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AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meetings


AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October 7-10, 2023
  PS Preliminary Assessment of the Phosphate and Rare Earth Element Potential in the Upper Woodford Shale on the Lawrence Uplift, Ada, Oklahoma, David Hull and Andrew Cullen, #51703 (2024).
AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 30 – October 3, 2017

2017 AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, September 30 – October 3, 2017; Abstracts #90309 (2017).

  Proppant Technology Advances and Reservoir Performance, Susan Nash, #70326 (2018).
  Production Revival of the Oklahoma City South Wilcox Sand Unit, Oklahoma City Field, Oklahoma and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma, Jim Tull, #20417 (2018).
  Stratigraphic and Facies Control on Porosity and Pore Types of Mississippian Limestone and Chert Reservoirs: An Example from North-Central Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #11058 (2018).
  PS Lithofacies and Pore-Structure Characterization of the Mid-Continent Mississippian Limestone, Grant County, Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #80627 (2018).
  Discoveries from the Updip Expansion of the SCOOP Play, Drew Thomas, #11041 (2018).
  Predicting Channel Sand Wells in the Anadarko Basin with a 90% Accuracy, Rick Schrynemeeckers, #11032 (2017).
  Additional Opportunities in the Fayetteville Shale Play of North-Central Arkansas, Phillip Shelby, #11022 (2017).
  PS Comparative Study of Relative Permeability and Residual Saturation Estimates of Kerogen and Shale Samples, Shiv Prakash Ojha and Siddharth Misra, #70308 (2017).
  Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production While Minimizing Completion Costs in the STACK, Rick Schrynemeeckers, Paul Harrington, Mathew A. Jones, and Harrison Ohls, #42160 (2017).
  Identification of Mechanical Stratigraphic Controls on IP30 (First Month) Hydrocarbon Production Volumes in the SCOOP (South Central Oklahoma Oil Province) Play, Oklahoma, Carlos Molinares, Muizz Matemilola, Jing Zhang, Henry Galvis, Daniela Becerra, Lennon Infante, and Roger Slatt, #11021 (2017).
  Utilizing Measured Drilling Parameters to Optimize Completions Design, Jason VanderKooi, #42162 (2017).
  PS Expanding the Build-and-Fill Model: 'Phylloid-Algal' Carbonate Mound Development, Stephan C. Oborny, Bradley D. Cramer, Philip H. Heckel, Greg A. Ludvigson, and Robert W. Henthorne, #51442 (2017).
  Microseismic Calibration of Surface Seismic Brittleness Estimates: Application to a Barnett Shale Survey, Roderick Perez-Altamar, John Henry Alzate, Amanda Trumbo, and Kurt Marfurt, #80623 (2017).
  The Arbuckle Mountains as a Laboratory for Geological Education, R. W. Allen and R. L. Neman, #70304 (2017).
  PS Petrophysical Interpretation of Electromagnetic Induction and Dielectric Dispersion Logs in Bakken Petroleum System, Pratiksha Tathed, Yifu Han, and Siddharth Misra, #42155 (2017).
  PS Improved Estimation of Water Saturation in a Lower-Paleozoic European Organic-Rich Shale Gas Formation, Yifu Han and Siddharth Misra, #42154 (2017).
  PS Reservoir Modeling for CO2 EOR in Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir at Wellington Field in South-Central Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Willard Watney, Jason Rush, Mina Fazelalavi, Dana Wreath, and Tandis S. Bidgoli, #80621 (2017).
  PS Decoding Molecular Geochemistry of Kerogen from Marcellus Shale, Vikas Agrawal, Shikha Sharma, and Ajay Warrier, #42153 (2017).
  PS Geochemical Characterization of the Lower Pennsylvanian Morrow Shale in the Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma, Yagmur Sumer Gorenekli and R. Paul Phip, #30528 (2017).
  PS Missourian/Desmoinesian Boundary of Eastern Oklahoma, Curtis J. Faulkner, #30527 (2017).
  PS Stratigraphic Variability of the Marmaton Group Across the Lips Fault System in the Texas Panhandle Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin, Patrick D. Jordan and Dr. Jesse J. Melick, #51437 (2017).
  On the Road to the Roadside Geology of Oklahoma, Neil H. Suneson, #70302 (2017).
  Rebirth of the Hunton in the Sooner Trend Field of Oklahoma, Gregg McDonald, #11010 (2017).
  PS Integrated High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy and Sedimentological Analysis of Meramec/Sycamore Unconventional Reservoir in the Merge Area, SCOOP & STACK Plays, OK, David Duarte and Roger Slatt, #80616 (2017).
  PS Could Organic Rich, Black Shales Be A Source For MVT Deposits?, Bryan Bottoms and Adriana Potra, #80615 (2017).
AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 4-6, 2015

AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, The Art of Discovery, October 4-6, 2015, Tulsa, Oklahoma; Abstracts #90221 (2015).

  Reservoir Characterization of the Pennsylvanian Cleveland Sandstone C Unit, Cleveland Field Unit, Northeastern Oklahoma, Curtis M. Roddy and James O. Puckette, #20438 (2018).
  Some Observations on Simpson Group Production in the Eola-Robberson Field, Garvin County, Oklahoma, Jerry McCaskill, #20418 (2018).
  PS Near Surface Seismic Investigations of Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Outcrops, Daniel Moser, Chris Liner, and Matthew Rugerri, #41800 (2016).
  PS Characterizing a Mississippian Carbonate Reservoir for CO2-EOR and Carbon Sequestration: Applicability of Existing Rock Physics Models and Implications to Feasibility of Time Lapse Monitoring Programs in the Wellington Oil Field, Sumner County, Kansas, Anthony Lueck, Abdelomeam Raef, and W. Lynn Watney, #80530 (2016).
  A New Look at the Organic Geochemical Variability in the Woodford Shale of the Ardmore Basin: Paleoweathering and Organic Matter Source, Clifford DeGarmo, Thanh Nguygen, and R. Paul Philp, #41799 (2016).
  Extension of the Mid-Continent Rift System into the Southern Mid-Continent Region: Possible Implications for Exploration and Natural Hazards, G. Randy Keller, Jonathon Buening, Miguel Merino, Seth Stein, Carol A. Stein, Austin Holland, and Ken Luza, #30450 (2016).
  Evaluating Petroleum Character and Charge from Different Source-Rock Lithologies in the Woodford Shale and Caney Shale with Hydrous Pyrolysis, Vincent S. Nowaczewski, Mike Lewan, Johnny Barton, Chris Palmer, Alex Tang, and Steve Chipera, #51251 (2016).
  PS Reservoir-Scale Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, and Porosity Characteristics of Mississippian Reservoirs, Northeastern Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma, Colton Birch and Matthew Pranter, #51250 (2016).
  PS Seismic Risk of the Meers Fault, SW Oklahoma: A Hoary Giant or Great Imposter?, Andrew Cullen, #51239 (2016).
  Multidisciplinary Characterization and Modeling of Mississippian Carbonate and Silica-Rich Reservoirs, Northern Oklahoma, Matthew Pranter, Anna Turnini, Kurt Marfurt, and Deepak Devegowda, #51231 (2016).
  Influence of Provenance and Sediment Supply on Sandstone Composition and Depositional Styles: Pennsylvanian Upper Morrowan and Cherokee, Oklahoma: Why Are These Sandstones so Different?, Jim Puckette, #51223 (2016).
  Composition and Mechanical Properties of the Woodford Shale, Northern Oklahoma, Katie Foltz, Andrew Snider, and Jim Puckette, #51220 (2016).
  A Case History of the East Hardy Unit, Mississippian Highway 60 Trend, Osage County, OK, Ronald Snyder, #20345 (2016).
  New Interpretations for the Deposition of Mississippian Limestones in the Mid-Continent: A Reflection of Sequence Stratigraphy and Associated Migration of Facies Belts, Miranda Childress and G. Michael Grammer, #51225 (2016).
  Spatial Analysis of Selected Earthquake Clusters Recorded by a Dense Network of Seismic Stations Around Stillwater, Oklahoma, Tim Sickbert, Mohamed Abdelsalam, Nathan Campbell, and Manahloh Yihun, #51222 (2016).
  Surprise Production from the Lansing Kansas City Formation, Cimarex Mendota Ranch Wells, Hemphill County, Texas, Wally Dow, #51221 (2016).
  Lithostratigraphy of the 'Burbank' (Red Fork) Sand in Western Osage County, Oklahoma, Chris P. Cunningham, #51227 (2016).
  3D Seismic Evidence for Strike-Slip Faults in Kansas, Dennis Hedke and W. Lynn Watney, #51226 (2016).
  Oklahoma's Recent Earthquakes and Saltwater Disposal, F. Rall Walsh, Randi J. Walters, Mark D. Zoback, Jack W. Baker, and Gregory C. Beroza, #80516 (2016).
  Permeability Previous HitAnisotropyTop Related to Braided Fluvial Facies Architectural Elements in Middle Boggy Formation, Middle Pennsylvanian, McIntosh County, Oklahoma, Mingyu Yang and Dennis R. Kerr, #51219 (2016).
  Importance of Modern Logs and Accurate Mudlogs: An Example of a New Field Discovery, Paul W. Smith, #41770 (2016).
  Helium: A Commercial Discussion: Helium Market Fundamentals, Processing and Marketing, IACX Otis Plant Case Study, Jeremy Jordan, #70212 (2016).
  Recovering Subsurface Coverage in the Emerging Smackover Brown Dense Unconventional Play in Northern Louisiana, Richard Verm, #80515 (2016).
  PS 3D Seismic Attributes Analysis in Reservoir Characterization: The Morrison NE Field, Clark County, Kansas, A. Vohs, A. Raef, and M. Totten, #20342 (2016).
  PS Integrating Standard Petrophysical Analysis with Statistical Measures of Petrophysical Heterogeneity to Estimate Petrofacies in Mississippian Limestone, North-Central Oklahoma, Fnu Suriamin and Matthew J. Pranter, #41767 (2016).
  PS Short Junction Field Core Description and Petrophysical Analysis of the Hunton Group, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Tim Hunt, John Speight, Huabo Liu, Valentina Vallega, Curtis Helms, and Julio Garcia, #51217 (2016).
  PS Geological Evaluation of Natural Gas Sandstone in the Snyderville Shale Member, Oread Limestone Formation, Medicine Lodge-Boggs Field, Barber County, Kansas, Keithan Martin and Benjamin Crouch, #20343 (2016).
  Using Remote Sensing Data to Find and Illustrate an Oil and Gas Prospect, Robert Olson, #41743 (2015).
  PS Subsurface Analysis of Tripolitic Chert in Northwest Arkansas, Thomas Liner and Christopher Liner, #51204 (2015).
  PS Stratigraphy and Reservoir Characteristics of the Desmoinesian Granite Wash (Marmaton Group), Southern Anadarko Basin, Alyssa M. Karis and Matthew J. Pranter, #10813 (2015).
  PS Reservoir Characterization, Depositional System, and Diagenesis of the Atokan Grant Sand, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Victoria R.L. Wood and Christopher L. Liner, #10812 (2015).
  PS Microseismic Tool Utilization in Helping Characterize the Woodford Shale, North Oklahoma, Jing Zhang, Jennifer Scott, Roger Slatt, and Bryan Turner, #80499 (2015).
  Seismicity Rates in Oklahoma: A Look at the Seismicity Increase of 2014, Amberlee Darold and Austin Holland, #80498 (2015).
  The Earthquake Process in Oklahoma, Robert B. Herrmann, Han Su, and Hao Guo, #80497 (2015).
  PS An Oil-Source Rock Correlation Examining the Potential of the Chattanooga Shale as a Source Rock for Oil within the Spivey-Grabs-Basil Field, Kingman and Harper Counties, Kansas, Meagan Wall, Matthew Totten, Sambhudas Chaudhuri, Drew Evans, Brianna Kwasny, Brian Jarvie, and R. Paul Philp, #20331, (2015).
  A Structural Re-Evaluation of the Ardmore Basin, Molly Simpson, #10795 (2015).
  Understanding Reservoir Complexity and Heterogeneity: Unique Aspects of Developing Core and Cuttings Based Chemostratigraphic and Lithologic Facies; Examples from Williston, Gulf Coast and Anadarko Basins, A. Morrell, N. Gasner, H. Rowe, and J. Mckinney, #41734 (2015).
  New Insights into Lithostratigraphic Architecture of Subsurface Lower to Middle Mississippian Petroliferous Strata in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, S.J. Mazzullo and Brian Wilhite, #51198 (2015).
  PS High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Structure of an Unusual Woodford Outcrop, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, Caleb Bontempi and Roger Slatt, #51197 (2015).
  Seismic Interpretation of the Arikaree Creek Field, Denver Basin, Lincoln County, Colorado, Potential New Play Type in the Denver Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10790 (2015).
  The Relationship between Specific Reservoir Characteristics and the Gas Productive Coals and Carbonaceous Mudstones in the Cherokee Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10789 (2015).
  Comparison of Hydraulic Stimulation Methods of Coals and Carbonaceous Shales in the Cherokee Basin, Steven Tedesco, #10788 (2015).
  Cold War Geology: Lessons From Nuclear Fracture Simulation, Neil Suneson, #41735 (2015).
AAPG Mid-Continent Section Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, October 12-15, 2013

AAPG Mid-Continent Meeting, October 12-15, 2013, Wichita, Kansas; Abstracts, #90176 (2013).

  3D Seismic Mapping of Deep Basement Features in Osage County, Oklahoma, Kevin Liner and Christopher Liner, #41274 (2014).
  Regional Aspects of Stratal Architecture of the Subsurface Mississippian in Kansas Based on Wireline Log Cross-Sections and Seismic, Brian Wilhite and Sal Mazzullo, #30307 (2013).
  PS Mississippian Lithostratigraphic Architecture and Internal Depositional Systems Variation Along the Shelf-Break in Southern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, Brian Wilhite and Sal Mazzullo, #30305 (2014).
  The Lithostratigraphic Architecture and Many "Faces" (Facies) of Lower Mississippian Petroleum Reservoirs in Central and Eastern Kansas and Northern Oklahoma, S. J. Mazzullo and Brian W. Wilhite, #10562 (2013).
  Combining Pore Architecture and Sonic Velocity Response to Predict Reservoir Quality: An Example from a Mid-Continent Mississippian Carbonate, Beth Vanden Berg, Michael Grammer, Gregor Eberli, and Ralf Weger, #10547 (2013).
  Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Pilot Scale CO2 EOR Project in Upper Mississippian Formation at Wellington Field in Southern Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Willard Watney, Jason Rush, John Doveton and Mina Fazelalavi, #10547 (2013).
  Dynamic Modeling of Pilot Scale CO2 Injection in the Arbuckle Formation Saline Aquifer in Southern Kansas, Yevhen Holubnyak, Tiraz Birdie, Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, John Doveton, and Mina Fazelalavi, #80344 (2013).
  The Herd Viola Trend, Comanche County, Kansas, Larry J. Richardson, Search and Discovery Article #20220 (2013).
  Integrated Reservoir Characterization of Mississippian-Age Mid-Continent Carbonates, Michael Grammer, Darwin Boardman, James Puckette, Jay Gregg, Priyank Jaiswal, Miranda Childress, Buddy Price, Beth Vanden Berg and Stephanie LeBlanc, Search and Discovery Article #30297 (2013).
  Geologic Commonalities (and Differences) Among Resource Shale Plays, Roger Slatt, Search and Discovery Article #80340 (2013).
  Gas Well / Water Well Subsurface Contamination, Rick Railsback, Search and Discovery Article #80339 (2013).
  Diagenesis and Isotopic Evidence of Porosity Evolution in Reef Reservoir-Analog Facies in Outcrops of the St. Joe Group (Kinderhookian to Basal Osagean) in SW Missouri and NW Arkansas, Beau Morris, Sal Mazzullo, and Brian White, Search and Discovery Article #50890 (2013).
  Potential Reef Reservoir Objectives in the Lower Mississippian St. Joe Group (Kinderhookian to Basal Osagean) in Southern Kansas, Beau Morris, Sal Mazzullo, and Brian White, Search and Discovery Article #50889 (2013).
  Mississippian Research in Northwest Arkansas, C. Liner, D. Zachry, and W. Manager, Search and Discovery Article #41245 (2013).
  Sedimentology, Diagenesis, and Lithostratigraphy of the Desmoinesian Upper Fort Scott, Labette Shale, and Lower Pawnee Limestone Formations (Marmaton Group) in Eastern Colorado, Andrew Eck and S. J. Mazzullo, #30298 (2013).

  Mechanical Properties of Mississippian Rocks, Pouyan Ebrahimi, Priyank Jaiswai, Sandip Harimakar, and James Puckett, Search and Discovery Article #41239 (2013).
  Petrographic Characteristics of Maximum-Transgressive and Regressive Deltaic Sandstones of Upper-Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) Oread Cyclothem, NE Oklahoma, Lu Zhu and Wan Yang, Search and Discovery Article #50886 (2013).
  Case Studies: Fault Identification Using Borehole Image Log for Mississippian Limestone Horizontal Well Completion Design, Yinghao Chen, Bruce Miller, Charles Wickstrom, and Shane Matson, Search and Discovery Article #41241 (2013).
  Chemical Flooding the Lansing-Kansas City Formation in Kansas, Mark Ballard, Search and Discovery Article #41242 (2013).
  PS Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, W. Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Martin Dubois, Robinson Barker, Tiraz Birdie, et al., Search and Discovery Article #80337 (2013).
  PS Evaluation of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks in Reservoir Characterization of Caddo Member in Boonsville Field, Texas, Tao Zhao and Kumar Ramachandran, Search and Discovery Article #20219 (2013).
  PS Indexing and Characterization of Mississippian Outcrops in Northwest Arkansas, Southwest Missouri, and Northeastern Oklahoma, Thomas Liner and Christopher Liner, Search and Discovery Article #30296 (2013).