AAPG Asia Pacific Region
Geoscience Technology Workshops (GTW)
AAPG/EAGE PNG Geoscience Conference & Exhibition, PNG’s Oil and Gas Industry MaturingThrough Exploration, Development and Production, February 25-27, 2020, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, The 1st AAPG/EAGE PNG Geosciences Conference, PNGÕs Oil and Gas Industry: Maturing Through Exploration and Production, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, February 25-27, 2020; Abstracts #90371 (2020).
EAAdvance Mud Gas Evaluation in Complex Clastic Reservoirs while Drilling in Usano Field of PNG, Alan Morrison, Ahmad Shoeibi, Harris Khan, Rob Stevens, Adel Gasmi, and Majid Moazami, #42562 (2020).
EAPorosity Determination from Mechanical Measurements in Carbonates Affected by Severe Drilling Fluid Invasion, Peter Kirkham, #42560 (2020).
EAConstraining the Regional Slope of Western Papua New Guinea: A Study of Lithospheric Flexure, Michael Rieger, Samuel A. Fraser, and Reinaldo Ollarves, #30673 (2020).
EAInsights from Geomechanical Modelling of 2D Cross-Sections in Fold-Thrust Belts, Reinaldo Ollarves, Samuel Fraser, and Ken McClay, #30672 (2020).
EAA Summary of the Petroleum Distribution and Potential of PNG, John Chambers and Lewis Maxwell, #11347 (2020).
EAGeodetic and Vertical Datums Used in Papua New Guinea - An Overview, Richard Stanaway, #70410 (2020).
EANeotectonics of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt - Insights from Space Geodetic
, Richard Stanaway, Luke Mahoney, John Noonan, and Sandra McLaren, #30671 (2020).
EATectonics and Geodynamics of the New Guinea Region Since the Triassic, Sabin Zahirovic and Daniela Garrad, #30670 (2020).
EABenefits of a Chronostratigraphic Framework, An Example from the Papuan Fold Belt, Lewis Maxwell, Lawrence Grant-Woolley, Geoff Wood, and Sarah Hawkes, #51676 (2020).
EAAn Integrated Structural Interpretation and Modelling Workflow for the Barikewa Field, Papua New Guinea, Emma Alexander, Julie Mackintosh, Jonathon Hyde, and Peter Boult, #20488 (2020).
EAIt All Begins in The Field and Ends in The Field: How We Leverage Our 90-Year Legacy to Successfully Explore In PNG, Joshua Kidu, Mervin Kendino, Pedro A Restrepo-Pace, and Luke Mahoney, #42534 (2020).
PSAn Overview of Geochemical Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Papuan Basin, Papua New Guinea, Shadrach K. Noku, #11326 (2020).
Structural Traps and Hydrocarbon Resources of the Papuan Basin: An Overview, Shadrach K. Noku, Susan Nasinom, Eddie Guru, and Elliona Maso, #11325 (2020).
PSReal-Time Resistivity Images Using High Data-Rate Telemetry in Papua New Guinea, Rob Stevens, Leo Blawan, and Harris Khan, #42518 (2020).
Compressional Evolution of the PNG Margin; A Tale of Two Collisions, Kevin C. Hill, Luke Mahoney, and Sandra McLaren, #30661 (2020).
EAThe First Oil Seep Discovery in South East PNG and its Implications to Torres Basin Petroleum System
, Michael Swift, Ric Malcolm, and H. Davies, #11323 (2020).
EACurrent Workflow for Seismic Facies Identification and Characterization in the Miocene Carbonates of the Gulf of Papua and the Eastern Fold Belt of Papua New Guinea, Stefan Sowei, David John Holland, Mervin Kendino, and Velencia Komun, #42527 (2020).
Beyond Geometry: 2D Structural Thermo-Kinematic Models of the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt, P.A. Restrepo-Pace, Marie Callies, and Julianne Lamb, #42526 (2020).
EAThe Influence of Mechanical Stratigraphy on the Evolution of the Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt, Youseph Ibrahim, Patrice Rey, and Luke Mahoney, #51659 (2020).
EAIntegrated Seismic Processing Challenges in Karstified Terrain of Papua New Guinea Fold Belt, Subhash Chandra, Michael Szczepaniak, and Patrick Haltmeier, #42521 (2020).
EAProvenance and Tectonics of the Allochthonous New Guinea Terranes: Implications for the Formation and Evolution of Regional Basins, Robert Holm, David Gold, Lloyd White, Max Webb, Luke Mahoney, Sandra McLaren, Kelly Heilbronn, Juergen Oesterle, Marcel Mizera, Dulcie Saroa, Moira Lunge, and Sam Webber, #11319 (2020).
Numerical Sand Box as a Tool for Hydrocarbon Exploration: Applications to the Hides Anticline and the Western Papuan Fold and Thrust belt, Romain Beucher, Kevin Hill, Rebecca Farrington and Louis Moresi, #42520 (2020).
EAKarst - Is There a Magic Way to Model it?, Huijun Hou, Brad Bailey, Sigurdur Jonsson, Darren Blazak, Bruce Taylor, and Glen Johnson, #51656 (2020).
EAHydrocarbons Putting on a Show! – Development of a PNG Shows Database, Mervin Kendino, Amy-Yvette Kaumi, David-John Holland, Julianne Lamb, and Andrew Murray, #11320 (2020).
Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Papua New Guinea and other Geologically Complex Areas in Southeast Asia: Best Practices and Recent Exploration Case Histories, Luigi Clavareau and Dietmar Schumacher, #11318 (2020).
EAPapua New Guinea as an Exploration Destination, Joe Keith, #11316 (2020).
AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Technical Symposium, The Art of Hydrocarbon Prediction: Managing Uncertainties, Bogor, Indonesia, August 7-8, 2019
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Technical Symposium, The Art of Hydrocarbon Prediction: Managing Uncertainties, Bogor, Indonesia, August 7-8, 2019; Abstracts #90354 (2019).
Role of Geology Operation Facing the Subsurface Uncertainties, in Mitigation, While Drilling and Logging in The Mahakam Delta, Rio Sitorus, Roy Lesmana, Wahyu Pramono, Rian Ikhsan, and Gustiadi Rosa, #42561 (2020).
Deep Clastic Reservoir Quality in Ciputat Low, Onshore North West Java Basin, Rania R. Sofya, Thomas C. Atarita, Fuji Koesumadewi, and Mohamad Wahyudin, #51683 (2020).
EAScoring System as a Quick and Objective Method to Conclude Fluid
(Gas/Water Reservoir) and Standardization of Fluid Identification, Feli Betha Guardena and Rio Sitorus, #42559 (2020).
EAImportance of Good Time to Depth Conversion Method to Reduce GRV Uncertainties of Producing Fields in the South Sumatra Block, Danar Yudhatama, Aurora Juniarti, Erwin Muhamad Indra Kusumah, and Yudi Yanto, #20494 (2020).
Gas Field Production Data
: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Whole Truth, Christopher Evans, #42550 (2020).
EASubsurface Process Improvement to Minimize Subsurface Uncertainties for Workover Optimization, A Case Study from Mature Waterflood Field, Central Sumatera Basin, Indonesia, Ardi Nazamzi, Irdas Muswar, and Shuhaimi Mohd Mokhtar, #42540 (2020).
EAThe Possibility of Hydrodynamic Trap in Tarakan Sub-Basin as an Explanation of the Existence of Water in an Identified Hydrocarbon Zone, Andika Wicaksono, Agus M. Ramdhan, Hade B. Maulin, and Bayu R. Ma'aarij, #11328 (2020).
EAGeomechanics Wellbore Stability
in Successful Drilling of a Challenging HPHT Exploration Well in North Sumatra, Restio Adhyaksa Brata, Muhamad Yanuar Mahardi, Apollinaris Stefanus Leo Anis, and Fatrial Bahesti, #42532 (2020).
Value of Information (VOI) Concept to Systematically Justify Observation and Appraisal Wells, Iwan Setya Budi, Epo Kusumah, Astra Pramana, Jati Arie Wibowo, and Agus Rudiyono, #42531 (2020).
EAMitigating Reservoir Property Uncertainty and Identifying the Boundary between Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs: An Integrated Case Study from Mature Fields in the South Sumatra Basin, Abraham J. S. Simanjuntak, Ricky N. Syamri, Abdurahman F. Muslim, Feruz Kausar, Wawan Hermawan, and Grace S. Titaley, #20479 (2020).
EAUncertainty Distributions in Practice: Which, How, What?, Jan de Jager, #42528 (2020).
EAThe Uncertainty in Assessing Fault Seal
in Carbonate Reservoir, Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Muhamad Natsir, and Ricky Adi Wibowo, #42525 (2020).
The Use of Multiple Hypotheses as a Risk Mitigant Get A Second (Or Third) Opinion! Using Multiple Hypotheses, Peter Cockcroft, #70408 (2020).
EACombination of Deep-Reading and Near-Wellbore-Scale Measurement in Accessing Thin Layer Facies of a Carbonate Reservoir, Adrean Pudyaksa, Hendri Harsian, Takefumi Shibuya, Ni Made Wilasari, Olivia Azwar, and Ihsan Taufik Pasaribu, #42511 (2020).
Mitigating Variability in Uncertainty and Risk, Robert C. Shoup, #42493 (2020).
EASeismic Anisotropy VTI Modeling and Mechanical Properties of
in Gas Shale, Anggoro S. Dradjat, Agus Djamil, and M. Firwan Aprizal, #42486 (2020).
Hydrocarbon Accumulation Uncertainty in Miocene Carbonate Build-Ups, NEJB, Ginanjar Mahar Pamungkas, #11295 (2020).
EAThe Sand-Silt-Clay (SSC) Model: An Advanced Petrophysical
and the Essential Applications to Lithology Computation, Permeability Estimation and Saturation Modeling, Yudiyoko Ega Sugiharto and Gamal Ragab Gaafar, #42489 (2020).
EAManaging Uncertainty for Better Decision Making, Mark Schneider, #42488 (2020).
EAAn Art of Bringing Water from Menggala into Bekasap Formation: Managing Bypassed Hydrocarbon through Natural Dump-Flood in Brown Field Area, Muhammad Fachreza, Yana Wicaksana, and Yunus Alamsyah, #42485 (2020).
EALine of Sight Exploration Managing Uncertainties for Exploration Success – Concepts, Challenges and Implementation, Balakrishnan Kunjan, #70400 (2020).
EAHeat Flow Distribution in Offshore West Java Basin: Implication for Petroleum System in Anggursi Block, North West Java Basin, Rahmat Budiana, Rully Firmansyah, Ivan Nugraha, Anggi Yusriani, Emellia Bunga Amitama, and Yudhistira Shaylendra, #11288 (2020).
EAThe Heist of the Ngimbang "Vault" of the Madura Strait, Nico Bianchi, #11285 (2020).
AAPG Asia Pacific Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Gas Hydrates Ð From Potential Geohazard to Carbon-Efficient Fuel?, Auckland, New Zealand, April 15-17, 2019
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Gas Hydrates Ð From Potential Geohazard to Carbon-Efficient Fuel?, Auckland, New Zealand, April 15-17, 2019; Abstracts #90348 (2019).
Fundamental Study of CO2 Substitution in Methane Hydrates for Energy Production and Long Term Sequestration, Navid Saeidi, Bjørn Kvamme, Yu-Chien (Alice) Chien, and Derek Dunn-Rankin, #80732 (2020).
Environmental Factors Associated with Hydrates Extraction; Physical and Chemical Mitigation for a Marine Consent, Kate Bromfield and Brett Rogers, #80731 (2020).
EAA Model for Gas Hydrates Formation in Water Dominant Flow Established Employing a Flow Loop Investigation, Shunsuke Sakurai, Ben Hoskin, Joel Choi, Tomoya Nonoue, Eric May, and Zachary Aman, #42426 (2020).
EANew Method for Disassociate Rate and Permeability Evaluation in Gas Hydrate Reservoir, Bei Gao, Shim Yen Han, Cai Hui Min, Qu Chang Wei, Chen Jichao, and Hadrien Dumont, #80718 (2020).
PSNuclear Magnetic Resonance Compatible Cell Design for Thermally Controlled Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Formation and CO2 Exchange, Abraham Rojas Zuniga, Ming Li, Michael L. Johns, Zachary M. Aman, and Eric F. May, #42433 (2019).
Geomechanical Behavior of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Reservoir During Gas Production, Shun Uchida, Yongkoo Seol, and Koji Yamamoto, #42428 (2019).
Gas Production From Natural Hydrate Deposits and the Corresponding Geomechanical System Response, George Moridis, M. T. Reagan, and J. Rutqvist, #80699 (2019).
Mud Diapirs and Mud Volcanoes Associated with Gas Hydrates System in the Sinu Fold Belt of Colombia, South Western Caribbean and its Significant in the Petroleum System, Mario García-González, Rocio Bernal-Olaya, Jorge L. Fuentes-Lorenzo, and Ana M García-Ceballos, #80698 (2019).
EAGas Hydrates and Genetic Link Between Miocene Seafloor Methane Seeps and Underlying Fluid Conduit Plumbing, East Coast Basin, New Zealand, Kathleen A. Campbell, Campbell S. Nelson, Stephanie L. Nyman, Jens Greinert, David A. Francis, and Stephen D. Hood, #80697 (2019).
EAMethane Hydrate Surface Morphology in a Dynamic Water Dominant Flowloop, Joel Choi, Nickolas Manning, Ben Hoskin, Shunsuke Sakurai, Koji Yamamoto, Tomoya Nonoue, and Zachary Aman, #80696 (2019).
EAGas Hydrate Reservoirs of the Southern Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Insights From Geophysics And Numerical Modelling, Gareth J. Crutchley, Karsten F. Kroeger, Ingo A. Pecher, Andrew R. Gorman, Joshu J. Mountjoy, and Jess I.T. Hillman, #80695 (2019).
Scope for Pioneering Marine Gas Hydrate Development in New Zealand, Mac Beggs, #80694 (2019).
Non-Equilibrium Nature of Hydrates in Sediments and Consequences for Choices of Ways to Produce Hydrates Safely and Economically Feasible, Bjorn Kvamme, #80693 (2019).
Geochemical Assessment of Coastal Gas Hydrate Loading off the Coast of New Zealand, Richard B. Coffin, Paula Rose, Ingo Pecher, Gareth Crutchley, and Joshu Mountjoy, #30622 (2019).
AAPG Asia Pacific Region, The 4th AAPG/EAGE/MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas Conference, Myanmar: A Global Oil and Gas Hotspot: Unleashing the Petroleum Systems Potential, Yangon, Myanmar, November 13-15, 2018
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, The 4th AAPG/EAGE/MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas Conference, Myanmar: A Global Oil and Gas Hotspot: Unleashing the Petroleum Systems Potential, Yangon, Myanmar, November 13-15, 2018; Abstracts #90336 (2018).
EASource Rock Potentials and Hydrocarbon Discoveries in Salin Sub-Basin, Myanmar, Soe Aung and Ei Mon Han, #11214 (2019).
EAStudy of Relative Active Tectonic Features on Kaladan - Mrauk U Fault, Rakhine Coastal Region, Sandy Chit Ko, Soe Thura Tun, Kyaing Sein, and Ohn Thein, #30604 (2019).
Biogenic Gas Potential of Myanmar, Lynn Myint, #30603 (2019).
Sedimentary Facies
of Miocene Clastic Strata in Kalewa-Mawleik Area, Sagaing Region, Myanmar, Moe Zat and Day Wa Aung, #51560 (2019).
PSGas Hydrate Mapping using 3D CSEM, Raghava Tharimela and Allan Filipov, #80676 (2019).
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Prediction of Porosity and Water Saturation of Shaly Sandstone Reservoirs, Chaw Yin Nyein and Ghareb Mostafa Mostafa Ali Hamada, #51559 (2019).
Evidence of Currents in Outcrops of Pliocene Ayeyarwaddy River Implication for Sands Distribution in Deep Waters West of the Myanmar Coast, U Kyaw Zin Oo, E. Dolivo, U Ko Ko, U Kyaw Soe Win, U Aung Zayar Myint, and U Zaw Win Aung, #51558 (2019).
AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Back to the Future -- The Past and Future of Oil and Gas Production in the Asia Pacific Region, Bangkok, Thailand, September 26-27, 2018
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Back to the Future -- The Past and Future of Oil and Gas Production in the Asia Pacific Region, Bangkok, Thailand, September 26-27, 2018; Abstracts #90331 (2018).
EAThailand's First 4D Seismic Project – Bualuang Field Case Study, Jaume Vendrell-Roc and Juthaporn Densirimongkol, #11206 (2019).
EAUnlocking Hidden Reserve Potential in Northern Pattani Basin, Gulf of Thailand, Warin Lobtong and Kenneth Lewis, #11205 (2019).
EACombination Traps in Jasmine and Ban Yen Fields, Gulf of Thailand: Identification, Recognition and Development Strategy, Farid Saifuddin, #20457 (2019).
Finding New Play Potential in Main Zawtika Development Area, Zawtika Project, Moattama Basin, Offshore Myanmar, Noppadol Boonsawang, Luptawan Intasorn, Nathawut Sattayakhunnasakul, Vitoon Chaisomboonpan, Panatcha Siriyoot, Phalaphoom Thamniyom, Sunantha Phaungphuak, and Palakorn Chaokor, #11155 (2019).
New Perspectives on Seismic Sequence Imaging in the Geological Challenging Frontier M9 West, Offshore Myanmar, Khunamai Rungsai, #30590 (2019).
Bypassed Shallow Gas Intervals and the Challenge to Develop the Potential in Mature Oil and Gas Fields of Malacca Strait, Central Sumatra Basin, Wiendra Akhmad Faridsyah, Bayu Adhi Pramudhita, Lalang Jati Sardinda, and Resha Ramadian, #11158 (2018).
Unconventional Shale Reservoir Characterization Through Integration Between Geophysics and Geomechanics - A Case Study in the Chumsaeng Formation, Phitsanulok Basin, Thailand, Prat Boonyasatphan, Kamonporn Inraikhing, Isarachai Sopchok, Helge Sognnes, Viriya Danphaiboonphon, and Pongsit Chongrueanglap, #11161 (2018).
Post-Drill Pore Pressure Study for Infill Well Design to Uncover Deep Gas Potential Left Behind Primary Drilling Campaign (Gulf of Thailand), Evgeny Kaygorodtsev, Roscharin Charoensiri, Andee Marksamer, and Mayura Dangprasitthiporn, #42321 (2018).
Utilization of Nanoparticles to Enhance Hydrocarbon Recovery, Mahmood Amani, Mohamed Idris, Nikolayevich Dela Rosa, Mohamed Al Balushi, Arnel Carvero, and Rommel Yrac, #70371 (2018).
AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Pore Pressure & Geomechanics: From Exploration to Abandonment. Perth, Australia, June 6-7, 2018
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Pore Pressure & Geomechanics: From Exploration to Abandonment. Perth, Australia, June 6-7, 2018; Abstracts #90324 (2018).
PS Relationship Between Pore Pressure and Structural Model in "Passive Margin" Offshore Tarakan Sub-Basin, Northeast Kalimantan, Indonesia, Perdana Rakhmana Putra, Benyamin Sapiie, and Agus M. Ramdhan, #11207 (2019).
Overpressure Distribution and its Onshore Pattern, East Java Basin, Thomas C. Atarita, Agus M. Ramdhan, Ricky A. Wibowo, and Lambok M. Hutasoit, #11147 (2018).
PSCrossflow Mitigation through Geomechanic Investigation in Mature Panda Field, West Java Basin, Indonesia, Belmesty Kamila, Ken Prabowo, Ary Wahyu Wibowo, Wisnu Hindadari, and Arief Wahidin, #20443 (2018).
Challenges and Solutions Associated with Drilling Deviated Wells in Alternating Soft-Hard Formations – A Case Study from Onshore KG Basin, India, Rahul Talreja, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Amol Nakhle, Koka Raj Kumar, and Ankit Kakrania, #42309 (2018).
Reducing Drilling Risks in J bend Wells Targeting Basement in Tectonic Area through Geomechanical Solutions, Rajeev Kumar and Rahul Talreja, #42308 (2018).
New Advancement of the World Stress Map Project on the Stress Perturbation in Sedimentary Basins, Mojtaba Rajabi, Oliver Heidbach, Mark Tingay, Karsten Reiter, Moritz Ziegler, #11146 (2018).
Observations on Fluid/Fracture Pressure Coupling Ratios, Richard Lahann and Richard Swarbrick, #70366 (2018).
Geomechanics Aided Solutions for Improving Drilling and Completions by Integrating Acoustics Measurements for the First Time in Mandapeta Field, Onshore KG-PG Basin, India, S. S. Reddy, J. V. Anjaneyulu, C. H. Ramakrishna, Rajeev Ranjan Kumar, Chandreyi Chatterjee, Rahul Talreja, Atanu Bandyopadhyay, Joseph Zacharia, Arnab Ghosh, Bhaswati Das, Chandan Majumdar, and Anindya Nandi, #42297 (2018).
Role of Thermal Parameters in Modelling Fracture Gradient and Overpressure Mechanism in Southern Part of West Baram Delta, Sarawak, Malaysia, Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff, Wan Nur Athirah W Abd Muhaimi, Kurniawan Adha, and Nurhajeerah Mhd Hanapiah, #42305 (2018).
Reducing Risk by Inclusion of Robust Subsurface
for Plugging and Abandonment Campaigns, Alexander Edwards, Sam Green, and Jakob Heller, #42304 (2018).
RhoVe Method Empirical Pore Pressure Transform, M. Czerniak, #42301 (2018).
RhoVe Method II: Empirical Density-Temperature-Effective Stress Transform, Matt Czerniak, #42300 (2018).
Pore Pressure Modeling Using Multivariate Geostatistics, Flávia Braz Ponte, Francisco Fábio de Araújo Ponte, Adalberto da Silva, and Alberto Garcia de Figueiredo Jr., #42299 (2018).
Study of a High Pressure Exploratory Well from Panna East, Mumbai Offshore Basin, India, Souvik Sen, Ashani Kundan, and Mithilesh Kumar, #42289 (2018).
Stress Evolution of Maari Field, NZ: Implications for Fault/Fracture Integrity, Stress Prediction, Infill Drilling, and Borehole Integrity, Roderick W. Van Koughnet, David A. Castillo, and Vivek Paranjpe, #20442 (2018).
1D Mechanical Earth Model in a Carbonate Reservoir of the Abadan Plain, Southwestern Iran: Implications forWellbore Stability, Mohammadreza Zare Reisabadi, Mojtaba Rajabi, Manouchehr Haghighi, Arian Velayati, and Yasser Pourmazaheri, #42298 (2018).
Overpressure and Seal Integrity Evaluation on Oligocene-Miocene Carbonates Reservoir in the Madura Strait Area of East Java Basin-Indonesia, Iko Sagala, Syaeful Amin, and Yanyan Triyana, #11140 (2018).
Fault Zone Diffusion of Pore Pressure During Production and Effect on Fault Stability, Christopher Wibberley, Olivier Lançon, and Yves-Marie Leroy, #42291 (2018).
Effect of Stress Anisotropy on Borehole Failure Initiation and Extent: A Laboratory Experimental Observation, Bailin Wu, Xavier Choi, and Ranjith Pathegama Gamage, #42290 (2018).
2017 AAPG Asia Pacific Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Oil and Gas Resources of India: Exploration and Production Opportunities and Challenges, Mumbai, India, December 6-7, 2017
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region Geosciences Technology Workshop, Oil and Gas Resources of India: Exploration and Production Opportunities and Challenges, Mumbai, India, December 6-7, 2017; Abstracts #90315 (2017).
Establishing Volcanic Litho-Stratigraphy in a Tight-Gas Reservoir in Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, Ruchika Sharda, Bineet Mund, Sreedurga Somasundaram, Amlan Das and V.R. Sunder, #11093 (2018).
Optimizing Appraisal Strategies for Tidal Clastic Reservoirs, Michelle Viswanathan, Arun Kumar, Ravil Salakhetdinov, Tanmay Mallick, Abhinandan Kohli, Moulana Shareef Shaik, Ankush Singh, Mohamed Nabil, and Ahmed Waheed, #42232 (2018).
New Paradigm in Himalayan Foreland Exploration: Challenges and Opportunities, Vikas K. Singh, Manish Shukla, Yadunath Jha, Ashish C. Shukla, Neha Rawat, B.K. Mangaraj, and Hari Lal, #11087 (2018).
An Integrated Litho-Biostratigraphic
To Evaluate Genetically Related Facies And Parasequences Within Middle Eocene Transgressive System Tract: Hazad Member, Gandhar Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, Swati Sharma, P.T. Prathimon, Raju Grover, and Jagmohan Singh, #51483 (2018).
Palynological Controls on Biostratigraphy of Barmer Basin, India, Sandipan Dutta, Premanand Mishra, and Vachaspati Kothari, #11084 (2018).
Lithofacies and Semi-Quantitative
by XRD/SEM for Evaluating the Impact of Mineralogy on Reservoir Quality of Organic Shale in Cambay Basin, P.T. Prathimon, Swati Sharma, Amrita Roy, and Jagmohan Singh, #11083 (2018).
New Method of Mapping Sub-Volcanic Geology Using Magnetic Data, Irena Kivior, Stephen Markham, Leslie Mellon, Francis Vaughan, and David Boyd, #42219 (2018).
Delineating Shale Reservoir Through Electrofacies
: A New Approach, Abhishek Mukherjee, Troyee Dasgupta, Ajit Sahoo, and Mukul Srivastava, #42222 (2018).
Electrical Characterization of Low Resistivity Fresh Water Fluvial Reservoirs of Krishna Godavari Basin, East Coast, India, Lalaji Yadav, Troyee Dasgupta, and Ashutosh K. Singh, #11081 (2018).
Addressing Granitic Basement Reservoir Heterogeneity in Cauvery Basin: An Integrated Fracture Modelling Approach, S. K. Mukherjee and S. N. Chitnis, #11078 (2018).
Identification of Stratigraphic Play Potential within the Jalangi Formation using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in the Shelfal Part of Bengal Basin, India, Pinaki Basu, H.S. Vachak, Kumar Vivek, A. Sai Kumar, and Dr. Harila, #11075 (2018).
An Integrated Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework for Kachchh Basin and its Conjugate Areas, Sandipan Saha, Mainak Choudhuri, Atul Patidar, Rupesh Jha, Moumita Saha, and Neeraj Sinha, #30567 (2018).
PSInnovative Petrophysical Evaluation Workflow Enhances Production: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, NW India, A.K. Bora, P. Majumdar, S. Verma, S. Konar, P. Kumar, P. Shankar, and V. Kothari, #42200 (2018).
Study of Predictability and Forecast Efficiency of Rock Eval Data for Accumulation Prediction, Nitin Gupta, Amrita Kumari Singhal, Surendra Nishad, Minaxi Bansal, S. N. Rai, Atanu Banerjee, and Arun Kumar, #42211 (2018).
Factors Controlling Reservoir Properties of Lacustrine Turbidites in Intracratonic Rift Basins: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Northwest India, P. Majumdar, S. Konar, A. K. Bora, P. Kumar, A. Dhanasetty, C. Saha, P. Shankar, and V. Kothari, #11070 (2018).
PSVSP Lookahead of the Bit Information: Considerations and Accuracy
, P. Ranjan, M. Khaitan, S. Chandrasekhar, and Basant Kumar, #42196 (2018).
2017 Asia Pacific Region Technical Symposium, Hidden Potential in Mature Basins: Play Analogs and Best Practices, Bandung, Indonesia, September 13-14, 2017
- 2017 Asia Pacific Region Technical Symposium, Hidden Potential in Mature Basins: Play Analogs and Best Practices, Bandung, Indonesia, September 13-14, 2017; Abstracts #90307 (2017).
TOTAL'S Experiences in Tackling Mature Field Challenges in The Mahakam PSC, Henricus Herwin, Bayu Giriansyah, and Irfan Taufik Rau, #30565 (2018).
Adding Reserves by Evaluating Turbidite Channel Reservoirs of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Beidagang Structural Belt, Bohaiwan Basin, China, Zhou Lyu, Li Li, Xiulin Hou, and Wenqi Zhang, #11073 (2018).
Extending Kencanaloka Field Production by Developing a Hidden Potential of Eocene Carbonate Gas Reservoir, A Case Study of K-85 Zone in Kencanaloka Field, Offshore North West Java, Icuk Dwi Wibowo, Sobani, Linda Fransiska, and Mery Luciawaty, #30566 (2018).
Integrated Reservoir Modeling to Unlock Hidden Potential in Mature Peciko Field, Mahakam Delta: A Case Study of Advance Lithoseismic Attributes Interpretation and Paleo Channel Reconstruction in Complex Distributaries Channel Reservoir, Ehsan Sadeghi, Supriady, Cepi Adam, Agung Wiweko, Bachesa Wisatria, and Radya Senoputra, #30564 (2018).
Unlocking Potential Resources at Shallow Zone for Future Development: Methodology and Application at Sisi-Nubi Field, Mahakam Delta, Aditya Suardiputra, Rahmad Hidayat, Kelik Moersidin, Saras Nawangsari, Aldyth Sukapradja, Debrina Sugiharto, Hermawan, Soegianto Tjiptowiyono, and Cepi Adam, #30563 (2018).
Maximizing Productivity and Establishing Additional Reserves in Low Permeability Rocks though Improved Understanding of In-Situ Stress State: A Case Study from Barmer Basin, Rajasthan, India, Sabyasachi Dash, Shubhodip Konar, Utpalendu Kuila, Ajoy K. Bora, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11033 (2017).
Fractured Intrusion and Extrusion Reservoirs: Play Concept and Hydrocarbon Potential, Mohamed Taha, #51441 (2017).
PSUnfolding New Prospectivity in a Mature Rift Basin through Paradigm Shift in Basin Evolution Concepts: Barmer Basin Story, Arpita Mandal, Shubhodip Konar, Priyabrata Chatterjee, Premanand Mishra, and Pinakadhar Mohapatra, #11016 (2017).
Geological Cross Sections; Combining Geologic Models and Best Practices to Finding and Exploiting Reserves, Robert Shoup, #42150 (2017).
Fractured Basement in Mature Basin Exploration: New Play Analog in Central Sumatra Basin, Damian Pascal and Sheila Ayu Pricilla, #11014 (2017).
Warukin Deep – The Hidden Potential of Warukin Field, South Borneo: Untouched Reserves in Mature Field, Muhammad Rizky Harun, Benny Nugroho Ardhiansyah, and Rifky Tri Putral, #20409 (2017).
Controlling Factor in Pliocene Carbonate Reservoir Quality as Key to Evaluate Play Chances: Case Study from Mundu Carbonate from South Madura Strait – East Java Basin, Maradona Mansyur, Lawrence Grant Wooley, and Nurhasan, #11007 (2017).
Gas While Drilling (GWD) Classification in Shaly-Sand Reservoir; an Effort to Unlock Gumai Play Potential in South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, I Gusti Agung Aditya Surya Wibawa, Andri Syafriya, Beiruny Syam, and Mohammad Risyad, #11006 (2017).
A Novel Oil Opens Up a New Play Beneath the Gadiaga Gas Field, Senegal, Nick Cameron, Rogers Beall, and Andrew Carr, #20407 (2017).
Sedimentary Cycle Best Practice: Potential Eo-Oligocene Sediments in Western Indonesia, Mellinda Arisandy and I Wayan Darma, #11008 (2017).
Thin-Layer Reservoir Prediction Method of Rifted Basin Based on Low-Resolution Seismic Data, Ke Weili, Zhang Guangya, Yu Yongjun, Liu Aixiang, Yang Cang, and Huang Tongfei, #42145 (2017).
Future of Tunu Field Development: A Breakthrough of Gas Sand Identification Using Automated Seismic Assessment, Firman B. Kurniawan, Rangga A. Brahmantio, Argo Wuryanto, Yudhistira Adji, Eros S. Erriyantoro, and Pujo Rahmanto, #42144 (2017).
Crack Obsolete Paradigm: Proven New Petroleum Potential in BPK Area, Sirikit Oil Field, Thailand, Ekapost Meenak, L. Punnaya, and K. Prasit, #20406 (2017).
2017 AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Influence of Volcanism and Associated Magmatic Processes on Petroleum Systems, Oamaru, New Zealand, March 14-16, 2017
- 2017 AAPG Asia Pacific Region GTW, Influence of Volcanism and Associated Magmatic Processes on Petroleum Systems, Oamaru, New Zealand, March 14-16, 2017; Abstracts #90295 (2017).
Deep-Water Volcaniclastic Fans: What Can We Learn from the Past?, Andrea Di Capua, Gianluca Gropelli, and Federica Barilaro, #51487 (2018).
Turonian Sill Complexes in the Offshore Morondava Basin, Madagascar: Trap Formation by Compound Forced Folding, Gabor Tari, Katie Hannke, Gordon Wilmot, Isabell Schretter, Gregory Rock, and Tim Allan, #11015 (2017).
PSRhyolitic Pumice Provides a Chronology for Sedimentation and Deformation in Whanganui Basin, New Zealand, Julie Palmer, Alan Palmer, and Callum Rees, #11011 (2017).
Organic Geochemical and Petrographic Signatures of Hydrocarbons in Igneous Systems, Andrew Giże, #30521 (2017).
JAPEX's 60 Years' Experience Exploring Volcanic Reservoirs in Japan, Kentaro Takeda and Yasuo Yamada, #70297 (2017).
The Thermal Effect of Basic Sill on Turbidites of Taciba Formation (Permian), Paraná Basin, Brazil, L. D. Vieira, M. S. Silva, L. D. Mouro, and B. L. Waichel, #51428 (2017).
Distribution of Carbonate Reservoirs Controlled by Volcanism in the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand, Kari N. Bassett, Nicholas K. Thompson, and Catherine M. Reid, #30520 (2017).
PSLate Cretaceous Volcanism in Taranaki Basin: Examples from Seismic Reflection Data, Hai Zhu, Hannu Seebeck, and Peter King, #10999 (2017).
PSAbnormal Abundance of Wood Fragments in Sandstone Reservoirs Linked to Volcanic Activity (?): Managing Induced Biases in Log Response and Quantitative Interpretation – Illustration from the Plover Formation of the Ichthys Field (NW Shelf of Australia), Fracois Lafont, Christine Duval, and Maria Barriuso De La Pena, #20405 (2017).
Applying Experience from Geothermal Reservoirs to Oil Wells in the Asia Pacific Region, Peter Lloyd, #42135 (2017).
Examples of Diverse Geomorphology of Petroleum Systems Influenced by Volcanism along Sunda Subduction Trench, Offshore Myanmar, Naveeparp Paksamut and Suwan Umnuayponwiwat, #30518 (2017).
Fine-Grained Volcanic Material within the Early Eocene (T50) Balder Formation: Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the North Sea and Faroe-Shetland Basins, Sapphire Wanmer, Brian Bell, David Brown, and Giles Pickering, #10997 (2017).
Paleo-thermal Effects of Igneous Intrusions in Sedimentary Basins and Their Influence on Petroleum Systems, Paul Green, Ian Duddy, and Peter Japsen, #10996 (2017).
The Asia Pacific Region, The Third AAPG/EAGE/MGS Oil and Gas Conference, Yangon, Myanmar, February 22-24, 2017
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, The Third AAPG/EAGE/MGS Oil and Gas Conference, Yangon, Myanmar, February 22-24, 2017, Abstracts #90294 (2017).
From Indonesia to Myanmar: A Review of Seismic Images across the Indo-Australian/Sunda Plate Margin: The Anatomy of a Subduction Zone in Space & Time, Paul Thompson, #30552 (2018).
Stratigraphic Control of Upper Pondaung Sandstone, Letpando Oil Field, Central Myanmar Basin, Nyi Nyi Soe, #20408 (2017).
Geological Interpretation of the Reservoir and Pay Distribution of the G3.2 and G5.2 series of the Shwe Field, Myanmar, Robert C. Shoup, Allan J. Filipov, and Mike Hiner, #20401 (2017).
Stopping a Well to Develop a Field - A Geostopping Case Study from the Andaman Sea, Mike Orr, Paolo Sudiro, Valentin Woehling, Amrith Kaur, Kesavan Ramasamy, Farith Farhan M. Pajri, Kamaruddin Salleh, Own Thwin, and Siti Aida Yaha, #20404 (2017).
of Benthic Foraminifera and Radiolarians in Middle Eocene Tabyin Formation, Mindon-Taing Da Area, Magway Region, Myanmar, Soe Moe Lwin, Myo Min Aung, and Nay Phyo Oo, #51427 (2017).
Geochemical Exploration Strategies for Myanmar and Other Geologically Complex Areas: Opportunities for Surface Geochemical and Non-Seismic Hydrocarbon Detection Methods, Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher and Luigi Clavareau, #42130 (2017).
PSProduction Performance of Gas Reservoirs under Bottom Water Drive Mechanisms: A Case Study of Nam Con Son Field Development Project, T.V. Tran, T. Manapov, T.H. Nguyen, T. Doan, and H.M.D. Nguyen, #70289 (2017).
PSBuilding a Static Model During Exploration: Enabler for Fast Track Field Development Plan, Raffik Lazar, #70288 (2017).
What Does the Quaint Oil of Mann-665 Tell on Regional Geology?, U Kyaw Soe Win, Daw Hnin Aye Aye Phyo, U Ko Ko, U Kyin Sein, and U Thant Zin Aung, #20402 (2017).
Speculative Pre-Tertiary Petroleum Systems and Play Types of Myanmar, Lynn Myint, #30516 (2017).
The Asia Pacific Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Characterization of Asian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Bangkok, Thailand, March 31 - April 1, 2016.
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Geosciences Technology Workshop, Characterization of Asian Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Bangkok, Thailand, March 31 - April 1, 2016, Abstracts, #90253 (2016).
Structural Controlled Hydrothermal Dolomite Reservoirs in the Precambrian Dengying Formation of the Central Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China, Feng Mingyou, Liu Xiaohong, Qiang Zitong, Tao Yanzhong, and Xia Qingsong, #51268 (2016).
Fractures Types of Volcanic Reservoir and its Significance to Reservoir in the Dixi Area of the Kelameili Gas Field, Junggar Basin, Northwestern China, Liu Xiaohong, Feng Mingyou, Xi Aihua, and Liu Chang, #20358 (2016).
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Definition, The Kra Basin, Northern Gulf of Thailand, Tianpan Ampaiwan, Minarwan Minarwan, Paul Swire, and Paolo Tognini, #20357 (2016).
Revealing the Natural Fracture Network of the Berai Carbonate, Kerendan Field Complex, Indonesia, Nicolas Bianchi, Graham Aplin, Carey Davies, Elly Guritno, Windi Darmawan, Ari Subekti, and Gilang Airlangga, #20356 (2016).
Emerging Shale and Tight-Sand Plays, Perth Basin, Western Australia, Ameed Ghori, #10849 (2016).
PSArchitecture of Underwater Distributary Channel Reservoir in Member 3 of Qingshankou Formation in QianAn District, South of Songliao Basin, Wang Jun, Bao Zhidong, and Zhang Hongjing, #51262 (2016).
Transgressive Events in the Lower and Middle Miocene of the Gulf of Thailand: Implications for Reservoir Characterization, Joseph J. Lambiase, #51266 (2016).
Petrophysical Rock Typing: Enhanced Permeability Prediction and Reservoir Descriptions, Wanida Sritongthae, #51265 (2016).
Poroperm Evolution through Different Deformation Stages: Stable Isotopes Define Fluid Evolution in Permian and Older Carbonates in Thailand, John Warren, Chris Morley, Thasinee Charoentitirat, Ian Cartwright, Prueksarat Ampaiwan, Patcharin Khositchaisri, Maryam Mirzaloo, Mohammad Nazrul, Apsorn Panthong, and Jakkrich Yingyuen, #51264 (2016).
Horizontal Well Injector/Producer Pair Platong Field, Pattani Basin, Thailand, Abhiphat Pakdeesirote, Sonchawan Ackagosol, Sarayoot Geena, Nualjun Kitvarayut, Kenneth Lewis, Tom Tran, Nancy Wildman, Achiraya Soodsai, and Pattra Viriyasittigun, #20354 (2016).
PSSyn-Rift Lacustrine Axial Delta Reservoir Quality and its Distribution: New Insight from Sumpur Delta in Singkarak Lake, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Reybi Waren, Endo Finaldhi, Enry H. Sihombing, Iqbal Fardiansyah, Faizil Fitris, Habash Semimbar, Satia Graha, Abdullah F. Talib, and Willy R. Paksi, #51263 (2016).
PSHorizontal Well Journey: Enhance Oil Recovery and Flatten the Oil Production Decline in the Gulf of Thailand, Artit Visatemongkolchai and Wirot Teeratananon, #41817 (2016).
PSOptimization of Formation Evaluation by Integration of Advanced Surface Fluid Logging and Downhole Tools in Difficult Geological Settings, Mazwan B. M. Ali, Hasbulnallah M. Razali, Nur Hasnidar Bt Zulkifli, Fatin Hamimi Azhar, Mark Alexander Samung, Ra himah Halim, Taufiq Yaakob, M. Amin Nizar B.C.A. Razak, Anna Lebohang Sempe, Ivan Fornasier, Andrea Di Daniel, Simon Botelho, Gokarna Khanal, Elias K. Mathew, Rajeswary Kandasamy, Thierry Chabernaud, and Mohd Ramziemran Abdul Rahman, #41816 (2016).
The Asia Pacific Region, AAPG/EAGE/MGS Conference, Innovation in Geoscience: Unlocking the Complex Geology of Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar, November 19-20, 2015.
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, AAPG/EAGE/MGS Conference, Innovation in Geoscience: Unlocking the Complex Geology of Myanmar, Yangon, Myanmar, November 19-20, 2015, Abstracts, #90246 (2016).
Petrographic Description and Petrochemical Character of Granitoid Rocks in Mudu Area, Northern Part of Maungmagan, Dawei District, Myanmar, Myo Zaw Set and Htay Win, #51267 (2016).
Exploration of the Rakhine Basin, Pushing Out the Barriers with New 3D, David Cliff and Paul Carter, #10848 (2016).
Application of Visco-Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion to Shallow-Water, Shallow-Gas Data, Xin Cheng, Ronan Petton, Ian Anstey, Wai-Leong Lai, Denes Vigh, and Gavin Menzel-Jones, #41802 (2016).
A Source-to-Sink Study in Myanmar: Implications for Exploration, Inga Sevastjanova, Laura Wilson, Paul Markwick, Clare Davies, Andy Quallington, and Melise Harland, #30454 (2016).
Sand Production Management: The Critical Challenge in Zawtika Gas Production, Tanawat Junmano, Lee Boo Soon, Anan Amornprabharwat, Sutasinee Kittisupalauk, and Rangsan Bhengbhun, #20351 (2016).
A Synthesis of Myanmar Petroleum Geology and Potential, Lynn Myint, #30453 (2016).
Tectonic Setting of Ophiolite Belts in Myanmar, Hla Htay, #30452 (2016).
Hierarchical 3D Facies Model Capturing Conceptual Geology of Fluvial-Deltaic Environment in Zawtika Gas Field, Offshore Myanmar, Peerapong Ekkawong, Sureena Matha, Rangsan Bhengbhun, and Ellya Saudale, #20350 (2016).
Structural Observations along the Salin-Pyay Pleistocene Strike-Slip Deformation Belt, U Ko Ko, #10845 (2016).
PSSurface to Subsurface: Myanmar's Geology Consolidated, Duncan Witts, #41796 (2016).
PSModern Geochemistry Methods to Prove Working Petroleum Systems: Applications for Offshore Myanmar, Dan McConnell, #41795 (2016).
PSInterpreting 2D Seismic with the Assistance of FALCON® Airborne Gravity Gradiometer Data in the Canning Basin, Jurriaan Feijth, Carlos Cevallos, Tony Rudge, Peter Edwards, Simon Wetherley, and Craig Smith, #41794 (2016).
GTW, Asia Pacific Region, Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation of South China Sea Region, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, May 26-27, 2015.
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Tectonic Evolution and Sedimentation of South China Sea Region, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, May 26-27, 2015, Abstracts, #90236 (2015).
Coeval Oligocene- Miocene Extension in East Andaman Basin / North Sumatra Region and in the South China Sea: Geodynamic Consequences and Implications for Hydrocarbon Research, Claude Rangin, #30408 (2015).
PSHydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Deep Water Phu Kanh Basin, Tad Choi and Jo McArdle, #10751 (2015).
Seismic Imaging of the SW South China Sea Deep Crustal Structure Shows Evidence for a Ductile Lower Crust during Rifting, M. Delescluse, T. Pichot, N. Chamot-Rooke, M. Pubellier, Y. Qiu, G. Sun, J. Wang, and J.-L. Auxiètre, #30404 (2015).
Correlation across the South China Sea Using VIM Transgressive-Regressive Cycles, Robert J. Morley, Tony Swiecicki, and Pedro Restrepo Pace, #51109 (2015).
Collapse and Rifting in the South China Sea, Manuel Pubellier, Matthias Delescluse, Dimitri Savva, Dieter Franke, Florian Meresse, Jean-Luc Auxietre, Mario Aurelio, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Ugo Nanni, and Lung Sang Chan, #30406 (2015).
One Basin with Several Sediment Sources: Stratigraphic Records of the Bunguran Trough, Central South China Sea, John Jong, Steve Barker, Franz L. Kessler, and Tran Quoc Tan, #30405 (2015).
GTW, Asia Pacific Region, Modern Depositional Systems as Analogues for Petroleum Systems, Wellington, New Zealand, April 21-23, 2015
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Modern Depositional Systems as Analogues for Petroleum Reservoirs, April 21-22, 2015, Wellington, New Zealand, Abstracts, #90235 (2015).
Explorers from New Zealand: Application of Modern and Ancient Depositional Environments to Construct Paleo-Depositional Environment Maps of the Canterbury and Great South Rift Basins, Robert C. Shoup and Nick Cozens, #10750 (2015).
Analogues and
Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration in New Zealand, Lucia Roncaglia, Christopher Clowes, Erica Crouch, and Joe Prebble, #41639 (2015).
The Modern Mahakam Delta: An Analogue for Transgressive-Phase Deltaic Sandstone Reservoirs on Low Energy Coastlines, Joseph J. Lambiase and Salahuddin Husein, #51108 (2015).
PSDetecting Lateral Continuity of Taranaki Basin Reservoir Sand Based on Sequence Stratigraphy and Seismic Attribute
, Joseph Gnapragasan and Umar Hamzah, #10741 (2015).
GTW, Asia Pacific Region, Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific, Brisbane, Australia, February 12-13, 2015
- AAPG Asia Pacific Region, Geoscience Technology Workshop, Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific, February 12-13, 2015, Brisbane, Australia, Abstracts, #90234 (2015).
Is it the Geological Environment, Engineering Skill or Luck that Differentiates the Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Australian Coal Seam Gas Projects?, Raymond L. Johnson, Jr., #51115 (2015).
PSPrediction of Seals Performance for Coal Seam Gas Production Impact Assessment, Jim Underschultz, Peter Pasini, Micaela Grigorescu, and Thamires Laranjeiras de Souza, #41651 (2015).
Application of Hyperspectral Core Logging for Coal Mineral Characterisation in CSG Reservoirs, Natalya Taylor, Frank Honey, Ronell Carey, Rodney Borrego, Sandra Rodrigues, and Joan Esterle, #41645 (2015).
Reserves Estimation and Influences on Coal Seam Gas Productivity in Eastern Australian Basins, Bruce McConachie, Peter Stanmore, Michael Creech, Lucas McLean Hodgson, Anargul Kushkarina, and Edward Lewis, #10749 (2015).
PSUnderstanding Enterprise and Industry Transition Through the Use of Coal Seam Water in Agriculture: A Case Study of Chinchilla District, Queensland, David Monckton, Jim Cavaye, Sue Vink, and Neil Huth, #41650 (2015).
PSLab Measurements of Gas-Liquid Relative Permeability in Coals, Lei Ge, Chawarwan Khan, Thomas E. Rufford, and Victor Rudolph, #41646 (2015).
Extend Well Life by Optimizing Well Completion and Pumping Operation, Xingjin Wang, #41647 (2015).
Concurrent In-Situ Measurement of Flow Capacity and Gas Content, Quentin Morgan, #41648 (2015).
The Advanced Technology of Drilling and Completion for CBM in China, Ruichen Shen, Zijian Wang, Lei Qiao, Kailong Wang, and Aiguo He, #80452 (2015).
PSCoal Bed Methane Reservoir Simulation Study, Chawarwan Khan, Lei Ge, Victor Rudolph, and Tom Rufford, #80453 (2015).
A Review on Development of CBM Industry in China, Qin Yong and Ye Jianping, #80454 (2015).
Monitoring Aquifer Integrity in a Multi-Zone Environment: A Fit-For-Purpose Single-Trip Solution, Robert Rees, #80455 (2015).
PSAn Investigation into the Sedimentary Organization of the Walloon Sub-Group via BHI's, Daren Shields and Joan Esterle, #51116 (2015).