Seismic Sequence
Stratigraphy North Darag Block, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
Walter W. Wornardt1, Robert Mitchum1, Peter R. Vail2
(1) Micro-Strat Inc, Houston, TX (2) Rice University, Houston, TX
In order to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the North Darag Block,
Gulf of Suez, Egypt a Seismic Sequence
Stratigraphic regional project was
completed to determine the chronostratigraphic Seismic
Framework of the Darag Block, northern part of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
The project included the Seismic Sequence
Stratigraphic Analysis and
loop-tying of fourteen 2-D seismic lines using seven reference wells as tie
The sediments range in age from Early Carboniferous to late Tertiary, late
Miocene and were correlated to Global Cycle Chart of Hardenbol et al., 1998. The
paleoenvironment ranges from upper bathyal to terrestrial 500-0 meters. Six 2nd
order depositional sequences
were recognized in the Paleozoic. In the Jurassic
seven 3rd order depositional
were recognized; twelve in the
Cretaceous; and fourteen in the Miocene.
The Paleozoic sediments were penetrated in the western and northern area.
Jurassic and early Miocene Nukhul age potential reservoir rocks were recognized
in all 7 wells. The overall general pattern in the early and middle Miocene
in the project area reflects a definite expansion in a southwest and
southeast direction.
The transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract were recognized
in sequences
of pre Miocene age. Whereas, post Cretaceous
consists of lowstand systems tract, transgressive systems tract and highstand
systems tract.