--> Seismic Conditioned 3D Reservoir Modelling
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Seismic Conditioned Previous Hit3DNext Hit Reservoir Modelling: Examples from Gas- Bearing Pliocene Slope Canyon Complexes, Offshore Nile Delta, ARE


 Richard D. Vaughan1

(1) German Oil & Gas Egypt - GEOGE, Cairo, Egypt

 Trend modelling of Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit is now commonplace during Previous Hit3DNext Hit reservoir model construction is increasingly being used to condition inter-well areas of individual reservoir layers within static models. A workflow is presented here which allows the rapid design and construction seismic constrained deterministic Previous Hit3DNext Hit reservoir models at the prospect evaluation and early appraisal stage of gas-bearing Pliocene Slope Canyon Complexes. These models can then form the basis for revised and updated studies as projects moves through the exploration - production cycle.

The prerequisite for this type of modelling requires a high quality Previous Hit3DNext Hit seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit set, which already displays geologically interpretable seismic attributes that can be calibrated to up-scaled well petrophysical Previous HitdataTop. Although these models were only calibrated to a limited number of wells the overall predictive power and value of the models provides a valuable tool for risk assessment and reduction.

The geometry of net pay facies are characterised and the contribution of each facies to GIIP are assessed. Early understanding of reservoir heterogeneity and the internal reservoir architecture and compartmentalisation can assist with reserves per well calculations and optimising appraisal and development well locations. Forward dynamic modelling also tests different development plan scenarios, which impact facilities design, interventions and the overall project economics.