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Computer Modeling of Regional Groundwater Flow and BTEX Migration in Sedimentary Basins of the Colorado Plateau Region
Ye Zhang1, Michael Szpakiewic2, and Mark Person1
1Indiana University, Department of Geological Sciences, Bloomington, IN
2Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID
hydrocarbons such as benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTEX) can be found in high
concentrations in basinal brines (up to 18.6 mg/l) adjacent to petroleum
reservoirs. BTEX has been used as geochemical indicators in exploration.
However, BTEX compounds dissolved in groundwater attenuate in the subsurface due
to retardation and biodegradation. To date, the mechanism of aqueous BTEX
transport from oil reservoir
to the land surface is poorly understood. In this
study, the long term transport and fate of BTEX components within the
oil-prolific Uinta Basin has been assessed. BTEX concentrations were analyzed
from both oil-
brines and springs located hydro-dynamically down gradient
from relevant oil
. The springs sampled were situated within regional
discharge areas of the Uinta Basin. BTEX concentrations measured in oil
brines have a concentration range of between 0.1 to 9.5 mg/l but were
undetectable in most springs.
models were constructed along a northwest-east cross-section across the Uinta
Basin through the Altmount-Bluebell field
following the regional groundwater
flow direction. The models represent advective-dispersive BTEX transport by
regional groundwater and BTEX diffusion within the oil
. Rates of
biodegradation and retardation estimated from shallow aquifer systems were also
represented in the model. Model results indicated that BTEX concentrations in
the basinal brines ranged from 0.0 to 17.0 mg/l. Significant concentrations
(above detection: 0.01mg/l) were not detected in the surface discharge areas.
Models which represent biodegradation predicted BTEX concentrations in oil
brines and springs that are consistent with
measurements. Models without
biodegradation produced concentrations two to three orders of magnitude too
suite of generic models were also constructed using an idealized basin-scale
cross section (60km) to evaluate the influence of aquifer and geochemical
parameters on BTEX transport. This cross section has three lithological units
– aquifer in the middle, an overlying confining unit and an underlying
confining unit. A single oil reservoir
is located in a stratigraphic trap within
the aquifer. Results indicated that hydraulic conductivity of the cap rock
(overlying confining unit) greatly influenced the direction of transport and
location of BTEX discharge. Interestingly, BTEX transport was not sensitive to
the mass-transfer coefficients and saturation profiles assigned to the oil-water
interface. Model results also demonstrated that biodegradation controlled the
fate of BTEX transport and magnitude of their concentrations in groundwater. In
without biodegradation, BTEX concentrations in the basin dropped to
below 0.01 mg/l at a distance up to 47km down gradient from the oil
With biodegradation, BTEX concentrations dropped below detection limit at 15km (l*=0.0001)
and 3km (l=0.001) and
concentrations in springs were mostly undetectable. We conclude that BTEX
concentrations detected in exploration wells may provide a useful indicator of a
nearby, hydrodynamically, up-gradient oil
. However, surface
geochemical sampling of soluble BTEX compounds in springs is probably not a
useful exploration tool due to the effects of biodegradation.
*l is the biodegradation rate assigned to the model.