--> AAPG Eastern Section Meetings
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AAPG Eastern Section Meetings


2022 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Champaign, Illinois, October 24-26
  Reservoir Characterization of the Trenton Limestone, Illinois Basin, William F. Bandy Jr., #11371 (2022).
2021 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA October 2-6
  Regional EOR Potential of the Utica/Point Pleasant in Ohio, James McDonald, Christopher B.T. Waid, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit P. Solis, Samuel R.W. Hulett, and Erika M. Danielsen, #11361 (2022).
AAPG 48TH Annual AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, October 12-16, 2019

AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Energy from the Heartland, Columbus, Ohio, October 12-16, 2019 Abstracts #90373 (2019).

  History of Structure Contour Mapping in the Appalachian Basin: 1870-1917, James McDonald, #70412 (2022).
  PS Varimax-Rotated Visible Derivative Reflectance Spectroscopy of the Utica Shale / Point Pleasant Formation in Ohio, Julie M. Bloxson, Beverly Z. Saylor, and Barbara M. Kemeh, #51678 (2020).
  Far-field Tectonic Controls on Deposition of the Ordovician Utica/Point Pleasant Play, Ohio using Core Logging, Well Logging, and Multi-variate Analysis, Julie M. Bloxson, #51677 (2020).
  Machine-Learning with Multi-Seismic Attributes in Cambro-Ordovician Carbonates of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Randall Hunt, #42554 (2020).
  Silurian Reef Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Illinois Basin with a Focus on Germantown and Wapella East Fields: Reservoir Quality Variability as a Result of Differences in Depositional Environments, Diagenesis and Erosional Truncation at the End of the Silurian, Dennis Prezbindowski, Richard Inden, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Grammer, and Mary Frush, #20491 (2020).
  PS Alaskan Unconventional Shale Core Characterization, Dustin Crandall and Shuvajit Bhattacharya, #11343 (2020).
  It's Time For A Fresh Look At Berea and Clinton Secondary Recovery, Robert D. Winland, #51674 (2020).
  The Origin and Significance of the Lower Mississippian Sunbury Shale in East-Central United States, Frank R. Ettensohn and Jun Li, #11345 (2020).
  Extension of Appalachian Black-Shale Source Rocks into Adjacent Intracratonic Basins through Basin Yoking, Frank R. Ettensohn, #11344 (2020).
  PS Cross-comparison of Stacked Unconventional Plays of Delaware and Appalachian Basins: Reservoir Characteristics and Production Profiles, Olga Popova, Emily Geary, April Patel, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Steven Grape, and Elizabeth Panarelli, #11342 (2020).
  PS Curious Case of Lack of Strata Assignable to the Pterospathodus celloni Superzone (Telychian, Llandovery, Silurian) in the Eastern Portion of the Midwestern Basins and Arches Region (New York, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana), Mark A. Kleffner and Stig M. Bergström, #51675 (2020).
  Production and Water Use in Pennsylvania's Organic Shales, Katherine Schmid, #20486 (2020).
  CCUS Opportunities in Southwestern Pennsylvania Oil Fields: Case Studies from the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Kristin M. Carter, Brian J. Dunst, Robin V. Anthony, and Katherine W. Schmid, #80730 (2020).
  A Retrospective Accounting of the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership's Technical Achievements and Contributions, Kristin M. Carter and Neeraj Gupta, #80729 (2020).
  The Rock-Solid Scientific Evidence for Anthropogenic Global Warming, James F. Kasting, #80728 (2020).
  Managing Potential Injection-Induced Seismicity through Monitoring and Mitigation, Thomas E. Tomastik, J. Daniel Arthur, and Steve Tipton, #42553 (2020).
  Challenges Facing Class II Disposal Well Operations in the Appalachian Basin, Thomas E. Tomastik and J. Daniel Arthur, #42552 (2020).
  Large Potential Reserves Remain for Secondary Oil Recovery in Ohio, Thomas E. Tomastik, #11341 (2020).
  PS Hydraulic Fracture Injection Strategy Influences the Probability of Earthquakes in the Eagle Ford Shale Play of South Texas, Shannon L. Fasola, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit R. Brudzinski, Robert J. Skoumal, Teresa Langenkamp, Brian S. Currie, and Kevin J. Smart, #80727 (2020).
  PS Silurian Tuscarora Sandstone in Western West Virginia: Will It Work as a Geothermal Reservoir Rock?, Ronald R. McDowell, J. Eric Lewis, Gary W. Daft, Philip A. Dinterman, Sarah R. Brown, and Jessica P. Moore, #80726 (2020).
  PS Seal Capacity of Upper Ordovician Units in the Midwest Region: A Quantitative Approach Using Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure, Cristian R. Medina, Maria Mastalerz, Richard W. Lahann, and John A Rupp, #80725 (2020).
AAPG 47TH Annual AAPG-SPE Eastern Section Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 7-11, 2018

AAPG 47th Annual AAPG-SPE Eastern Section Joint Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 7-11, 2018 Abstracts #90335 (2018).

  Potential for Recovery of Uranium from the Marcellus Shale, R. Scott McCleery, #51575 (2019).
  Traverse Group Reservoirs in the Michigan Basin: A Second Look, Peter Voice and William B. Harrison III, #11220 (2019).
  Refined Lithostratigraphy of Upper and Middle Devonian Shales in West Virginia, Ray Boswell and Susan Pool, #30607 (2019).
  PS Investigation of Potential Geochemical Reactions in Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Oil Recovery (CO2-EOR) Carbonate Reservoirs, Laura Keister, Matthew Place, Amber Conner, David Cole, Julia Sheets, Susan Welch, Kelly Lang, Megan Smith, and Susan Carroll, #80680 (2019).
  PS Preliminary Assessment of the CO2 Storage Capacity in the Lower Copper Ridge Dolomite (Upper Cambrian), Northeastern Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, Stephen F. Greb, and David C. Harris, #80679 (2019).
  Assessing the Potential Helium Resources in Central Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, #51573 (2019).
  PS Sediment Provenance Study of the Lower Hamilton Group: An Analysis of the Organic-Rich Facies and its Depositional History, Luke Fritz, Amy Weislogel, and Jason Lupoi, #51572 (2019).
  PS Evaluation of Thin Limestone Interlayers within Marcellus Shale in Southwestern Pennsylvania, Jonathan Bruno, Nicholas King, Shannon Szymusiak, Jan Vit Suntar, and Guochang Wang, #11219 (2019).
  PS High Resolution XRF Stratigraphy of the Ordovician Utica Shale, Central New York State, Deanna Amoriello, Jeffrey T. Pietras, and Tyler Rust, #11218 (2019).
  PS Issues of Horizontal Well Log Interpretation: An Example Longmaxi-Wufeng Shale in Fuling Gas Field of Eastern Sichuan Basin, Guochang Wang, Shengxiang Long, Yiwen Ju, Cheng Huang, and Yongmin Peng, #42375 (2019).
  PS Organic Matter Deformation in Overmature Mudrocks, Guochang Wang, #51571 (2019).
  Storage Resource Estimates and Seal Evaluation of Cambrian-Ordovician Units in the MRCSP Region, Cristian R. Medina, John A. Rupp, Kevin M. Ellett, Patrick McLaughlin, Steve F. Greb, William Harrison, III, David Barnes, Christopher Waid, and Brian J. Dunst, #80678 (2019).
  Relationship Between Well Performance and Structural Setting in the Marcellus Shale of Greene County, Pennsylvania, M. Wes Casto, Devin R. Fitzgerald, and Robert B. Thomas Sr., #51568 (2019).
  PS Mapping Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery for Organic Shale in the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas N. Sparks, and Stephen F. Greb, #80667 (2019).
  Explorations in TOC Assessment of CO2 Storage and Enhanced Gas Recovery for the Middle Devonian Marcellus and Upper Ordovician Utica Shales, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas N. Sparks, and Stephen F. Greb, #80666 (2019).
AAPG 46TH Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia, September 24-27, 2017

2017 AAPG Eastern Section 46th Annual Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia, September 24-27, 2017; Abstracts #90308 (2017).

  Deposition, Diagenesis and Hydrocarbon Generation in the Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestone and the Devonian Marcellus Shale: Comparing and Contrasting Two Appalachian Basin Unconventional Reservoirs, Randy Blood, #51539 (2018).
  PS Direct Kerogen Characterization of Marcellus Shale Collected from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory, Vikas Agrawal and Shikha Sharma, #80635 (2018).
  Using Well Log Analysis to Identify Residual Oil Zones at Noble and Kenner West Oil Fields, Illinois, Nathan P. Grigsby, Nathan D. Webb, and Scott M. Frailey, #42207 (2018).
  Assessing Unconventional Resource Potential of Lower Cretaceous Carbonates in the South Florida Basin, USA, Tim E. Ruble and Stephanie Brightwell-Coats, #11071 (2018).
  PS A Parametric Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in Depleted Marcellus Shale Gas Reservoirs, Burak Kulga and Turgay Ertekin, #80628 (2018).
  PS Numerical Validation of Stimulated Reservoir Volume Approach in Shale Reservoirs by Using a Compositional, Dual-porosity, Dual-permeability, Multiphase Reservoir Simulator, Burak Kulga and Turgay Ertekin, #70329 (2018).
  Geoscience Evolution: Extensive Data Integration for Real Time Geosteering and Modeling in Unconventional Reservoirs, Vlad Karen Payrazyan, Igor Kuvaev, Igor Uvarov, Rafael Aguilar, Gerardo Gutierrez, and Julian Stahl, #42187 (2018).
  The Erie Canal's 200th Anniversary and the Map that changed the New World – Pioneering Geology Mapmakers across the Atlantic, Charles A. Sternbach, #70322 (2018).
  Marcellus, Utica/Point Pleasant Provide 91% of U.S. Shale Gas Production Growth since Start of 2012, Olga Popova, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Christopher Peterson, Neal Davis, Emily Geary, Andrei Butterfield, Steven Grape, Elizabeth Panarelli, April Volke, and Barbara Mariner-Volpe, #70324 (2018).
  PS Modelling of an Ancient Fluvial Depositional Environment Using 3D-Photogrammetry and Paleohydrology, the Middle Pennsylvanian Allegheny Formation, South-Central West Virginia, USA, Olu-Segun Abatan, Amy Weislogel, and B. Mitch Blake, #51466 (2018).
  PS Meso- and Macro-Scale Facies and Chemostratigraphic Analysis of Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale in Northern West Virginia, USA, Thomas Paronish, Timothy R. Carr, Dustin Crandall, and Johnathan Moore, #51458 (2018).
  Challenges with Marcellus Shale Horizontal Exploration Within or Near the Allegheny Highland, Cole Bowers, #11044 (2018).
  PS TOC Estimation of the New Albany Shale Group Shale-Using ΔlogR Evaluation Technique, Central and Southern Illinois, Mansour Khosravi Rokrok and Donna C. Willette, #51455 (2018).
  PS Volumetric and 3-D Property Modeling of the Grand Tower Formation in the Salem Field, Southern Illinois, Mansour Khosravi Rokrok, #30542 (2018).
  Kentucky Oil History: the Approaching 200th Anniversary of the Beatty Well, Brandon C. Nuttall, #30534 (2017).
  Reservoir Characterization and 3D Modeling of Silurian Reef Slopes: Pipe Creek Jr. Quarry, Grant County, Indiana, G. Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Grammer, Jim Karsten, Dennis Prezbindowski, Benjamin Dattilo, and Jonathan Havens, #51440 (2017).
  Optimizing Perforations, David J. Hatton and Payam Kavousi Ghahfarokhi, #42159 (2017).
  PS Pine Hall Formation: Type Section Designated – Dan River Basin, Stokes County, North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Katherine J. Marciniak, Walter T. Haven, and Kenneth B. Taylor, #11012 (2017).
  The Evolving Role of Geoscientists in Climate Change Science, Gregory R. Wrightstone, #80618 (2017).
  Probabilistic Assessment of Tight-Gas Sands Using a Data-Driven Modeling Approach, Emre Artun, Burak Kulga, and Turgay Ertekin, #42148 (2017).
  Mapping and Reservoir Characterization of Geologic Intervals for NGL Storage Applications, Kristin Carter, Douglas Patchen, Jessica Moore, Mohammad Fakhari, Gary Daft, Phillip Dinterman, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit Solis, Robin Anthony, Katherine Schmid, Brian Dunst, Antonette Markowski, and Stephen Shank, #80617 (2017).
  2017 Air Regulation Requirements in the Marcellus Utica Region, Thomas S. Segulijic, #80614 (2017).
  Time-Dependent Performance Evaluation of Cyclic Injection of Gas Mixtures into Hydraulically-Fractured Wells in Appalachian Sandstones, Emre Artun, #11009 (2017).
  Quantitative Characterization of Fracture Frequency Variations Using a Linear Piecewise Regression Analysis and the Akaike Information Criterion, Alex P. O'Hara and Robert D. Jacobi, #42147 (2017).
  Aromatic Compounds as Maturity Indicators - Comparison with Pyrolysis Maturity Proxies and Ro (Measured and Calculated) Using the New Albany Shale as an Example, Donna Caraway Willette, #42143 (2017).
  Depositional Controls on Reservoir Quality in the Dundee-Rogers City Interval: Lithofacies and Production Characteristics, Peter J. Voice and William B. Harrison III, #51436 (2017).
  PS Atmospheric Gas Concentrations During an Unconventional Oil and Gas Recovery Operation at the MSEEL Test Site, West Virginia, James P. Williams, Matthew Reeder, Natalie Pekney, John Osborne, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit A. McCawley, and David Risk, #80613 (2017).
  PS Porosity and CO2 Storage Capacity of the Maryville - Basal Sandstone Section in the Kentucky Geological Survey 1 Hanson Aggregates Stratigraphic Research Well, Carter County, Kentucky, J. Richard Bowersox, Stephen F. Greb, and David C. Harris, #80610 (2017).
  Structural Control of the Point Pleasant Formation Deposition and Production, Devin R. Fitzgerald, M. Wes Casto, and Robert B. Thomas, Sr., #51434 (2017).
  Organic Matter and Thermomaturation Trends in the Ohio and Sunbury Shales, Eastern Kentucky, Central Appalachian Basin, Cortland F. Eble, Paul C. Hackley, Stephen F. Greb, and Thomas M. Parris, #51433 (2017).
AAPG 45TH Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY, September 24-28, 2016
  Redox Conditions during Deposition and Early Diagenesis of the Upper Ordovician Point Pleasant Limestones of Southwestern Pennsylvania and Northern West Virginia, Randy Blood, #51537 (2018).
  Silurian Reef Systems in the Illinois and Michigan Basins - What can be Learned from Modern Quarrying Operations in North-Central Indiana, Dennis R. Prezbindowski, Benjamin Dattilo, Jon Havens, and Rick Lucas, #51343 (2017).
  PS An Analysis of a Near-Surface Big Clifty (Jackson) Sandstone Reservoir in Logan County, Kentucky, Tyler S. Bodine and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit T. May, #51372 (2017).
  PS Understanding Kerogen Composition and Structure in Pristine Shale Cores Collected from Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory, V. Agrawal, Shikha Sharma, and A. Warrier, #42049 (2017).
  Class II Injection Wells in Kentucky-An Update of the Map Service of Wastewater, Brine-Disposal, and Enhanced-Recovery Wells in Kentucky, Thomas N. Sparks, 80585 (2016).
  The Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL), Timothy R. Carr, Shikha Sharma, Thomas Wilson, Paul Ziemkiewicz, B. J. Carney, Jay Hewitt, Ian Costello, Emily Jordon, Zachary Arnold, Ryan Warner, Andy Travis, David R. Cole, Jeffery Daniels, Paula J. Mouser, Kelly C. Wrighton, Ray Boswell, Dustin Crandall, and Robert Vagnetti, #42024 (2017).
  Integrated Sub-Basin Scale Exploration for Carbon Storage Targets: Advanced Characterization of Geologic Reservoirs and Caprocks in the Upper Ohio River Valley, Erica Howat, Neeraj Gupta, Mark Kelley, Jared Hawkins, Autumn Haagsma, Isis Fukai, Amber Conner, Oladipupo Babarinde, Glenn Larsen, Joel Main, Caitlin McNeil, Jacqueline Gerst, and E. Charlotte Sullivan, #30492 (2017).
  PS Improving the Estimation of Shale Permeability with Process-Based Pore Network Modeling Approach, Shanshan Yao, Xiangzeng Wang, and Fanhua Zeng, #42031 (2017).
  Cypress Sandstone Reservoir Characterization Across the Clay City Anticline, Richland and Clay Counties, Illinois, Zohreh Askari, Yaghoob Lasemi, and Nathan D. Webb, #51364 (2017).
  EIA Expanded Geographic Coverage of Oil and Natural Gas Production: EIA-914 Survey Expansion and its Implications on EIA Reporting and Forecasting, Gary Long, Jeffrey Little, Barbara Mariner-Volpe, Neal Davis, Elizabeth Panarelli, Emily Geary, and Olga Popova, #70237 (2017).
  An Integrated Approach to Identifying Residual Oil Zones in the Cypress Sandstone in the Illinois Basin for Nonconventional CO2-EOR and Storage, Nathan D. Webb, Nathan P. Grigsby, Joshua J. Arneson, Leo G. Giannetta, and Scott M. Frailey, #80581 (2017).
  Saturation-Dependent Relative Permeability in Shales Based on Adsorption-Desorption Isotherm, Shiv P. Ojha and Siddharth Misra, #41985 (2017).
  Improved Oil-in-Place Estimates in Clay- and Pyrite-Bearing Shales, Siddharth Misra and Yifu Han, #41984 (2017).
  Strange Sample-Thickness Dependence of Complex Dielectric Permittivity Measurements on Sandstones, Siddharth Misra and Pratiksha Tathed, #41983 (2017).
  PS Revising the Fresh-Saline Water Interface in Eastern Kentucky, E. Davis and T.M. Parris, #80574 (2017).
  Assessing Thermal Maturity in Cambrian Source Rocks, Rome Trough, Appalachian Basin: Organic Petrology Complexities, Tim E. Ruble, Wayne R. Knowles, Samuel D. Ely, and Albert S. Wylie, #10903 (2017).
  Kinematics of Past Tectonic Forces Inferred from Differential Sedimentation, John Hickman, #41977, (2017).
  Assessing Potential Seismic Hazards from Induced Earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States, Zhenming Wang, Seth Carpenter, and Lifang Zhang, #30480 (2016).
  PS Subsurface Geomechanics, Fracture Breakdown Pressures, and 'Fracture-tunnels' in the Midwest United States, J.R. Sminchak, Glenn Larsen, and James E. Hicks, #80570 (2016).
  Reevaluation of the Heavy Oil and Bitumen Resources of the Western Kentucky Tar Sands: What Did We Learn about the Tar Sands That Is New?, J. Richard Bowersox, #80568 (2016).
  PS Applications of Scientific Core Drilling in North Carolina: Cumberland-Marlboro 'Basin' (Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland Counties), and the Triassic Rift/Lacustrine Dan River Basin (Stokes County), North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, Katherine J. Marciniak, Walter T. Haven, Ryan A. Channell, Ann T. Shields, and Chandler I. Warner, #10897 (2016).
  Cyclic Pressure Pulsing: A Promising Method to Improve Recovery from Hydraulically-Fractured Stripper Wells of Appalachian Basin, Emre Artun, Ozgur Irgav, and Nurum Khairzhanov, #10896 (2016).
  A Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Silurian A-1 Carbonate of the Michigan Basin, Matt Rine, Jon Garrett, Stephen Kaczmarek, and William Harrison, III, #51336 (2016).
  Clay Mineralogy, Provenance, and Sequence Stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician Shales in Eastern Ohio, Devin R. Fitzgerald, Greg C. Nadon, and Bob Thomas, #51331 (2016).
  PS Development of Quick-Look Maps for CO2-EOR Opportunities in the Appalachian and Michigan Basins, Eric Lewis, Jessica Pierson Moore, Philip Dinterman, Previous HitMichaelNext Hit E. Hohn, Ronald McDowell, and Susan Pool, #80566 (2016).
  New Insights and Perspectives on the Effects of Structural Reactivation on the Upper Devonian Antrim Shale, Michigan Basin, Cameron J. Manche, Kyle J. Patterson, and William B. Harrison, III, #80565 (2016).
  Summary of Publicly Available Production Data for the Devonian Berea Sandstone Play, Eastern Kentucky, Brandon C. Nuttall, #10895 (2016).
  PS Insights on Porosity and Pore-Size Distribution Using Multiple Analytical Tools: Implications for Reservoir Characterization in Geologic Storage of CO2, Cristian R. Medina, Maria Mastalerz, and John A. Rupp, #80564 (2016).
  Hierarchical Evaluation of Geologic Carbon Storage Resource Estimates: Cambrian-Ordovician Units within the MRCSP Region, Cristian R. Medina, John A. Rupp, Kevin Ellett, David A. Barnes, Matthew J. Rine, Matthew S. Erenpreiss, and Stephen F. Greb, #80563 (2016).
  Assessing Methane in Shallow Groundwater for the Berea Sandstone and Rogersville Shale Play Area, Eastern Kentucky, Junfeng Zhu, Steven E. Webb, Bart Davidson, Richard Smath, Charles J. Taylor, Thomas M. Parris, Ann P. Smith, Stephen D. Richardson, and Jenna Kromann, #80567 (2016).
  Improving Unconventional Hydrocarbon Recovery by Reducing Formation Damage, David P. Cercone, John R. Bargar, Gordon E. Brown, Anna L. Harrison, Adam D. Jew, Megan K. Dustin, Katharine Maher, C. Joe-Wong, Mark D. Zoback, and Yijin Liu, #80562 (2016).
  State of Stress in the Illinois Basin and Constraints on Inducing Failure, R. W. Lahann, J. A. Rupp, and C. R. Medina, #10889 (2016).
  CO2 Storage Resource Assessment of Deep Saline Cambrian-Ordovician Formations in Eastern Ohio, Isis Fukai, Mackenzie Scharenberg, Priya Ravi Ganesh, Joel Main, Glenn Larsen, Autumn Haagsma, Caitlin McNeil, and Neeraj Gupta, #80561 (2016).
AAPG 44TH Eastern Section Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 20-22, 2015

AAPG Eastern Section, Crossroads of the East, September 20-22, 2015, Indianapolis, Indiana; Abstracts #90218 (2015).

  PS Geological Framework for Appraising Continuous Petroleum Resources in the Chattanooga Shale of the Southern Appalachian Basin, William A. Rouse, #80620 (2017). (60 MB - Downloading recommended.)
  Identification of Vuggy Zones in Carbonate Reservoirs from Wireline Logs Using Machine Learning Techniques, Erica Howat, Srikanta Mishra, Jared Schuetter, Benjamin Grove, and Autumn Haagsma, #51237 (2016).
  Implementing Discriminative Water Saturation Criteria to Determine Prime Production Remnants in Morrow County, Erica Howat, Amber Conner, and Srikanta Mishra, #51236 (2016).
  Importance of Field Projects and Regional Mapping to Demonstrate Geologic Storage Potential in the Midwestern United States, Neeraj Gupta, Lydia Cumming, and Rodney Osborne, #80514 (2016).
  Precambrian Surface (Great Unconformity) in Eastern Midwest, Paul E. Potter, #30441 (2016).
  Mystery in the Mushwad: The Origin of Gas in the Big Canoe Creek Field, Saint Clair County, Alabama, USA, Richard Drozd, #20344 (2016).
  Anomalous Thermal Indicators from the Authigenic Minerals in Upper Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin, Kyle Cox and David A. Barnes, #10836 (2016).
  Recent Site Characterization Studies Being Investigated by the Department of Energy (DOE)/National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for Potential Geologic Storage of CO2, Brian Dressel, #80496 (2015).
  Repurposing Trenton-Black River Gas Fields as Low-Temperature Geothermal Reservoirs in New York State, Erin Camp, Teresa Jordan, Matthew Hornbach, Maria Richards, Xiaoning He, Zachary Frone, and Kelydra Welcker, #80495 (2015).
  Cambrian Rogersville Shale: A Potential New Unconventional Reservoir in the Southern Appalachian Basin, John Hickman, David Harris, and Cortland Eble, #10809 (2015).
  Implications for the Hydrocarbon Presence: An Example from Lower Indus Basin, Syed Ali Asghar, #10808 (2015).
  Science and Policy in the U.S. Congress, Edith Allison, #70200 (2015).
  PS Class I and Class II Wells in Kentucky-A New Map Service of Waste-Disposal, Brine-Injection, and Enhanced-Recovery Wells in Kentucky, Thomas Sparks, #80493 (2015).
  PS New Albany Shale Maps in the Illinois Basin, Agnieszka Drobniak, Maria Mastalerz, Joan Crockett, and Brandon C. Nuttall, #10794 (2015).
  Is Poor Federal Stewardship Threatening the American Energy Renaissance?, Ned Mamula, #70205 (2015).
  LiDAR and Its Use in the Identification of Faults, Fractures and Subsurface Structures in Drift Covered Areas, Chuck Knox, #41723 (2015).
  Petrophysical and Stratigraphic Characterization of Michigan Silurian Reefs, Matthew Rine, David Barnes, William Harrison III, Charlotte Sullivan, and Stephen Kaczmarek, #30429 (2015).
  Inorganic Geochemistry of the Middle-Upper Ordovician Utica Shale Defining Clastic Trends Including a Change of Source Provenance Based on XRF Data, Steve Saboda and Gary Lash, #51195 (2015).
  The Effects of Structural Lineament Reactivation on Antrim Shale Natural Gas Development, Cameron J. Manche and William B. Harrison III, #51201 (2015).
  Oil Production From Low-Maturity Organic-Rich Shale: An Example from the Devonian New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin, Breckinridge County, Kentucky, Brandon C. Nuttall, Thomas M. Parris, Glynn Beck, Donna C. Willette, Maria Mastalerz, and Joan Crockett, #51196 (2015).
  PS Structural and Geomechanical Analysis of Fractured Cambrian-Ordovician Reservoirs in the Northern Appalachian Basin, Ola Babarinde, John Miller, Neeraj Gupta, Joel Sminchak, and Samin Raziperchikolaee, #10793 (2015).
  The Critical Role of Voluntary Standards and Certification in the Hydraulic Fracturing Framework, Matt Mahoney, #80494 (2015).
  Geological Characterization and Modeling of the Cypress Sandstone at Noble Field, Southeastern Illinois, Nathan D. Webb and Nathan P. Grigsby, #20332 (2015).
  Are States Effective Regulating Oil and Gas Production Operations?, Herschel McDivitt, #41731 (2015).
  PS Noble Gas Isotopes, Major Element Isotopes, and Gas Composition from the Cumnock Formation: Sanford Sub-Basin, Deep River Basin, Lee County, North Carolina, U.S.A., Jeffrey Reid, Andrew G. Hunt, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Kenneth B. Taylor, and O. F. Patterson, III, #80492 (2015).
AAPG 43rd Eastern Section Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, September 27-30, 2014

AAPG Eastern Section 43rd Annual Meeting, September 27-30, 2014, London, Ontario, Canada; Abstracts, #90195 (2014).

  Light Oil Exploration Potential for Devonian-Silurian (Fortin and Chaleurs Groups) Carbonates/Mudstones, Central Gaspe, Quebec, Canada, near the Grande Riviere Transform Fault, Linda R. Sternbach, Charles A. Sternbach, Stephane Sejourne, and Jerry McCullough, #10708 (2015).
  PS Porosity, Permeability, and Pore Characterization of the Triassic Cumnock Formation: A Continuous Gas Assessment Unit, Sanford Sub-Basin, Deep River Basin, Lee County, North Carolina, USA, Part 2, Jeffrey C. Reid, Kenneth B. Taylor, and Previous HitMichaelNext Hit M. McGlue, #10662 (2014).
  The Precambrian Basement of Eastern Ontario: Insights from a New Aeromagnetic Survey, R. Previous HitMichaelTop Easton, S. J. Magnus, and D. R. B. Rainsford, #30380 (2014).
  Overview of Geophysical Data Recently Acquired by the Ontario Geological Survey in Southern Ontario, S.J. Magnus, D.R.B. Rainsford, and R.M. Easton, #41479 (2014).
  Carbon Dioxide Sealing Capacity: Textural or Compositional Controls?, Constantin Cranganu, Hamidreza Soleymani, Sadiqua Azad, and Kieva Watson, Search and Discovery Article #41474 (2014).
  Examining the Validity of the Computed Al Curve in Elemental Spectroscopy Logs with X-Ray Fluorescence Techniques in the Marcellus Shale, Erin Walker and Susan Herron, Search and Discovery Article #41481 (2014).
  A First Look at Production and Completion Data from the Utica-Point Pleasant Shale Play or...Having Fun with Numbers, Larry Wickstrom and Martin Shumway, Search and Discovery Article #10661 (2014).
  PS Quantifying CO2 Storage Efficiency of Geologic Depositional Environments, Roland Okwen, Charles Monson, Yaghoob Lasemi, and Nathan Grigsby, Search and Discovery Article #80419 (2014).
  Policy Development in Ontario, Ray Pichette, Search and Discovery Article #70172 (2014).
  Inorganic Geochemistry of the Trenton Limestone-Utica Shale Contact Based on XRF Data, Steve R. Saboda and Gary G. Lash, Search and Discovery Article #51038 (2014).
  Appalachian Basin Unconventional Reservoirs - A Discussion of Past, Present and Future Play Trends, William A. Zagorski, Search and Discovery Article #80414 (2014).
  Development of a Geochemical Tool for Sourcing Leaking Well Fluids in Southwestern Ontario, Mitchell Skuce, Search and Discovery Article #41475 (2014).
  Combining Surface Geochemical Surveys and Downhole Geochemical Logging for Mapping Hydrocarbons in the Utica Shale, Rick Schrynemeeckers, Search and Discovery Article #41463 (2014).
  Possible Tectonic Influence on Upper Ordovician Stratigraphy and Source Rock Distribution in the Southern Hudson Platform, Northern Ontario, Derek Armstrong, Search and Discovery Article #30376 (2014).
  PS Upper Ordovician Organic-Rich Mudstones of Southern Ontario, C. Béland Otis, Search and Discovery Article #30374 (2014).
  Concurrent Development of Multiple Horizons, Daniel Silber, Search and Discovery Article #41464 (2014).
  Authigenic Barite Nodules and Carbonate Concretions in the Upper Devonian Shale Succession of Western New York – a Record of Variable Biogenic Methane Flux During Burial, Gary G. Lash, Search and Discovery Article #51034 (2014).
  PS Facilitating Shale Play Development and Water Management – Meeting the Need for Brine Disposal Wells in Pennsylvania, Dan A. Billman and Dale E. Skoff, Search and Discovery Article #80413 (2014).
  Occurrence of Potash-Bearing Strata (Sylvinite) in the Salina A-1 Evaporite in the Central Michigan Basin, William B. Harrison, III, Search and Discovery Article #10652 (2014).
AAPG 41st Eastern Section Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, September 22-26, 2012

AAPG 41st Annual Eastern Section Meeting, 22-26 September 2012, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Abstracts, #90154 (2012).

  PS Development and Application of a New Geothermal Database for the Illinois Basin, Tiffany A. Proffitt, Kevin M. Ellett, Charles W. Zuppann, Shawn C. Naylor, Melony E. Barrett, Bryan G. Huff, Chris P. Korose, Alison B. Lecouris, and T. Chase Noakes, Search and Discovery Article #80277 (2013).
  Rare Earth Elements in Coal Deposits – a Prospectivity Analysis, J.M. Ekmann, Search and Discovery Article #80270 (2012).
  "Honing the Zone" or "Just Let Me Drill It", K.C. Oren, Search and Discovery Article #41046 (2012).
  Barite Mobilization in the Upper Devonian Succession of Western New York – Evidence for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation and Methanogenesis during Quasi-Steady State Buria, Gary G. Lash and Randy Blood, Search and Discovery Article #50744 (2012).
  Increased Well Productivity from Energized Fluid Fracing, in Tight Unconventional Formations, Mark H. Holtz and Dan Dalton, Search and Discovery Article #41064 (2012).
  The Successful Development of Shale Gas Resources in the United States, Daniel J. Soeder, Search and Discovery Article #41058 (2012).
  Structurally Related Migration of Hydrocarbons in the Central Appalachian Basin of Eastern Ohio, Greg Mason, Search and Discovery Article #50733 (2012).
  Assessment of the Newburg Sandstone as a CO2 Storage Unit in West Virginia, J. Eric Lewis, Search and Discovery Article #50732 (2012).
  CCUS — Opportunities to Utilize Anthropogenic CO2 for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage, Steven M. Carpenter, Search and Discovery Article #80269 (2012).
  Development of the First Internationally Accepted Standard for Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide – Update from the Public Comment Period, Steven M. Carpenter, Search and Discovery Article #80264 (2012).
  Utilizing Midwest's Subsurface for Effective Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases, Produced Waters Disposal, and Enhancing Oil/Gas Production, Neeraj Gupta, Mark Moody, William Rike, and Evan Zeller, Search and Discovery Article #70130 (2012).
  Characterization of the Porosity Distribution within the Clinton Formation, Ashtabula County, Ohio by Geophysical Core and Well Logging, Julie Bloxson and Joseph Ortiz, Search and Discovery Article #50737 (2012).
  Utica and Other Ordovician Shales: Exploration History in the Quebec Sedimentary Basins, Eastern Canada, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Peter K. Dorrins, Jérémie Lavoie, Nabila Mechti, and Jean-Yves Lavoie, Search and Discovery Article #10451 (2012).
  Illinois Basin Channel Fills and Point Bars: 3D Models from Legacy Mapping, A.C. Kellie and T.B. Brackman, Search and Discovery Article #41043 (2012).
  Controls on Porosity Development and the Potential for CO2 Sequestration or Waste Water Disposal in the Cambrian Potosi Dolomite (Knox Group): Illinois Basin, Jared T. Freiburg and Hannes E. Leetaru, Search and Discovery Article #50731 (2012).
  Carbon Dioxide Storage Capacity in the Upper Cambrian Basal Sandstone of the Midwest Region: A County-Based Analysis, Cristian R. Medina and John A. Rupp, Search and Discovery Article #41041 (2012).
  A Regional Lithostratigraphic Model of the Eau Claire Formation (Cambrian): How Much Shale is in the Confining Unit?, R. Lahann, C. Medina, J. Rupp, T. Lovell, B. Bowen, D. Barnes, J. Hickman, R. Bandy, and J. Sminchak, Search and Discovery Article #41040 (2012).
  Shale Gas Potential for the Ordovician Shale Succession of Southern Ontario, Catherine Béland Otis, Search and Discovery Article #50730 (2012).
  The Marcellus Shale.... By the Numbers, Katharine Lee Avary and Katherine Schmid, Search and Discovery Article #10447 (2012).
  Preliminary Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sequestration Characterization, Dare, Tyrrell and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, Jeffrey C. Reid, Elizabeth DePoy, and Kenneth B. Taylor, Search and Discovery Article #80258 (2012).
  Regional Mapping and Reservoir Analysis of the Upper Devonian Shale in Pennsylvania, Jared M. VanMeter, Search and Discovery Article #50738 (2012).
  PS Use of Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Correlate Across Nonmarine Successions without Thick Coals in the Pennsylvanian of Southeastern Ohio, Kevin D. Kallini and Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch, Search and Discovery Article #41038 (2012).
  Fracture Detection Interpretation Beyond Conventional Seismic Approaches, Gary Jones and Rocky Roden, Search and Discovery Article #41035 (2012).