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AAPG Europe Region Meetings


AAPG Europe Regional Conference, May 28-29, 2024, Krakow City, Poland
  History of Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Black Sea Mega-Basin: From Greek Fire to Sakarya Discovery, Alexander Kitchka, #11385 (2024).
  PS Fedir Lysenko and Discovery of the Dnipro-Donets Petroleum Super-Basin: The Lost Name of the Pioneer, Alexander Kitchka, Hanna Liventseva, and Viktor Ohar, #70413 (2024).
AAPG International Conference & Exhibition, Madrid, Spain, November 6-8, 2023
  Geological Interpretation of Reservoir Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Amplitude Responses: Example from North Western Australia, Mohammed Farfour and Hezam Yahya Al-Awah, #42591 (2024).
  From the Gulf of Cádiz to the Gharb Basin: What's Next?, Carlos Giraldo, #11384 (2024).
  Structural Styles in the Jubba Deep Basin, Offshore Somalia, Carlos Giraldo and Marel Sánchez, #11383 (2024).
  Tectonic Settings around a Thermogenic Gas Discovery offshore Morocco (Gharb Basin), Carlos Giraldo, #30680 (2024).
AAPG Europe Region Geoscience Technology Workshop, Exploration and Production in the Black Sea, Caucasus, and Caspian Region, Batumi, Georgia, September 18-19, 2019
  EA Structure and Development of Wedge-Shaped Thrusts in the Southern Flank of the Terek-Caspian Foredeep, Russia, Konstantin Sobornov, #30654 (2020).
AAPG European Region, 3rd Hydrocarbon Geothermal Cross Over Technology Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, April 9-10, 2019
  AAPG European Region, 3rd Hydrocarbon Geothermal Cross Over Technology Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland, April 9-10, 2019; Abstracts #90346 (2019).
  Can the Hydrocarbons Industry be a Strong Driver to the Grow of the Geothermal Energy Sector?, Claudio Alimonti, Elena Sodlo, and Davide Scrocca, #42549 (2020).
  The GEothermie2020 Program Supporting the Development of Geothermal Resources Use in Geneva Canton, Marie Lecompte, #80714 (2020).
  Application of Surrogate Models and Derivative-Free Optimization in Geothermal Reservoir Modelling, Rosalind Archer and Ariel Vidal, #42494 (2020).
  Valorization of Shallow to Deep Inactive Gas Well Infrastructures in Low Enthalpy Sedimentary Basins, Quebec, Canada, Jean-Sebastien Marcil, Janie Masse-Dufresne, Leo Cerclet, Arnaud Fortier-Morissette, and Philippe Pasquier, #80690 (2019).
  Application of Stimulation Design to a Geothermal Project: The Draškovec Geothermal Pilot, Croatia, Giovanni Sosio, Laura Nistor, Jonathan Abbott, and Lorenz Ueing, #42382 (2019).
  PS Reservoir Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous Sequence Crossed by the GEo-01 Well: Potential for Direct Heat Production and Heat-Storage, Gustavo Oliveira, Hong Ying Lo, Yasin Makhloufi, Antoine de Haller, Luca Guglielmetti, and Andrea Moscariello, #80685 (2019).
  PS The Application of Borehole Image Interpretations for Geothermal Well Stimulation: A Case Study from Two Deep Geothermal Boreholes in Late Jurassic Carbonates in Southeast Bavaria, Bastian Roters, Mario Habermuller, Lars Matthes, Ulrike Miersemann, and Hans-Gert Linzer, #42381 (2019).
  Technical and Economic Uncertainties Assessment to Derive a High Enthalpy Geothermal Project Optimal Development Scheme, Thomas Schaaf, Claude Bontemps, Delphine Patriarche, and Patrick Egermann, #80684 (2019).
  Integrated Geothermal System: What Are the Risks?, Antoine Jeannou, #80683 (2019).
  The UND-CLR Binary Geothermal Power Plant Williston Basin, North Dakota, Will Gosnold, Hossein Salehfar, Michael Mann, and Mark Ballesteros, #80682 (2019).
  Geothermal and Electric Power Analysis of Horizontal Oil Well Fields Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA, Will Gosnold, Sidike Abudureyimu, Irina Tsiryapkina, Dongmei Wang, and Mark Ballesteros, #80681 (2019).
AAPG Europe Region, Regional Conference, Paratethys Petroleum Systems Between Central Europe and the Caspian Region, Vienna, Austria, March 26-27, 2019
  EA New Insights into the Tectono-Stratigraphic Evolution and Hydrocarbon Systems of the Pannonian Basin: A 2D Basin Previous HitModelingNext Hit Study, Attila Bartha, Attila Balázs, and Árpád Szalay, #11349 (2021).
  EA Sedimentary Environments of the Oligocene Krosno Beds: A New Interpretation in the Polish Outer Carpathians, Piotr S. Dziadzio, Roger Higgs, and Arkadiusz Drozd, #11350 (2020).
  Petroleum System Analysis of Small Scale Miocene Troughs in the Pannonian Basin, Results of a 3D Basin Previous HitModelingNext Hit Case Study from Southern Hungary, Viktor Lemberkovics, Edina Kissné Pável, Balázs Badics, and Katalin Lõrincz, #30674 (2020).
  Geological Re-Evaluation of the Mature Reservoirs of the Hochleiten-Pirawarth Fields (Vienna Basin), Isabell Schretter, Andras Zamolyi, and Rudolf Finsterwalder, #20493 (2020).
  PS A Key Section for the Early Pannonian (Late Miocene) of the Transylvanian Basin (Romania): Integrated Stratigraphic Results from the Guşteriţa Clay Pit, Dániel Botka, Vivien Csoma, Michal Šuja, Régis Braucher, Karin Sant, Stjepan Ćorić, Koraljka Bakrač, Krešimir Krizmanić, István Róbert Bartha, Lóránd Silye, and Imre Magyar, #11329 (2020).
  PS Application of Surface Geochemistry Survey in the HC Exploration, János Csizmeg, Alejandro Morelos, Béla Márton, David Blažević, and Marko Cvetković, #42538 (2020).
  Pore Imaging of Late Miocene Calcareous Marl from the Pannonian Basin (Tótkomlós Member, Endrőd Formation) and Comparison with North America Productive Calcareous Marls, G. Mallarino, A. É. Csoma, K. Milota, A. Sóron, and Á. Szabó, #51664 (2020).
  Understanding the Akchagyl and Apsheron in the Greater Caspian Sea Region: New Biostratigraphic Insights, Keith Richards, Christiaan G.C. van Baak, Thomas M. Hoyle, and Olga D. Nadina, #51665 (2020).
  The Eastern Paratethys During the Messinian Salinity Crisis, Yuliana Rostovtseva and Alena Rybkina, #51651 (2020).
  Paleoceanographic Evolution of the Hungarian Paleogene Basin During the Early Oligocene by coupling of Micropaleontology and Sulfur Isotopes, P. Ozsvárt, I. Vetö, and A. Nagymarosy, #11310 (2020).
  PS Compressibility and Brine Permeability of Reservoir and Seal of Pore Space Gas Storages, Carlo Dietl, Jennifer Szech, Hansjörg Baumgartner, and Eberhard Jahns, #42510 (2020).
  Karaburun (NW Turkey): A Key Oligocene Section on the Margins of Paratethys, M.D. Simmons, M.D. Bidgood, S. Ćorić, A.I. Okay, D. Shaw, E. Tulan, J. Mayer, and G.C. Tari, #30653 (2020).
  EA The Study of the Oligocene Electrofacies in the Paratethys Region, Dragos Cristea, #30652 (2020).
  Methane Hydrates as a Tertiary Methane Source in the Transylvanian Basin, Z. Unger, D. LeClair, and I. Györfi, #11307 (2020).
  3D Petroleum System Model of Southeastern Part of Pannonian Basin, Goran Bogicevic, Ivan Dulic, and Janko Sovilj, #11306 (2020).
  EA Petroleum Systems and Reservoir Distribution Laws in the Pannonian Basin - Romanian Sector, Dragos Cristea, #11305 (2020).
AAPG Europe Regional Conference, Global Analogues of the Atlantic Margin, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2-3, 2018
  AAPG Europe Regional Conference, Global Analogues of the Atlantic Margin, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2-3, 2018; Abstracts #90325 (2018).
  Age Determination of the Volcanic Sequence, Faroe-Shetland Basin, Northeast Atlantic Ocean, Jana Ólavsdóttir, Lars Ole Boldree, Morten Sparre Andersen, and Oluva Reginsdottir Eidesgaard, #51556 (2019).
  PS Alentejo Basin, Offshore Portugal – Deep-Water Interpretation Issues, Vanessa Tavares Pires, Salomé Custódio, Rui Pena dos Reis, Roberto Fainstein, and Nuno Pimentel, #11208 (2019).
  PS Geochemical Characterization of Rocks, Fluids and Solid Bitumens from Kwanza Basin, Angola, Porti S. Martínez, R. Tocco, R. Baudino, A. Herra, and C. Sanders, #11204 (2019).
  PS Geochemical Characterization of Rocks and Fluids from Liberia and Sierra Leone Offshore, R. Tocco, Porti S. Martínez, J. Franques, and A. Franco, #11203 (2019).
  Empirical Analysis of the Stratigraphic Control on Production in Clastic Reservoirs of the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Kachalla Aliyuda, John Howell, and Adrian Hartley, #30597 (2019).
  PS Spain – Offshore Canary Islands – Tarfaya Basin: Implications of Sandia-1X Well Results in the Hydrocarbon Exploration Offshore Morocco, L. Garcia Del Olmo, #30593 (2018).
  Modelling Petroleum Systems of Hyperextended Margins: Angola Case Study, Roger Baudino, M. Pontet, M. Manas, A. Herra, C. Sanders, M. Badali, R. Tocco, S. Martinez, J. Tritlla, R. Loma, A. Carrasco, S. Padron, and S. Mora, #30591 (2018).
  The African Conjugate Basins of the Equatorial Atlantic Margins - What Are We Missing?, Peter Mullin, Stephen Leslie, and Francis Inniss, #30589 (2018).
  3D Velocity Model Building and Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Imaging Combining Tomography and Model Based Approaches in the Peniche Basin, Olivier Clauss and Ylva Malmcrona Díaz-Ambrona, #42302 (2018).
  PS Heat-Flow and Source Rock Maturity Modelling in the Distal Domain of the West African Margin, T.A. Cunha, S. Lawrence, L. Garner, P. Farrimond, and J. Weston, #30584 (2018).
  PS Geomechanical Modelling of a Salt Structure for Wildcat Drilling, Pablo Hernández, Oscar Fernández, Juan Manuel Jiménez, Toby Harrold, Harald Stockhausen, Jose Luis Trigo, David García, Valvanera García, Macarena Nocito, and Noemí Tur, #42296 (2018).
  PS Combining Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Inversion and Geostatistics to Predict Reservoir Properties, Dragos Cristea, #42294 (2018).
  PS An Analogue Study of Petroleum Systems: West Iberian Basins vs East European Basins, Dragos Cristea, #42293 (2018).
  PS The Use of Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data in Analyzing Offshore Reservoirs in the Black Sea, Dragos Cristea, #11141 (2018).
  PS Alpine Inversion, Neogene Tectonics and East Carpathians Foreland Hydrocarbon Traps, Elena Rodica Stoica-Negulescu, #30583 (2018).
  The Guinea Marginal Plateau - Correlations from Previous HitSeismicNext Hit and Potential Fields of Differential Atlantic Breakup, Andrew Long, Nick Cameron, and Ben Sayers, #30581 (2018).
AAPG European Region, Geothermal Cross Over Technology Workshop, Part II, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 17-18, 2018
  AAPG European Region, Geothermal Cross Over Technology Workshop, Part II, Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 17-18, 2018; Abstracts #90345 (2018).
  Flow and Performance of Geothermal Doublets in Deep Dinantian Carbonates of The Netherlands, Jan Ter Heege and Sander Osinga, #80720 (2020).
  Mitigating Operational Risks with Geomechanical Modelling: A Geothermal Case Study, Giovanni Sosio, Andreia Mandiuc, Annalisa Campana, Charidimos Spyrou, Clement Baujard, and Albert Genter, #80709 (2019).
  Applying Petroleum Exploration Data to Identify Geothermal Targets in the North Perth Basin, Australia, Mark Ballesteros, #80701 (2019).
  PS Scaling Assessment, Inhibition and Monitoring of Geothermal Wells, Arjen Boersma, Hartmut Fischer, Frank Vercauteren, and Francesco Pizzocolo, #42430 (2019).
  PS Synergy Between Production of Natural Gas and Warm Water: A Reservoir Previous HitModelingNext Hit Exercise Assessing Recovery Factor Sensitivity, Jeroen Van der Molen, Maaike Van der Meulen, Elisabeth Peters, Joeri Brackenhoff, Farid Jedari-Eyvazi, Serge Van Gessel, and Harmen Mijnlieff, #80700 (2019).
AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition, London, England, October 15-18, 2017
  2017 AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition, London, England, October 15-18, 2017; Abstracts #90310 (2017).
  Unconventional Reservoir Facies Characteristics of the Montney Formation Resource Play in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Thomas F. Moslow, Matthew G. Adams, Alessandro Terzuoli, and Beth Haverslew, #11029 (2021).
AAPG European Region Conference & Exhibition, Bucharest, Romania, May 19-20, 2016
  PS Middle Miocene Micropaleontological and Sedimentary Aspects within a Piggy-Back Basin, Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania, Razvan-Ionut Bercea, Ramona Bălc, Sorin Filipescu, Luminita Zaharia, and Simona Pop, #51516 (2018).
  PS Timing and Sedimentation of Foredeep Deposits from Gura Vitioarei Section, Carpathian Bend Zone, Romania - Implications for the Stratigraphy of Lower Miocene in the Paratethys Domain, Razvan-Ionut Bercea, Luminita Zaharia, Ramona Bălc, Andreas Gärtner, and Ulf Linnemann, #51515 (2018).
  The Moldova Slope and Basin Development in the Ediacaran-Early Paleozoic: A Collage with Multiple Structural Overprints, Bogdan M. Popescu, Mihai Micu, and Gabor Tari, #10887 (2016).
2016 AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, April 3-6, 2016
  2016 AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, April 3-6, 2016; Abstracts #90255 (2017).
  A New Standard Facies Belt and Biofacies Approach Based on Acropora Coral in Ujunggenteng Area, West Java Province, Indonesia, Wahyu Dwijo Santoso, Yahdi Zaim, and Yan Rizal, #51371 (2021).
  EA Influence of Mobile Salt on the Distribution and Preservation of Fulmar Reservoir Sands in the UK Central North Sea, Mikhail Skaryatin, Matthew Brown, and Oliver Duffy, #11190 (2019).
AAPG European Regional Conference & Exhibition, Lisbon, Portugal, May 18-19, 2015
  AAPG 2015 European Regional Conference & Exhibition, May 18-19, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal; Abstracts #90226 (2015).
AAPG European Regional Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, May 13-15, 2014
  Mesozoic Tectonic and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz and Algarve Basins, and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Adrià Ramos, Oscar Fernández, Pedro Terrinha, Josep Anton Muñoz, and Álvaro Arnaiz, #10621 (2014).
  Evidences of Salt Tectonics around the Guadalquivir bank, Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberia), C. Giraldo, W. Hermoza, B. Amigo, R. Rocca, C. Martinez, Y. Malcroma, C. Rosales, R. Baudino, A. Martín-Monge, O. Fernandez, H. Welsink, L. Cascone, A. Olaiz, C. García-Mojonero, and A. Arnáiz, #50980 (2014).
  Application of Pyrenean Fractured Carbonate Outcrops for Reservoir Characterisation, Jon Gutmanis and Lluis Ardevol i Oro, #41387 (2014).
  Hydrocarbon Discovery Potential in Colombian Basins: Creaming Curve Analysis, Mauricio Orozco Bohorquez, #10613 (2014).
  State-of-the-Art Ion Milling Ablation Applied to Shale Gas Sample Preparation, Laura García, Miguel Ángel Caja, Jordi Tritlla, Virginia Sánchez, Irene González, F. J. Gómez, and Santiago Quesada, #80389 (2014).
  Structural Elements and Petroleum Exploration on the Apulian Platform, Hellenic Fold and Thrust Belt, Zakynthos Island (western Greece), Angelos Maravelis, Anthony Vassiliou, Panagiotis Tserolas, and Avraam Zelilidis, #10614 (2014).
AAPG European Regional Conference & Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, April 8-10, 2013
  Tectonostratigraphic Evolution and Exploration Potential of the Northern Levant Basin, M. Plummer, A. Belopolsky, P. Fish, and M. Norton, Search and Discovery Article #10516 (2013).
  Microbial-dominated Carbonate Platforms during the Ladinian Rifting: Analogical Models for Microbialite Reservoirs (Catalan Basin, NE Spain), Ramon Mercedes-Martin, Ramon Salas, and Concha Arenas, Search and Discovery Article #50843 (2013).
  Towards a 3D model of the Calcari Grigi Carbonate Platform (Early Jurassic, Southern Alps, Italy), M. Franceschi, M. Massironi, M. Zandonati, and V. Picotti, Search and Discovery Article #50841 (2013).
  Structural Architecture and Evolution of the Southern Atlas Fold and Thrust Belt of Tunisia as Revealed by Field Data, Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reflection Profiles and Cross-Section Balancing, Mohamed Gharbi, Nicolas Espurt, Olivier Bellier, and Amara Masrouhi, Search and Discovery Article #50840 (2013).
  Italy Mesozoic Oils - Implications for Exploration in the Adriatic Sea, Enzo Zappaterra, Search and Discovery Article #50839 (2013).
  Quantifying Fracture Heterogeneity in Different Domains of Folded Carbonate Rocks to Improve Fractured Reservoir Analog Fluid Flow Models, K. Bisdom, G. Bertotti, B. D. M. Gauthier, and N. J. Hardebol, Search and Discovery Article #41177 (2013).
  Hydrocarbon-seep Scenarios in the Western Mediterranean Margin during the Messinian Salinity Crisis: Onland Case Studies from the Italian Peninsula, Annalisa Iadanza, Gianluca Sampalmieri, Paola Cipollari, Domenico Cosentino, and Marco Mola, Search and Discovery Article #41176 (2013).
  Outcrop/Behind Outcrop Characterization in Onshore Western Mediterranean Basins of Southern Iberia, C. Viseras, S. Henares, J. Fernández, and J. Jaímez, Search and Discovery Article #41175 (2013).
  The Messinian Salinity Crisis: A Perspective for Reservoir Exploration in the Mediterranean and Adjacent Basins, Jean-Pierre Suc, Francois Bache, Christian Gorini, Damien Do Couto, Laurent Jolivet, Jean-Loup Rubino, Ludovic Mocochain, and Speranta-Maria Popescu, Search and Discovery Article #30277 (2013).
  Fractured Interbedded Dolomites and Limestones in a Reservoir Analogue: Integrating Carbonate Sedimentology and Structural data from Thin Section to Reservoir Scale, Francesco Dati, Monica Girundo, Vincenzo Guerriero, Alessandro Iannace, Stefano Mazzoli, Mariano Parente, Stefano Tavani, Stefano Vitale, Loic Bazalgette, and Christoph Strauss, Search and Discovery Article #41174 (2013).
  Crustal Thickness, Oceanic Lithosphere Distribution and OCT Structure for the Eastern Mediterranean from Gravity Inversion, Leanne Cowie and Nick J. Kusznir, Search and Discovery Article #30278 (2013).
  Mesozoic and Cenozoic Basins Formation and Deformation Along the North African Margin, Francois M. Roure, Piero Casero, and Belkacem Addoum, Search and Discovery Article #30276 (2013).
  Neogene Gravity-Driven Deformations around Gibraltar Arch Prior to the Messinian Salinity Crisis, C. Giraldo and W. Hermoza, Search and Discovery Article #50837 (2013).
  Basin Evolution and Hydrocarbon Plays in Albania, USA, Roland Barbullushi, Search and Discovery Article #10504 (2013).
  Three Different Exploration Plays in the Marine Guadalquivir Foreland Basin in the Context of the Late Miocene Closure of the Thethys Ocean (South of Spain), Kilian Motis and Wenceslao Martínez del Olmo, Search and Discovery Article #10498 (2013).
  PS Recent Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Stress Regime along the Southern Tunisian Atlas Front and Gulf of Gabes: New Insights from Fault Kinematics Inversion and Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Sections, Mohamed Gharbi, Olivier Bellier, Amara Masrouhi, and Nicolas Espurt, Search and Discovery Article #50796 (2013).
  PS From Extension to Transpression: Drainage Response to the Alhama de Murcia Strike-Slip Fault Growth (Eastern Betics), Marta Ferrater, Guillermo Booth-Rea, Jose Miguel Azanon, and Eulalia Masana, Search and Discovery Article #50795 (2013).
  PS Thin-Skinned Extension and Shale Tectonics in a Tilted Basin Margin: the Case of the Northern Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean), J. I. Soto, F. Fernández-Ibáñez, and A. R. Talukder, Search and Discovery Article #50793 (2013).
  Hydrocarbon Prospectivity in Apulian Platform and Ionian Zone, in Relation to Strike-Slip Fault Zones, Foreland and Back-Thrust Basins of Ionian Thrust in Greece, Avraam Zelilidis, Panagiotis Konstantopoulos, and Angelos Maravelis, Search and Discovery Article #10496 (2013).
  Unconventional Petroleum Plays in the Mediterranean Basins, Fivos Spathopoulos, Search and Discovery Article #10495 (2013).
  Sedimentary and Geodynamical 2D-3D Previous HitModelingTop of the Provence Continental Shelf during Mio-Pliocene Eustatic Events, Aurélie Tassy, François Fournier, Jean Borgomano, Bruno Arfib, and Isabelle Thinon, Search and Discovery Article #50788 (2013).
  Allochthonous Salt Sheets Associated with Cretaceous Rifting in the North African Margin, Examples from North Tunisia and Petroleum Implication, Amara Masrouhi and Olivier Bellier, Search and Discovery Article #30270 (2013).