--> AAPG Hedberg Research Conference “Structural Diagenesis: Fundamental Advances and New Applications from a Holistic View of Mechanical and Chemical Processes,” February 8-11, 2004, Austin Texas, AAPG, #90027 (2004)
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“Structural Diagenesis: Fundamental Advances and New Applications from a Holistic View of Mechanical and Chemical Processes”

February 8-11, 2004, Austin, Texas

Search and Discovery Article #90027 (2004)

Note: Items preceded by asterisks(*) designate extended abstracts, most with illustrations.


Properties of Faults in Subsiding Sedimentary Basins - Examples from the Haltenbanken Offshore Norway and the North Sea
by Knut Bjørlykke, Lars Grande, and Arild Kjeldstad

Fault Zone Diagenesis: A Key to Understanding Fluid Pathways
by James R. Boles

Predicting Rock and Fluid/Rock Properties by Modeling Diagenesis
by Steven L. Bryant

*Chemical Bleaching: An Indicator for Fluid Flow in Sandstone Deformation Bands
by Marjorie A. Chan, W. T. Parry, and Brenda Beitler

From Reservoir to Microscopic Scales: What Do We Learn Through the Characterization of Tight Gas Reservoirs?
by Jiajie Chen, Mark E. Petersen, and William Jamison

*A Whole-Rock Geochemical Approach for Rapidly Assessing Reservoir Quality and Fracture Openness in Sandstones
by Michael C. Dix, Neil W. Craigie, and Timothy J. Pearce

Passive and Active Feedback Between Diagenesis and Rock Deformation
by Peter Eichhubl

(Hydro)fracturing and Fluid Flow in the Laramide Foreland-Fold-and-Thrust Belt of Eastern Mexico
by Helga Ferket, Rudy Swennen, Salvador Ortuño-Arzate, and François Roure

The Impact of Fault-Related Fluid Flow on the Permeability of Siliciclastic Reservoirs
by Q. J. Fisher, R. J. Knipe, M. Casey, and S. D. Harris

Geomechanical Modeling of Complex Reservoirs: Recent Lessons and Current State of the Art
by J. T. Fredrich

*A New Approach for Looking at Quartz Overgrowths; An Electron Backscatter Diffraction Study
by Sasha C. Haddad, Richard H. Worden, Previous HitDavidNext Hit J. Prior, and P. Craig Smalley

Compaction Localization: Effects on Permeability and Reservoir Mechanics
by Previous HitDavidNext Hit J. Holcomb, William A. Olsson, and John W. Rudnicki

An Integrated Study to Characterize the Permeability Field in a Fault-Partitioned Siliciclastic Aquifer/Aquitard System as an Analog to Petroleum Reservoirs
by Brann Johnson, Elena Zhurina

*Macroscopic Strength Profiles Determined from Hydrothermal Deformation Experiments on Granular Quartz Sand
by S. L. Karner, A. K. Kronenberg, F. M. Chester, J. S. Chester, and A. Hajash

Mechanics of Natural Hydraulic Fracturing – Review and Introduction
by Alfred Lacazette

Theory for Quartz Cementation in Structurally Deformed Sandstones
by R. H. Lander, L. M. Bonnell, S. E. Laubach, R. E. Larese, and J. Gale

Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Studies in Sedimentary Basins: an Introduction to the Hedberg Conference on Structural Diagenesis
by Stephen E. Laubach, Kitty L. Milliken

Fault Influence on Fluid Flows and Reservoir Diagenesis
by Mingchou Lee, Jurgen Lewandowski, and Klaus Kronmuller

*Large-Scale Fracture and Breccia Development Associated with Paleocave Systems and Associated Suprastratal Deformation
by Robert G. Loucks

*Brittle Deformation During Burial Compaction: An Elusive Porosity Reduction Mechanism
by Astrid Makowitz, Kitty L. Milliken

Understanding and Predicting Fractures at Tengiz – A Giant, Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Caspian Basin of Kazakhstan
by Wayne Narr, Dennis J. Fischer, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Thomas Heidrick, Ben T. Robertson, and Karen Payrazyan

Rock Evolution on the Permeability-Porosity Plane: Data Sets and Models
by Philip H. Nelson

Integration of Fracture, Production, and Diagenetic Data in Static Subsurface Models Using 3-d Visualization
by R. A. Nelson

*Diagenetic Processes and Porosity Evolution within Deformation Bands in the Eolian Navajo Sandstone (Early Jurassic), Southern Utah
by Laura Net,  Astrid Makowitz

*Chemical Sealing of Microfractures by Anhydrite during Expulsion of Geopressured Fluids: An Example from the North Sea Central Graben
by Jeffrey A. Nunn, Kimberly A. Syrowski

Incorporating the Effects of Diagenesis in Geomechanical Models of Fracture Pattern Development
by Jon Olson

Chemical and Mechanical Disequilibrium in Sediments: Diagenesis, Compaction, and Mass-transfer
by Anthony J. Park, Previous HitDavidNext Hit Budd, Geoffrey Thyne, Kagan Tuncay, and Peter Ortolev

Temperature, Pressure, and Fluid Composition Conditions of Fracture Cementation in the Brooks Range Fold-Thrust Belt, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
by T. M. Parris, R. C. Burruss

Overpressure and Thermal-Contraction Estimation from Fracture Minerology and Diagenetic Modeling
by Renee J. Perez, James R. Boles

*Seismic Monitoring of Mineral Precipitation within a Fracture
by Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte,  Zane A. Gilbert

A Generic Approach to Modeling Fractures and Fluid Flow in Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs and Its Impact on Development Strategy
by Jean-Marie Questiaux, Nicolas Ruby, and Gary Couples

Quartz Cementation of a Faulted Sandstone at Shallow Burial: Petrographic and Poroperm Data: UK North Sea
by Oliver F. Quinn, R. Stuart Haszeldine

New Methods for Detecting and Characterizing Primary Flow Paths, the Coupling Among Stress, Fracturing, Seismic Anisotropy, and Reservoir Flow
by William D. Rizer

Analysis and Modeling of Fracture-enhanced Production in Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoirs at Kambala Field, Cabinda Province, Angola, West Africa
by J. Scheevel, F. Domingos, J. Nogueira, M. Fernandes, L. Skander, L. Costa, A. Lomando, and V. Kienast

Deep Cotton Valley Formation Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality, Viosca Knoll Area, Offshore Gulf Of Mexico
by Andrew Thomas, Previous HitDavidTop Balcer, Tom Himes, Linda Bonnell, Jessy Jones, and Larry O’Mahoney

Evolution of Fluid Flow in the Canadian Rocky Mountains Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt : A Study Integrating Structural Geology and Diagenesis
by Veerle Vandeginste, Rudy Swennen, Jean-Luc Faure, Philippe Robion, Frédéric Schneider, Francois Roure, and Kirk Osadetz

Fluid Flow and Fault Zone Fabrics Associated with Normal Faulting in the Aegean Region
by Griet Verhaert, Philippe Muchez, and Manuel Sintubin

*Quartz Cementation in Sandstones: Reappraising the Controls
by Richard. H. Worden

*Mineralogical and Microstructural Variations During Mudstone Diagenesis: Gulf of Mexico and North Sea
by Richard Worden, Delphine Charpentier, Andy Aplin, and Quentin Fisher