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"selected major discoveries of 1999"

 The following (from AAPG Explorer, January 2000) is a geographical listing of “selected major discoveries of 1999 including operator, well name, basin and production reports.” Data compiled by IHS Energy Group’s International Oil Letter.

Included also are illustrations (Figures 1, 2, 3) that relate to developments. The price of crude oil for 1999 shows the overall increase from about $12/bbl in January to $25/bbl in December (Figure 1). Oil and gas discoveries 1992-1999 (Figure 2) show that Africa and the Middle East led the other regions in oil discoveries, with 28 billion barrels, and that Southeast Asia led in gas discoveries, with 180-200 trillion cubic feet. Nine giant oil discoveries (> l billion barrels) made in the past decade (Figure 3) are: Crazy Horse, Gulf of Mexico; Rancador, Brazil; Barracuda, Brazil; Azadegan, Iran; Cusiana, Colombia; Girassol, Angola; Dalia, Angola; Oughroud, Algeria; and Sihil (underlying Cantarell field), Mexico (Kathy Shirley, AAPG Explorer, January, 2000). Twelve giant gas discoveries (> 5 trillion cubic feet) made in the past 10 years (Figure 3) are: Shtokmanovskoye and Rusanovskoye in offshore northern Russia, Shak Deniz in offshore Azerbaijan, Itau-San Alberto in Bolivia, Orman Lange in Norway, Sahil Rawl in Oman, Yadana in Myanmar, Peciko and Wiriagar Complex in Indonesia, Hides in Papua New Guinea, and Perseus and Evans Shoal, Australia's Northwest Shelf.


North Africa and Sahara

LL&E, Menzel Ledjmet Central 1, Berkine, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 7,936 Bo/d & 2,200 Mscf/d.
LL&E, Menzel Ledjmet NW1, Berkine, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 8,549 Bo/d & 12,600 Mscf/d.
Sonatrach, Ben Kahla Est 1, Qued Mya, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 3,650 Bo/d & 3,780 Mscf/d.

BG, Simian, Nile Delta, deep, gas, 44,000 Mscf/d.
BG, WDDM-5, Nile Delta, deep, gas, 45,000 Mscf/d.
DEMINEX, Idku North 1 ST 2, Nile Delta, Shelf, gas & condensate, 68,200 Mscf/d & 8,330 bc/d.
IEOC, Ashrafi West (IEOC), Gulf of Suez, Shelf, oil & gas, 3,394 Bo/d & 11,281 Mscf/d.
Khalda, Kahraman C-17, Shoushan, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 850 Bo/d.

MOL, Sabria NW1, EL DJERID, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 1,507 Bo/d & 3,261 Mscf/d.

GNPOC, Munga 1, Muglad Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 1,680 Bo/d.

West Africa

Amoco, Platina 1, Lower Congo, deep, oil, 6,500 Bo/d.
Amoco, Plutonio 1, Lower Congo, deep, oil, 5,700 Bo/d.
Elf, Cravo 1, Congo Fan -L. Congo, deep, oil, 12,800 Bo/d.
Elf, Tulipa 1, Congo Fan -L. Congo, deep, oil, 7,000 Bo/d.
Esso, Chocalho 1, Congo Fan -L.Congo, deep, oil 4,554 Bo/d.
Esso, Xikomba 1, Lower Congo, deep, oil, 1,435 Bo/d.

CMS NOMECO, M 'via 1, Douala, oil, 1,090 Bo/d.

Equatorial Guinea
Triton, M 'Bini 1, Rio Muni, deep, oil, 12,401 Bo/d.


ENI SpA, Cerro Falcone 1 or B, Lagoneg.Nap., Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 5,435 Bo/d.

Elf, K/5-11, Anglo-Dutch Basin, Shelf, gas, 26.5 MMscf/d.
Wintershall, A/15-3, Central Graben, Shelf, gas, 24 Mmscf/d.

Phillips, 2/7-31 (Ebba), Central Graben, Shelf, oil & gas, 1,793 Bo/d & 4.2 MMscf/d.

PGNG, Bratkowice 4, Car. Foredeep, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 3,661 Mscf/d.
PGNG, Bronsko 1, NE- German, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 6,458 Mscf/d.

Romgaz, Batusesti 302, Car. Foredeep, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 9,535 Mscf/d.
Romgaz, Gradistea Est 1, Car. Foredeep, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 2,472 Mscf/d.

Repsol, Chipiron 1, Ebro Delta, Shelf, oil, 7,000 Bo/d.

United Kingdom
Phillips, 30/7a-12 (Jemima), Central Trough, Shelf, oil & gas, 4,000 Bo/d & 42 MMscf/d.
Shell, 21/24-6 (Clapham), Central Graben, Shelf, oil, 5,894 Bo/d.


NIOC, Changuleh 2, Zagros, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 5,000-6,000 Bo/d.
NIOC, Nir Kabir 1, Zagros, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 4,000-5,000 Bo/d.

Samedan, Noa 1, Nile Delta, offshore, gas, 11.5-30 MMscf/d.

Exxon, Kra al Maru 2, Arabian, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 1,800 Bo/d.

PDO, Ghafeer 1, South Oman, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 6,500 Bo/d.

SPC, Abu Zhour 2, Palmyrides, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 35 MMcf/d.
SPC, Kishma 1, Euphrates Graben, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 5,000 Bo/d.


Shell, Guda 2, Rajasthan, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 2,000 Bo/d.


Apache, Vincent 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil & gas, 4,301 Bo/d & 1.9 MMcfg/d.
Santos, Raven 1, Cooper, onshore, gas condensate, 9,110 Mcfgd & 165 Bcp/d.
Santos, Touriga 1, Cooper, onshore, gas, 5,400 MCFD.
Wapet, (Obiwan)Barrow Island -Z56M, Carnarvon, onshore, oil, 1,000 Bo/d.
Apache, Sage 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 2,155 Bo/d.
Woodside, Enfield 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil & gas, 4,800 Bo/d & 1.17 MMcfg/d.
Santos, Pondrinie North 1, Cooper-Eromanga, onshore, gas, 2.7 MMcfg/d.
Apache, North Harriet 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil & gas, 6m oil & 2.7 gas.
Apache, Gypsy North 1, Carnarvon, offshore, oil, 5,940 Bo/d.

COOBC, Bozhong 25-1 5, Bohai, offshore, oil, 2,352 Bo/d.
CONHW, Weizhou 12-1 5, Beibu, offshore, oil & gas, 7,089 Bo/d & 4.6 MMscf/d.
Sinopec, Yancan 1, Yanfu, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 3,531 MMscf/d.
Phillips, Penglai 19-3 2, Bohai, offshore, oil, >1,600 Bo/d.
Phillips, Penglai 19-3 4, Bohai, offshore, oil, 1,040 Bo/d.

Caltx, Piala 1, Central Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 1321 Bo/d.
Conoco, Belut North 3, Natuna Sea, offshore, gas & condensate, 60.9 MMscf/d & 3,656 bc/d.
Coparex, Rembang 1, East Java, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 19.1 MMscf/d.
Gulf Res, Durian Mabok 2, South Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 26.3 MMscf/d.
Gulf Res, Suban 3, South Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas & condensate, 27.4 MMscf/d & 190 bc/d.
Gulf Res, Teluk Rendah 2, South Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 15.2 MMscf/d.
Mobil, Pase A9, North Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 17 MMscf/d.
Pertamina, Petanang 1, South Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, gas & condensate, 1,727 Bo/d, 7.69 MMcf/d, & 244 bc/d.
Pertamina, Rengan Condong 1, South Sumatra, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 2.1 MMscf/d.

Papua New Guinea
Oil Search, Kimu 1, Fly River Platform, onshore, gas, 7.79 MMcfg/d.


PASJ, Blanco Olivos Oriental 1, Northeast Platform, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 4,900 Mscf/d.
PASJ, Anticlinal Viejo 1, Neuquen Embaym., Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, Aggr.2,384 Bo/d.
PASJ, Anticlinal de Maria 1, Neuquen Embaym., Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, up to 1,447 Bo/d & 57,972 Mscf/d.
PASJ, Anti.De Maria Oriental 1, Northeast Platform, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, 2,416 Bo/d.
Total, Unicomio 1, Austral, Shelf, gas, 13,000 Mscf/d.
PASJ, Cerro Solo (Rio Negro)1, Neuquen Embaym., Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil, late 574 Bo/d.
PASJ, Cerro Norte 29, Austral, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 3,000 Mscf/d.
PASJ, Estancia El Colorado 1, Northeast Platform, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 25,194 Mscf/d.
PASJ, El Latigo 1, Northeast Platform, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 4,227 Bo/d & 1,610 Mscf/d.
Total, Aguada San Roque 104, Neuquen Embaym., Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 42,000 Mscf/d & 1,673 bc/d.
PASJ, Estancia dos Lagunas 1, Austral, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 3,550 Mscf/d.
Perez Companc, Estancia El Chiripa 1, Austral, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 1,977 Mscf/d.
Shell, Valle Morado 1001st, Tarija, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas & condensate, 40,960 Mscf/d & 170 bc/d.
Sipetrol, CAM-1, Austral, Shelf, gas & condensate, 15,242 Mscf/d & 145 bc/d.
Sipetrol, CAM-1A, Austral, Shelf, oil & gas, 2,119 Bo/d, 636.7 Mscf/d.
YPF, Loma Campana 1, Neuquen, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 2,040 scf/d.
PASJ, Oceano 41, Austral Basin, Previous HitlandNext Hit, oil & gas, 909 Bo/d & 12,000 Mscf/d.

Vintage, Naranjillos X-104, Chaco Foothill Belt, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas & condensate, 5,000 Mscf/d & 150 bc/d.
YPFB, San Alberto X-9, Chaco Sub-And., Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas & condensate, 23,000 Mscf/d & 410 bc/d.
Pluspetrl, Huayco Sur X- 1001, Chaco Sub-And., Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, up to 8,500 Mscf/d.
Ambas, El Dorado X-1001, Chaco Basin, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas, 20,000 Mscf/d.

Petrobras, 1-RUT-001-AM, Amazonas, Previous HitlandNext Hit, gas & condensate, 17,600 Mscf/d & 239 bc/d.
Petrobras, 1-ESS-89A, Espirito Santo, Shelf, gas, 21,200 Mscf/d.

Emerald, Gigante 1A, Upper Magdalena, Previous HitlandTop, oil, 3,000 Bo/d.


  Figure 1. Price of crude oil (West Texas Intermediate) for 1999.

  Figure 2. World oil and gas discoveries, 1992-1999. Source: Cambridge Research Associates.

  Figure 3. Giant discoveries of the 1990s. Source: Cambridge Research Associates.