Renaissance of Gravity
By Brian S. Anderson1, Mark E. Weber1, and John E. Bain2
1Fugro - LCT Inc., Houston, Texas ([email protected]) ([email protected])
2Galileo Geophysics
Inc., Houston, Texas ([email protected])
Adapted for online presentation from two articles by same authors, entitled “Gravity/Magnetic Data Use Surges” in Geophysical Corner, AAPG Explorer, February, 1998, and “Integration: A Practical View” in Geophysical Corner, AAPG Explorer, March, 1998. Appreciation is expressed to the authors and to M. Ray Thomasson, former Chairman of the AAPG Geophysical Integration Committee, and Larry Nation, AAPG Communications Director, for their support of this online version.
General Statement
Fifty percent of the world’s seismic fleet is now recording
gravity and/or magnetic data – representing a 100 percent increase over just
two years ago.
As answer to the question of what this remarkable increase
represents, the ongoing surge in use of gravity to the present historic high
levels can be attributed to several recent key developments, including:
The industry is involved in
more challenging exploration plays than ever before.
Increased costs of
exploration and drilling.
Major advances in data
Three-D modeling software
applications are now integrating seismic, gravity and magnetics on the same
Three-D seismic has not
answered all our questions.
Cost-effectiveness of the
gravity and magnetic techniques.
List of Figures
Figure 1--A sample of new high-resolution gravity in the
deep water Gulf of Mexico.
Figure 2--Today’s workstations handle integration of
seismic, gravity and magnetics.
Figure 3--Salt body model for
determination of required gravity data accuracy.
Figure 4—Salt thicknesses accuracy chart, using differing accuracies of gravity data.
Figure 5--High resolution gravity used to refine 2-D and 3-D seismic velocity
6--Flow diagram for integrated seismic-gravity-velocity interpretation.
7--Initial density model (cross section of salt feature), deep water Gulf of
here for sequence of Figures 7 and 8.
8--Revised velocity model after application of gravity of salt feature in
Figure 7, with initial salt outline shown.
here for sequence of Figures 7 and 8.
Figure 9--Full integration: Incorporated into this Gulf of Mexico interpretation are a 3-D seismic volume, 3-D velocity volume, 3-D density volume: calculated and observed gravity fields, interpreted well data, and interpreted seismic horizons. Display courtesy of CGG-Petrosystems
General Statement
List of Figures
Recent Advances
Brief History
Advances in Resolving Power
Gravity Data Accuracy
What is a MilliGal?
Modeled Salt Thickness vs. Gravity Data Accuracy
– Sensitivity Models
Present Economics of Gravity and Magnetics
Practical View of Integration
Team-Oriented Exploration Tools
Gulf of Mexico Example of Integrated Intepretation
Economic Impact
Recent Advances
Brief History
Historically, gravity and magnetic data were primarily used
as a basin reconnaissance tool for determining gross features of an area. Key
elements are depth to high-density basement (often coincident with economic
basement), sediment thickness, fault delineation, mapping of volcanics, and
salt modeling. A common approach was to have a gravity and magnetic “guru” on
staff, or as a consultant, who would disappear with all the data and return
some time later with an “answer.”
If the results of the gravity and/or magnetic work did not
agree with the seismic interpretation, the “guru’s answer” would generally be
disregarded. Although much good work was achieved, results had been limited by
the resolution of the recorded gravity and magnetic data and the lack of
cohesive integration.
Advances in
Resolving Power
At a recent technical meeting in Houston, Ed Biegert,
non-seismic methods specialist for Shell, asked the question: “Why do we
re-acquire gravity?” His own answer to the question was: “For the same reasons
we re-acquire seismic data.” Although the gravity fields mapped in prior years
have not changed, our ability to measure and process gravity accurately on a
ship has improved dramatically – just as we have improved our ability to shoot,
record and process seismic data (Figure 1).
Recent advances in gravity measurement at sea include:
Upgrading from analog to
digital control and acquisition systems.
Higher data sampling and
recording rates (200 Hz sampling, 1 Hz recording).
Precise DGPS positioning for
removal of ship accelerations.
More accurate measurements of
water depth.
- New data
processing developments (signal to noise enhancement, micro-leveling,
With these advances, industry has seen stunning
improvements over data recorded as recently as 10 years ago. In many cases,
there is an increase of up to 10 times the data per unit area in new surveys
over older data, with a correspondingly higher level of confidence in
interpreted geological results.
Many operators are routinely incorporating new high
resolution gravity into their interpretation projects, particularly in the deep
water Gulf of Mexico. This integration is facilitated by new workstation
software applications (Figure 2).
Gravity Data Accuracy
One very experienced oil company gravity and magnetic
interpreter quotes the following approximate interpretable accuracies of data
in the Gulf of Mexico:
1. Sidney Schafer Water Bottom Gravity (shelf to 600-foot
water depths), over 2,000- to 4,000-foot horizontal distances; primary
limitation is sampling – station spacing: 0.1 to 0.3 milliGal (mGal).
2. Legacy Deep Water Marine Data (over 10 years old) over
10,000-foot horizontal distances: 0.5 to 1.0 mGal.
3. New High-Resolution Deep Water Marine Data (1991 or
newer), over 1,500-to 3,000-foot horizontal distances: 0.1 to 0.5 mGal.
The above examples are general estimates based on several
criteria, including positioning, instrumentation, sampling, processing
techniques and associated bathymetry accuracy. Recent work has shown that
errors of 0.3 to 1.0 mGal or greater can be introduced into data due to use of
incorrect water depth or positioning information.
The importance of data resolution makes a thorough
investigation of the gravity data prior to interpretation a sound practice. As
with any geophysical technique, ambiguities still exist, and the limitations of
the technique should be thoroughly understood.
What is a
Not many of us have a good grasp of what this measurement
unit of gravity means, or in more general terms, the impact of gravity data
accuracy on geologic interpretations. “We already have a gravity map” is often
heard at oil companies.
The following is an exercise in converting gravity
(milliGals) into a meaningful geologic quantity (thickness of salt – in this
case, thickness of a salt lens):
Modeled Salt Thickness vs.
Gravity Data Accuracy – Sensitivity Models
Using a generalized density vs. depth curve for the deep water Gulf of Mexico, a series of sensitivity models have been constructed for a salt lens, two miles in diameter (Figure 3). The salt was inserted into the density model at several depths. At each depth the thickness was varied to establish data points for a salt burial depth and thickness vs. gravity response chart (Figure 4). The results of these models quantitatively demonstrate the need for accurate gravity data in deep water salt modeling.
Admittedly, this is an over-simplified example, but it is effective in demonstrating the need for good quality gravity data to obtain meaningful geological results. To read the diagram in Figure 4, go to the x-axis (depth) and find the 7,500-foot depth point. Moving upward on the chart to the 0.1 mGal data curve, it is observed on the y-axis that 0.1 mGal data, when modeled for salt at this depth, will provide approximately plus or minus 300 feet accuracy in modeled salt thickness.
For 0.2 mGal data this range grows up to 400 feet; for 0.5 mGal data results are plus or minus 1000 feet. For 1.0 mGal gravity data (most older gravity data sets in the deep water), the results are plus or minus one-half mile of salt!
Present Economics Of Gravity and Magnetics
New high resolution gravity data costs approximately $1,200 per Gulf of Mexico OCS lease block, or $12 per line mile for new 2-D high resolution data (e.g., gravity from TGS-Calibre Phase 45 Program). Costs for 2-D models are in the $2,500 to $5,000 range, and full 3-D gravity and magnetic modeling studies can cost from $25,000 to $50,000 or more depending on the complexity of the model.
In terms of new data acquisition, crew and equipment costs are in the range of $1,500 per day or less. In areas like the deep water Gulf, many companies are finding this a worthwhile investment. When rig rates are pushing well over $100,000 per day, it is easy to understand why.
Practical View
of Integration Methods
Even with the best quality 3-D seismic data, an
interpreter can have a troublesome task in defining the salt/sediment boundary
at the flanks of a salt dome, salt sheet or other complex structure. For
decades, gravity has been used in the Gulf of Mexico to address this problem.
The major differences in how it was done then and how it is now done are
twofold. It’s better today because of:
Better acquisition technology
and processed data.
Truly integrated workstation
software tools.
By incorporating a co-recorded data set with each
data set (e.g., seismic and gravity) independently measuring a related property
of the subsurface, the interpreter can place a much higher degree of confidence
in the final geologic interpretation. To quantify this observation, case
studies show that incorporating 3-D seismic with high resolution gravity and
magnetics can alter the base of salt interpretation by several thousand feet
from the 3-D seismic interpretation alone.
Team-Oriented Exploration Tools
With the trend toward highly focused exploration
teams, the smooth interaction and coupling of multiple geophysical disciplines
is essential. Explorationists are expected to employ and be familiar with more
disciplines on a continuing basis. The development of workstation applications,
which enable the interpreter to simultaneously refine the subsurface model
using seismic, gravity and magnetic data, has been a giant step forward. A flow
diagram for such an application is shown in Figure 6.
In using a new software tool kit, high-resolution
gravity now can be applied to an increasing number of seismic velocity modeling
projects. This technique is employed using the procedure outlined below.
1. High-resolution gravity is recorded and
processed along with the 2-D or 3-D seismic survey. Present techniques allow
for delivery of processed gravity data in advance of, or in parallel with,
processed seismic data delivery.
2. The seismic velocity data are used to create a
corresponding density section (or volume, in the 3-D case) by means of a
flexible velocity-density conversion tool kit, incorporating:
Gardner’s Equation.
Nafe/Drake, Hilterman and other density-velocity relationships.
Use of available empirical data (e.g. velocity logs, check
shot surveys,
density logs, etc.).
User defined conversion algorithms or formulae.
Other approaches.
3. The density model can be as simple or as
elaborate as the corresponding velocity model – up to and including a discrete
value of density for each x-y-z node within the profile or volume of data.
4. Input of digital horizon data (again, 2-D or
3-D) as interpreted on the seismic workstation. The system incorporates a “universal
translator” for the conversion of one type of horizon to another to accommodate
company partner teams, etc.
5. Computation of the gravity field of the model,
input of gravity data as recorded on the survey, and a direct comparison
between the two fields.
6. Manipulation of the model using both forward
modeling and inversion processes based on minimizing the misfits between model
and measured gravity fields.
7. On completion of the modeling and/or inversion
process, the revised earth model is converted into the velocity domain,
providing an improved starting point velocity model for depth migration.
8. This iterative process and feedback loop
continues throughout the seismic migration and interpretation process.
Gulf of Mexico Example of Integrated Interpretation
Figure 7 is a cross section through a full three
dimensional model of a salt feature in the Gulf of Mexico. The density cube is
derived from available well control. The top of salt is typically obtained from
a simple initial stretch to depth from the time interpretation. Later--in the
interpretive processing sequence--this is updated with the post-stack or
pre-stack depth migration results.
The base of salt is input from an initial time
interpretation. In many cases the initial base of salt interpretation is
provided with confidence factors; e.g., a 10 might be assigned to high seismic
confidence areas, a 0 being assigned to seismic blind zones, and grades in
between. The gravity modeling can then be constrained by the high seismic
confidence areas, and the low (seismic) confidence areas are then of most
interest in the search for a better interpretation using gravity modeling
The density and velocity data are analyzed,
typically using cross plots, and a function is derived to convert between the
density and the velocity volumes. The gravity effect of the density volume is
computed and compared with the observed gravity data, and the differences are
resolved through a series of automated structural and density inversion
techniques. The final model should contain as much seismic-gravity constraint
as possible for optimal results, often involving close interaction between the
gravity interpreter and seismic interpreter at the same workstation.
Once the final density model is constructed, the
density-velocity function is used to translate the alterations into an apparent
velocity cube. Figure 8 is the final result of this process. Note the original
outline of the salt body (prior to integration of the gravity and seismic
results), shown as a white outline. In this case, several thousand feet of
change in the base of salt are indicated through the multi-disciplinary
approach, as compared with the seismic-only approach.
A full 3-D view of an integrated seismic-gravity
model with well control is shown in Figure 9. This process, in addition to
providing important and independent corroboration and improvement to the
seismic interpretation of the base of salt, also provides an important source
of long wavelength velocity information beneath the salt masses. This
information, when injected back into the velocity model used for producing the
final base salt and sub-salt images, can have a dramatic impact on the enhanced
quality of the seismic processing results.
Economic Impact
In today’s team-oriented exploration environment,
the availability and use of real-time interpretation software tools allow for
the integration of gravity and magnetic data at the same workstation. This
approach is now embraced by a growing number of oil companies for:
Increasing confidence in
their geologic interpretations.
Decreasing risk.
To be most effective, the integration of gravity
and magnetics must take place at the earliest stage of prospect development,
and can continue throughout the exploration process.