A Simple Seismic
and Processing Study of the Effects of Multiples on Interpretation-Gulf of Suez,
Mostafa Kamel1, Mohamed Maged1, Maged Fahim1, Donald Easley2, Norm Allegar3, Jasper Peijs4
(1) Gupco, Cairo, Egypt (2) Gupco/bp, Cairo, Egypt (3) BP Egypt, Cairo, Egypt (4) BP, Houston, TX
Multiple contamination has long been recognized as a major obstacle to
correct seismic
interpretation in the Gulf of Suez (Egypt). By using simple
modeling and processing techniques and integration of
and well
information, we are able to determine some of the challenges facing
interpreters. For example, we created a simple
of horizontal multiple
generators overlying a deeper faulted structure. By comparison of modeled and
actual data before and after processing, we can see many examples of the
potential pitfalls to interpretation, such as: false
indicators, false structural lineaments and obscured hanging wall and footwall
correlations. We also demonstrate the power of integration of geological
information (dipmeter,
parameterization and depositional inferences) and
processing techniques (SRME, dip-filtering, auto-correlation analysis and
iterated decon) to separate reality from artifacts.
A simple dip discrimination map shows a small percentage of the multiples in
the Gulf of Suez are amenable to dip filtering techniques, because in many areas
the main multiples are potentially parallel to the primaries and the deep data
is concentrated in a low frequency band. This observation indicates that much of
the present exploration opportunities are still obscured by hard to remove
multiple energy; therefore, understanding of the artifacts through modelling
work and direct observation of the data can provide a list of pitfalls and
guidelines (as discussed) to help reduce seismic
interpretation risk as well as
help guide interpretational processing. This also points to the future hope for
unveiling untapped resources beneath the blanket of multiples.