--> An Integrated Approach to Optimizing a Large Asset
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An Integrated Approach to Optimizing a Large Asset-Static Previous HitModelingNext Hit


 Samir Youssef1, Adel R. Moustafa2, Ismail Fahmy3, Ahmed El-Banbi4, Ahmed Aly4, Maher Emara5, Amr Alhomosany5

(1) Schlumberger-EEG, Cairo, Egypt (2) Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (3) Sclumberger, Cairo, (4) Schlumberger, Cairo, (5) General Petroleum Company (GPC), Cairo,

 The paper explains a new methodology to construct 3D static models of old fields. Massive amount of Previous HitseismicNext Hit and borehole data (167 wells), few core data, and engineering data were used to construct a 3D static model for Bakr-Amer field in the Gulf of Suez. This 14-km long field represents the central segment of a large NE tilted fault block. It produces oil from eight reservoirs made up of reefal limestone, fractured limestone and quartzose sandstone. Several problems were encountered while applying the well-known static model construction process (poor resolution of Previous HitseismicNext Hit data, old and missing well logs, and inadequate core data). After constructing the framework of the model, geostatistical approaches (Sequential Guassian Simulation and CoSimulation) were used to populate the property model with petrophysical data (porosity, permeability, and water saturation) for each reservoir. This integrated approach led to the construction of the first reliable static model of the field. Drilling results of new wells confirmed the static model accuracy and validated the approach. The static model was also used to calculate the OOIP and to construct the dynamic model of the field. The flow simulation coupled with economical evaluation (described in a separate paper) was successfully used to optimize the field performance and increase the production rate.

This integrated approach can be used to construct reliable static models for fields with poor Previous HitseismicTop data. The paper also suggests ways to overcome poor and/or missing data problems.