--> ABSTRACTS AAPG HEDBERG RESEARCH CONFERENCE Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Simulation
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Carbonate Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization and Previous HitSimulationNext Hit: From Facies to Flow Units

March 15-18, 2004 — El Paso, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90029 (2004)

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.


*Modeling Heterogeneities in the Chalks of the Eldfisk Field, Southern North Sea
by Hilde Alexandersen, Claus Koch Clausen, and Michel Thomas

*Integrated Carbonate Research for Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization and Previous HitSimulationNext Hit; A Valuable Tool, But Do Not Lose Sight of the Fundamentals
by James H. Anderson

*The Waterton Asset Previous HitStudyNext Hit: An Example of Data Integration
by W. H. Asyee, K. D. Rawnsley, S. Bettembourg, M. De Keijzer, J .L. Massaferro, and L. Wei

*Digital Outcrop Models
by Jerome A. Bellian, Charles Kerans, Xavier Janson, and Ted Playton

*Screening, Integrated Characterization and Previous HitSimulationNext Hit of Mississippian Carbonate Fields in Kansas to Select Candidates for Infill Horizontal Drilling 
by Saibal Bhattacharya, Alan P. Byrnes, Martin K. Dubois, and Paul Gerlach

A Geological, Petrophysical and Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Performance-Based Characterization of the Womack Hill (Smackover) Field (Alabama, USA)
by Tom Blasingame, Rosalind Archer, Wayne Ahr, Charles Haynes, Ernie Mancini, and Brian Panetta

*Modeling Carbonate Reservoirs – Past, Present, and Future Trends
by Vernon S. Breit

*Issues with Permeability, Relative Permeability, and Capillary Pressure Architecture and Upscaling to Accurately Model Performance of Thin, Heterogeneous, Shallow-Shelf Carbonate Reservoirs in Kansas
by Alan P. Byrnes, Saibal Bhattacharya

*Description and Quantification of Vugs and Fractures in Carbonate Reservoirs from Two Wells in Permian Basin, West Texas: Field Testing of a New Wireline Borehole Imager and New Interpretation Software
by D. V. (Vivek) Chitale, John Quirein, Tegwyn Perkins, Ron Stamm, and Lee Sanders

Implicit and Explicit models of fractures and their properties
by Colin Daly

*Characterization and Previous HitSimulationNext Hit of the Panoma Field (Wolfcampian); a Tight, Thin-Bedded Carbonate Previous HitReservoirNext Hit System, Southwest Kansas
by Martin K. Dubois, Alan P. Byrnes, Shane C. Seals, Randy Offenberger, Louis P. Goldstein, Geoffrey C. Bohling, John H. Doveton, and Timothy R. Carr

Cores and Well Logs: Keys to the Sequence Stratigraphy of the First Eocene Previous HitReservoirNext Hit, Wafra Field (PNZ)
by Dennis W. Dull, W. Scott Meddaugh

Impact of the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework on the Stochastic Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Model for the First Eocene Previous HitReservoirNext Hit, Wafra Field (PNZ)
by Dennis W. Dull, W. Scott Meddaugh, Paul Montgomery, Gerald J. McNaboe

The Importance of Combining Geological and Petrophysical Knowledge for Carbonate Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization
by Gregor P. Eberli, Jose Luis Masaferro

From Facies to Flow Units: Getting from Theory to Practice
by Charles T. Feazel

*3D Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization and Modelling in Carbonates – Quo Vadis? An example from the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation, UAE
by Jürgen Grötsch

*Unique Approaches to Analysis of a Cyclic Shelf Dolomite Previous HitReservoirNext Hit
by Paul M. (Mitch) Harris

*Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization And The Computing Environment – What You Need To Know To Simplify Your Life
by Eric Hatleberg, Jay Hollingsworth

*Characterization and Modeling of Multiple Scales of Lateral Petrophysical Heterogeneity within Dolomite Rock Fabrics as Determined from Outcrop Analogs
by Colette B. Hirstius, Matthew J. Pranter, and David A. Budd

*Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization of the Drinkard Formation of the Justis Tubb-Drinkard Field, Lea County, New Mexico: A Valuable Tool in Optimizing Field Development
by Cory L. Hoffman, Ph.D.

*An Integrated Workflow for History Matching of Stochastic Models of Faulted and Fractured Reservoirs
by L. Y. Hu, R. Basquet, S. Jenni, M. C. Cacas, B. Bourbiaux, and J. M. Daniel

Fractured Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Modeling in a Foreland-Basin Anticline: From Outcrop to Flow Previous HitSimulationNext Hit
by Neil Hurley, Chris Zahm, Ali Raba’a, and Alper Karadavut

Importance of Core in Understanding Carbonate Reservoirs
by Xavier Janson, Julia F. Gale, James W. Jennings, Charles Kerans, Robert G. Loucks, F. Jerry Lucia, Stephen Ruppel, and Fred P. Wang

Principles of Carbonate Matrix Petrophysical Data Analysis and Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Flow Model Construction
by James W. Jennings, Jr.

South Wasson Clear Fork Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Modeling: Representing Stratigraphically Controlled Petrophysical Variability for Fluid-Flow Previous HitSimulationNext Hit
by James W. Jennings, Jr., F. Jerry Lucia, and Stephen C. Ruppel

*Predictive Modeling of Sedimentology and Early Diagenesis in an Icehouse Isolated Carbonate Platform: Salt Creek Field, West Texas
by Gareth D. Jones, Fiona F. Whitaker, Roger Barnaby, Michele Thomas, Hsin-Yi Tseng, and Yitian Xiao

Characterizing Chaos in a Giant Oil Field – Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Architecture of the Horseshoe Atoll Trend, Late Carboniferous (Peak Icehouse) of the Permian Basin
by Charles Kerans

*Progress and Potential in Building and Populating 3D Static Models of Carbonate Reservoirs 
by Charles Kerans

Integration of Geological and Dynamic data for constructing 3D Geological Models: An IOR Previous HitstudyNext Hit from the Ahwaz Field, SW Iran.
by Mohit Khanna, Arne Linjordet, Torgrim Jacobsen, Tor Røsaasen, Sigurd Haugen, Mohammad Sharafoddin, and Ahmad Miryaan

Using Previous HitSimulationNext Hit Models to Predict Uncertainty (Just Because We Can Run Millions of Cells Doesn't Mean We Should)
by Larry W. Lake

*Improved Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization of a Giant Iranian Previous HitReservoirNext Hit; The Asmari Formation in the Ahwaz Field, SW Iran
by A. Linjordet, N. Pickard M. Khanna, D. B. Sollien, Kh. Haidari, B. Beiranvand, A. Reza Shakeri, Z. Karimi Mosadegh, T. Røsaasen, and A. Miryan

*Overview of Paleocave Systems and Associated Suprastratal Deformation
by Robert G. Loucks

Making Sense of Carbonate Pore Systems: Implication for Porosity Cut-off and STOOIP
by Arve Lønøy

South Wasson Clear Fork Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Modeling: The Rock Fabric Method for Constructing Flow Layers for Fluid Flow Previous HitSimulationNext Hit
by F. Jerry Lucia, James W. Jennings, Jr., and Stephen C. Ruppel

*Carbonate Analogs Through Time: The CATT Hypothesis – A Different Approach to Predictive Model/Concept Development
by James R. Markello, Richard B. Koepnick, Lowell E. Waite, Joel F. Collins, Aus Al’Tawil, Julia Caldaro-Baird, Michael C. Pope, L. James Weber, and Jan Golonka

*Static and Dynamic Evaluation of Stochastic Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Model Workflows with Varying Amounts of Geological Detail – Eunice Monument South Unit (EMSU), New Mexico
by W. Scott Meddaugh

Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz – A Giant, Naturally Fractured Previous HitReservoirNext Hit in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan
by Wayne Narr, Dennis J. Fischer, Paul M. (Mitch) Harri1, Thomas Heidrick, Ben T. Robertson, and Karen Payrazyan

*Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization and History Matching of a Fractured Carbonate and Highly Permeable Sandstone Previous HitReservoirNext Hit
by Tone Nedrelid, Kjersti Håland, Kellfrid B. Lyslo, Mehran Azizzadeh, Javad Honarmand, Ghorbanali Sobhi, Michael Hovdan, and Claus von Winterfeld

*Leached and broken: static and dynamic Previous HitreservoirNext Hit modelling of tight and strikeslip faulted carbonates (Lower Cretaceous, Venezuela)
by M. Pöppelreiter, M. Balzarini, B. Hansen, P. Koci, R. Nelson, P. De Sousa, S. Engel, M. Galarraga, X. Marquez, R. Pimentel, A. Rinaldi, and F. Rodriguez

* Carbonate Flow-Unit Definition for Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Previous HitSimulationNext Hit
by Matthew J. Pranter, Neil F. Hurley

*A Success Case of Mature Field Rejuvenation, Post-Tertiary CO2 Flood, Salt Creek Field, West Texas
by Linda M. Price, Dave P. Smith, Pak Wong, and Curtis Whitacker

*Space - The Final Frontier: Nature and Implications of Multi-Scale Spatial Heterogeneity in Carbonate Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Analogs 
by Eugene C. Rankey 

Heterogeneity in the Pennsylvanian SACROC Unit, Scurry County, Texas
by Michael A. Raines

South Wasson Clear Fork Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Modeling: Outcrop and Subsurface Geology – the Critical Basis for Defining Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Framework
by Stephen C. Ruppel, James W. Jennings, Jr., and F. Jerry Lucia

*Targeted Horizontal Well Applications in a Heterogeneous Waterflood Unit: Vacuum Glorieta West Unit, Vacuum Field, Lea County, SE New Mexico
by Ata Sagnak, Garrett Luig, and Greg Hinterlong

Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization of an Isolated Carbonate Buildup, Reinecke Field, West Texas
by Arthur H. Saller,  J. A. D. (Tony) Dickson, and Steve Robertson

Utility of Modern Cave Systems in Interpreting Paleokarst Reservoirs
by Ira D. Sasowsky, Charles T. Feazel

*Stratigraphic Hierarchy, Seismic Integration, and Up-Scaling Issues in a Low Net-to-Gross, Finely Stratified Previous HitReservoirNext Hit: Beaver Lodge Devonian Unit, North Dakota
by Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Hai-Zui Meng, K. Lyn Canter, Brian Rothkopf, Michael J. Uland, Brad C. Watts, and Michele Simon

*Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization in the San Andres Formation of Vacuum Field, Lea County, New Mexico – “Rock Work” Improves the Model
by Emily L. Stoudt, Gregory D. Hinterlong 

*Subtle Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Barriers as Control of Fluid Flow in the Ekofisk Field
by Tor Strand, Thorsten Eiben

*Facies and Lithofacies of a Mid-Cretaceous Sarvak Carbonate Previous HitReservoirNext Hit in SW Iran: A Case Previous HitStudyNext Hit
by Ali Asghar Taghavi, Atle Mørk

*Three Generations of Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Modeling
by Scott W. Tinker

*Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Characterization Correctly Identifies Pay Intervals and Improves Production from Grayburg and San Andres Formations in Portions of the Foster/South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas
by Robert C. Trentham, Emily L. Stoudt

3-D Modeling, Upscaling, and Previous HitSimulationNext Hit of the Fullerton Clear Fork Unit, Andrews County, West Texas
by Fred P. Wang, F. Jerry Lucia, and Stephen C. Ruppel

*Effects of Deep Burial Late Corrosion on the Porosity Distribution in Isolated Tertiary Build Up Reservoirs; An Example from The Luconia Province, Malaysia
by G. Warrlich, M. Esteban, C. Taberner, A. Dombrowski, J. H. Van Konijnenburg, and M. Rejas

*Stratigraphic Framework and Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Quality Distribution, Tengiz Field, Western Kazakhstan
by L. J. (Jim) Weber, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris

Using Crosswell Seismic Tomography to Provide Better Previous HitReservoirNext Hit Resolution in the Wolfcamp Formation in Lea County, New Mexico
by Cynthia L. Welch, Robert L. Martin, and Greg D. Hinterlong

*Discrete Fracture Network Modeling of a giant Middle-East fractured carbonate Previous HitreservoirNext Hit, the Bibi Hakimeh Field, SW Iran
by Ole Petter Wennberg, Mohammad Keramati, Mehran Azizzadeh, Frank Mengel, Kellfrid Lyslo, Daniel Berge Sollien, and Claus von Winterfeld

*Geologic Model-Guided, Progressive Inversion: Key for High-Resolution Previous HitReservoirTop Model from Seismic
by Hongliu Zeng, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Charles Kerans