--> An Integrated Approach to Basin Analysis
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An Integrated Approach to Basin Analysis


Sevgi Tigrek1, F. Beekman2, E.C. Slob3, S.A.P.L. Cloetingh2, J.T. Fokkema3

(1) Delft University of Technology_Free University,Amsterdam(Vrije Universiteit), Delft, Netherlands (2) Free University, Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit), Amsterdam, Netherlands (3) Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

We present a methodology and the initial results of its application in the characterization of the processes involved in the development of sedimentary basins. The methodology combines the advanced Previous HitseismicNext Hit data analysis techniques and numerical basin modelling tools to resolve the basin (de)formation processes. The basin target horizon is represented in terms of its Previous HitseismicNext Hit properties, including reflection and transmission coefficients. The information on Previous HitseismicNext Hit properties is integrated with the information on the distribution of geomechanical parameters. The careful analysis of the integrated information should result in the quantification of the Previous HitrelationNext Hit Previous HitbetweenNext Hit the stress distribution within a basin and the Previous HitseismicNext Hit response.

The methodology consists of three phases. The first phase involves the conventional Previous HitseismicNext Hit data interpretation. In this research the data was gathered from the sedimentary basins of extensional tectonic settings and passive continental margins. The basins of the Norwegian Continental Margin and the North Sea were selected because of intensive hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation in these regions. After the conventional Previous HitseismicNext Hit data interpretation, some portions of the basin and the adjoining areas were investigated in detail. The selected portions were simplified and synthetic geological sections were constructed. The second phase involves the Previous HitseismicNext Hit modelling of the constructed cross-sections by comparing various ray tracing and finite difference modelling techniques. Both acoustic and elastic wave modelling were included. The synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit data were analysed by considering the established relationships Previous HitbetweenNext Hit the Previous HitseismicNext Hit properties and the material parameters. The stress field and the deformations were predicted on the modelled cross-sections by using finite element modelling techniques. Travel-time and amplitude information from Previous HitseismicNext Hit modelling were used to improve the quantification of stress field-Previous HitseismicNext Hit response Previous HitrelationTop.