositional facies of the Grayburg/San Andres dolomite reservoirs; Central Basin platform, Permian basin, in Previous HitDNext Hit. G. Bebout and P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Harris , eds., Geologic and engineering approaches in evaluation of San Andres/Grayburg hydrocarbon reservoirs Permian basin: University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 1-19(posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60031 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60031garber/ndx_garber.pdf).

Harris , P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and S. Previous HitDNext Hit. Walker , 1990, McElroy field: Development geology of a dolostone reservoir, Permian Basin, west Texas, in Previous HitDNext Hit. G. Bebout and P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Harris , eds., Geologic and engineering approaches in evaluation of San Andres/Grayburg hydrocarbon reservoirs Permian Basin: Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin, p. 275-296 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60030 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60030harris/ndx_harris.pdf).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Walker, S. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1990, McElroy Field-U.S.A., Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, Texas, in Beaumont, E. A. and Foster, N. H. (eds.), Stratigraphic Traps 1: AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology, Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields, p. 195-227.


Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Lithofacies and Cyclicity of the Yates Formation, Permian Basin - Implications for Reservoir Heterogeneity: AAPG Bull., v. 75, p. 726-779.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Depositional Facies and Model for Mixed Siliciclastics and Carbonates of the Yates Formation, Permian Basin, in Lomando, A. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Mixed Carbonate - Siliciclastic Sequences: SEPM Core Workshop No. 15, p. 1-133. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Sieverding, J. L. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Mixed Carbonates and Siliciclastics in a Mississippian Paleokarst Setting, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt, in Lomando, A. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Mixed Carbonate - Siliciclastic Sequences: SEPM Core Workshop No. 15, p. 541-568. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Review of Classic Petroleum Provinces, J. Brooks, ed: Sedimentology, v. 38 (5), p. 968.
http://www.iasnet.org/publications/sed.php (website of association);
http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119347747/abstract (website of host)

Ginsburg, R. N., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Eberli, G. P. and Swart, P. K., 1991, The Growth Potential of a Bypass Margin, Great Bahama Bank: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 61 (1), p. 976-987.

Mazzullo, S. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, An Overview of Dissolution Porosity Development in the Deep-Burial Environment, With Examples from Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, in Candelaria, Previous HitMNext Hit. (ed.), Permian Basin Plays - Tomorrow's Technology Today: West Texas Geological Society Publ. No. 91-89, p. 125-138 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60028 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60028mazzullo/ndx_mazzullo.pdf).

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Major, R. P., Tyler, N., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kerans, C., 1991, Platform-Edge, Shallow-Marine, Ooid Grainstone Shoals, Joulters Cays, Bahamas: A Modern Analog of Carbonate Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, in Coastal Depositional Systems in the Gulf of Mexico, Quaternary Framework and Environmental Issues: Gulf Coast Section SEPM, 12th Annual Research Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 26-29 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60029 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60029bebout/ndx_bebout.pdf).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Review of Geochemistry of Sedimentary Carbonates: Geo-Marine Letters, v. 11, p. 199-200.

Mazzullo, S. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Mesogenetic Dissolution: Its Role in Porosity Development in Carbonate Reservoirs: AAPG Bull., v. 76, p. 607-620. (Included in 2006 AAPG Getting Started Series No. 2: A Compendium of Influential Papers)

Eisenberg, R. A., Conner, F. J., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Acquisition and Analysis of Geologic and Permeability Data in Dolomitized Cyclic Platform Carbonates, in Roberts, C. A. (ed.), Geotech '92: Proceedings, August 29 - September 1, Denver, p. 73-85.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Review of Principles of Sedimentary Deposits: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology: Sedimentology, v. 39, p. 709. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/118503415/home (website of publisher)

Lomando, A. J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Orlopp, Previous HitDNext Hit. E., 1993, Casablanca Field, Tarragona Basin, Offshore Spain: A Karsted Carbonate Reservoir, in Fritz, R. Previous HitDNext Hit., Wilson, J. L., and Yurewicz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A. (eds.), Paleokarst Related Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: SEPM Core Workshop No. 18, p. 201-225. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Review of Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic - Engineering Analysis, Part 1: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 63(3), p. 568. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Burruss, R. C., 1993, Geochemistry of Post-Uplift Calcite in the Permian Basin of Texas and New Mexico: GSA Bull., v. 105(6), p. 779-790. http://bulletin.geoscienceworld.org/cgi/content/abstract/105/6/779; http://www.geosociety.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Review of Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic - Engineering Analysis, Part 1: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 9, p. 263. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/503345/description#description (website of journal)

Garber, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Geology of the Upper Permian Capitan Shelf Margin - A Study from a Continuous Core in the Northern Delaware Basin: Carboniferous to Jurassic Pangea, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Core Workshop Guidebook, p. 5-72. http://www.cspg.org/ (website of publisher)

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Kerans, C., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Introduction, in Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Kerans, C. (eds.), Guide to the Permian Reef Geology Trail, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas: Univ. of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 26, p. 1-4 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60033 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60033bebout/ndx_bebout.pdf).

Kerans, C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Outer Shelf and Shelf Crest, in Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Kerans, C. (eds.), Guide to the Permian Reef Geology Trail, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas: Univ. of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Guidebook 26, p. 32-43 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60034 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60034kerans/ndx_kerans.pdf).

Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Eisenberg, R. A., Grant, C. W., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Stratigraphic Controls on Permeability and Fluid Flow Patterns in Ramp Carbonates: An Outcrop Study of the San Andres Formation, New Mexico, U.S.A., in Eschard, R. and Doligez, B. (eds.), Subsurface Reservoir Characterization from Outcrop Observations: Proceedings of the 7th IFP Exploration and Production Research Conference, Editions Technip, Paris, p. 65-95. http://www.editionstechnip.com; http://www.editionstechnip.com/sources/Menu_Ouvrages.asp (website and catalog of publisher, respectively)

Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Ginsburg, R. N., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Timing of Deposition, Diagenesis, and Failure of Steep Carbonate Slopes in Response to a High-Amplitude/High-Frequency Fluctuation in Sea Level, Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, in Loucks, R. and Sarg, J. F. (eds.), Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy - Recent Developments and Applications: AAPG Memoir 57, p. 107-131.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kerans, C., and Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., 1993, Ancient outcrop and Modern Examples of Platform Carbonate Cycles - Implications for Subsurface Correlation and Understanding Reservoir Heterogeneity, in Loucks, R. and Sarg, J. F. (eds.), Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy - Recent Developments and Applications: AAPG Memoir 57, p. 475-492.

Grant, C. W., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Outcrop Analog for Cyclic-Shelf Reservoirs, San Andres Formation of Permian Basin: Stratigraphic Framework, Permeability Distribution, Geostatistics, and Fluid-Flow Modeling: AAPG Bull., v. 78(1), p. 23-54.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, The Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Carbonates - Establishing a Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale Geologic Framework: Notes for Short Course No. 1, GEO 94. The Middle East Geosciences Exhibition and Conference, April 24, 1994, Bahrain, unpaginated.

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Major, R. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Internal Geometry of a Modern Carbonate grainstone Shoal - an analog for Hydrocarbon Reservoir Heterogeneity: University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Contract Report, 44 p (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60035 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60035bebout/ndx_bebout.pdf 17.5MB. Right-click to download).

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Lithofacies, Depositional Cycles, and Stratigraphy of the Lower Green River Formation, Southwestern Uinta Basin, Utah, in Lomando, A. J., Schreiber, B. C., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Lacustrine Reservoirs and Depositional Systems: SEPM Core Workshop No. 19, p. 105-141 http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher).

Saller, A. H., Budd, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Unconformities and Porosity Development in Carbonate Strata: Ideas from a Hedberg Conference: AAPG Bull., v. 78 (6), p. 857-872.

Eisenberg, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Grant, C. W., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Conner, F. J., 1994, Modeling Reservoir Heterogeneity within Outer Ramp Carbonate Facies using an Outcrop Analog, San Andres Formation of the Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 78 (9), p. 1337-1359.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Satellite Images and Description of Study Areas, in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kowalik, W. S. (eds.), Satellite Images of Carbonate Depositional Settings: Examples of Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale Geologic Facies Variation: AAPG Methods in Exploration Series No. 11, p. 29-140. http://search.datapages.com/data/specpubs/me11.htm; http://search.datapages.com/data/specpubs/method11/04part2/0029.htm

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Review of Proceedings of the Colloquium on Global Aspects of Coral Reefs - Health, Hazards, and History: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 42(4), p. 600. http://www.cspg.org/ (website of publisher)

Budd, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Saller, A. H., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Forward to Unconformities and Porosity in Carbonate Strata, in Budd, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Saller, A. H., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Unconformities and Porosity in Carbonate Strata: AAPG Memoir 63, p. VII-XII.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Application of Chemostratigraphy and Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Differentiating Bounding Stratigraphic Surfaces, in Pause, P. H. and Candelaria, Previous HitMNext Hit. P. (eds.), Carbonate Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy: Practical Applications of Carbonate Models: Permian Basin Section-SEPM/Permian Basin Graduate Center Publication 95-36, p. 83-102. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60042 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60042eisenber/ndx_eisenberg.pdf (9.4 MB) Righ-click to download).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Heterogeneity Within Carbonate Reservoirs - Guidelines from Modern Analogs, in Pause, P. H. and Candelaria, Previous HitMNext Hit. P. (eds.), Carbonate Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy: Practical Applications of Carbonate Models: Permian Basin Section-SEPM/Permian Basin Graduate Center Publication 95-36, p. 103-119. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60043 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60043harris/ndx_harris.pdf (15.4 MB) Righ-click to download).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Introduction to Carbonates and Overview of Carbonate Play Types - Notes for a Short Course, Permian Basin Graduate Center, June 26, 1995, Midland, Texas, unpaginated. Permian Basin Graduate Center (email: [email protected]; tel: 915-683-2832)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, The Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Carbonates - Establishing a Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale Geologic Framework - Notes for a Short Course, Permian Basin Graduate Center, June 30, 1995, Midland, Texas, unpaginated. Permian Basin Graduate Center (email: [email protected]; tel: 915-683-2832)

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Computer Simulation of the Yates Formation (Permian, Delaware Basin) - Sequence Stratigraphy and Shelf-to-Basin Correlation Implications, in Martin, R. L. (ed), In Search of New Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Using Today’s Technologies and Tomorrow’s Ideas for Exploration, Development, and 3D Seismic in a Mature Basin: West Texas Geological Society Symposium, Publication No. 95-98, p. 111-132. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60044 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60044borer/ndx_borer.pdf (8MB) Right-click to download)


Major, R. P., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Recent Evolution of a Bahamian Ooid Shoal: Effects of Hurricane Andrew: GSA Bulletin, v. 108 (2), p. 168-180. http://bulletin.geoscienceworld.org/cgi/content/abstract/108/2/168

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Reef Styles of Modern Carbonate Platforms: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 44 (1), p. 72-81.

Major, R. P., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Facies Heterogeneity in a Modern Ooid Sand Shoal - An Analog for Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, Geological Circular 96-1, 30 p (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60036 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60036major/ndx_major.pdf).

Tucker, K. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, A Comparison of Core and Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir, in Wood, J. and Martindale, B. (eds.), Sedimentary Events and Hydrocarbon Systems, 1997 CSPG/SEPM Joint Convention Core Conference, p. 223-236. http://www.cspg.org/; http://www.sepm.org (websites of publishers)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Review of Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic - Engineering Analysis, Part 2: AAPG Bull., v. 81/8, p. 1340-1341 (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60037 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60037harris/ndx_harris.pdf).

Dehghani, K., Edwards, K. A., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Modeling of Waterflood in a Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir: SPE 38910, 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (San Antonio), 11 p. (also Dehghani, K., Edwards, K. A., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Modeling of Waterflood in a Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir: 1997 SPE Saudi Arabian Section Technical Symposium on Leading in the Era of Rapidly Changing Technology (Dhahran), p. 62-73, and Dehghani, K., Edwards, K. A., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Modeling of Waterflood in a Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir: SPE 38910, 1998 SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition (Midland), 11 p.). http://members.tripod.com/~RCTIG/TP1.html

Major, R. P., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Modern Carbonate Sediment Facies Heterogeneity at the Development Scale - An Example from Joulters Cays, Bahamas, in DeMis, W. Previous HitDNext Hit., (ed.), Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Turning Ideas into Production: West Texas Geological Society Publication No. 97-102, p. 39-51. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60045 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60045major/ndx_major.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998, Methods for Determining Interwell Facies Boundaries (and Constraining Geostatistical Correlation): West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 37(6), p. 5-7. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60046 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60046harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998, Review of Paleozoic Systems of the Rocky Mountain Region: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 68(2), p.362. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Tucker, K. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998, A Comparison of Core and Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir: West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 37 (9), p. 5-14. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60047 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60047tucker/ndx_tucker.pdf

Tucker, K. E., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Nolen-Hoeksema, R. C., 1998, Geologic Investigation of Crosswell Seismic Response in a Carbonate Reservoir - McElroy Field, West Texas: AAPG Bull., v. 82, no. 8, p. 1463-1503. (Wallace E. Pratt Memorial Award for best original article published in the AAPG) http://search.datapages.com/data/bulletns/1998/08aug/1463/1463.htm

Dehghani, Kaveh, Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Edwards, K. A., and Dees, W. T., 1999, Modeling of a Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir (McElroy Field, West Texas): AAPG Bull., v. 83, no. 1, p. 19-42. http://search.datapages.com/data/bulletns/1999/01jan/0019/0019.htm

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Saller, A. H., and Simo, J. A., 1999, Introduction: in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Saller, A. H., and Simo, J. A., (eds.), Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to Reservoirs, Outcrops, and Models, SEPM Special Publication No. 63, p. 1-10. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Belsher, T. W., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stubbs, J. L., Wright, R. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1999, New Exploration Plays for Edwards and Sligo Cretaceous Margins, Untested Opportunities in Onshore Texas: Houston Geological Society Bull., October, p. 9-14. http://search.datapages.com/data/HGS/vol42/no02/09.htm

Saller, A. H., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kirkland, B., and Mazzullo, S. J., 1999, Geologic Framework of the Capitan Depositional System – Previous Studies and Contents of Concepts Volume: in Saller, A. H., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kirkland, B., and Mazzullo, S. J. (eds.), Geologic Framework of the Capitan Reef, SEPM Special Publication No. 65, p. 1-13. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Saller, A. H., 1999, Subsurface Expression of the Capitan Depositional System, Northeastern Delaware Basin: in Saller, A. H., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kirkland-George, B., and Mazzullo, S. J. (eds.), Geologic Framework of the Capitan Reef, SEPM Special Publication No. 65, p. 37-49. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Belsher, T. W., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stubbs, J. L., Wright, R. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2000, New exploration concepts for the Edwards and Sligo margins, Cretaceous of onshore Texas: AAPG Bull., v. 84(7), p. 905-922.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Simo, J. A., 2000, Permian Platforms and Reefs in the Guadalupe and Hueco Mountains: SEPM Field Guide No. 9, 82 p. (also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Simo, J. A., 2000, Permian Platforms and Reefs in the Guadalupe and Hueco Mountains: Field Trip Guidebook (May 17-19, 2000) for the SEPM-IAS Research and Field Conference on Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs, 82 p.) http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)


Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli, G. P., 2001, Carbonate Platforms: Exploration- and Production-Scale Insight from Modern Analogs in the Bahamas: Leading Edge (Society of Economic Geophysicists), March, v. 20, no. 3, p. 252-261. Reprinted in Thomasson, Previous HitMNext Hit. R. and Lawyer, L. C. (eds.), Geologic Columns of the Leading Edge, SEG/AAPG Open File Publications No. 7, p. 56-62. http://www.seg.org/SEGportalWEBproject/portals/SEG_Online.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=Publ_BookMart (URL for SEG Book Mart)

Abegg, F. E., Loope, Previous HitDNext Hit. L., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, Carbonate Eolianites – Depositional Models and Diagenesis: in Abegg, F. E., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Loope, Previous HitDNext Hit. L., (eds.), Modern and Ancient Carbonate Eolianites – Sedimentology, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Diagenesis, SEPM Special Publication No. 71, p. 17-30. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Ahr, W. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Morgan, W. A., and Somerville., I, 2003, Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs – Introduction and Paper Summary: in Ahr, W. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Morgan, W. A., and Somerville., I., (eds.), Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs, Joint SEPM Special Publication No. 78 – AAPG Memoir 83, p. 3-7. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher); http://bookstore.aapg.org/ (URL of bookstore)

Weber, L. J., Francis, B. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2003, Stratigraphy, Facies, and Reservoir Characterization - Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: in Ahr, W. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Morgan, W. A., and Somerville., I., (eds.), Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs, Joint SEPM Special Publication No. 78 – AAPG Memoir 83, p. 351-394. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher); http://bookstore.aapg.org/ (URL of bookstore)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, The Capitan Margin of the Guadalupe Mountains – A Field Trip Guide: AAPG Hedberg Conference - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Simulation: From Facies to Flow Units, March 14-18, El Paso, Texas, 43 p. and Appendices (96 p.) (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60038 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60038harris/ndx_harris.pdf).

Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli., G. P., 2004, Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs in Reservoir Modeling: Overview with Examples from the Bahamas: in Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli., G. P., (eds.), Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs in Reservoir Modeling, AAPG Memoir 80, p. 1-22.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, The Joulters Ooid Shoal – An Analog for Heterogeneity within Carbonate Sand Reservoirs: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 1. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs, Guidelines from Modern Analogs – Notes for a Short Course, University of California Davis, April 30, 2004, 121 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60039 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60039harris/ndx_harris.pdf).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs, Guidelines from Modern Analogs – Notes for a Short Course, Permian Basin Graduate Center, May 17, 2004, Midland, Texas, 99 p. and Appendices. (also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs, Guidelines from Modern Analogs – Notes for a Short Course, Permian Basin Graduate Center, May 13, 2002, Midland,Texas, unpaginated.) Permian Basin Graduate Center (email: [email protected]; tel: 915-683-2832)

McNeill, Previous HitDNext Hit. F., Eberli, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Cruz, F. E. G., 2004, Field Guide to Carbonate Sediments Along the Exuma Bank Margin, and A Virtual Fieldtrip to the Exuma Island Chain, Bahamas: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 2. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Scholle, P. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Shinn, E. A., and Halley, R. B., 2005, Arid Carbonate Coastlines: AAPG DVD, 31 minutes (also Scholle, P. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Shinn, E. A., and Halley, R. B., 1986, Arid Carbonate Coastlines: AAPG Film, 31 minutes). http://bookstore.aapg.org/ (URL of bookstore)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: AAPG DVD, 51 minutes (also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: AAPG Film (51 minutes) and Slide Set (56 slides). http://bookstore.aapg.org/ (URL of bookstore)

Eberli, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Cruz, F. E. G., 2005, Field Guide to the CSL-AAPG Seminar on Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution in a Modern Carbonate Platform, Bahamas: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 3. (also Eberli, G. P., Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998-2007, Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Distribution in a Modern Carbonate Platform: AAPG Core Workshop and Field Seminar, 272 p. and reprint volume.) http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Della Porta, Giovanna, 2005, Steep Microbial Boundstone-Dominated Platform Margins – Examples and Implications: Sedimentary Geology, v. 178, p. 5 - 30. (also Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Della Porta, Giovanna, 2005, Steep Microbial Boundstone-Dominated Platform Margins – Examples and Implications: in Reijmer, J. J. G. and Immenhauser, A., (eds.), Sedimentology in the 21st Century, Elsevier, p. 479 - 504.) http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V6X-4FWK6GX-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=15c4b2a40bdb213ba10af4f0c994d71c Also related articles: Search and Discovery Article #40296 (2008) and Search and Discovery Article #40297 (2008).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Overview of Carbonate Play Types – A General Introduction to Carbonates from a Reservoir Perspective: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 4. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, The Application of Sequence Stratigraphy to Carbonates - Establishing a Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale Geologic Framework: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 5. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Carbonate Field Seminar: A Course for Geoscientists and Engineers: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 6. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Heterogeneity within Carbonates – Guidelines from Modern Examples: University of Miami Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory Sedimenta CD Series No. 7. http://www.cslmiami.info/contact (website of CSL)

Grover, G. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Garber, R. A., 2005, Subsurface Geology of the Capitan Shelf Margin, Northern Delaware Basin: SEPM Digital Slide Set No. 5. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kowalik, W. S. (eds.), 2005, Satellite Images of Carbonate Depositional Settings: Examples of Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale Geologic Facies Variation: AAPG Methods in Exploration Series No. 11, CD format by AAPG Datapages, 147 p and appendices.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Heterogeneity within Carbonate Reservoirs, Guidelines from Modern Analogs – Notes for a Short Course, University of Southern California, March 3, 2005; and Rice University, March 16, 2005, 110 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60040 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60040harris/ndx_harris.pdf).

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, A Field Guide to the Guadalupe Mountains: Rice University and University of Miami Field Trip, April 7-10, 2005, 41 p. (posted in 2009 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #60041 -  http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/60041harris/ndx_harris.pdf).


Precht, W. F. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Quaternary Reefs and Platforms, Bridging the Gap between the Ancient and the Modern – An Introduction: in Precht, W. F. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), 2006, Quaternary Reefs and Platforms, Bridging the Gap between the Ancient and the Modern, SEPM Short Course No. 19 Abstracts and Program, p. 1-5. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Weber, L. J., 2006, Introduction to Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Weber, L. J., (eds.), Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, AAPG Memoir 88, p. 1-6. http://search.datapages.com/data/specpubs/memoir88/INTRODUCTION Folder/INTRODUCTION.HTM

Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P.M., Weber, L.J., Collins, J.F., Kuanysheva, G., and Fischer, D.J., 2006, Late Visean to Bashkirian Platform Cyclicity in the Central Tengiz Buildup, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: Depositional Evolution and Reservoir Development: in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Weber, L. J., (eds.), Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, AAPG Memoir 88, p. 7-54. http://search.datapages.com/data/specpubs/memoir88/CHAPTER01 Folder/CHAPTER01.HTM

Collins, J.F., Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P.M., Kuanysheva, G., Fischer, D.J., and Steffen, K.L., 2006, Facies and Reservoir Quality Variations in the Late Visean to Bashkirian Outer Platform, Rim, and Flank of the Tengiz Buildup, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: in Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Weber, L. J., (eds.), Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, AAPG Memoir 88, p. 55-95. http://search.datapages.com/data/specpubs/memoir88/CHAPTER02 Folder/CHAPTER02.HTM

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Vlaswinkel, B, 2008, Modern Isolated Carbonate Platforms: Templates for Quantifying Facies Attributes of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: in Lukasik, J. and Simo, T, (eds.), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development, SEPM Special Publication No. 89, p. 323-341. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Bassant, P. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Analyzing Isolated Carbonate Platform Sequence Architecture and Reservoir Quality with Forward Stratigraphic Modeling: in Lucasik, J. and Simo, T. (eds.), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development, SEPM Special Publication No. 89, p, 343-359. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Rankey, G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Remote Sensing and Comparative Geomorphology of Holocene Carbonate Depositional Systems: in Lucasik, J. and Simo, T. (eds.), Controls on Carbonate Platform and Reef Development, SEPM Special Publication No. 89, p, 317-322 and CD. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Introduction: in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., (eds.), Developing Models and Analogs for Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Holocene and Pleistocene Carbonates of Caicos Platform, British West Indies, SEPM Core Workshop 22, p. 5-8. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Vlaswinkel, B. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Quantifying Facies Attributes of the Caicos Platform: in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., (eds.), Developing Models and Analogs for Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Holocene and Pleistocene Carbonates of Caicos Platform, British West Indies, SEPM Core Workshop 22, p. 47-56. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Ellis, J., 2008, Satellite Imagery and Visualization of the Caicos Platform: in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., (eds.), Developing Models and Analogs for Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Holocene and Pleistocene Carbonates of Caicos Platform, British West Indies, SEPM Core Workshop 22, p. 29-46 and DVD. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs - The Joulters Ooid Shoal, AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 12 - AAPG Methods in Exploration Series No. 17, DVD. http://www.bookstore.aapg.org

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Ellis, J., 2009, Satellite Imagery, Visualization, and Geological Interpretation of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank - An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs: SEPM Short Course Notes No. 53, DVDs. http://www.sepm.org (website of publisher)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Playton, T. E., 2009, Getting Started in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: AAPG Getting Started Series No. 18, DVD. http://bookstore.aapg.org.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2009, Delineating and Quantifying Depositional Facies Patterns in Carbonate Reservoirs - Insight from Modern Analogs: AAPG Bulletin, in press. http://bookstore.aapg.org; http://www.aapg.org/members_only

Merino-Tomé, O., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Verwer, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Adams, E., Playton, T., and Corrochano, Previous HitDNext Hit., 2009, Synsedimentary Tectonics, Eustacy and Carbonate Factory as Controls on the Growth and Demise of a Lower Jurassic Carbonate Platform (Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco): Sedimentology, in press. http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0037-0746 (website of publisher)

Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, 2010, Depositional Facies Patterns and Resultant Heterogeneity in Carbonate Sand Reservoirs – Insight from Modern Analogs. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2010/50324harris/index.htm

Charlie Kerans and Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, 2010, Shelf Physiography and Accommodation as Controls on Permian Grainstone Bodies. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2010/50318kerans/ndx_kerans.pdf


Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, Samuel J. Purkis, and James Ellis, 2011, Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Modern Carbonate Sand Bodies from Great Bahama Bank. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2011/50419harris/

Paul (Mitch) Harris, Jeroen Kenter, Ted Playton, Miriam Andres, Gareth Jones, and Marge Levy, 2011, Enhancing Subsurface Reservoir Models – An Integrated MPS Approach Using Outcrop Analogs, Modern Analogs, and Forward Stratigraphic Models. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2011/50418harris/

Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, Jerome Bellian, and James Ellis, 2012, Building 3-D Perspectives of a Modern Carbonate Sand Body for Improved Visualization and Quantitative Interrogation of Spatial Patterns. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2012/40934harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, and Sam J. Purkis, 2012, Enabling Easy Access to Analogs for Carbonate Deposition in Early Rift Settings. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2012/50640harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Paul Wright and Paul (Mitch) Harris, 2013, Carbonate Dissolution and Porosity Development in the Burial (Mesogenetic) Environment. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2013/50860wright/ndx_wright.pdf

Joel F. Collins, David Katz, Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, and Wayne Narr, 2014, Burial Cementation and Dissolution in Carboniferous Slope Facies, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2014/20234collins/ndx_collins.pdf

Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, James Ellis, and Sam Purkis, 2014, Great Bahama Bank – Part I: Evaluating Water-Depth Variation on a "Flat-Topped" Isolated Carbonate Platform. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2014/50960harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, Sam Purkis, James Ellis, Peter Swart, and John Reijmer, 2014, Great Bahama Bank – Part II: Mapping Depositional Facies on a "Flat-Topped" Isolated Carbonate Platform. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2014/50961harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Paul (Mitch) Harris, Kelly L. Jackson, Maaike Petrie, and Gregor P. Eberli, 2015, Carbonate Eolianites in the Exumas – The Legacy of Vanishing Ebb Tidal Deltas During a Sea Level Rise. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2015/51107harris/ndx_harris.pdf

Jerome Bellian, Ted Playton, Jeroen Kenter, Paul (Mitch) Harris, and Jim Ellis, 2015, A Digital Outcrop Analog for Upper Paleozoic Carbonate Slope Reservoirs. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2015/51138bellian/ndx_bellian.pdf

Sam J. Purkis, Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, and James Ellis, 2015, The Contemporary Red Sea as an Analog for Ancient Carbonates in Rift Settings. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2015/51139purkis/ndx_purkis.pdf

Cody R. Miller, Paul Previous HitMNext Hit. (Mitch) Harris, and James Previous HitMNext Hit. Ellis, 2015, Spatial Distribution of Large-Scale Carbonate Buildups in a Closed Lake System, Lago Strobel, Santa Cruz, Argentina. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2015/51140miller/ndx_miller.pdf



Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Lukas, K. J. and Halley, R. B., 1977, A Comparison of Endolith Floras from Holocene-Pleistocene (Bahama-Florida) Ooids: AAPG Bull., v. 61, p. 793-794.

Halley, R. B. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1977, Holocene Fresh-Water Cements, Joulters Cays, Bahamas: AAPG Bull., v. 61, p. 792-793.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, K., 1977, Sediment Distribution by Factor Analysis, Joulters Cays Area, Great Bahama Bank: GSA Ann. Mtg., Abs. with Programs, v. 9, no. 7, p. 1006.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1978, Ooid Sand Shoal Facies, Joulters Cays, Great Bahama Bank: AAPG Bull., v. 62, p. 520.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1978, Sedimentology of the Joulters Ooid Sand Shoal, Great Bahama Bank: Dissertation Abstracts International, v. 38, no. 12, order no. 7808262.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1978, Holocene Marine-Cemented Sands, Joulters Ooid Shoal, Bahamas: AAPG Bull., v. 62, p. 1758.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1979, Anatomy and Growth History of a Holocene Ooid Shoal: AAPG Bull., v. 63, p. 462-463.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Frost, S. H., Kendall, C., Shaffer, B. L. and Schneidermann, N., 1980, Cretaceous Sea Level and Stratigraphy, Eastern Arabian Subplate: AAPG Bull., v. 64, p. 719.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1980, Freshwater Cementation of Holocene and Jurassic Grainstones: AAPG Bull., v. 64, p. 719-720.


Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1981, Upper Jurassic Evaporites and Carbonates of the Gulf Coast: AAPG Bull., v. 65, p. 935.

Stoudt, Previous HitDNext Hit. L., Baria, L. R., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1981, Late Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation: Houston Geological Society Bull., October, p. 3.

Baria, L. R., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stoudt, Previous HitDNext Hit. L. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1981, Late Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation - Preliminary Report: AAPG Bull., v. 65, p. 1675.

Baria, L. R., Stoudt, Previous HitDNext Hit. L., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1981, Late Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation - A Preliminary Report: Trans. Gulf Coast Assoc. Geol. Socs., v. 31, p. 18.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Late Jurassic Reefs - Exploration Targets, Smackover Formation, U. S. Gulf Coast: Can. Soc. Petroleum Geol. Reservoir, v. 10, no. 1, p. 1-2. Summarized in Oil and Gas Journal., Jan. 25, 1982, p. 337.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1982, Reefs of Smackover Formation, An Upper Jurassic Carbonate Shelf Sequence Rimming U. S. Gulf Coast: AAPG Bull., v. 66, p. 578.

Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Diagenesis of Upper Jurassic Reef Facies, Potential Reservoirs in the Smackover Formation, U. S. Gulf Coast: Int. Assoc. Sediment., 11th Intern. Cong., Abs. of Papers, p. 123-124.

Jackson, J. B. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Jurassic Petroleum Geology of Southwestern Clarke County, Mississippi: AAPG Bull., v. 66, p. 1432.

Frost, S. H., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Bliefnick, Previous HitDNext Hit. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Giant Reservoirs in Rudist Buildups, Middle East: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 14, no. 7, p. 493.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit., 1982, Smackover Reefs - An Example from Walker Creek Field, Arkansas: Gulf Coast Section SEPM, 3rd Annual Research Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 47.

Crevello, P. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1982, Depositional Models and Reef-Building Organisms, Upper Jurassic Reefs of the Smackover Formation: Gulf Coast Section SEPM, 3rd Annual Research Conference, Program and Abstracts, p. 25-28.

Burruss, R. C., Cercone, K. R. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Regional Distribution of Hydrocarbon Fluid Inclusions in Carbonate Fracture-Filling Cements: Geohistory Analysis and Timing of Oil Migration, Oman Foredeep: AAPG Bull., v. 67, p. 434.

Lerche, I., Kendall, C. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1983, Controls on Carbonate Cementation and Solution: AAPG Bull., v. 67, p. 501.

Ward, R. F., Kendall, C. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Late Permian (Guadalupian) Facies and Their Association with Hydrocarbons - The Permian Basin, West Texas and New Mexico: in The Geologic Evolution of the Permian Basin, A Symposium, Permian Basin Section SEPM, Midland, TX, p. 25-27.

Cowan, P. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Porosity Development in the San Andres Formation (Permian) of the Northwest Shelf, West Texas and New Mexico: in The Geologic Evolution of the Permian Basin, A Symposium, Permian Basin Section SEPM, Midland, TX, p. 38-39.

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1984, Heterogeneous Distribution of Cements in a Lower Cretaceous Carbonate Reservoir (Pettit Interval), Relationship to Well-Log Response: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, no. 6, p. 694.

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Burial Diagenesis of Allochthonous Carbonates from a Permian Slope Setting, Southeastern New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 69, p. 316.

Mazzullo, S. J., Mazzullo, J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Significance of Eolian Quartzose Sheet Sands on Emergent Carbonate Shelves: Permian of West Texas - New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 69, p. 284.

Mazzullo, S. J., Mazzullo, J., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Eolian Origin of Quartzose Sheet Sands in Permian Shelf Facies, Guadalupe Mountains: in Cunningham, B. K. and Hedrick, C. L. (eds.), Permian Carbonate/Clastic Sedimentology, Guadalupe Mountains, Analogs for Shelf and Basin Reservoirs, Permian Basin Section SEPM Publ. 85-24, p. 71. (also Mazzullo, S. J., Mazzullo, J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1985, Eolian Origin of Quartzose Sheet Sands in Permian Shelf Facies, Guadalupe Mountains: in Permian Carbonate/Clastic Sedimentology, Guadalupe Mountains, Analogs for Shelf and Basin Reservoirs, Permian Basin Section SEPM Symposium, Midland, TX, p. 3.)


Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Garber, R. A., 1986, Facies and Diagenesis of Grayburg - San Andres Dolomite Reservoirs, Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 70, p. 598-599.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Ward, R. F., 1986, Upper Permian (Guadalupian) Coastal Tidal Flat and Shelf Lagoon Deposits: Outcrop Model and Subsurface Examples of Stratigraphic Traps, Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 70, p. 599.

Mazzullo. S. J., Mazzullo, J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1986, Depositional History and Stratigraphic Significance of Sheet Sandstones of the Permian Basin: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, no. 6, p. 686.

Garber, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Similarity of Grayburg/San Andres Dolomite Reservoirs - Eastern Edge of Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 71, p. 238 and Southwest Section AAPG 1987 Convention Transactions with Abstracts, p. 9.

Walker, S. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, McElroy Field: Development of a Dolomite Reservoir, Permian Basin of West Texas: AAPG Bull., v. 71, p. 244 and Southwest Section AAPG 1987 Convention Transactions with Abstracts, p. 25.

Ginsburg, R. N., Eberli, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Slater, R. and Swart, P., 1987, Reef-Sourced Slope Deposits, Holocene, Bahamas: AAPG Bull., v. 71, p. 560.

Sieverding, J. L., Flynn, P. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Reservoir Study, Whitney Canyon - Carter Creek Field, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt: AAPG Bull., v. 71, p. 614-615.

Sieverding, J. L., Flynn, P. E. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Mission Canyon (Mississippian) Reservoir Study, Whitney Canyon - Carter Creek Field, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt: 57th Annual International SEG Meeting, Expanded Abstracts with Biographies, Best of AAPG for SEG, p. 123-125.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: AAPG Distinguished Lecture Tours, 1987-1988 Abstract, AAPG Bull., v. 71, p. 1440-1441. (also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Reservoir, v. 14, no. 10, p. 1-2; Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1987, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: Montana Geological Society Newsletter, v. 31, no. 11, p. 2; Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1988, Carbonate Facies and Reservoir Heterogeneity - The Value of Modern Analogs: West Texas Geol. Soc. Bull., v. 27 (7), p. 17.)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A. and Grover, G. A., 1988, Upper Permian Capitan Reef: Revision of Outcrop Model: AAPG Bull., v. 72, p. 194.

Garber, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1988, Occurrence and Significance of Magnesite in Upper Guadalupian Shelf Sediments, Delaware Basin, New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 72, p. 188.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, Facies-Dependent Diagenesis of Shelf-Margin Sandstones and Siltstones, Yates Formation, Northern Margin of Delaware Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 73, p. 335.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Grover, G. A., 1989, Growth Rates of Upper Permian Carbonate Platform, Capitan Margin of Northern Delaware Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 73, p. 361.

Mazzullo, S. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1989, Porosity Formation in the Deep-Burial Environment: An Overview with Examples from the Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 73, p. 388.

Kendall, C. G., Strobel, J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Moore, P., Cannon, R., Bezdek, J. and Biswas, G., 1989, Simulation of the Capitan Shelf Margin (Late Permian, Guadalupian) of West Texas/New Mexico, A Response to Eustatic Change and an Example of the Use of SEDPAK: 28th International Geological Congress, Washington, Abstracts, v. 2, p. 2-174.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1990, Cyclostratigraphy and Duration of the Yates Formation (Permian, Late Guadalupian) of the Permian Basin: AAPG Bull., v. 74, p. 614-615.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1990, Microporosity in Micritic Marine Cement - A Permian Example: AAPG Bull., v. 74, p. 670.

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Holtz, Previous HitMNext Hit. H., Kerans, C., Major, R. P., Ratcliff, Previous HitDNext Hit., Tyler, N. and Vander Stoep, G. W., 1990, Heterogeneity in Grainstone Reservoirs - Investigation of a Modern Analog, Joulters Cays, Bahamas: AAPG Bull., v. 74, p. 607.

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Major, R. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Tyler, N. and Kerans, C., 1990, Internal Textural and Diagenetic Variations within a Modern Ooid Grain Bar - Joulters Cays, Bahamas: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, p. A 132.

Mazzullo, S. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1990, Porosity Evolution in Deeply-Buried Carbonate Rocks: Processes, Timing, and Products: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, p. A 90.


Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Kerans, C., 1991, The Holocene Sequence - Implications for Correlating Parasequences and Reservoir Layers: AAPG Bull., v. 75, p. 589-590.

Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Grant, C. W. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Measuring Permeability Trends and Correlation Structures in Heterogeneous Carbonates, San Andres Formation, New Mexico: AAPG Bull., v. 75, p. 581-582.

Sieverding, J. L. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Significance of Paleokarst in the Mission Canyon Formation, Southwestern Wyoming Thrust Belt: AAPG Bull., v. 75, p. 672.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, High-Frequency Genetic Units - A Key to Understanding Carbonate Platform Margin Development: in Bosellini, A., Bradner, R., Flugel, E., Purser, B., Schlager, W., Tucker, Previous HitMNext Hit., and Zenger, Previous HitDNext Hit. (eds.), Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization, Abstracts, p. 104.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J. and Grant, C. W., 1991, Controls of Permeability in Heterogeneous Dolostones: in Bosellini, A., Bradner, R., Flugel, E., Purser, B., Schlager, W., Tucker, Previous HitMNext Hit., and Zenger, Previous HitDNext Hit. (eds.), Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization, Abstracts, p. 105.

Grant, C. W., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Permeability Variation in Carbonate Parasequences and Its Affect on Viscous-Dominated Flow Behavior: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 23(5), p. A 56.

Wiggins, W. Previous HitDNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1991, Geochemistry of Post-Uplift Calcite, Permian Basin, U.S.A.: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, v. 23(5), p. A 56.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. , Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Grant, C. W., 1992, Permeability and Fluid Flow within Carbonate Parasequences, the Importance of Lateral Lithofacies Variation and Stacking Pattern - An Example from the U. S. Permian Basin: AAPG Annual Convention Official Program, p. 52.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, The Importance of Recognizing High-Frequency Sequences in Stratigraphic Correlations: A Stratigraphic Modeling Example from the Permian Basin: AAPG Annual Convention Official Program, p. 11.

Kerans, C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Relative Sea-Level Record of Yates and Tansill Formation Shelf Facies, Permian Reef Geology Trail - Implications for Platform Development: AAPG Annual Convention Official Program, p. 65.

Eisenberg, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Conner, F. J., 1992, Permeability Patterns Related to Cyclicity and Depositional/Diagenetic Fabric within Fusulinid-Rich Facies, San Andres Formation, New Mexico: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, p. A 308.

Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G., Kerans, C., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Introduction to Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas, in Mruk, Previous HitDNext Hit. H. and Curran, B. C. (eds.), Permian Basin Exploration and Production Strategies: Applications of Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Characterization Concepts: West Texas Geological Society Publication 92-91, p. 193-196.

Kerans, C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1992, Permian Reef Geology Trail Guide, McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, West Texas - Shelf Facies, in Mruk, Previous HitDNext Hit. H. and Curran, B. C. (eds.), Permian Basin Exploration and Production Strategies: Applications of Sequence Stratigraphic and Reservoir Characterization Concepts: West Texas Geological Society Publication 92-91, p. 200.

Kerans, C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Relative Sea-Level Record of Yates and Tansill Formation Shelf Facies, Permian Reef Geology Trail - Implications for Platform Development: AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, p. 138.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Grant, C. W., 1993, Permeability Distribution and Fluid Flow Within Carbonate Cycles - an Example from the Permian Basin: AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, AAPG Bulletin, v. 77, p. 137-138.

Eisenberg, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Conner, F. J., 1993, Permeability and Fluid Flow Patterns in Variably Cyclic Outer Ramp Carbonates - San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Part 1 - Geologic Framework and Permeability Controls: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 97.

Eisenberg, R. A., Goggin, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Grant, C. W., 1993, Permeability and Fluid Flow Patterns in Variably Cyclic Outer Ramp Carbonates - San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Part 2 - Spatial Permeability Distribution and Fluid Flow Simulation: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 97.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kowalik, W. S., and Lomando, A. J., 1993, Structural Control of Carbonate Platform Configuration and Depositional Environment Distribution - Caicos Platform, B. W. I., and Chinchorro Bank, Offshore Yucatan: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 114.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Depositional Facies, Cyclicity, and Stratigraphic Computer Modeling of the Upper Guadalupian Yates Formation, U. S. Permian Basin: Carboniferous to Jurassic Pangea, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Program and Abstracts, p. 30.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Application of Chemostratigraphy and Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Differentiating Bounding Stratigraphic Intervals: GSA Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, p. A-114.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Permeability and Fluid Flow Patterns in Variably Cyclic Outer Ramp Carbonates - San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, v. 33(3), p. 15.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1993, Permeability and Fluid Flow Patterns in Variably Cyclic Outer Ramp Carbonates - San Andres Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: Permian Basin Section SEPM Newsletter, November, p. 1.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate and Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Depositional Systems: Some Considerations: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 164.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Application of Chemostratigraphy to Differentiating Bounding Stratigraphic Surfaces: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 143.

Lomando, A. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1994, Casablanca Field, Offshore Spain: A Karsted Carbonate Reservoir: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 201.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Overview of Carbonate Play Types - Important Characteristics Relevant to Exploration: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 40A.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kowalik, W. S., Dean, B. P., and Lomando, A. J., 1995, Satellite Images of Shallow Water Carbonate Depositional Settings - Examples of Exploration- and Development-Scale Geologic Facies Variation: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. 39-40A; AAPG Bulletin, v. 79 (13), p. 39-40.

Eisenberg, R. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1995, Chemical Fingerprinting of Stratigraphic Surfaces to Refine Reservoir Architecture and Differentiate Fluid-Flow Regimes: AAPG International Conference, AAPG Bulletin, v. 79/8, p. 1210.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kowalik, W. S., 1995, Facies Dimensions within Carbonate Reservoirs - Guidelines from Satellite Images of Modern Analogs: AAPG International Conference, AAPG Bulletin, v. 79/8, p. 1221.


Major, R. P., Bebout, Previous HitDNext Hit. G. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Preservation Potential of Major Storms in Marginal Marine Carbonate Sediments: South-Central Section GSA Annual Meeting, GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 1, p. A52.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Origin of “Fall-In” Bed Geometry, Capitan Reef Margin - Ideas from Stratigraphic Computer Modeling: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. A61.

Borer, J. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1996, Depositional Cycles as a Shelf-to-Basin Correlation Tool, Capitan Reef Margin - Ideas from Stratigraphic Computer Modeling: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. A18.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. And Tucker, K. E., 1996, Geologic Interpretation of Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir - McElroy Field, West Texas, in Moore, C. H., Caline, B. and Belonin, Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), Carbonate Reservoirs of the World: Problems, Solutions and Strategies for the Future: AAPG Hedberg Conference, Abstract Volume and Program, September 22-26, 1996, Pau, France, unpaginated.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Overview of Carbonate Play Types - Important Characteristics Relevant to Exploration: Second International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, New Delhi, India (9-12th January, 1997), abstract PS.EX.03.054, p. 54.

Tucker, K. E., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Nolen-Hoeksema, R. C., 1997, Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir - Geologic Investigation and Implications for Reservoir Characterization: Second International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, New Delhi, India (9-12th January, 1997), abstract PS.EX.03.055. p. 55.

Tucker, K. E., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Nolen-Hoeksema, R. C., 1997, Crosswell Seismic Data from a Carbonate Reservoir - Geologic Investigation and Implications for Reservoir Characterization: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. A117-118.

Baskin, Previous HitDNext Hit. K., Garber, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Warner, J. L., Hallager, W. S., and Suisinov, Kubentay, 1997, Two-Stage Hydrocarbon Migration Model for the Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Program, p. A-9.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1997, Carbonate Facies Dimensions at the Reservoir- and Exploration-Scale: What Are Sources for This Information?: Sedimentary Events and Hydrocarbon Systems, CSPG-SEPM 1997 Joint Convention, Convention Program with Abstracts, p. 123.

Dehghani, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Edwards, K. A., and Dees, W. T., 1997, Modeling and Simulation of a Vuggy Carbonate Reservoir: AAPG Bull., v. 81/8, p. 1370.

Hallager, W. S., Suisinov, Kubentay, Baskin, Previous HitDNext Hit. K., Garber, R. A., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Warner, J. L., 1997, Two-Stage Hydrocarbon Migration Model for the Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Bull., v. 81/8, p. 1380.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998, Methods for Determining Interwell Facies Boundaries (and Constraining Geostatistical Correlation): AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, A275, 3 p.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., Tyshkanbaeva, A., Birmanova, S., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 1998, Geologic Framework for the Tengiz-8 Well, Tengiz Field, Kazakstan - Unconformities and Porosity Development: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, A276, 3 p.

Loope, David, Abegg, F. E., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 1998, Recognizing Ancient Carbonate Eolianites: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, A412, 1 p.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Wright, R. P., 1998, Reservoir Potential of the Carbonate Forereef-Slope Setting: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition Extended Abstracts Volume, p. 510-511; also AAPG Bulletin, v. 82/10, p. 1923.

Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Wright, R. P., Belsher, T. W., Stubbs, J. L., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit.. 1999, Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Exploration Concepts, Cretaceous of Onshore Texas: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A44.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., Tyshkanbaeva, A., Birmanova, S., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 1999, Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A55-56.

Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Belsher, T. W., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stubbs, J. L., Wright, R. P., Yeats, K. J., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit.. 1999, New Exploration Concepts for the Edwards and Sligo Margins, Cretaceous of Onshore Texas: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A44. (also Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Belsher, T. W., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stubbs, J. L., Wright, R. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit.. 1999, New Exploration Concepts for the Edwards and Sligo Margins, Cretaceous of Onshore Texas: SEG Annual Meeting Abstracts - invited talk in “Best of AAPG” session.)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., Tyshkanbaeva, A., Birmanova, S., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 1999, Geologic Framework for Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Bull., AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, v. 83/8, p. 1316.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., Tyshkanbaeva, A., Birmanova, S., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 1999, Geologic Framework for Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Extended Abstracts Volume, p. 225-229.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 2000, Geologic Framework for Korolev Field, Kazakhstan – A Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platform: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A65. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20062 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08045harris16/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Warner, J. L., 2000, Slope Deposits of the Tengiz Platform – Core and Log Data from a Key Well: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A64-65.

Grammer, G.M., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli, G.P., 2000, Modern Analogs for Carbonate Reservoirs – Great Bahama Bank Revisited: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A57.

Eberli, G. P., Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Westphal, H., 2000, Integration of Petrophysical-Based Outcrop Data for Reservoir Modeling and Development: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A45.

Fritz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Belsher, T. W., Medlin, J. Previous HitMNext Hit., Stubbs, J. L., Wright, R. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit.. 2000, New Exploration Concepts for the Edwards and Sligo Margins, Cretaceous of Onshore Texas: East Texas Geological Society Monthly Newsletter, April.

Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., Nahm, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., and Warner, J. L., 2000, Korolev Platform, Kazakhstan: Geologic Framework of an Isolated Carbonate Platform, in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), SEPM-IAS Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs Research and Field Conference: Abstracts and Program, p. 41.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber, R. A., and Warner, J. L., 2000, Characterizing Platform-Top Deposits of the Tengiz Platform with Core and Log Data from a Key Well, in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), SEPM-IAS Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs Research and Field Conference: Abstracts and Program, p. 71.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Warner, J. L., 2000, Characterizing Slope Deposits of the Tengiz Platform with Core and Log Data from a Key Well, in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), SEPM-IAS Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs Research and Field Conference: Abstracts and Program, p. 73.

Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., Nahm, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Garber, R. A., 2000, Tengiz Platform, Kazakhstan: Growth of an Isolated Carboniferous Platform, in Morgan, W. A. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. (eds.), SEPM-IAS Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs Research and Field Conference: Abstracts and Program, p. 39.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2000, Characterizing Carbonate Reservoirs: Approaches for Determining the Boundaries and Internal Facies Patterns of Small-Scale Cycles: AAPG Bull., AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, v. 84/9, p. 1433.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber R. A., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit. E., 2000, Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Isolated Carbonate Platforms, Kazakhstan: AAPG Bull., AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, v. 84/9, p. 1433 - 1434. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20061 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08044harris15/index.htm)


Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, Exploration Concepts for Lower Cretaceous Shelf Margin Carbonates of Texas: Houston Geological Society North American Explorationists Dinner Meeting, Houston Geological Society Bull., v. 43(5), p. 44-45.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Fields, Kazakhstan –Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platforms: AAPG International Distinguished Lecture, AAPG Bull., v. 85(4), p. 762-763. (also Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, Geologic Framework for the Tengiz and Korolev Fields, Kazakhstan –Carboniferous Isolated Carbonate Platforms: ExxonMobil Sequence Stratigraphy Seminar.)(posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20060 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08043harris/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, Stratigraphic Framework and New Exploration Concepts for the Lower Cretaceous Shelf Margin Carbonates of Texas: AAPG International Distinguished Lecture, AAPG Bull., v. 85(4), p. 763-764. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40303 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08100harris43/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Garber R. A., and Warner, J. L., 2001, Characterizing Tengiz Platform Deposits - Core and Log Data from a Key Well: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A80--81.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2001, The Enigma of Prograding Steep, High Relief Carbonate Platform Margins: GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts, v. 33(6), p. A-409.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli, G. P., 2001, Comparative Sedimentology of Carbonate Platforms – Lessons learned from the Bahamas: GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition Abstracts, v. 33(6), p. A-443.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, Research Directions In Carbonates – A Look Back, A Look Around, And A Look Forward: Rice University – ExxonMobil Spring 2002 Peter R. Vail Symposium Proceedings, unpaginated.

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, Prograding Steep and High-Relief Carbonate Platform Margins: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A92.

Eberli, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Lessons Learned from Great Bahama Bank: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A48. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50084 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08061eberli/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, A New Model for Prograding, Steep and High-Relief Carbonate Platform Margins: West Texas Geological Society Bulletin, V. 41 (9), p. 26.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2002, Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs - Some Considerations: in Rizzi, G, Darke, G., and Braithwaite, C. (eds.), The Geometry and Petrogenesis of Dolomite Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Geological Society of London Research Conference Final Program and Abstracts, Keynote Presentation, unpaginated.

Weber, L. J., Francis, B. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2003, Stratigraphy, Facies, and Reservoir Characterization - Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A178. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20059 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08044weber/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Kenter, J.A.M., 2003, Steep Microbial-Dominated Platform Margins – Examples and Implications: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A71. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40298 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08094harris35/index.htm)

Belsher, T. W. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2003, Facies and Fracture Variation in a Deep Shelf Carbonate: Core and Log Determination: AAPG Annual Convention Program and Abstracts, p. A12.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Bassant, P., and Kuanysheva, G., 2003, Geologic Framework and Reservoir Distribution, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: XVth International Congress on Carboniferous and Permian Stratigraphy, Abstracts, p. 197-198.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2003, Crosswell Seismic in Carbonate Reservoirs – High-Resolution Reservoir Delineation: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, p. A38. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40299 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08099harris36a/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Eberli, G. P., and Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2003, Reservoirs in Isolated Carbonate Platforms – Insight from Great Bahama Bank: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, p. A38. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50083 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08060harris23/index.htm)

Grammer, G.M., Harris, P.M., and Eberli, G.P., 2003, Modern Analogs for Carbonate Reservoirs – Great Bahama Bank Revisited, AAPG Eastern Section, Pittsburgh.

Narr, Wayne, Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Heidrick, Thomas, Robertson, B. T., and Payrazyan, Karen, 2004, Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz – A Giant, Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan: AAPG Hedberg Conference – Structural Diagenesis: Fundamental Advances and New Applications from a Holistic View of Mechanical and Chemical processes, February 8-11, Austin, Texas.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Unique Approaches to Analysis of a Cyclic Shelf Dolomite Reservoir: AAPG Hedberg Conference - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Simulation: From Facies to Flow Units, March 14-18, El Paso, Texas, unpaginated. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40304 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08101harris44/index.htm)

Weber, L. J. and Harris, P.M., 2004, Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Quality Distribution, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan: AAPG Hedberg Conference - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Simulation: From Facies to Flow Units, March 14-18, El Paso, Texas, unpaginated. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20058 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08042weber/index.htm)

Narr, Wayne, Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Heidrick, Thomas, Robertson, B. T., and Payrazyan, Karen, 2004, Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz – A Giant, Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan: AAPG Hedberg Conference - Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Simulation: From Facies to Flow Units, March 14-18, El Paso, Texas, unpaginated. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20057 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08041narr/index.htm)

Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Weber. L. J., 2004, Production from the Steep, Deep Flanks of an Isolated Carbonate Platform: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A75.

Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Della Porta, G., Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Weber. L. J., 2004, Microbial and Cement Boundstone-Dominated Flanks (and Reservoirs) of an Isolated Carbonate Platform: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A75. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40297 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08080kenter/index.htm)

Francis, B. P., Weber, L. J., Bachtel, Steve, Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Kenter, J.A.M., 2004, Prediction and Mapping of Deep-Water Slope Carbonate Reservoirs Using Seismic Data, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A47. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20056 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08040francis/index.htm)

Weber, L. J., Francis, B. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Clark, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Stratigraphy, Facies, and Reservoir Characterization - Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Houston Geological Society Bulletin, May.

Weber, L. J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Stratigraphy and Reservoir Framework, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Program and Abstracts, p. A83-84.

Hsieh, J. C. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Web-Based Sharing of Carbonate Stratigraphy and Reservoir Information: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Program and Abstracts, p. A33.

Narr, Wayne, Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., Harris, P.M., Heidrick, Thomas, Robertson, B. T., and Payrazyan, Karen, 2004, Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz – A Giant, Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Program and Abstracts, p. A56.

McNeill, Previous HitDNext Hit. F., Eberli, G. P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2004, Analog for Exploration- and Development-Scale Heterogeneity in Grainstone Reservoirs; Exuma Islands, Bahamas: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Program and Abstracts, p. A48.

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): A Public Relational Database Archiving Carbonate Platform Margins in the Geological Record: ESF workshop "Carbonate systems during the Oligocene-Miocene climatic transition", Potsdam, February 22-25, 2005.

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): A Public Relational Database Archiving Carbonate Platform Margins in the Geological Record: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 24 – 29, 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 7, 03710.

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Porta, G. Previous HitDNext Hit., 2005, Steep Boundstone-Dominated Platform Margins: Examples and Implications: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 24 – 29, 2005, Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 7, 03716.

Precht, W. F. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Using Quaternary Reefs and Platforms as a Comparative Tool: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A112. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50082 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08028harris22/index.htm)

Collins, J. F., Putney, K. L., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Zhumagulova, A., and Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit., 2005, A Comparison of Stratigraphic Architecture, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Quality in Adjacent Large and Small Isolated Carbonate Platforms: Tengiz and Korolev Fields, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A28-29. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20054 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08037collins/index.htm)

Putney, K. L.,Collins, J. F., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Zhumagulova, A., and Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit., 2005, Reservoir Characterization of the Korolev Field, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A113. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20055 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08038putney/index.htm)

Bassant, P. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Analyzing Reservoir Architecture of Isolated Carbonate Platforms: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A12-13. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40295 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08071bassant/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Katz, B. J., 2005, Carbonate Mud and Carbonate Source Rocks: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. A58. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40305 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08102harris45/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Geologic Framework and Reservoir Distribution, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: Northern California Geological Society, May 2005 Newsletter.

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Collins, J. F., Putney, K. L., Zhumagulova, A., and Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit., 2005, Stratigraphic Architecture, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Quality: Tengiz and Korolev Fields, Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, p. A31. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20053 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08036harris/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Porta, G. Previous HitDNext Hit., 2005, Microbial Boundstone Slope Shedding – A Model for Carbonate Platform Growth: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, p. A37. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40296 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08079kenter/index.htm)

Bassant, P. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2005, Modeling Reservoir Architecture of Isolated Carbonate Platforms: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, p. A7. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40294 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08070bassant/index.htm)

Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Eberli, G. P., 2005, Lessons Learned from Great Bahama Bank – New Models and Paradigm Shifts: GSA Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, no. 7, paper no. 130-2.


Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Strebelle, S., 2006, Carbonate Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS)/Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM): IFP Conference on Quantitative Methods for Reservoir Characterization, 3-5 April 2006, Rueil-Malmaison (France).

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Strebelle, S. and Harris, F., 2006, Carbonate Reservoir Modeling Using Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS)/Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM): AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 63. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40293 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08062levy/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Weber, L. J., Collins, J. F., Stalinski, Previous HitMNext Hit., Kuanysheva, G., and Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., 2006, Late Visean to Bashkirian platform cyclicity in the central Tengiz buildup (Pricaspian Basin): depositional evolution and reservoir development: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 56. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20051 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08033kenter/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): Archiving and Searching Carbonate Platform Margins: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 56. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40300 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08096harris38/index.htm)

Vlaswinkel, B., Rankey, G., and Harris. P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Trend Metrics of Modern Carbonate Depositional Systems: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 110-111. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50081 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08027harris21/index.htm)

Collins, J. F., Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Kuanysheva, G., Fischer, Previous HitDNext Hit. J., and Steffen, K. L., 2006, Facies and Reservoir Quality Variations in the Late Visean to Bashkirian Outer Platform, Rim, and Flank of the Tengiz Buildup, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 21. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20052 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08035collins/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Vlaswinkel, B, 2006, Modern Reefs: Templates for Understanding Ancient Reef Systems and Reservoirs: in Precht, W. F. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., (eds.), Quaternary Reefs and Platforms, Bridging the Gap between the Ancient and the Modern, SEPM Short Course 19 Abstracts, p. 10-12.

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Cyclicity of the Tengiz Platform, Kazakhstan: A Record of Sea Level and Accommodation Change for the Latest Visean to Bashkirian: in Camoin, G., Droxler, A., Fulthorpe, C., and Miller, K., (eds.), Sea Level Changes: Records, Processes and Modeling, International Symposium SEALAIX'06, Giens, France, September 25-29, 2006, p. 104-105.

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Slope Shedding: An Alternative Link between the Platform and the Basin: in Aretz, Previous HitMNext Hit. and Herbig, H-G., (eds.), Carboniferous Conference Cologne from Platform to basin, SEPM-CES Research and Field Conference, September 4-10, 2006, p. 61-62.

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): Archiving and Searching Carbonate Platform Margins: in Aretz, Previous HitMNext Hit. and Herbig, H-G., (eds.), Carboniferous Conference Cologne from Plaform to basin, SEPM-CES Research and Field Conference, September 4-10, 2006, p. 63-64.

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Strebelle, S., 2006, Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS)/Facies Distribution Modeling (FDM) of Carbonates – an Isolated Platform Example: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, No 16, p. 72-73. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40292 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08059levy/index.htm)

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, WODAD – A Web-Based Outcrop Digital Analog Database of Carbonate Platform Margins: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, No 16, p. 62. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40308 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08098harris38a/index.htm)

Vlaswinkel, B., Rankey, G., and Harris. P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Input for Carbonate Reservoir Models: Trend Metrics of Modern Platforms and Reef Systems: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, No 16, p. 143. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50079 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08024harris19/index.htm)

Kimmel, R., Jenkins, S., Swarbrick, C., Leiggi, P., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, A Multiple Model Technique for Evaluating the Potential Hydrocarbon Volumes and Risk of an Exploration Prospect: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, No 16, p. 133. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40291 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08057swarbrick/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2006, Carbonate Reservoir Delineation from Seismic Data – Examples of Crosswell Seismic: AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, No 16, p. 48. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40299 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08095harris36/index.htm)

Kenter, J.A.M. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2007, Web-based Outcrop Digital Analog Database (WODAD): Archiving and Searching Carbonate Platform Margins: in Hodgetts, Previous HitDNext Hit., Redfern, J., Gawthorpe, R., Thurmond, J., Goffey, G. and Thomas, Previous HitMNext Hit. (conveners), From Outcrop to Asset: Recent Advances in Digital Outcrop Data Collection and Modeling Techniques, Geol. Soc. London Conference, Univ. of Manchester, January 10-11, 2007, p. 17.

Jones, G. Previous HitDNext Hit., Collins, J. F., Xiao, Y., Kenter, J.A.M., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Kuanysheva, G., 2007, Geothermal Convection at Tengiz: Reactive Transport Models of Predictive Diagenesis and Evidence from the Rocks: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 71. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20050 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08031jones/index.htm)

Kerans, C. and Harris P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2007, Devonian Reefs of the Canning Basin – Lessons Learned and Value as Analogs: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 75. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40302 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08104harris42/index.htm)

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Strebelle, S. and Rankey G., 2007, Geomorphology of Carbonate Systems and Reservoir Modeling: Carbonate Training Images, FDM cubes, and MPS Simulations: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 83. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40289- http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08054levy/index.htm)

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Milliken, W., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Strebelle, S., and Rankey, E. G., 2007, Importance of Facies-Based Earth Models for Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate Reservoirs: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 83. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40306- http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08097harris25a/index.htm)

Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2007, Non-Actualistic Carbonate Deposystems: Revising The Carbonate Factory-Depth Paradigm: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 34. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40290 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08055dellaporta/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Vizika, O., Rosenberg, R., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Skalinski, Previous HitMNext Hit., and Buoniconti, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2007, Assessment of Transport Properties Using High Resolution CT and NMR: An Example from the Central Tengiz Platform Reservoir, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 75. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20049 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08030kenter/index.htm)

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Milliken, W., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Strebelle, S., 2007, Using Multiple Point Statistics and Facies Distribution Modeling to Understand Flow Behavior in Carbonate Reservoirs: EAGE Petroleum Geostatistics Conference, Portugal, September 10-14, P-30.

Merino, O., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Verwer, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Adams, E., 2007, Evolution of Stratal Anatomy and Depositional Patterns in a Lower Jurassic Isolated Carbonate Platform Captured by GIS (Djebel Bou Dahar, Southern High Atlas, Morocco): MAPG 1st International Convention, Marrakech, October 28-31.

Verwer, K., Merino, O., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Playton, T., Adams, E., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2007, High Resolution Spatial Models of a Carbonate Platform Margin (Early Jurassic, Djebel Bou Dahar, Southern High Atlas, Morocco): MAPG 1st International Convention, Marrakech, October 28-31.

Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Milliken, W., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Strebelle, S., 2007, Understanding Flow Behavior in Carbonate Reservoirs from Facies-Based Earth Models: AAPG and AAPG European Region Energy Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, p. 105. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40288- http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08053levy/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Collins, J. F., 2007, Facies and Reservoir Quality of the Tengiz Isolated Platform, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG and AAPG European Region Energy Conference & Exhibition, Abstracts Volume, p. 99. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20048 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08029kenter/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Vlaswinkel, B. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Quantifying Facies Attributes of the Caicos Platform: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 76-77. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50079 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08024harris19/index.htm)

Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Ellis, J., 2008, Satellite Imagery and Visualization of the Caicos Platform: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 77. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50080 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08025harris20/index.htm)

Verwer, K., Merino-Tomé, O., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Della Porta, G., Adams, E., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, High-Resolution Spatial Models of a High Rising Carbonate Platform Slope (Early Jurassic, Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco) : AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 206. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #40301 – http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08103harris41/index.htm)

Eberli, G. P., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Grammer, G. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Implication of unfilled accommodation space in carbonate depositional systems for cyclo-stratigraphy: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 51. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #50078- http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08051harris18_eberli/index.htm)

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Eustasy Recording Potential of an Isolated Devonian to Pennsylvanian Carbonate Platform in a Foreland Basin Setting (Tengiz, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan): AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 106. (posted in 2008 on AAPG Search and Discovery as Article #20047 – http://searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08028kenter/index.htm)

Jones, G. Previous HitDNext Hit., Collins, J. F., Xiao, Y., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Assaubaeva, A., 2008, Geothermal Convection In The Tengiz Reservoir: A Mechanism For Generating Burial Karst?: Karst from Recent to Reservoirs, Karst Waters Institute Special Publication 14, p. 104.

Merino-Tomé, O., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Verwer, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Adams, E., Playton, T., van Lanen, X., Corrochano, Previous HitDNext Hit., Lilly, R., Navarro Molina, V., Bahamonde, J. R., Pierre, A., and Canto Toimil, N., 2008, From Field Studies to 3D Modeling of a High Rising Jurassic Carbonate Platform: The Djebel Bou Dahar (High Atlas, Morocco): Spanish Geological Congress, Geo-Temas 10, p. 151-154.

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Merino-Tomé, O., Verwer, K., and Pierre, A., 2008, Outcrop Analogs: Adding Value to Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: SEPM Research Conference - Outcrops Revitalized: Tools, Techniques and Applications, p. 31.

Merino-Tomé, O., Verwer, K., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Adams, E., 2008, Digital outcrop modeling of a high relief Jurassic carbonate platform: the Djebel Bou Dahar (High Atlas, Morocco): SEPM Research Conference - Outcrops Revitalized: Tools, Techniques and Applications, p. 38.

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Pierre, A. O., 2008, Digital Outcrop Models: Analogs for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: in Kunkel, C., Hahn, S., ten Veen, J., Rameil, N., and Immenhauser, A. (eds.), 26th IAS Regional Meeting/SEPM-CES SEDIMENT 2008 (Bochum), Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, H. 58, p. 150.

Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Late Palaeozoic Carbonate Platform Margins Dominated by Microbial Cement-Rich Boundstone: Rendiconti online Soc. Geol. Italia, v. 2, in press.

Harris, P.M., and J. Ellis, 2008, The Caicos Platform-A Valuable Modern Analog for Understanding Facies Patterns of Subsurface Isolated Platforms: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008. Search and Discovery article #50131. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08157harris47/index.htm

Hsieh, P., Previous HitDNext Hit. Katz, P.M. Harris, Previous HitMNext Hit. Buoniconti, J. Humphrey, and I. Montanez, 2008, Stable Isotope Profiles in an Isolated Carbonate Platform; Implications for Stratigraphic Correlations: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #50132.

Kenter, J., P.M. Harris, and A. Pierre, 2008, Digital Outcrop Models of Carbonate Platform and Ramp Systems: Analogs for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #40351. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08221kenter/index.htm

Murphy-Bishop, Previous HitMNext Hit., P.M. Harris, J.A.M. Kenter, S. Strebelle, J. Levy, and J. Carvalho, 2008, Integrating Diagenesis into Reservoir Models for Carbonate Platforms: Developing a Workflow with Dolomite as a Case Study: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #50133. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08191murphy/index.htm

Rankey, E.C., S.L. Reeder, S. Ritter, and P.M. Harris, 2008, Morphology and Dynamics of Carbonate Tidal Sand Ridges; Schooner Cays, Bahamas: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #50134.

Kenter, J.A.M., and P.M. Harris, 2008, Paleozoic Carbonates in Foreland Basin Settings: Northern Pricaspian Basin (Kazakhstan) and Cantabrian Zone (Spain): AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008. Search and Discovery article #30070. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08190kenter/index.htm

Andres, M.S., P. Bassant, and P.M. Harris, 2008, Conditioned Forward Stratigraphic Modeling in Large Carbonate Fields; A Dionisos Model of Karachaganak: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #40352. http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2008/08222andres/index.htm

Bellian, J.A., X. Janson, and P.M. Harris, 2008, Carbonate Digital Outcrop Reservoir Models; From Lidar to MPS Simulation: AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-29, 2008, Search and Discovery article #40353. http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/documents/2008/08235bellian/index.htm

Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2008, Late Palaeozoic Carbonate Platform Margins Dominated by Microbial Cement-Rich Boundstone: Rendiconti Online Societa' Geologica Italiana, Riassunti del 84 Congresso della Societa' Geologica Italiana, v. 3/1, 318-319.

Ellis, J. and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2009, Satellite Imagery and Visualization of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank - An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 64. Abstracts Volume, p. 64. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/ellis.htm

PSSatellite Imagery and Geological Interpretation of the Exumas, Great Bahama Bank - An Analog for Carbonate Sand Reservoirs, Paul (Mitch) Harris and James Ellis, Search and Discovery Article #50200 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.com/documents/2009/50200harris/index.htm

Pierre, A., Jones, G. Previous HitDNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Durlet, C., 2009, Forward Stratigraphic Modeling of a Key Outcrop Reservoir Analog, Jurassic of Morocco: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 167. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/pierre.htm

Playton, T., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Pierre, A., Jones, G., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Rarity, F., 2009, Modeling Stratigraphic and Spatial Heterogeneity of a Lower Jurassic Carbonate Ramp Outcrop Using Multiple Point Statistics: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 169. Search and Discovery Article #90090. http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/playton.htm

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., Pierre, A., Playton, T., Jones, G., and Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2009, Digital Outcrop Models – Leading to New Insights into Characterization and Modeling of Carbonate Reservoirs: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 114. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/kenter.htm

Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Levy, Previous HitMNext Hit., Tankersley, T., Skalinski, Previous HitMNext Hit., Hsieh, J., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Jacobs. G., 2009, Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of an Isolated Platform Reservoir, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 114. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/kenter02.htm

Hsieh, J., Katz, Previous HitDNext Hit., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., and Buoniconti, Previous HitMNext Hit., 2009, Stable Isotope Profiles in Carbonate Platform Cycles: Comparison to Core-based Cycles: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 98. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/hsieh.htm

Katz, Previous HitDNext Hit. A., Playton, T., and Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit., 2009, Use of Outcrop Analogues for Characterization of an Upper Paleozoic Carbonate Foreslope Reservoir, Karachaganak Field, Pricaspian Basin, Kazakhstan: AAPG Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, p. 112. Search and Discovery Article #90090 (2009). http://www.searchanddiscovery.net/abstracts/html/2009/annual/abstracts/katz02.htm

Merino-Tomé, O., Della Porta, G., Kenter, J. A. Previous HitMNext Hit., Verwer, K., Harris, P. Previous HitMNext Hit. Adams, E., Playton, T., Corrochano, Previous HitDTop., Van Lanen, X., Lilly, R., Navarro Molina, V., Bahamonde, J.R., Canto Toimil, N., and Pierre, A., 2009, Controls on the Growth and Demise of a Lower Jurassic Carbonate Platform (Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco): IAS 27th Meeting of Sedimentology, in press. http://www.wiley.com/bw/journal.asp?ref=0037-0746 (website of publisher)


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