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AAPG SW Section Meetings


AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention 2023, Wichita Falls, Texas, May 6-9, 2023

Contrasting Siliciclastic-Dominated Cores from the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Strawn Group, East Kent County, TX: Wallace Ranch #1 and #2, Maxwell Pommer and Dawn S. Hayes, #51702 (2023).


Carrier Beds as Reservoirs, John A. Breyer, #11373 (2023).


Petroleum Geology of the Lake Kickapoo East (Caddo) Field Archer County, Texas, Dennis W. Browning, #11372 (2023).

2019 Southwest Section Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April 6-9, 2019

2019 Southwest Section Annual Convention, Dallas, Texas, April 6-9, 2019; Abstracts #90343 (2019).


PS Seismic Data Conditioning for Identification of Sand Dunes in the Early Jurassic Nugget Formation in the Moxa Arch, Dhruv Agrawal, Sumit Verma, and Subhashis Mallick, #51639 (2020).


PS Occurrence of Volcanic Ash Beds in the Wolfcamp and Spraberry of the Midland Basin and Their Potential Challenges to Drilling, Caitlin Leslie, Lowell Waite, John Ndungu, Eric Johnson, David Foster, Neyda Maymi, Lauren O'Connell, and Joseph Edmonds, #51637 (2020).


PS Unique Microstrutures and Complex Micro-Mineral Associations in a Single Keokuk Geode, Nova Mahaffey and Robert Finkelman, #51638 (2020).


PS Lowstand Deltas and Incised Valleys of the Tannehill Sandstone (Cisco Group) of the Southern Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, West Texas, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #51636 (2020).


High-Resolution Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Wolfcamp D Shale-Unit in Upton and Midland Counties – Is it possible to identify stratigraphically significant surfaces using δ13Ccarb?, Frank Tamakloe, Andrea Erhardt, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit M. McGlue, and Lowell Waite, #51605 (2019).


Genesis of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation Tight Sandstone Gas in the Northeast Sichuan Basin, China, Zhao Chengjin and Jiang Youlu, #11248 (2019).


PS Revise the Paleozoic North American Regional Time Scales by Volcanic Ashes in the Midland Basin, Hepeng Tian, Majie Fan, Lowell Waite, and Robert J. Stern, #11247 (2019).


PS Burnett Ranch: A CO2 Flood on the Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, King County, Texas, Patricia Lee, #11234 (2019).


A "Cookbook" Approach to Evaluating Residual Oil Zones Completed as Horizontal Depressurizing (DUROZ) Wells in the San Andres Formation, Bob Trentham and L. Stephen Melzer, #51570 (2019).


PS The Fate of the Mississippi River Sediment during the Last Glacio-Eustatic Cycle: A Volumetric Quantification and Modelling of Late Quaternary Deposition Coeval with the Cessation of the Late Wisconsin Glacial Stage, Ryan J. Herring and Cornel Olariu, #51567 (2019). (File is 360Mb)


PSAn Integrated Workflow for Mapping Stratigraphic Features: Identification and Characterization of Channelized Debris FlowsWithin the Lower Wolfcamp Shale of the Midland Basin, Daniel Spaulding, Lowell Waite, and Buzz Davis, #51562 (2019).


PSSynthetic Nano-Petrophysics Investigation of the Haynesville Shale in Eastern Texas, Qiming Wang, Qinhong Hu, and Fred Meendsen, #51563 (2019).


PSUsing Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry to Identifying the Sample Size Effect on Pore Structure Characteristics of the Eagle Ford Shale, Qiming Wang and Qinhong Hu, #42373 (2019).


Outcrop to Subsurface Linkages, Canyon and Cisco Groups, Eastern Shelf of the Permian Basin, William Ambrose and Tucker F. Hentz, #11216 (2019).


Identifying Reservoir Development in Carbonate Rocks by Qualitative Analysis of the Spontaneous Potential Curve: Example from the Caddo Limestone of Western Jack County, Texas, Dennis W. Browning, #11215 (2019).


Fracture-Matrix Interaction, Fluid Flow and Chemical Movement in Shale, Qinhong "Max" Hu, #51564 (2019).


PSThe Permian Basin Research Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas, Robert J. Stern and Lowell Waite, #70389 (2019).


PSPermian Basin Educational Video Design, Assessment and Dissemination, Ning Wang and Robert J. Stern, #70388 (2019).


PSAn Approach in Caving Recognition by An Integrated Model of Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Any Drilling Environment, Carlos A. Izurieta, Luis A. Rocha, and Dan Sui, #42374 (2019).


Geologic Components of Shale Production, Dwayne Purvis, #42371 (2019).

2018 Southwest Section Annual Convention, El Paso, Texas, April 7-10, 2018

PSDepositional Environment and Sedimentary Structures of the Grayburg Formation, Midland Basin, Brandon Lee, Rustam Khoudaiberdiev, Brady Lujan, and Sumit Verma, #51550 (2019).


PSInfiltration Studies of Mechanically Altered Brine Spill Impacted Soils, Nichele Raines, Emmett A. Spooner, David R. Kennedy, James W. Ward, Eddie Holik, and Cody B. Scott, #80654 (2018).


Secondary Porosity and Permeability Calculation on Heterogeneous Carbonates of Eastern Mexico, Using Borehole Images, Fausto Vazquez, #42317 (2018).


Unsupervised Learning Applied to Flow Unit Identification Based on Wireline Formation Pressure Data, Jose Victor Contreras, #42260 (2018).


ROZs: Science and Fairways - An Update, Robert Trentham, #70353 (2018).


Mexico's Productive Plays – Past, Present and Future?, John Hattner, #11094 (2018).


PSChemostratigraphy, Geochemistry, and Petrography of the Anna Shale and Pyrite Suns of the Illinois Basin, Jacob R. Dyson, #51486 (2018).


PSDetailed Geologic Map of Big Brushy Canyon Graben, Big Bend Region, Displays Extensional Monoclines, Dillon D. Hughes, Austin G. Hafner, José L. Hermosillo, and Joseph I. Satterfield, #30568 (2018).


Getting More From Gravity & Magnetics: Examples From Mexico, Ray Earley, Ted Lautzenhiser, and Glenn Felderhoff, #30569 (2018).


Contribution of Mid-Continent Area to the U.S. Gas Resources: Results from PGC Assessment of the Future Gas Supply, Alexei V. Milkov, #11085 (2018).


The Upstream in México Under the New Energy Reform, Alfredo E. Guzmán, #70344 (2018).


Permian Basin Seismicity: Looking Backwards, Moving Forwards, Diane Doser and Mark Baker, #11082 (2018).


PSEstimating The Permeability Of Carbonate Rocks From The Fractal Properties Of Moldic Pores Using The Kozeny-Carman Equation, Adewale Amosu, Mohamed Imsalem, and Yuefeng Sun, #51481 (2018).


PSRock Physics Based Quantification of Carbonate Pore Type Effect on Permeability Heterogeneity: Application to the Wolfcamp Formation, Permian Basin, Adewale Amosu and Yuefeng Sun, #51480 (2018).

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Midland, Texas, April 29-May 2, 2017

2017 AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention, April 29 - May 2, 2017, Midland, Texas; Abstracts #90292 (2017).


PSThe Impact of Post-Oil Emplacement Tectonics of the Delaware Mountain Group, with an Emphasis on Residual Oil Zone Potential, T. Tittlemier, J. Walker, C. Saenz, F. Adelekan, J. Marinelarena, M. Carmona, and Bob Trentham, #51510 (2018).


Texas University Lands: History, Opportunities and Geoscience Vision, Brian Casey, #70316 (2018).


Organic-Inorganic Distribution of the Woodford Shale in Kingfisher County, STACK play, Northern Oklahoma, Andreina Liborius and Andrew Sneddon, #51444 (2017).


PSCharacterization of the Cretaceous "Olmos" Formation in the Somerset Oilfield, South Texas, Casey Mitchell, #20411 (2017).


Preconceived Notions: Ignoring Hearsay and Discovering New Pay, Casey Mitchell, #20410 (2017).


Midland Basin Spraberry Exploration Using High Resolution Elastic Inversion, Yasser Metwally, Richard Koseluk, and John Castagna, #11013 (2017).


Statistical Approach to Interpreting Clear Fork Zones for Perforation in Old Wells, Sharon Ridge Field, Texas, Richard Erdlac, Jr., #20395 (2017).


Applications of the Lucia Method in Carbonate Petrophysics, George B. Asquith, #42126 (2017).


The Permian Basin – Intracratonic Subsidence Triggered by ARM Compression, Making an American "Superbasin", Thomas E. Ewing, #10988 (2017).


Reservoir Optimization, Mechanical Stratigraphy, and Stress Field Orientation in the Woodford Shale SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) Play: A Case Study from Grady County, Oklahoma, Carlos Molinares, Muizz Matemilola, Jing Zhang, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, Lenon Infante, and Roger Slatt, #10984 (2017).


The Effect of Karsting on Natural Fracture, Hardness, and Brittleness of the Hunton Limestone and Paleo-Deposition of the Woodford Shale: A Study Using 3-D Seismic, Outcrop, Well Log, and Core Data, Benmadi Milad, #51417 (2017).


Multiscale Fracture Dimensions in the Woodford Shale, Sayantan Ghosh, #51405 (2017).


Prediction of Hydraulic Fracture Damaged Zone Geometries in the Woodford Shale in Arkoma Basin using Discrete Fracture Network Models, Sayantan Ghosh and Seth Busetti, #42115 (2017).


San Andres on the Northwest Shelf: Things You May Not Know, Bob Trentham, #51400 (2017).


PSSoil Chemistry Analysis of Brine Contaminated Soils in West Texas, USA, Erin Noonan, Mason Houser, Dillon Bagnall, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Foust, Kye Burris, James W. Ward, and Cody Scott, #80603 (2017).


Petroleum Resources of the Great American Carbonate Bank: Exercising Unconformity Thinking, Charles A. Sternbach, #70276 (2017).

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Abilene, Texas, April 9-12, 2016

PSShort Junction Field Core Description and Petrophysical Analysis of the Hunton Group, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Tim Hunt, John Speight, Valentina Vallega, Huabo Liu, Julio Garcia, and Curtis Helms, #20371 (2016).


PSLate Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) to Early Permian (Leonardian) Conodont Biostratigraphy of the "Wolfcamp Shale", Northern Midland Basin, Texas, Jennifer L. Kohn, James E. Barrick, Greg Wahlman, and Robert Baumgardner, #51297 (2016).


University Lands: History, Opportunities, and Geoscience Vision, David DeFelice, #70224 (2016).


Permian Wolfcamp Interesting Log Interpretation Problem, George B. Asquith, #41896 (2016).


Texas' Brackish Resources Aquifer Characterization System (BRACS), Andrea Croskrey, #80549 (2016).


PSPre-Luning-Fencemaker Metamorphism and Deformation in the Northern Sand Springs Range, Nevada, Jacob Jarvis, Sean Czarnecki, and Joseph Satterfield, #41814 (2016).


PSRelative Timings of Structures and Mesozoic-Cenozoic Intrusions in the Sand Springs Range, Nevada, Sean Czarnecki, Jacob Jarvis, and Joseph I. Satterfield, #41813 (2016).


A "Cookbook" Approach to Exploring for, and Evaluating, Residual Oil Zones in the San Andres Formation of the Permian Basin, Robert Trentham and L. Stephen Melzer, #51259 (2016).


PSSoil Structure and Chemistries of Brine-Impacted Soils in West Texas, M. Foust, M. Dunlap, W. Bond, and J.W. Ward, #51258 (2016).


Dockum Group Revisited: Deposition and Tectonic Significance, Alton Brown, #51257 (2016).


PSEvaluation of Geophysical Techniques in the Determination of a Salt Contaminated Environment, Walter Reed, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Foust, Heather L. Lehto, James W. Ward, and Jason Payne, #80535 (2016).


PSUpper Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian Shelf-to-Basin Facies Architecture and Trends, Eastern Shelf of the Southern Midland Basin, West Texas, Tucker F. Hentz, William A. Ambrose, and H. Scott Hamlin, #10847 (2016).


PSDepositional Lithofacies and Diagenetic Overprints of Pennsylvanian Lower Cisco Shelf Margin Carbonates, Wolf Flat Field, Motley County, Texas, USA, Olakemi Afuape and Robert C. Trentham, #20352 (2016).


PSHalophytes and ArcGIS: Tools for Remediating Brine Water Spills in West Texas, W. E. Bond, M. Foust, M. Dunlap, and J. W. Ward, #80532 (2016).


On Site Well Log Quality Control, Donald G. Hill, #41801 (2016).


PSA Fault Kinematic Analysis with Observations Pertaining to Fault Trends within the Core of the Arbuckle Anticline, Southern Oklahoma, USA, Katrina Soundy, Jenna Hessert, and Aaron Yoshinobu, #51255 (2016).


PSSubsurface Analysis and Cycle Stratigraphy of the Upper Cambrian Wilberns Formation, Western Llano Uplift Region, McCulloch Co., Texas, Previous HitMichaelTop Jordon Haubert and Emily Stoudt, #51254 (2016).

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Wichita Falls, Texas, April 11-14, 2015

2015 AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention, Wichita Falls, Texas, April 11-14, 2015; Abstracts, #90214 (2015).


The Use of Chemostratigraphy to Refine Ambiguous Sequence Stratigraphic Correlations in Marine Shales: An Example From the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, Bryan W. Turner, Jessica A. Tréanton, and Roger M. Slatt, #51181 (2015).


Paleotopographic Control on the Variability of Woodford Shale strata Across the Southern Cherokee Platform Area of Central Oklahoma: a Mechanism for Increased Preservation-Potential of Organic Content, Brenton J. McCullough and Roger M. Slatt, #51125 (2015).


Sandstone Injectites Record Pre-, Syn-, and Post-folding Deformation at Sheep Mountain Anticline, Wyoming, Jennifer Beyer and W. Ashley Griffith, #51118 (2015).


Got Lemons? Make Lemonade!, Gary Perry, #70181 (2015).


Effect of Back Pressure on Gel Pack Permeability during Conformance Control Treatment, Mahmoud Elsharifi, #41625 (2015).


PSPreliminary Lithofacies Interpretation from Formation Micro-Imager (FMI) Logs in the Katz Field Unit, North Central Texas, Jesse Garnett White, Valentina Vallega, Peter P. Flaig, and Stephen T. Hasiotis, #20308 (2015).


Stratigraphic and Depositional Context of the Eaglebine Play: Upper Cretaceous Woodbine and Eagle Ford Groups, Southwestern East Texas Basin, Tucker F. Hentz and William A. Ambrose, #51094 (2015).


Are Gas Shales Suitable Analogs for Oil Shale Exploration?, Alton A. Brown, #41624 (2015).


Tidal Depositional Systems in Pennsylvanian Strata in the Anadarko Basin, Northeast Texas Panhandle, William A. Ambrose, Tucker F. Hentz, and Logan Tussey, #10742 (2015).


What Now? Developing Conventional Reservoirs Unconventionally (or Otherwise), Louis J. Mazzullo, #80447 (2015).

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Midland, Texas, May 11-14, 2014

2014 AAPG Southwest Section Annual Convention, Midland, Texas, May 11-14, 2014; Abstracts, #90190 (2014).


Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments through Integrative Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Formation, Jesse G. White, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Jeffrey Over, #20259 (2014).


Reconstruction of Paleoenvironments through Integrative Sedimentology and Ichnology of the Pennsylvanian Strawn Formation, Jesse G. White, Peter P. Flaig, Stephen T. Hasiotis, and Jeffrey Over, #20259 (2014).


Goldsmith Landreth San Andres Unit (GLSAU) #203R- A CO2 Oil Bank Caught in the Act, Robert Trentham, #10648 (2014).


Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian Sequence Stratigraphy Using FMI and Log Analysis on the Western Edge of the Midland Basin: A Tool for Guiding Well Completions, Shane J. Prochnow and Gregory D. Hinterlong, #41388 (2014).


Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Sedimentation on the Central Basin Platform and Implications to the Wolfberry Deposition in the Western Midland Basin, Art Saller, #10606 (2014). .


Precambrian Basement Structure of the Diablo Platform and Its Influence throughout the Phanerozoic, Steve Grimes, #30338 (2014).


Concepts of Scale: Horizontal Development of Wolfcamp Shale Oil of the Southern Midland Basin, David Dally, #10605 (2014).


Lessons Learned from the KCC #503H Woodford Horizontal Well at Keystone South Field, Winkler County, TX, Andrew Parker, David Entzminger, John Leone, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Lyn Canter, #20254 (2014).


Utilizing Petrophysical Attributes to Optimize Performance of a Horizontal Drilling Program, Timothy R. McGinley, #41378 (2014).


Log Resistivity Measuring Devices Compared to S-waves from a Vertical-Force Source, John M. Robinson, #41377 (2014).


PSHigh-Resolution Core Studies of Wolfcamp/Leonard Basinal Facies, Southern Midland Basin, Texas, Robert W. Baumgardner, Jr., H. Scott Hamlin, and Harry D. Rowe, #10607 (2014).


The Economics of Wettability Alteration for Renewed Production from Old Fields in the Permian Basin: Evaluations of Spraberry, Avalon and Bone Springs Reservoirs, Geoffrey Thyne, Sharon Yacob, and Teresa Nealon, #41379 (2014).

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fredericksburg, Texas, April 6-8, 2013

AAPG Southwest Section, April 6-10, 2013, Fredericksburg, Texas, USA; Abstracts, #90164 (2013).


PS Accommodation Fluvial Reservoir Analog for the High-Accommodation Mungaroo Formation: Role of Propagating "Tie" Channels in Lake-Filling Processes in High-Accommodation Fluvial Systems, Grajalva River, Tabasco State, Mexico, Mark Hull and John Holbrook, Search and Discovery Article #50831 (2013).


Three Scales of Late Paleozoic Structures in the West Texas Basin - Description and Genesis, Thomas E. Ewing, Search and Discovery Article #30273 (2013).


Subsidence and Uplift History of the West Texas Basin and its (Post-Paleozoic) Margins, Thomas E. Ewing, Search and Discovery Article #30272 (2013).


PS Obstacles and Pitfalls of the Everyday Interpreter: The Role of Geophysics in Resource Plays, Glenn E. Winters, Search and Discovery Article #41131 (2013).


PS Developing a Paleovegetation Proxy along a Forest to Grassland Transition in Central Texas, Nick Cestari, Search and Discovery Article #41132 (2013).


PS Well Log Correlation of the Wilcox Group of San Jacinto County, Texas, Taylor A. Ewald and Joseph I. Satterfied, Search and Discovery Article #50798 (2013)

AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, May 19-22, 2012

AAPG Southwest Section, May 19-22, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas; Abstracts, #90152 (2012).


PS Constructing a Geomechanical Model of the Woodford Shale, Cherokee Platform, Oklahoma, USA: Effects of Confining Stress and Rock Strength on Fluid Flow, Tyler Hair, Helge Alsleben, Milton Enderlin, and Nowell Donovan, Search and Discovery Article #50716 (2012).


Wolfberry Play, Midland Basin, West Texas, H. Scott Hamlin and Robert W. Baumgardner, Search and Discovery Article #10419 (2012).


The Distribution and Seismic Prediction of Beach Bar Sandbodies in Narrow and Elongate Lacustrine Basin - A Case from Es2 in Chezhen Depression in the East of China, Xia (Rose) Luo, Search and Discovery Article #50641 (2012).


Resolution Improvement Study and Application of 3D Surface Seismic Data using Borehole Seismic Data, Qingfeng Kong, Search and Discovery Article #40961 (2012).


WolfBone Play Evolution, Southern Delaware Basin: Geologic Concept Modifications That Have Enhanced Economic Success, Bill Fairhurst, Mary Lisbeth Hanson, Frank Reid, and Nick Pieracacos, Search and Discovery Article #10412 (2012).


The Integration of Key Petrophysical and Geomechanical Play Drivers into Geological Attribute Mapping: Getting Ahead of the Stampede, Larry Brooks and Randy Montalvo, Search and Discovery Article #40948 (2012).


PS Application of DQMS Analysis in an Oil Producing Fractured Carbonate System, Bruce Warren and Scott Lashbrook, Search and Discovery Article #40938 (2012).


PS Pore Structure Inhibits Gas Diffusion in the Barnett Shale, Qinhong Hu, Zhiye Gao, Sheng Peng, and Robert Ewing, Search and Discovery Article #50609 (2012).


sCore: A Classification Scheme for Organic Mudstones Based on Bulk Mineralogy, Helena Gamero-Diaz, Camron Miller, and Richard Lewis, Search and Discovery Article #40951 (2012).


PS Five Years of Deep Fluid Disposal into the Ellenburger of the Fort Worth Basin, Edward Ficker, Search and Discovery Article #80227 (2012).


PS Shallow Conduit Behavior of Silicic Magma Chambers: A Detailed Thermal Model, Cathina Gunn de Rosas and Glen Mattioli, Search and Discovery Article #40949 (2012).


PS Application of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry in Pore Structure Characterization, Zhiye Gao and Qinhong Hu, Search and Discovery Article #40950 (2012).


PS Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation of the Utica Shale and Associated Late Ordovician Strata, Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, Taylor McClain, Search and Discovery Article #50613 (2012).


PS Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous Woodbine Group in Northeast East Texas Field, Texas, Merve Dokur and Tucker F. Hentz, Search and Discovery Article #20152 (2012).