--> Integrated Seismic Reservoir Description Study in Ras Fanar
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Integrated Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reservoir Description Study in Ras Fanar - Egypt


Hassan Hussein Sabry1, Tarek Nafie Nafie2, Stefano Volterrani3

(1) Cairo University, Giza, Moahandseen, Egypt (2) Cairo University, Giza, Moahandseen, Egypt (3) Rom University, Egypt

The Ras Fanar field is located on the western side of the Gulf of Suez, approximately 3 Km East of Ras Gharib. The field was discovered in April 1978 by exploratory well KK84-1. The field is a narrow, elongated pre-Miocene structure horst block aligned NW-SE and tilted towards the North East with an average dip of 20 degrees. The middle Miocene limestone unconformity overlies the pre-Miocene strata as a sheet like bank. This bed is directly covered by a growth of reefal build-ups of irregular and scattered configuration of Nullipore rock. Both represent the main reservoir body in the Ras Fanar field.

The SRD (Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reservoir Description) approach to Previous HitseismicNext Hit and wireline Previous HitdataNext Hit processing was adopted for the prediction of the lateral extent of the reservoir and the mapping of the reservoir petrophysical parameters. The high-resolution Previous HitdataNext Hit that provided by the SRD processing has allowed the Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit of subzonation within the Nullipore reservoir.

Petrophysical properties such as porosity are normally supplied by the available borehole information. These measurements are generally accurate in depth, but their lateral penetration is very shallow. Surface Previous HitseismicNext Hit measurements are laterally continuous, but of low vertical resolution and provide acoustic rather than petrophysical information. The adopted SRD method allows petrophysical parameters to be calculated from high- resolution Previous HitseismicNext Hit acoustic impedance. This means that quantitative petrophysical measurements can be obtained from borehole calibrated Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit. Total integration between well and Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataTop, will ensure that all steps leading to the final reservoir description volumes, are performed correctly and efficiently.