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By Brian S. Anderson1, Mark E. Weber1, and John E. Bain2
Search and Discovery Article #40035 (2001)
1Fugro - LCT Inc., Houston, Texas ([email protected]) ([email protected])
2Galileo Geophysics Inc., Houston, Texas ([email protected])
for online presentation from two articles by same authors, entitled
Use Surges” in Geophysical Corner, AAPG Explorer, February, 1998, and “Integration: A Practical
View” in Geophysical Corner, AAPG
Explorer, March, 1998. Appreciation is expressed to the authors and to M.
Ray Thomasson, former Chairman of the AAPG Geophysical Integration Committee,
and Larry Nation, AAPG Communications Director, for their support of this online
General Statement
percent of the world’s seismic fleet is now recording gravity
and/or magnetic
– representing a 100 percent increase over just two years ago.
answer to the question of what this remarkable increase represents, the ongoing
surge in use of gravity
to the present historic high levels can be attributed to
several recent key developments, including:
· The industry is involved in more challenging exploration plays than ever before.
· Increased costs of exploration and drilling.
Major advances in data
Three-D modeling software applications
are now integrating seismic, gravity
and magnetics on the same workstation.
· Three-D seismic has not answered all our questions.
Cost-effectiveness of the gravity
magnetic techniques.
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
uPractical View of Integration uTeam-Oriented Exploration Tools
Click here for sequence of Figures 7 and 8.
Click here for sequence of Figures 7 and 8.
Recent AdvancesHistorically,
the results of the At
a recent technical meeting in Houston, Ed Biegert, non-seismic methods
specialist for Shell, asked the question: “Why do we re-acquire
advances in
these advances, industry has seen stunning improvements over Many
operators are routinely incorporating new high resolution One
very experienced oil company 1.
Sidney Schafer Water Bottom 2.
Legacy Deep Water Marine 3.
New High-Resolution Deep Water Marine The
above examples are general estimates based on several criteria,
including positioning, instrumentation, sampling, The
importance of Not
many of us have a good grasp of what this measurement unit of The
following is an exercise in converting Modeled
salt thickness
vs. Using
a generalized density vs. depth curve for the deep water Gulf of Mexico,
a series of sensitivity models have been constructed for a salt
lens, two miles in diameter (Figure 3). The salt was inserted into the
density model at several depths. At each depth the thickness was varied
to establish Admittedly,
this is an over-simplified example, but it is effective in demonstrating
the need for good quality For
0.2 mGal New
high resolution In
terms of new Practical View of Integration MethodsEven with the best quality 3-D seismic
By incorporating a co-recorded With the trend toward highly focused
exploration teams, the smooth interaction and coupling of multiple
geophysical disciplines is essential. Explorationists are expected to
employ and be familiar with more disciplines on a continuing basis. The
development of workstation applications, which enable the interpreter to
simultaneously refine the subsurface model using seismic, In using a new software tool kit,
high-resolution 1. High-resolution 2. The seismic velocity Gardner’s Equation. Nafe/Drake, Hilterman and other density-velocity relationships. Use
of available empirical gamma-gamma density logs, etc.). User defined conversion algorithms or formulae. Other approaches. 3. The density model can be as simple or as
elaborate as the corresponding velocity model – up to and including a
discrete value of density for each x-y-z node within the profile or
volume of 4. Input of digital horizon 5. Computation of the 6. Manipulation of the model using both
forward modeling and inversion processes based on minimizing the misfits
between model and measured 7. On completion of the modeling and/or inversion process, the revised earth model is converted into the velocity domain, providing an improved starting point velocity model for depth migration. 8. This iterative process and feedback loop continues throughout the seismic migration and interpretation process. Figure 7 is a cross section through a full
three dimensional model of a salt feature in the Gulf of Mexico. The
density cube is derived from available well control. The top of salt is
typically obtained from a simple initial stretch to depth from the time
interpretation. Later--in the interpretive The base of salt is input from an initial
time interpretation. In many cases the initial base of salt
interpretation is provided with confidence factors; e.g., a 10 might be
assigned to high seismic confidence areas, a 0 being assigned to seismic
blind zones, and grades in between. The The density and velocity Once the final density model is
constructed, the density-velocity function is used to translate the
alterations into an apparent velocity cube. Figure 8 is the final result
of this process. Note the original outline of the salt body (prior to
integration of the A full 3-D view of an integrated
seismic- In today’s team-oriented exploration
environment, the availability and use of real-time interpretation
software tools allow for the integration of
To be most effective, the integration of