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Abstracts of AAPG International Convention - Cairo, Egypt; October 27-30, 2002
Search and Discovery #90005 (2002)
Characteristics of Microzonation Modelling in Reservoir Evaluation -- Case Study: Ras Budran Oil Field, by Samir A. Aal1, N. A. Fattah2, N. El Defrawy1
History and Evaluation of Ras Fanar Reefs Gulf of Suez – Egypt, by Samy Serag Abd El Kader1, Sayed Abd Allah Khaled1
Integrated Optimisation of Lease Development Strategy and Reservoir Management Through Use of Simulation Tools, by Mohamed Abd El-Shafi1, Mohamed Elselawy1
Longitudinal Variations in Rift Architecture and Sedimentation - Case Study from the Eastern Blocks of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mohamed Abdel Fattah1, Mohamed Darwish1, Adel Sehim1
Miocene Synrift Paleokarst and Related Sulphur Deposit in Gemsa Area, Red Sea Coastal Zone, Egypt, by Ali Abdel-Motelib1, Abdel-Hamid El-Manawi1
Cycle Time Reduction and Quality Enhancement Through Knowledge Management: An Example from the Nile Delta, Egypt, by Sahar Abdelaziz1, Emad A. Hamid2, John C. Dolson3
Characteristics of Asl and Hawara (Sequence 30) in Central Gulf of Suez, by Ahmed Ibrahim AbdelShafy1, Mohamed Mahmoud ElSarawy1, Saber Morsi Sakr1
Interpretation of Seismic Borehole Data of Rourd Chegga Field, Sahara, Algerie, by Bougurern Abderrehmen1
Amplitude Analysis
and Inversion for Prediction of Lithology and
Hydrocarbon, by A. Abdou1, F. Yossef1, M. Nessim2,
E. Shady2, T. Nafie2, S. Volterrani2
Implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment into Exploration and Production Activities, by A. Abdou1, S. Saad1, Yehia El Sayed Abdel Hady2
A Well Driven Processing Approach for Seismic Imaging of Subtle Traps, by Ahmed Abdou1, Tarek Nafie2, Ayman Shabrawi2
Seismic Reprocessing as a Powerful Tool in Hydrocarbon Exploration, by Ahmed Abdou1, Fekry Youssef1, Magdy El Toukhy1, Adel Antonuous2
Burial Diagenesis and Thermal Maturity Evaluation of the North West Muglad Rift Basin, Sudan, by Osman M. Abdullatif1
Fault and Fractures within Jurassic Petroleum System in Kuwait, with Special Reference to Hydrocarbon Habitat, by Salah Abdulla AbdulMalek1, Sunil Kumar Singh1, Fahed Al-Medhadi1, Ahmad Jaber Al-Eidan1, Nikhil Chandra Banik1, Abdulaziz Sager Al-Anezi1
Reservoir Control and Oil Geochemistry, by Enver Ablia1, Elena Slivko1
Diagenesis, Reservoir Quality and Heterogeneity of the Upper Nubian Sandstone, Bu Attifel Oil Field, Sirt Basin, Libya, by Adel Mohamed Aboktef1, Mike Anketell2
Inversion of Electrical and Shallow Seismic Data for Detecting the Groundwater Sources Affecting El-Ashmunein Archeological Site, by M. M. Abou Heleika1, I. Setto1, B. Ismail2
Hydrocarbon Characterization and Gas Potential of the Saudi Arabian Mesozoic and Paleozoic Petroleum Systems, by Mahdi Abu Ali1
Growth History and Gas Potential of the Saudi Arabian Petroleum Systems, by Mahdi Abu Ali1, Abdul Mutaleb Al-Qahtani1
3D Petroleum Systems Modeling of Eastern and Central Saudi Arabia, by Mahdi Abu Ali1, Christof Keuser2, Bjorn Wygrala2, Dietrich Welte2
Structural Architecture and the Evolution History of Sarbut El Gamal-Abu Ideimat Area, Gulf Of Suez Rift, Sinai, Egypt, by Ahmed F. Abu El Ennin1, Mohammed L. Abdel Khalek1, Mohamed Darwish1, Adel Sehim1
The Contribution of Potential Field Data Transformations for Enhancing and Interpreting the Structural-Tectonic Setting of the West of Cairo Area, Western Desert, Egypt, by Ahmed S.A Abu El-Ata1, A.A. El-Khafeef2
Sedimentological Models and Hydrocarbon Potentialities of the Khatatba Formation (Jurassic), North Western Desert, Egypt, by A. Abu Shady1, Mohamed Gawdat1, M. El Awady2, A. T. Hameed2
Reverse Fault Geometry in The Gulf of Suez Rift Basin, Egypt, by Salah Abul Karamat1, Wafik Meshref2
Mesozoic and Cenozoic Petroleum Systems of Tunisia, North Africa, by M. Hedi Acheche1, Ramzi Ghenima1, Moncef Saidi1
Characterizing the World's Largest Reservoirs: From Youth to Maturity, by Abdulkader M. Afifi1 (Title only)
Modern and Fossil Bathymetric Data: Application to Exploration in the Nile Delta, Egypt, by Tarek M. Afifi1, David Pocknall2, Ali A. Sabour1, Anthony Gary3, John C. Dolson1
Hamra Quartzites (Ordovician) Reservoir Properties Prediction Enhanced by a Combination of Compressional and Shear Slowness, by Sissani Agounizera1, Ahcene Allam1
Geologic Insights Gained from Studying the Total Petroleum Systems of the World, by Thomas S. Ahlbrandt1
Rift Border Fault System Evolution and Impact on Sedimentation, Southwestern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mohamed S. Ahmed1, Adel Sehim1
Raising Propane Production - Enhancing Quality of Petrochemicals Feed Stock in Western Desert Gas Complex, by Ahmed Zayed Ahmed1
Hydrocarbon Systems of Central, Eastern and Southern Saudi Arabia, by Abdelghayoum Ahmed1, Mahdi Abu Ali1, J. Michael Moldowan2
Data Management Strategy for an E&P Data Ready Center, by Omar O. Akbar1
Integrating Seismic Inversion and Waterflood Pattern Management Planning, Upper Cretaceous Mauddud Formation Reservoir, Raudhatain Field, North Kuwait, by Hussain Al Ajmi1, Yousef Al Zuabi1, Rice Craig1, Haas Stephen2
Challenges of Reservoir Characterization in Mauddud Carbonates: North Kuwait, by Hussain Al Ajmi1
Hydrocarbon Systems of the Ghadamis and Murzuk Basins, West Libya and Their Relation to Al Qarqaf Arch, by Yahya Ahmed Al Fasatwi1, Amin A. Missilati1, Paul M. Van Dijk2
Arch Structures and Hydrocarbon Exploration, by Yahya Ahmed Al Fasatwi1, K. J. Weber2, P. M. van Dijk3
Using The Other End of the Capillary Pressure Curve - Discriminating Permeability Based Rock Types With Well Logs When the Permeability Mechanism is Related to Displacement Pressure and not Porosity, by Yousef Al Shobaili1, Edward A. Clerke1
A Geographic Information System Application in Fracture Prediction for Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs in Kuwait, by Mohammed Dawas Al-Ajmi1
Advance Formation Evaluation of Kerogen
Rich Reservoir - A Case Study from
Kuwait, by Heyam .M Al-Ammar1, Meshary.M Ameen2, Ahmed
El Sherif3, Moinuddin M. Qidwai2
Natih Unconventional Play: Reviving a Dormant Play, by Omar S. Al-Ja'aidi1, Hisham. A. Siyabi1, Yaqoob. M. Al-Sa'adi2
Effective Use of Depositional and Diagenetic Tools to Predict Good Reservoir Quality of Khuff Formation in Eastern Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf Countries, by Ibrahim A. Al-Jallal1
Mega-Pressure Systems in the Arabian Basin, by Mohammed J. Al-Mahmoud1, Abdulaziz S. Al-Guwaizani1
Factors Concerning the Development, Distribution and Preservation of Reservoir Facies in Jurassic Carbonates and their Impact on Petroleum Systems in Eastern and Northeastern Saudi Arabia, by A. Motaleb Al-Qahtani1, Alastair Gray2, Geir K. Ytreland2
Diagenesis of Jauf Sandstone in Hawiyah Area, Saudi Arabia, by Khalid A. Al-Ramadan1, Badrul Imam1, Mahbub Hussain2, Salih Saner1
Pre-stack Depth Imaging as a Tool of Accurate Structure Delineation in Presence of Complex Surface Topography, by Turki Z Al-Rowaili1, Alex Litvin2
Tectonic Fractures Analysis
of the South Fuwaris Field in the Kuwait-Saudi
Arabia Partitioned Neutral Zone, by Dr. Osama Amin Al-Shaarawy1,
Pablo R. Vera2, Falah M. Al-Yami3
Connectivity Between the Ghazal and Mazalij Fields, by Matter J. Al-Shammery1, Muhammad M. Al-Saggaf1
3D Seismic for Exploration, an Integrated Process from Acquisition to Interpretation, by Naema Obaid Al-Zaabi1, Saleh A. Bin Sumaidaa1, Jean Francois Dervieux1, Abu Baker Al Jeelani1, Erik Bernardus Kleiss1, Mohamad Samir Al Nahhas1
Regional Pressure Study in the Deep Nile Delta, by Mark W Alberty1, John Dolson2, Javed Ismail3, Sherif Montasser3, James Keggin3
Multi-Scale Multidisciplinary Oilfield Data Integration Using Geographic Information Systems, by Abdul Wahab Zaki Ali1
Minimizing the Exploration Risk by Using 3DVSP, by T. M. Taha Ali1, Hoda Badir1, Fadel Awny1
Guidelines of Artificial Lift Selection for Mature Field, by Mohamed Ali Naguib1
Model Based Deviated VSP Reservoir Imaging Technique in tough field conditions (Case History), by Abu Baker H.S. Aljeelani1, Azhar Akhtar2, Samer Marmesh1, Patrick Fouchard1, Parvez Ahmad3, Shafiq Janjua2
TAU Migration and Velocity Analysis
: Application to Data from Midyan
Region of the Red Sea, by Tariq A Alkhalifah1
Enhanced Sub-Salt Imaging of 2D Seismic from the Northern Red Sea, Egypt, by Norman C. Allegar1, Robert A Ripple1, Skip Lemanski1, Gamal Abdel Ghafour2, Nabil ElKady2, Sayed Khalil2
Integrating Kerogen
and Bitumen Analyses to Enhance Characterization of
Source Rocks in the Northwestern Desert of Egypt, by A.S. Alsharhan1,
E.A. Abd El-Gawad1
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Fahud Natih C & D Reservoir Units: Constraints on Production, by Younis Altobi1, Volker Vahrenkamp2, Peter Homewood3
The Effect of Strike-Slip Motion on Hydrocarbon Entrapment in Southern Province of the Gulf of Suez, by Medhat Hassan Aly1, Iman Hussein Helal1, Selim A.Hamid El Srogy1
Reservoir Scale Fracture Modelling Formulae, Arab-D, Ghawar, by Mohammed S. Ameen1
Pindos Zone Sub-Marine Fans in Greece Related to the Remnant Pindos Ocean Closure in a Trench during Paleocene and Later in a Rift during Miocene Time, by George Ananiadis1, A. Zelilidis1
Integrated Crosswell Seismic-Advanced Technology to Improve Reservoir Description in Belayim Field (Egypt), by M. Antonelli1, R. Awad2, A. Khadr2, F. Miranda1
Reservoir Distribution Identification Using Integrated Acoustic Impedance Modeling and Seismic Facies Analyses, by Ngakan Alit Ascaria1, Rusalida Raguwanti1, Yosi Hirosiadi1, Saptawati Iriani1
Application of GIS and Modelling Tools in the Environmental Management of E&P Activities: The ENGIS Project, by M. Astorri1, C. Zoccatelli1, R. Fava1
Petroleum Potential of the Gemsa Basin, Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mahmoud Abdelrahman Atta1, Ahmed Nabil Shahin2, David Blanchard1, Henry David3
The Ranim Diapir - Active Salt Diapirism and the Relationship of Salt Structures to Sub-Salt Exploration Targets. Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mahmoud Abdelrahman Atta1, Oscar E. Gilbert2, Henry B. David2
3D Seismic Depth Imaging As An Approach To Improve Pre-Salt Structures, Ras Garra Area , Gulf Of Suez , Egypt, by R. Awad1, I. Desoky1
Additional Wildcat Exploration targets in the Deeper Precambrian Basement Complex of Gulf of Suez and North Red Sea Region, Egypt, by Fadel Awny1, Mohamed Saleh1, Adel Amin1
Introducing a New Depositional Model as an Aid to Hydrocarbon Exploration On- & Offshore North Sinai - Egypt, by Maher H. Ayyad1, Mohammed Darwish2, Adel Sehim2
Basin Inversion and Mesozoic HC Potential Offshore N. Sinai - Egypt, by Maher H. Ayyad1
Hydrocarbons in the Mediterranean Rim Countries, by Hans G. Babies1, Hilmar Rempel1
Impact of Regional 3D Seismic on Understanding Complex Rift-Related Deformation: Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Yasser Badr1, Yasser AbdEl Latif1, Ashraf Elamir1, Ahmed Fouda1, Ibrahim Hanbal1, Ivar Mundal2, Joseph T. Piombino3
Mercaptan Iso-Containers a New Substitute to Barrels Filling System for the First Time in Egyptian Gas Plants, by Magdy Galal El-Din Badr1
Reducing Drilling Risk through Improved Seismic Imaging, Utilizing New Single-Sensor Acquisition Technology, by Mohammed Badri1, Morten Svendsen1, Mark Egan1
Increasing Exploration Successes Utilizing New Single-Sensor Seismic Towed Streamer Acquisition Technology, by Mohammed Badri1, Morten Svendsen1
Technology Applications in E&P, by Michael S. Bahorich1 (Title only)
Application of 3-D Versus 2-D Velocity Model: Implications of Depth Conversion Hayat-Yaser-Kenz Fields (Khalda Concession,Western Desert, Egypt), by Ali Mohamed Bakr1, Fred Wehr1, Sheldon Plahn1
Enhancing Well Data Sets Using PC-based Visualisation Software, by George Alexander Bambridge1, Sahar Salah El Din2, Mostafa Abul Hamd3
Geochemical Fingerprinting of Oil Seeps in the Southern Part of the Gulf of Suez and its Geological and Archaeological Implications, by Assem O. Barakat1, Alaa El-Din R. Mostafa1, Yaorong Qian2, Moonkoo Kim2
Paleo-Oil Migration and Charge Modeling of the Murzuq Basin, Libya, by Daniel Barson1, Troy Myers1, Kaush Rakhit1
From Field Tapes to 3D Depth Volume in 2 Months: A Challenging and Successful Project in The North Bardawill Area, by Kamal Barsoum1, Dario Cegani2, Flavio Doniselli2, Luigi Pizzaferri2
Recent New Discoveries as a Result of Better Understanding the Factors Controlling Hydrocarbon Accumulation in the Sirt Basin, Libya and Future Potential, by Talaat K. Barsoum1
Tomography for Near-Surface and Imaging Velocity Determination -- Examples from the Western Desert in Egypt, by John Bedingfield1, August Lau1, Chris Koeninger2, Nabil El Kady2, Maurice Nessim2
Conditions of Forming Stratigraphical Traps in The Lower Cretaceous Clinoform Complex and Regularities in Their Distribution, Western Siberia, by Michail D. Belonin1, Anatoliy M. Brekhuntsov2, Iskander S. Jafarov3, Vladimir V. Shimansky1, Sergey F. Khafizov3, Vladimir N. Borodkin2
Application of a 3-D Hybrid Seismic Inversion on Mar’a Inés Oeste Field, Santa Cruz, Argentina, by Marcelo Benabentos1, Subhashis Mallick1, Tarek Nafie2, Mario Sigismondi3, Juan Soldo3
Best Practices for Sub-Salt Imaging, by Nick Bernitsas1, Paul Farmer1, Ian Jones2, David Shope1
What is the Benefit of Using Prestack Attributes, by Charles Bertrand1, Thierry Tonellot2, Frederique Fournier2
Breakthrough Horizontal Well Length in Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by David Blanchard1, Mohsen El Melegi1, Ahmed Rabie1, Bill Billman2
Prediction of Potential Reservoir Bodies from 3D Palinspastic Restoration, by Stuart Bland1, Delphine Roques1, Stephen Calvert1, Alan Gibbs1
Opening History and Structural Evolution of the Northern Red Sea Based on Integration of Outcrop, Well and Seismic Data: Implications to Hydrocarbon Exploration, by William Bosworth1, David A. Smith2, Kenneth W. Carlson2, Janine J. Barnard2, Mahmoud F. Raslan2
Review of Oil and Gas Occurrences in SW Turkey, by Ayse Bozcu1, Andre Poisson2
Age of Rifting of the South Caspian Basin: Inference from its Margins in Azerbaijan and Iran, by Marie-Françoise Brunet1
E&P 3D Seismic as a Tool for Shallow Hazards Detection, by M. Buia1, K. Buonomo1, P. Cibin1, P. Marchetti1, O. Tarchi1
Study of Seismic Data Velocity and Mapping Method in Complicated Structure Area and Its Application, by Cai Gang1, Qu Zhiyi1
Lessons Learned and the Way Forward In DW Drilling as a result of Shell/Bapetco’s 1st drilling campaign in NEMED, by Herman Calis1, Moustafa Oraby2
Innovative Semi-quantitative AVO Modeling and Analysis
to Reliably Predict
Hydrocarbon vs. Brine Occurrence In Sand Reservoir, by M. Cardamone1
Petrophysical Characterisation of Lower Palaeozoic Reservoirs of Saudi Arabia: An Insight into Factors Controlling Reservoir Quality, by Stephen Carney1, Stephen Hill2, Stephen G Franks1
Second and Third Order Sequences of the Phanerozoic of North Africa, by Ian D. Carr1, Stefan Lubeseder1, Jonathan Redfern1, Ruth H. Underdown1
Fracture Permeability Evaluation in Bouri Field, by E. Caselgrendi1, F. Marchini1, M. Ghedidda2
ENI's Gas Operations and Strategy in the Mediterranean Area, by Pietro Cavanna1
Constraining Geostatistical Reservoir Models with Seismic Attributes, by Richard L. Chambers1, Jeffrey M. Yarus2
The Taranto Gulf (Deep Jonian Sea): A Future Play for Hydrocarbon Exploration, by G. Cippitelli1, A. Bergamaschi1
How Much is Oil Worth?; How Much Can We Spend to Find It?, by Michael D. Cochran1 (Title only)
Who Needs Seismic Survey Quality Control? -- An Objective Approach, by Andrea Collins1
Integrated Time-Lapse Reservoir Monitoring: The Amelia Field Case, by A. Cominelli1, L. Kovacic1, A. Sturniolo1, E. Poggiagliomi2
Fault Propagation Folds and Relay Zones and Their Influence on the Distribution of Syn-Rift Sandbodies: Examples from the West Flank of the Oseberg Field, Norwegian North Sea and the Hammam Faraun Fault Block, Sinai, Egypt, by Stephen Martin Corfield1, Tom Dreyer2, Rob Gawthorpe1
Pattern Recognition Methodology and Application in E&P Interpretation Flow, by Antonio Corrao1, L. Ferri2, M. Fervari2, P. Rocchini2
Characterization of Shear Zones in Porous Sandstone of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Brazil, by Fernando Santos Correa1, Hung Kiang Chang1
Play Risk and Uncertainty -- Probabilistic Modelling of Plays in the Western Desert and the Kom Ombo Areas of Egypt, by R.C. Coskey1, M.W. Titus1, J.E. Leonard1, T. El Azhary2, M. Said2
The Petroleum Geology and Exploration Potential of the Western Desert Basin, Egypt, by Mark Cowgill1
Algerian Saharan Platform Hydrocarbon Systems, by Robin Crawford1
Integration of Multiple Techniques to Define A Complex Salt Body in The Flex Trend of The Gulf of Mexico, by Sherrie R. Cronin1, Brian Mallick1
Acquisition of Highly Repeatable Seismic Data Using Active Streamer Steering, by Tony Curtis1, Patrick Smith1, Leendert Combee1, Willy Olafsen1
Benguela Belize - Lobito Tomboco Development, Block 14: Angola's Next Deepwater Hub, by Leite da Costa1, Mark Krolow2, Robert Elder2
The Jurassic Depositional System of Morocco; Geology and Exploration Play Concepts, by Mohamed Dakki1, M. Hssain1, M. El Alji1, M. Nahim1, M. Zaidi1, M. El Mostaine1
Presentation TBA, by John Darley1
3D Reservoir Geometry, Environments and Sequences - A Model for Jurassic Rift Systems - Gebel Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt, by Mohamed Darwish1, Nazih Tewfik2, Djin Nio3
Sedimentology and Depositional Setting of the Lower Miocene Asl/Hawara Member, October Field, Egypt, by Quintin Davies1, Deborah Bliefnick1, William Sercombe2, Thomas Radford2
Reservoir Management -- Present and Future Role of Technology in ENI-Agip, by Giambattista De Ghetto1
Uncertainty Approach for OIIP Estimate of a Fractured Basement Reservoir of Middle East, by Sylvie Odile Delisle1, Vivien de Feraudy1
A New Hybrid Cased Multilateral Junction Improves Flow Area in High Volume Applications, by Karl DeMong1, Jim Oberkircher1
Geomechanical Fracture Modelling Helps Renew Development of the Coevorden Zechstein Tight-Gas Reservoir, by Taco den Bezemer1, Karen Foster1, Solenn Bettembourg2, Stephen Bourne2
Tertiary Petroleum Systems around the World: Sediment Controls from Regional GIS Studies, by William G Dickson1, Janice M Christ2, Al Danforth3, Ian W Somerton4, James W. Granath5
Messinian Incised-Valley Systems in the Mediterranean along the Egyptian Coastline: Paleogeography and Internal Fill: Evidence from Cores and Seismic, by John C. Dolson1, Randi S. Martinsen2, Zarif El Sisi3
Pre-Pliocene Potential in the Nile Delta/Mediterranean, Offshore Egypt: An Emerging Giant Gas and Condensate Play?, by John C. Dolson1, Paul J. Boucher2, Javed Ismail3, Tim Dodd3
Basement Structural Controls on Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Charge, Nile Delta, Egypt, by John C. Dolson1, Paul J. Boucher2, Jon Teasdale3, Karen Romine4
Middle and Lower Miocene Petroleum Systems in the Lower Congo Basin, Block 14, Angola, by Frederico Domingos1, Pedro Chicato2, Augusto Salomao2
Sequence Stratigraphy and Facies Development of the Miocene Syn-Rift Succession in Darag-Lagia Basins, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Adel Fawzy Douban1, Ahmed M. Abu Khadra2, Mohamed Darwish Salem2, Mounier Hosney El Azabi2
Basin Analysis
and Hydrocarbon Potentialities of the Darag-Lagia Basins,
Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Adel Fawzy Douban1, Ahmed M. Abu Khadra2,
Mohamed Darwish Salem2, Mounier Hosney El Azabi2
The Paleozoic Petroleum System of the Berkine and Illizi Basins in Southeast Algeria, by Allan F. Driggs1, A. Chaouche1
A Review of Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PreSDM) Process Flow Development in the Gulf of Mexico, by Jock M. Drummond1, David Walraven1
Multiple Suppression on Marine Data Recorded in The Middle East, by Jock Drummond1, Riaz Alá'i1, Stan Morris1
Geohazard Detection in Deepwater Clastics Basin: A Seismic Technique with Application to Deepwater Mediterranean, by Nader C. Dutta1, R. Utech1, Tarek Nafie2, John Bedingfield3
The Re-emergence of the Central Abidjan Basin, Offshore Cote D'Ivoire as an Exploration Hotspot - New Insights from 3d Structural Modelling, by David Dutton1, Bruce Trudgill1, Justin Morrison2, Victor Boblai3
A Feasibility Study to Determine if the Surface Seismic Method Can Detect Thin Channels in the Presence of Statics and Noise, by Mark S. Egan1, Subhashis Mallick1
The Road to Prestack Inversion, by Mark Egan1, Subhashis Mallick1, Nader Dutta1
Risk Assessment to Allocate Commingled Production in Multi-Highly Heterogeneous Reservoirs, by Mohamed Ahmed Eissa1, Atef Shehata1, Sameh Macary2
Effect of Mesozoic and Tertiary Deformations on Hydrocarbon Exploration in Northern Western Desert, Egypt, by Ahmed El Awdan1, Fekry Youssef1, Adel R. Moustafa2
Nile Delta -- Where is the Oil?, by Magda M. Nour El Din1
Essential Link between Ancient Exploration Tools and the Latest 3D Reprocessing Techniques: A Rule for the Recent Geological Modeling in Very Complex Area (Ashrafi Field -- Gulf of Suez, Egypt), by A. Abd El Fattah1, H. Aly1, M. El Sheikh1, M. Khalil2
Mechanism of Oil Entrapment in Wadi Rayan Field, Western Desert, Egypt, by M. Naguib El Gamry1, Ali Khairy2
Contribution of Geophysics and Geology to Physical Planning Map of Egypt 2017, by Baha El Din A. El Hakim1, Hamed S. Saber2, Mohamed R. El Noby2
The Eocene Ramp Complex of Al Jabal al Akhdar, Cyrenaica, NE Libya: A Surface Analogue for Nummulite Reservoirs, by Ahmed S. El Hawat1, Bruno Caline2, Stephan Jorry3, Eric Davaud3
Glacioeustatic and Tectonic Event Stratigraphy of the Upper Ordovician - Lower Silurian of Western Libya, by Ahmed S. El Hawat1, A.M. Bezan2, Adel Obeidi3, Hassan El-Bargathi4
Seismic Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of Northern Part of Nile Delta, by M. A. El Hefnawy1, M. H. Abdel-Aal2, Ibrahem M. Hussien3
Gulf of Suez New Discovery: Successful Application of Old and New Technologies, East Zeit Field, by Mohsen El Melegi1, David Blanchard2, H. B. David3, D. Scott Bird3, D. Nollsch3
Application of Palynology to Exploration in the Lower Cenomanian Sequence, Bahariya Formation, Kenz Field in Khalda Concession, Western Desert, Egypt, by Zeinab El Menshawi1, Francisco F. Ortigosa2
Fault Definition Improvements in the West Abu El Gharadig Concession Using Prestack Depth Migration, by Amir El Motany1, Moumir Diab1, Marwa El Badry2, Nabil El Kady2
Hydrocarbon Generation, Expulsion and Migration in Geisum and Tawila Oil Fields-Southern Gulf of Suez, by Selim A.Hamid El Srogy1, Iman Hussein Helal1, Esam Ismail Amer2, Hossam Ali Mohamed2
Facies Analysis
and Sedimentary Environments of The Jurassic - Cenomanian
Rocks in Ras Budran Oil Field and Surroundings, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by M.
H. El-Azabi1, Kh. Abd Elaal Toghian2
An Early Depositional History and Stratigraphic Architecture from the Eastern Margin of the Suez Rift, Egypt, by Ahmed N. El-Barkooky1, Mohammed D. Darwish1, Abdel-Moneim El-Araby1, Reinhard Gaupp2
Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentary History of the Neogene Nile Delta, by Ahmed N. El-Barkooky1, Mohamed A. Helal2
Rift Basin Development Across Inherited Defict Zones of Wrenching and Impact on Hydrocarbon System, Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, by Sherif H. El-Bishlawy1, Nada Krklec1, Walid Anis1, Adel Sehim2
Eonile Canyon, Ancestor of the Nile River, Geology and Structural Implications, by Sherif El-Bishlawy1, Srecko Leustek1, Hossam El-Kayal1, Adel Sehim2
Evaluation of Different Interbed Multiple Attenuation Techniques, a Case Study from Kuwait, by Adel El-Emam1, Abdulatif Mohamed1, Will Gowans2
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Oil Industrial Developments, Southwestern Offshore Area, United Arab Emirates, by Esam Abd El-Gawad1, Amr El-Sammak1, Tarek El-Zabet1
Integrating 3-D Seismic Attributes and Well Logs for Mapping , bypassed Reservoir and Meandering Fluvial Architecture, Stratton and Agua Dulce Fields, Texas Gulf Coast, USA, by Hamed Zeidan El-Mowafy1, Dennis R. Kerr1, Christopher L. Liner1
Enhanced Productivity of Carbonate Reservoir by Cross-Dipole Shear-wave Logging in the Bakr/Amer Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Taher El-ZefZaf1, Maher Omara1, Theodore Klimentos2
Petrography and Petrophysical Characterization of the Precambriam Hydrocarbon-Bearing Reservoirs, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Amr H. Elewa1, Mohamed A. EL-Sharkawy2, Mohamed Darwish2
Petroleum Systems Offshore North Africa -- Satellite Remote Sensing Applications Highlight New Potential, by Peter Elliott1
Geochemical Correlation of Crude Oils in the Northwestern Niger Delta, Nigeria, by Chidi Eneogwe1, Olusegun Edundayo2
Hydraulic Fracturing Pressure Depleted Wells Proves Successful, by Ahmed Ezzat1, Rob Poole2
Lowstand Systems Tract Identification and Prospectivity in Southern Red Sea, by Mohammad I. Faqira1
Arabian Platform Tectonic Events and Their Exploration Applications, by Mohammad I. Faqira1, Khalid M. Shokair1
Mediterranean Deep-water Tertiary Play Across a Typical Western Desert Domain (Offshore Matruh, Egypt), by Hossam Fathy1, Adel R. Moustafa2, Said M. Gouda3, Jan Schreurs4, Renaat Demyttenaere1
A Two-Staged Approach to Simulate the Inter-Well Reservoir Property Parameters, by Guoqing Feng1, Jun Chen1, Liehui Zhang1, Heng Hu2
Deepwater Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Prediction, by Stephen S. Flint1, Peter Sixsmith1, Martin Grecula1, Graham Potts1, Stephen Johnson2
Stratigraphic Prediction in Tectonically Active Basins, by Stephen S. Flint1, John A. Howell2, David Hodgetts1, Matthew Brettle3
The Role Of Natural Gas in the Worldwide Energetic Scenarios, by S. Fomiatti1
Recognition and Prediction of Permeability in a Carbonate Ramp Environment, Abu Dhabi, by Carlos Fonseca-Rivera1, Omar Al-Jeelani1, Martin Kraaijveld2
Principal Component Analysis
of Seismic Data and Reservoir Sequence
Stratigraphy: Powerful Allies in Reservoir Modelling and Waterflood Management,
Gbokoda Field, Nigeria, by Stan P. Franklin1, Steve Jenkins1
The Hydrocarbon System of Blocks II and III in the Eastern Black Sea Offshore the Republic of Georgia, by Mark Frishman1, Brian Locke1
Understanding of the Reservoir Behavior Based on the Reservoir Pressure and Fault Block Communications of the Nubia Sandstone, October Field, Gulf of Suez, by Gamal Ragab Gaafar1, Mahmoud Youssery Zein El-Din2
Integration of Core, Log, and Petrographic Data For Petrophysical Analysis
of The Nubia Sandstone Reservoir, October Field, Gulf Of Suez, by Gamal
Ragab Gaafar1, Mahmoud Youssery Zein El-Din2
Amal Field Case History: An Approach to New Plays, Prospects and Development of Old Producing Fields, by Tarek Gaber1, Said El Gamil1
PS-Wave Birefringence Analysis
at the Emilio Field for Fracture
Characterization, by J. Gaiser1, E. Loinger2, L. Vetri2,
R. Walters3
Early Paleozoic Depositional Cycles of Eastern Algeria; Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeography, and Insights into their Regional Correlation in Northern Gondwana, by Sebastian Galeazzi1, Olivier Point2
Mesozoic Petroleum Systems in the Southeastern Mediterranean Continental Margin, by Michael A. Gardosh1, Akiva Flexer2, Paul Weimer3
The Characterization of a Fractured Reservoir: a Multi-disciplinary Approach with Application to an Offshore Abu Dhabi Carbonate Reservoir, by Bertrand D.M. Gauthier1, Martin Guiton2, Michel Garcia3
Normal Fault Population Evolution and Stratigraphic Response: An Example from the Hammam Faraun Fault Block, Suez Rift, Egypt, by Rob Gawthorpe1, Ian Sharp2, Adel R Moustafa3, Chris Jackson1, Chris Leppard1, Mike Young1
Sequence Stratigraphic Evolution Rift Tectonics: Examples from the Sinai Margin of the Suez Rift, Egypt, by Rob Gawthorpe1, Chris Jackson1, Chris Leppard1, Ian Sharp1, Mike Young1
Offshore Potential of the Shallow-Water Portion of Apache’s West Mediterranean Concession, by Ashraf I. Ghaly1, John R. Bedingfield2, David W Phelps3, Mahmoud A/razik1, David M. Allard2
Large Volume Reconnaissance AVO and Anisotropy Prediction: OPL 256 Nigeria, by Maurice Gidlow1, Chris Thomas2, Raj Dhillon2, Tom Ziegler2, Steve Pitman2
Alpine Oil Field: An Integrated Approach to Reservoir Prediction, Drilling, and Surveillance, by Dean A Gingrich1, Meg C Kremer1, Clifford L Crabtree1
Reservoir Geology of the Karachaganak Field (Western Kazakhstan), by A. Giovannelli1, M. Viaggi1, S. Elliott2, T. O'Hearn2
The Rio Muni Basin: An Emerging Deepwater Hydrocarbon Province, by Kenny Goh1, Paul Dailly1, Phil Lowry1, Gene Monson1
The Permo/Triassic of Iran, Mainland and Offshore, by Ali Golestaneh1
Bit Selection for Offshore and Onshore Applications in Egypt, by Gamal Gouda1
Samail Ophiolite Obduction and New Structural Constraints from Saih Hatat and Hawasina Windows, by David R. Gray1, Robert T. Gregory2
Using Seismic Information to Predict Pressure Variations and Fluid Migration Pathways to Optimize Reservoir Development Plans, by Tom Guidish1, Vladimir Pisetski2
Competing in the World Energy Market: The Key Factors for Investing in Oil and Gas Ventures, by James T. Hackett1
Development Of The West Ramadan Field, Blocks GS302 and SB293, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt, by Maher Haddad1, Ahmed H. Ahmed1, Fielding Turlington1, Paul Henning1, Ron Krenek1, Bruce May1, Gary Mercado1, John Petler1
The Over/Under Acquisition Test - Taking the Seismic to the Technical Limits, by Ahmed Hagras1, James Keggin1, Hamed Shakhshir2, Chris Koeninger2, Sergio Grion2
Seismic Characterisation of Permian Gharif Clastic Reservoirs in Oman, by Zulkifli Haji-Ahmad1, Glenn Williams1, Edwin Quadt2
Recent Advances in Coring and Core Analysis
for Reservoir Description,
by Gharib Moustafa Hamada1
Multilayer Map Based Hydrocarbon Modelling, a Sensitivity Study from a Frontier Area, Norwegian Continental Shelf, by Martin Hamborg1, Tomas Kjennerud1, Reinert Seland2, Oivind Lonne3, Oyvind Sylta1
Phanerozoic Regional Cycle Chart of Sea Level Changes for the Arabian Platform, by Bilal U Haq1, A. Motaleb Al-Qahtani2
Finding the Sweet Spots in a Large Under-Explored Block -- Refocusing Exploration in the Northeast Mediterranean Deep Water Area, by Stephen Hart1, Marc Gerrits1, Hans Meyer1, Renaat Demyttenaere1, Eleanor Rowley1, Magda Nour El-Din1, Hala Zaki1, Aly Nassar1, John Stainforth2, Ahmed Abdel-Aal2
Composition, Structure, Evolution and Formation of Hydrocarbons in the Earth Crust of Lesser Caucasus, by Albert Harutyunyan1, Stepan Abovyan2, Gegam Babayan3, Artashes Barseghyan3, Artur Soghomonyan3
Determination Of Water Injection Efficiency In The Multi-Layered Garra Field Using The Formation Tester Tools, by Saad Hassa1, Ahmed Anwar1, Moustafa Oraby2, Mohamad Samir3, Samir Siso3
Development of Secondary Porosity in Jurassic Deep Reservoir in Western Desert, by Al Moataz Hassouba1, Mohamed Mahmoud El Sarawy1
The Spectrum of Data Integration Solutions, Why You Should Have Them All, by Steven Hawtin1, Najib Abusalbi2, Lester Bayne3, Mark Chadwick2
Density Effects on Seismic Reflectivity of Upper Eocene-Upper Jurrasic Rocks in the Northern Western Desert, Egypt, by A.M. Helal1, W. El-Shahat2
Sequence Cyclostratigraphy, and Sedimentary Facies Modelling of the Cretaceous Sandstone Reservoirs in Geisum Oil Field-Southern Gulf of Suez, by Iman Hussein Helal1, M.Nour El Din2, M. Darwish Darwish3, S. Ahmed Ahmed3
The Influence of Incipient Rift Geometries on Early Syn-Rift Deposition in the Suez Rift, Egypt, by Karl G. Henck1, Mohamed Ramzy2
Applications of Landsat-5 Satellite Imagery to Exploration and Production, by J. Brian Henry1, Taiseir H Yacoub1
Using Shear and Vp/Vs to Predict Overpressure in Petroleum Basins, by Philip D. Heppard1, Daniel Ebrom1, Michael Mueller1, Leon Thomsen1, Toby Harrold2
A Comparison of Deepwater Petroleum Systems: Southern and Central Morocco and the Northeastern United States and Nova Scotia, by Stephen A. Hermeston1, Jeffrey Lund2
Using Reservoir Saturation Monitoring and Production Logging to Improve Waterflood Sweep Efficiency in the Badri/Morgan Complex, by Neil C Hewitt1, Trevor Runge1, Gamal Ragab Gaafar2
Using Magnetic Resonance Logging to Evaluate Thin-bedded Oil Bearing Formations in the Gulf of Suez: A Case Study, by Neil Hewitt1, George Clemenceau1, Gamal Ragab Gaafar2
When Carbonate Platforms Emerge: Complicating Reservoir Heterogeneity in Natih Fm, Cretaceous, Oman, by Peter W. Homewood1, Omar Al-Ja'Aidi2, Philippe Razin3, Anne M. Schwab4
The LNG Trade New Territories: Opportunities and Challenges, by Jean-Marc Hosanski1 (Title only)
Exploration and Development Challenges in the Triassic of North Africa, by Chris G. Howells1, Aziz Oudjida2, Kevin Corrigan3
Sequence Stratigraphy Applied to a Continental Clastic Reservoir in a Low Aggradation Setting: The TAGI of Algeria & Tunisia, by Chris G. Howells1, Neil Mountford2, Alan J. Scott3, Nick Lee2
of the Wavefields Around the Borehole During Acoustoelectric
Logging, by Hengshan Hu1, Jiaqi Liu1
3D Multiple Attenuation for a Deep Reservoir Case Study, by Tianyue Hu1, Fei Hong1, Runqiu Wang2, Guofa Li3
Midyan: Window into Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea Geology, by Geraint W. Hughes1, Robert S. Johnson2, Rami A. Kamal1
Saudi Arabian Silurian and Devonian Sequence Stratigraphy, Paleogeography and Play Concepts, by Michael L. Hulver1, Riyadh A. Rahmani1, Patrick M. Rutty2, Ronald J. Steel3, Robert S. Johnson2, Randall G. Demaree2
Integrated Seismic and Well Characterization of a Wara Formation Channel Complex, Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait, by Thekriat J. Hussain1, Joon Kim2, Richard R. Terres2, David Jackson2
A Quaternary Eolianite Sequence in the Arabian Gulf Coastal Region, Northeastern Saudi Arabia: A Modern Analogue for Oomoldic Porosity Development in an Arid Setting, by Mahbub Hussain1, Mustafa Hariri1, John Warren2
Porosity Prediction of Unayzah Reservoir from Well Log Data Using Backpropagation Neural Network, by Mahbub Hussain1, Aamir Siddiqui1, Abdulazeez Abdulraheem1, Gabor Korvin1
Title TBA, by Thibaut Huyghes-Despointes1
Assessment and Remediation of Petroleum Contaminated Sites, by Shaban Ibrahim1, Mohamed Khallaf2
Middle Triassic to Upper Jurassic Palynofacies
Paleoenvironment, Source
Rock Potential and Organic Thermal Maturity of Radiometric-dated Sequence, Qatar
- Arabian Gulf, by Mohamed Ismail Ibrahim1, Hamad A. Al-Saad2,
Suzan E. Kholeif3
Small Fields Evaluation - New Concept, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mahmoud Sabry Ibrahim1
New E&P Onshore and Offshore Blocks of Libya: Ranks, Potential, Undeveloped Fields and Discoveries, by Muhammad W. Ibrahim1
Egypt LNG: An Evolving Industry, by Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim1
Condensate/Gas Ratio Variability and Prediction in the Obaiyed Field, Western Desert, Egypt: Integrated Technology for Effective Near-field Exploration, by Erdem Idiz1, J. Westrich1, P. van Laer1, O. Podlaha1, M. Nour-el-din2, J. Schreurs2, B. Bell3, P. Boerrigter3
Depositional Environment and Reservoir Heterogeneity of Bentiu Formation (Albian-Cenomanian), Muglad Rift Basin, by Ayad M. Idriss1, Osman M. Abdullatif2, Omer A. Ali3
A Team Approach to Processing Quality Control is Successful in Optimizing the Processing Flow for a Challenging 3D Seismic Data Area, by AbdulSalam Bin Ishaq1, Abu Baker Al Jeelani2, Erik Kleiss1, Mohammed Samir Al Nahhas3, Abdel Fattah M. Bakhiet3, William Soroka2, Mahfoud Al Jenaibi2
The Seismic Method 10 Years Ahead, by Ian Jack1
Rift, Compartmentalisation and Evolution of Tilted Fault Blocks as Expressed by the Lower Miocene Abu Zenima and Nukhul Formations Suez Egypt, by Chris Jackson1, Rob Gawthorpe1, Mike Young1, Jim Stewart2, Dave Pivnik2, Ian Sharp1
Characterisation of a Tight Gas Reservoir using Seismic Attributes, Ohanet Field, Algeria, by Michael Jamieson1, Joe Boztas1, Hocine Khemissa2, Spencer Quam1
The "Hercynian" Disturbance in Arabia and North Africa, by Saad Z Jassim1, Ian W Somerton1
Events Surrounding the Rutba Uplift in Western Iraq, by Saad Zair Jassim1
Becoming Closer to the ‘Virtual’ Oil Company - Radical Models of Data and Application Services for the Geotechnical Community, by Jonathan A Jenkins1, Emad Hamid2
The Role and Value of Biosteering in Hydrocarbon Reservoir Exploitation, by R. W. Jones1, S. Lowe1, P. Milner2, P. Heavey2, S. N. J. Payne3, D. F. Ewen3
Superior Seismic Imaging in the Gulf of Suez - Aspects of VSP Design, Acquisition and Processing, by Dana Jurick1, Avi Ghosh1, Z Patval2, H Merry3, L Walter3
The Artistic Science of Reservoir Quality Prediction of the Khuff Formation Gas Reservoirs in the Subsurface of Eastern Saudi Arabia, by Rami A. Kamal1
Lessons Learned From Applying Environmental policy to Cross Country Pipeline, by Yasser Kamal1, Saleh Mansour1
Using 3D Seismic Technique in Predicting Bahariya Reservoir Facies of the Kenz Field in Khalda Concession, Western Desert, Egypt, by Azza Kamel1, Fekry Yousef1, Khaled Saied1
A Simple Seismic Forward-Modelling and Processing Study of the Effects of Multiples on Interpretation-Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Mostafa Kamel1, Mohamed Maged1, Maged Fahim1, Donald Easley2, Norm Allegar3, Jasper Peijs4
Rupturing Continental Lithosphere: Initiatives of the U.S. Margins Program and Collaborative Research Goals in the Gulf of Suez, Northern Red Sea and Gulf of Aqaba, by Garry Karner1, Michael S. Steckler1, James R. Cochran1
Creating Marketing Space in the Middle East, North Africa and the Caspian, by D. J. Kataky1
Multiple Diffractions. Attenuation by Multi-Azimuth Streamer Acquisition, by James Keggin1, Martin Widmaier2, Stian Hegna2, Einar Kjos3
Influence of Depositional Fabric, Diagenesis and Structural Controls on Arab D Oil Production, Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia, by Thomas H. Keith1, D.L. Cantrell2, P.D. LaCroix2, Ed Clerk2, H. M. Daify2, P.K. Swart3, C.R. Handford4, I. Oskaya5
Fractured Carbonates as a Significant Secondary Reservoir in Qarun Field, Western Desert, Egypt, by Ali Khairy1, Hossam Ibrahim1, Wafaa A. Ali2, Khaled Abu El Yazied1
Rift Architecture and Growth Sedimentation across a Main Accommodation Zone, Northern Gulf of Suez-Egypt, by Darwish Khaled1, Mohamed Darwish2, Adel Sehim2
Pre-Neogene Tectonics and Basin Inversion,Northern Gulf of Suez - Egypt, by Darwish Khaled1, Mohamed Darwish2, Adel Sehim2
Application of Magnetotelluric Method for Oil Exploration in Minami-Noshiro Area, Japan, by Ahmed Bakr Khalil1, Enjang Jaenal Mustopa1, Keisuke Ushijima1
Applied Analog Structural Models in Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Offshore Mediterranran,Egypt, by Mesbah Hussein Khalil1, Antonio Franchino2
The Effect of Improved Palaeobathymetry Estimation in Hydrocarbon Migration Modelling, by Tomas Kjennerud1, Oyvind Sylta1, Martin Hamborg1, Stein Tore Wien1
Shear-wave Anisotropy in Very Porous Oil-bearing Sands: Applications in Perforation Strategy and Production Optimization, by Theodore Klimentos1, Taher El-ZefZaf2, Mohamed AbdelFatah2, Maher Omara2
Using Cross-Dipole Sonic Logs and Rock-Physics Principles for Enhanced Detection of Commercial Gas Sands from Seismic Data in the Offshore Mediterranean, Egypt, by Theodore Klimentos1, Bill T Bryant2
The Challenge of Multiples -- Demultiple Techniques on Data from the Gulf of Suez, by Chris Koeninger1, Sayed Khalil1, Ian Moore1, Antoun Salama1, Ian Threadgold2, Norman Allegar2
Geochemical Characterization of Cenomanian/Turonian Black Shales from the Tarfaya Basin (SW Morocco): Evidence for Palaeoenvironmental Controls on Early Sulfurization of Sedimentary Organic Matter, by Sadat Kolonic1, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté2, M. E. Bšttcher3, M. M. M. Kuypers3, W. Kuhnt4, B. Beckmann1, G. Scheeder5, T. Wagner1
Graphic Correlation Analysis
of Upper Tertiary Rocks in the Gulf of Suez and
Nile Delta, Egypt, and the Adana Basin, Southern Turkey: Advantages and
Improvements in Stratigraphic Resolution for Exploration and Production, by
William N. Krebs1
Reservoir Characterization through Seismic Visualization and Sequence Stratigraphy - An Approach to Reveal Reservoir Properties and Well Planning Strategies in Novogodneye Field - Russia, by Stig-A Kristoffersen1, Lars Kollbotn1
Petroleum System and Exploration Potential of the West Alboran Basin, by Lung-Chuan Kuo1, R. A. Mountfield1, Y.M. Chevalier1, G.A. Haddad1, A.C. Weinzapfel1, M.O. Strickland1
Evolution of the Levant Platform - Cretaceous-Paleogene Surfaces and Sequences of the Golan, West Jordan, Sinai and the Galalas, by Jochen Kuss1, Jan Bauer1, Martina Bachmann1, Christian Scheibner1, Frauke Schulze1
Managing Information in the World of the Virtual Oil Company, by Mike Larsen1, Alan Smith1
Waveform Gather Inversion and Attribute-Guided Interpolation: A Two-Step Approach to Log Prediction, by August Lau1, Alfonso Gonzalez2, Subhashis Mallick2, Diana Gillespie2
Fracture Characterization Methods for Tight Gas Sandstones, by Stephen Laubach1, Randall Marrett1, Jon Olson1
Cement Patterns Control Fracture Porosity Preservation in Tight Gas Sandstones, by Stephen Laubach1, Julia Gale1, Jon Olson1, Linda Bonnell2, Rob Lander2
The Role of LWD-MWD and Real Time Data Transmission in Reducing the Drilling Cost in Deep Water Operations, by Chris Leigh1, Tarek Labib2
Numerical Simulation Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration into and Through Sand Reservoirs in the Pabst Field (Main Pass Block 259), Northern Gulf of Mexico, by Yuxian Li1, Joel S. Watkins1, Roger Sassen1
Seismic Scale Effects: Dispersion, Attenuation, and Anisotropy by Multiple Scattering of Waves, by Yinbin Liu1, Douglas R. Schmitt1
An Integrated Approach to Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Jurrasic Arab Formation, Onshore Abu Dhabi, UAE, by Stephen Lokier1, Jürgen Grötsch2, Reyad Khassawneh2, Erik van der Weerd2, Shehadeh Masalmeh2, Johan van Dorp2, Gordon Coy1
Mechanisms of Sedimentary Dispersal on the Nile Deep Sea Fan, by Lies Loncke1, Gilbert Bellaiche1, Laurence Droz2, Jean Mascle3
Shallow Structure of the Nile Deep-sea Fan: Implications on Sedimentary Dispersal and Fluid Ascents, by Lies Loncke1, Jean Mascle2, Virginie Gaullier3, Bruno Vendeville4
Hercynian Deformation and the Creation of Fractured Reservoirs along Wrench Faults of the Central Sahara, by John C. Lorenz1
Plio-Pleistocene Sedimentary Evolution and Hydrocarbon Distribution. The Eastern Nile Delta Offshore (Egypt), by Fabio Lottaroli1, Kamal Barsoum1, Osama Abou El Gadayel1, Stefano Carbonara1
Mesozoic Carbonate Facies and Reservoirs in Central Palmyrides, Syria, by Dubravko Lucic1, Srecko Maretic1, Goran Forsek1, Damir Takac2, Ivica Mesic3
Seismic Classification -- A Case Study in the Niger Delta, by Eugene A. Luzietti1, Ken Hauser2, Goke Adeniyi2
Geochemical Exploration in The Offshore Nile Delta, by Hany M. Kamel1, Mohmed Sarhan1
A Feasibility Study for a 3-D, 4-C Seabed Seismic Survey in the Arabian Gulf, by Costas G. Macrides1, Paul A. Ras2, Martin Widmaier3
The Application of Shallow Structural Mapping to Understand the Deep Structure in the October Field Area, Northern Suez Rift, Egypt, by Mohamed Maged1
Obaiyed Field: A Major Challenge for Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Western Desert of Egypt, by Asem Mahmoud1, Mohamed El-Saadany1, Ahmed N. El-Barkooky2, Adel R. Moustafa3, Mohamed Saad1
The Future of 4D in the Nile Delta, by Robert Francis Marten1, James A Keggin1, Giles F Watts1
Seismic Challenges of Developing the Pre-Messinian - Akhen Field Offshore Nile Delta, by Robert Francis Marten1, Mark V. Shann2
Evidences of Fluid Escape Structures and Mud Volcanoes on the Nile Deep Sea Fan, by Jean Mascle1, Lies Loncke2, Olivier Sardou3, Paul J. Boucher4, Vince Felt5
Structural Model Assessment in Deep-Water Compressional Settings: Exploration Impact in the Gulf of Mexico and Amazon Slope Basins, by Steve Matthews1, Peter Bentham1, Tim Buddin2, Rich Gibson3, N. Purnell1
Turbidite Slope Channels - Patterns of Reservoir Distribution and Heterogeneity, by Mike Mayall1, Richard Syms2, Ed Jones2, Jonathan Henton1
Paleohydraulic Analysis
of the Lower Part of Hasawnah Formation, Libya, by G.
Mayouf1, B. Turner2
The Structural Evolution of the Berkine Basin, Algeria, by Stephen McKenna1, Richard J. Hedley1
Application of Hyperspectral Technology for Offshore Oil Slick Mapping - A World First for BHPBilliton, by Grant McMurtrie1, Paul Quaife2, Colin Ashman3
Tectono-Sedimentary Provinces of the Oligocene-Quaternary in the Offshore Nile Delta; Relevance to Hydrocarbon Trapping and Reservoirs Distribution, by Lorenzo Meciani1, Sergio Laura1, Mesbah Khalil1
Geostatistical Modeling of the Third Upper and Third Lower Sands of the Burgan Formation, Greater Burgan Field, Kuwait, by W. Scott Meddaugh1, Jamal Al-Hamoud2, R. H. Kirby3
Basement Tectonic Map of Egypt, by Wafik M. Meshref1
The Siluro-Devonian of Illizi Basin (Algeria): An Example of Cratonic Clastic Sedimentation Systems, by Henniche Messaouda1, Remi Eschard2, Hamel Aîcha3, Jean-Noël Proust4
Biostratigraphy, Facies Models and Reservoir Architecture of Tin-Fouye Filed (Illizi Basin, Algeria), by Henniche Messaouda1, Remi Eschard2, Hamel Aîcha3, Jean-Noël Proust4
The Petroleum System from Source Rock to Trap: Matruh-Shushan Basin, Western Desert, Egypt, by Farouk I. Metwally1, John D. Pigott2
IBAMA Environmental Control in Brazil: Criteria and Tools, by Sandra Cec’lia Miano1, Fernando R.M. Pires2, Donizetti Aurélio Do Carmo1
Improving Exploration in the Gulf of Suez Using 3D Pre-Stack Depth Imaging, by Jim Mika1, Frédéric J. Billette1, Dennis Yanchak1, John Garing2
Effects of Faults and Fracture Corridors on Gas Productivity, by Laure Moen-Maurel1, Dominique Etchegoyen1, Sylvie Delisle1
Flow Unit Characterization in Pliocene Reservoirs: Derived from Core
, Capillary Pressure and Wire Line Logs, Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt, by
Anwar Naiem Mohamed1, Mohamed Tarek A. El-Latif2, Mohamed
Reda Osman2
Facies and Reservoir Quality of Zarqa Formation (Turonian-Late Senonian), in Heglig and Unity Fields, Muglad Rift Basin , Sudan, by Saida O. Mohammed1, Osman M. Abdullatif2
Integrated Reservoir Management Succeeded to Revert Production Decline in Belayim Land Mature Oil Field, by Hussen Mokhtar1, Ahmed Amin1, Medhat Mahmoud1
Gas Cap Behavior Implications on Strategies to Improve Oil Recovery in a Mature Field: a Case History, by C. Monico1, A. Fedullo1, G. Jawadi2
Implementing Technology with Efficiency: A Case History of 3D Seismic in Egypt, by David J Monk1, John Bedingfield2, Ashraf Orabi2, Brian Boutte3
Effective Use of Seismic and Well Velocities to Build a Regional Velocity Field for Depth Conversion, Geological Integration and Pressure Prediction, by Sherif Montasser1, James Keggin1, Norm Allegar1
Well-Driven Seismic Processing and Reservoir Characterization, by Stephen Patrick Morice1, Stefano Volterrani2, Tarek Nafie2, Ayman Shabrawi2
Maturation Assessment of Oils and Condensates from Abu El Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt, by Alaa El-Din R. Mostafa1, Assem O. Barakat1, Yaorong Qian2, Moonkoo Kim2, Mahlon C. Kennicutt II2
Composition, Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediments of the Western Harbour of Alexandria, Egypt, by Alaa El-Din R. Mostafa1, Assem O. Barakat1, Yaorong Qian2, Terry L. Wade2
Mapping the Fractured Zones Affecting Qanawat Dam Area, Syria: A Geoelectric Application, by Salah El-Deen A. Mousa1, Mohamed A. El-Melhem1
Effect of Basin Geometry on Locating Promising Hydrocarbon Traps: Tiba Natrun - Kattaniya Inverted Basin, Northern Western Desert (Egypt), by Adel R. Moustafa1, Mohamed Abd El-Aziz2, Waleed Gaber3
Structural Style and Timing of Syrian Arc Deformation in Northern Egypt, by Adel R. Moustafa1
Matruh Basin: Hydrocarbon Plays in an Inverted Jurassic-Cretaceous Rift Basin in the Northern Western Desert of Egypt, by Adel R. Moustafa1, Ahmed N. El-Barkooky2, Asem Mahmoud3, Ahmed M. Badran4, Mohamed A. Helal4, Magda Nour El Din4, Hosam Fathy4
PreSDM and PoSDM Imaging of Sub-Salt Structures in Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Ivar Mundal1, Ibrahim Hanbal2, Skip Lemanski3, Ben Turner4
Low Resistivity Pay in Offshore Nile Delta: Quantification using Multicomponent Induction Logging, by Mette Munkholm1, Dr. Mohamed Nashaat2, Dr. Andy Samuel3, Edward Webb2, Cormac Parsons1, Patrick Hogarty4
New Play Concepts in Carbonate Exploration, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt, by N. Nabih1, S. El Gameel2
El Nezzazat, Feiran and Abu Durba Heavy Oil Reservoirs, a Clue for Heavy Oil Reservoirs Potential at The Edges of The Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Nabih Ahmed Nabih1
Evolution of DHI Techniques in Offshore Nile Delta, by Hammouda Nada1, Tom R. Williams2
Integration of Sequence Stratigraphy, 3D Seismic Data Visualisation and Quantitative Risk Assessment - Towards a Stratigraphic Trap Exploration Portfolio in Cooper-Eromanga Basin, South Australia, by Takeshi Nakanishi1, Simon C. Lang2
Guneshli Field. Productive Reservoirs Description, by Akif Narimanov1, Elshad Aleskerov1
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Geochemistry and Diagenesis of the Aptian-Albian Lacustrine Systems of the Araripe Basin, NE Brazil, by Virgínio Henrique Neumann1, Llu’s Cabrera2, Angeles Borrego3, Lœcia Maria Mafra Valença1
Depositional Framework and Reservoir Potential of the Silurian Qusaiba Member, Eastern and Central Saudi Arabia, by Paul G. Nicholson1, Stephen Carney1, Merrell A Miller1, John Melvin1
Interpolating Wavelet Multiscale Inversion for Seismic Waveform, by Jianxie Nie1, Huizhu Yang1, Jianwei Ma1
Reservoir Characterization of the Benguela Belize Field, Offshore Angola,
using Principle Component Analysis
, by Joao Nogueira1, Mark Moon2,
John Dunn2
Basin Architecture and Evolution of the Gulf of Aqaba, by Abdelwahab Noufal1
Tomographic Velocity Images by Artificial Neural Networks, by Djarfour Noureddine1, Baddari Kamel1, Djeddi Mabrouk2
Reservoir Compartmentalization through Geochemical and Sedimentological Investigations; Example from Sirt Basin oil field, Libya, by Alain Noyau1, Loua• Machhour2
Multilateral Technology and its Possible Applications in Egypt, by Osama Obeid1, Ahmed El Signiy1
Integrated Carbonate Reservoirs Studies - Linking Static and Dynamic Models to Expand Evaluation Validity in Space and Time, by Jean-Remy Olesen1, Andrew Carnegie2
Evaluation of Laminated Gas Reservoirs Integrating Resistivity Anisotropy Measurements, Magnetic Resonance and Formation Micro-Conductivity Images, by Jean-Remy Olesen1, Bill T Bryant2
Fault Zones and Deep Reflections Image Enhancement through Depth Imaging General Petroleum Company Oil Fields (Amer, Bakr, Gharib) Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Wahid Omar1, Nabil El Kady2, Amr El Homosany2, Amr Issa2, Yasser Shalash2
Collaborative New Technology in Well Construction. A New Avenue towards Lowering the Overall Well Cost, by Moustafa E. Oraby and Ahmed El-Seginy
A New Micro-Resistivity Imaging Device for Use in Wells Drilled with Non-Conductive Mud System, by Mitch Pavlovic1
Structurally Controlled Syn-Rift Deposition in the Northern Suez Rift, Egypt: the Asl and Hawara Formations (Sequence 30) in the October Field Area, by Jasper Peijs1, Reda Tamer2, Anwar N. Mohamed2, Howard Leach3, Jim Stewart3, Mostafa Kamel4, Donald Easley5, Sarawy Mohamed4, Neil Hewitt6
Structural Control on Syn-Rift Oil Accumulations in the Northern Suez Rift, Egypt, by Jasper Peijs1, Mostafa Kamel2, Don Easley2, Jim Stewart3, Tamer Reda2, Sarawy Mohamed2, Howard Leach3, John Petler3
Petroleum Systems through the Value Chain from Exploration to Refinery, by Andy Pepper1
Time to Move to Anelliptic Time Processing, by Stephen J. Pharez1, R. Siliqi1
Jurassic and Cretaceous Tectonics of the Egyptian Western Desert, by David W. Phelps1, David M. Allard1, John R. Bedingfield1, Gregg S. Barker1
Exploration Portrayal of the Geometry of Major Unconformities of the Arabian Plate, by Walter H. Pierce1
Paleostress Analysis
and Fault Mechanical Stratigraphy of the Gulf of Suez
Margin from Signal Processing of Fracture Data, by John D. Pigott1,
Andrew J. Rich1, Ali Sadek2, Sherief Sadek2,
Hansel Gonzalez1, Kulwadee L. Pigott1
Syn-Rift Deposition and Structural History of the B Trend, Southern Suez Rift, Egypt, by Joseph T. Piombino1, Ivar Mundal1, Ibrahim Hanbal2
Tectonic Control of the Campos-Santos Basins, Offshore Brazil -- A Discussion, by F. R. M. Pires1, L. A. M. da Costa2
Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons in Cretaceous and Tertiary Reservoirs of Iraq: Implications of a 2D/3D Basin Modeling Study, by Janet K. Pitman1, Douglas Steinshouer2, Michael Lewan3
Syn-Rift Lowstand Wedges: An Emerging Stratigraphic Play in the Suez Rift, Egypt, by David A. Pivnik1, Jay Thorseth1, Donald Easley1, Jasper Peijs1, James W. Stewart1
Syn-Rift Stratigraphy and its Record of Structural Evolution in the Central Suez Rift, Egypt, by David A. Pivnik1, Jay Thorseth1, Mohamed Ramzy2
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Makran Thrust Belt, Southwestern Pakistan, by James C. Pol1, Dana M. Jurick1, Oscar E. Gilbert1, David A. Nollsch1, Shaji Alam2, John D. Smewing3
The Results of Research and Exploration on Oil and Gas at the Pre-Board Zone of N-E of the Pre-Caspian Syneclise, by M.A. Politykina1, S.M. Karnaukhov2, A.M. Tiourine3, S.M. Pobrezhsky2, V.I. Dnisryansky2
First Experience of Use of Detailed Geological-Commercial Model of the Orenburg Oilfield for the Planning of Development of Hard Recoverable Stocks of Gas, by M.A. Politykina1, W.E. Kan2, A.M. Tiourine1
Seismic Geomorphology and Seismic Stratigraphy of Deep-Water Depositional Elements, by Henry W. Posamentier1
of the Slip Sweep Technique, by Jean-Jacques Postel1,
Julien Meunier1, Alain Depeyras1, Eric Gillot1
Late Carboniferous and Permian (Unayzah/Gharif) Paleogeography of Saudi Arabia and the southern Arabian Plate: Implications for Reservoir Trends, by Roger J. Price1, David R. Fell2
High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Devonian Jauf Formation Gas Reservoir. Ghawar Supergiant Field, Saudi Arabia, by Riyadh A. Rahmani1, Ronald J. Steel2, Abdulaziz A. Duaiji1
Silurian Slope Turbidites: A Predictive Sequence Stratigraphic Model for the Exploration for New Accumulations of Mid-Qusaiba Sand Reservoir, Saudi Arabia, by Riyadh A. Rahmani1
Hydrodynamic Model for Biogenic Gas Trapped in Low Permeability Sands - Western Plains of North America, by Kaush Rakhit1, Dave Hume1, Daniel Barson1
Electro-kinetic Effect Modelling, by Antonio Ranada Shaw1, Kees Wapenaar1, Evert Slob1
Exploration of Raghavapuram Petroleum System (!): An Enigma or a Point to Cogitate ?, by Sushma Rawat1, Kaushalendra B. Trivedi2
The Effect of Transfer Faults in Shaping a Major Hydrocarbon Trap - October Field, Suez Rift, Egypt, by Tamer Mohamed Reda1
Fault-Propagation Folding in the October Field, Northern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Tamer Mohamed Reda1, Adel Ramadan Moustafa2, Ali Mohamed Abd-Allah3, John Dolson4
Fracture Analysis
at St. Paul Monastery, Egypt: Insight into the Tectonic
History of the Gulf of Suez, by Andrew J. Rich1, John D. Pigott1,
Sherief Sadek2, Hansel Gonzalez1, Kulwadee L. Pigott1
The Northern Egyptian Red Sea - A New Deepwater Frontier- Part I, by Robert A. Ripple1, J.P. Siok1, T. A. Dodd2, G. B. Artigas1, N. C. Allegar1
Seismic Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of The Late Messinian Abu Madi Fm. in Baltim Area, N. Nile Delta, Egypt, by R. Rizk1, M. El Alfi1, A. Zaki1, P. Castellano2, G. Serafini2
An Integrated Approach to Geophysics and Near Surface Geology in Southern Tunisia Using GIS Techniques, by Simon J Robinson1, Jock M Drummond2
The Jurassic Megasequence in Egypt, by Karen Romine1, David M. Allard2, Salah Karamat2, Tom Loutit3
An Alternative Model for the Plio-Pleistocene Channelised Sandstone Bodies Within the Framework of the Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the Nile Delta Area (WDDM Concession, Nile Delta Offshore, Egypt), by Marco Roveri1, Axum Cotti1, Emiliano Mutti1, Paolo Dar˜2, Francesco Federici2, Alberto Sitta3
A Regional Evaluation of the Pliocene Nile Delta Pore Pressure Regime, by Eleanor Rowley1, John Dolson2, Alfio Malossi3
Improving Borehole Quality With New Suite of Drilling Tools has Significant Effect on Drilling Efficiencies, by Rick Russel1, Adel Youssef2
Integrated Seismic Reservoir Description Study in Ras Fanar - Egypt, by Hassan Hussein Sabry1, Tarek Nafie Nafie2, Stefano Volterrani3
Generation and Migration of Hydrocarbons from Pre-Tertiary Source Rocks of the Kamundan Area, West Papua, Eastern Indonesia, by Ory Sadjati1, N. A. Ascaria1, A. H. Satyana1
Present and Potential Oil Systems in the Mesozoic Strata of the Mesopotamian Basin, Southern Iraq, by Fadhil N. Sadooni1
Oil Seeps in Central-Northern Tunisia as Indicators of Actual Active Petroeum Systems, by M. Saidi1, R. Ghenima1, L. Fourati1, H. El Euchi1
Superimposed Mesozoic Deformations and Hydrocarbon Play Concept in the Northern Western Desert, Egypt -- Example from Umbarka Area, by Khaled Saied1, Ahmed El Shamy2, Adel R. Moustafa3
Reactivation and Fault Activity Mapping of the Late Cretaceous Sequence in Abu Roash Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, by Sh. M. Sakran1
3D Reservoir Characterization and Reservoir Management Study -- October J Nubia Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Nabil Salah1, Samuel Hughes1, Doug Stoner1, Hassan Ahmed1, Gary Mercado1, Gabe Artigas1
Pore Geometry and its Impact on Water Flooding Performance, Sidri Member, Belayim Land Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Ahmed Salah1, Raafat Rizk1, Saad hassan1
Basin Hydrodynamic Considerations in Planning and Drilling Exploration Wells in the Deepwater, by Saad T. Saleh1
Geopressure Prediction Uncertainties in Deepwater -Part 1: Pre-Drill Estimation, by Saad T Saleh1
Seismic, Centroids and Sealing Capacity, by Saad T Saleh1, Kenneth Williams1, Kuochang Chen1
Estimation of Radioactive Heat Production from Airborne Spectral Gamma-Ray Data of Gebel Duwi Area, Egypt, by Ahmed S. K. Salem1, Abuelhoda M. Elsirafi2, Alaa A. Aref2, Atef A. Mahmoud2, Keisuke Ushijima1
E&P Business in a Dynamic Environment, by Luigi Salvador1
Evaluation of the P.I. in Non Flowing Wells -Case History, by Mohamed Samir1, Samir siso1, Mostafa Safwat1
Morphology of the Nile Deep-sea Fan from Combined Swath Bathymetry and 3D Seismic Data First Arrivals, by Olivier Sardou1, Jean Mascle2, Lies Loncke3, Paul Boucher4, Vince Felt4
E&P Data Management Procedures and Techniques - GUPCO Model, by Raouf Rateb Sarhan1, Ahmed Shalkamy2, Aly Soltan Aly2, Hassan Zaki Haggag2, Khaled Yassin Aly2, Waseem Hosny2
About the Geological Structure of the Caspian Sea, by V. I. Savtchenko1
The Relation between Old Wadis and Miocene Clastics in the Gulf of Suez, by M.Nady Sayed1
Geologic Definition and Resource Assessment of Continuous (Unconventional) Gas Accumulations- the U.S. Experience, by Christopher J. Schenk1
Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas of the Lower Silurian Qusaiba-Paleozoic Total Petroleum Systems of the Arabian Peninsula, by Christopher J. Schenk1, Richard M. Pollastro1, Thomas S. Ahlbrandt1
From Egypt's Technical Challenges to Worldwide Solutions, by Wolfgang E. Schollnberger1 (Title only)
Seismic Based Fluid and Lithology Discrimination in Turbidite Systems: Case Studies from West Africa, Angola, by Greg J. Schurter1, Steve R. Smith1
Pressure Regime Evaluation, Role and Contribution in Well Planning, Zeit Bay Field, Gulf of Suez , Egypt, by Saber Moustafa Selim1, Bassem El-Sayed Badawy1
Depth Maps Calibration Using Fluid Contact Evidences: A Case History, by M. Serazzi1, F. Marchini1
Petrography and Diagenesis of the Acacus Formation, Ghadamis Basin, Libya, by Abdussalam M. Sghair1
Geohistory Analysis
, Mapping of Source Beds, Timing of Hydrocarbon Generated,
and Undiscovered Reserves in East Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt, by
Ahmed Nabil Shahin1, Mosaad M. El-Lebbudy2
Assessment of Hydrocarbons Generated and their Preservation Through Integrated Geological Geochemical Modeling in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Ahmed Nabil Shahin1, Lobna M. Sharaf2, Mosaad M. el-Leboudy3
The Role of Micro-Quartz Cementation in Porosity Preservation in Deep Paleozoic Sandstone Reservoirs, Saudi Arabia, by Salem H. Shammari1, Khalid S. Shahab1
The Use of Well Logging Analysis
to Identify the Source Rocks of the
Cenomanian Period, Northern Western Desert, Egypt, by M. Sharaf1, W.
Sedimentology and Sequence Stratigraphy of the Bangestan Group, Lurestan Province, Zagros Mts, Iran -- A Working Model, by Ian Sharp1, Nils Bang2, Davood Morsalnezhad3, Mahmood Bargrizan4
Anatomy of a Half Graben: Structural Style and Stratigraphic Fill -- A Case Study from the Sinai Margin of the Suez Rift, Egypt, by Ian Sharp1, Rob Gawthorpe2, Ian Carr3, John Underhill4
Depositional Setting of the Seafloor and Near-Surface Interval on the Nile Cone, Deepwater Egypt: A View Using 3D Data from the Northeastern Mediterranean (NEMED) Seismic Survey, by R.C. Shipp1, J.A. Nott1, J.L. Gibson1
Deepwater Field Development, Offshore Angola - Reservoir Management Strategies for a Complex, Turbidite Channel Environment, by Valente Silva1, Joaquim Fernandes1, Dave Goggin2, John Baillie3
South Africa: The Unpicked Fruits of the Durban and Zululand Basins, by Varsha Singh1
An Integrated Approach to Imaging and Interpreting Minor Faults in the Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Migration, by Ravi K Singh1
The Northern Egyptian Red Sea - A New Deepwater Frontier - Part II, by Jerome P. Siok1, R. A. Ripple1, T. Dodd2, G. B. Artigas1
Unordinary Interpretation of Paleozoic Rocks Pyrolysis Rock-Eval Data, by Irina Slivko1
Geological and Geophysical Study of the Maunie Fault in the Wabash Valley of the Illinois Basin, by Milton P. Smith1, John L. Sexton1
Sedimentology, Biostratigraphy, and High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic - Shams Field, Western Desert, Egypt, by Marty R Smithey1, Tarek Saad1, John Youle1, Guy Oliver2, Carl Watkins2, Marguerite Fleming2, Jim Fenton2
Integrating New SCAL Technology into Reservoir Management Decisions, by R. M. M. Smits1, I. Abu-Shiekah1, H. Haas1, X. D. Jing1, B. A. Schipper1
On the Deep Origin of the Messinian Salt in the Mediterranean, by Vasyl I. Sozansky1
Recent Stratigraphic Sequences Affected by Neotectonics Movements in a Reef Key, Morrocoy National Park, Falcon State, Venezuela, by Harald W. Stockhausen1, Franck A. Audemard2, Gonzalo Fernandez-Viejo3
A New Understanding of Basin Distribution and Architecture in Egypt Revealed by the Application of Non-seismic Exploration Techniques, by Peter G. Stuart-Smith1, Jon Teasdale2, Karen Romine2, Lynn Pryer2, Tom Loutit2
Integrated Regional Study of the Shoushan-Obaiyed-Matruh Basins Architecture of the Western Desert of Egypt ÉOKMR, by Peter Stuart-Smith1, Karen Romine2, Tom Loutit2, David Allard3, Jan Schreurs4
Exploration of Offshore Togo (Benin Embayment); a New West African Play Type, by Mark Sturgess1, Dick Murdock1
Gulf of Suez / Red Sea Structure Evolution and Hydrocarbon Potentiality, by Mohamed Nabil Sultan1
Delivering a Sustained Improvement in E&A Performance, by A. John Summers1 (Title only)
Heterogeneous Anisotropic Elastic Finite Difference Method for Irregular Grid, by Weitao Sun1, Huizhu Yang1
NMR Application for Development Optimizing in Shaly Reservoirs, by Pavel Syngaevsky1, Sergey F Khafizov2
Pre and Post Simulation of Shagar Reservoir in North Geisum Field, Egypt, by Ali Mohamed Taha1
Large Angle AVO in the Presence of Strong Shale Anisotropy: Understanding Angle Dependant Reflectivity to Help Locate Thick Turbidite Reservoir Sands in the Lower Miocene of Block 14, Offshore Angola, by Ernesto Taia1, Virgilio Pinto1, Simao Jose1, Guy Delorme2
Structural Analysis
of Recent Hydrocarbon Discoveries in the Berkine Basin:
Characterization and Process-Based Predictive Modeling, by W. Lansing Taylor1
Using Expert Systems Technology as Knowledgebase and Learning Systems in Hydrocarbon Exploration Programs, by Mohammed A. Tayyib1
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Sedimentary Patterns of a Central-Northern Portion of Western Desert Area, by E. Tebaldi1, P. Giaj-Via1, A. Ortenzi1, F. Golfetto1, E. Trincianti1
New Oil in a Mature Basin: The Edfu Discovery, Suez Rift, Egypt, by Jay C Thorseth1, David A Pivnik1, Khaled Ebeid2, Saber Sakr2, Emad Gad2
3D Multiple Elimination in the Gulf of Suez: Acquisition Design for Optimum Processing Results, by Ian M. Threadgold1, Norman C. Allegar1, Roald Gunnar van Borselen2, D.J. (Eric) Verschuur3, Ken H. Matson4
An Integrated Approach to Basin Analysis
, by Sevgi Tigrek1, F.
Beekman2, E.C. Slob3, S.A.P.L. Cloetingh2, J.T.
Common Reflection Surface (CRS) Processing in Complex Geology -- An Alternative to Prestack Depth Migration?, by Henning Trappe1, Guido Gierse1, Juergen Pruessmann1
Rodinia to India: Signatures of Time and Space on Sediments of East Coast Basins of India and Its Significance on Hydrocarbon Potential, by Kaushalendra.B Trivedi1, Sushma Rawat2
Anisotropy: Who cares?, by Constantine Tsingas1, Don Pham2, Ruben Martinez2, Maurice Gidlow3
Petroleum System Analysis
in the Central Alborz Basin, Iran
Characteristics of Oil Seepages and Source Rocks, by Kunihiro Tsuchida1,
Yoshihiro Tsuji1, Rasoul Sorkhabi1, Akihiko Okui1,
Osamu Himeno1, Mohammad Reza Kamali2, Mahmoud Memariani2,
Mohammad Moein Pour2
Intergration of Vertical Seismic Profiling in 3-Dimensional Modeling: A Co-Dynamic Approach to Better Reservoir Characterization and Imaging in the Niger Delta, by Theophilus Ukpohor1
Regional Hydrodynamic Assessment of the Memouniat Formation in the Murzuq Basin, Libya, by James Underschultz1, Julia Davies2, Claus Otto1
Seismic Angle Migration, by Bjorn Ursin1, Maarten de Hoop2, Sverre Brandsberg-Dahl3, Anders Sollid4, Richard A. Clarke3
How the Presence of Intrabasinal Highs and the Different Time Activity of the Former Thrust Influence the Quality of the Potential Deep Marine Clastic Reservoirs in the Pindos Foreland, Greece, by John Vacalas1, A. Zelilidis1
New Frontiers for Deep Water Exploration: Senegal-Guinea Bissau Joint Exploration Zone, by E. Valmori1, V. Barletta2, G. Bricchi2, J. Dainelli2, G. Di Liegro2
Fast-track, Data-driven Interbed Multiple Removal: Application to the Gulf of Suez, by Roald Gunnar van Borselen1, Grog Fookes1, Ian M. Threadgold2, Norman C. Allegar2
3D Forward stratigraphic modelling of carbonate settings, by Kees van der Zwan1, Henne Lammers1, Jean Borgomano2
The Role of Leadership in Exploration, by Ian R. Vann1 (Title only)
SE Gulf of Mexico Deep Offshore -- Basin Evaluation by 3D Probabilistic Scenarios Modeling, by L. Vassalli1, A. Corradi1, C. Daturi1
Seismic Conditioned 3D Reservoir Modelling: Examples from Gas-Bearing Pliocene Slope Canyon Complexes, Offshore Nile Delta, ARE, by Richard D. Vaughan1
Use of Seismic Attributes and Acoustic Impedance in 3D Reservoir Modelling: An Example from a Mature GOS Carbonate Field (Ras Fanar), by Richard D. Vaughan1, Alaa Atef1, Nader El-Outefi1
Physical Modeling of Salt Tectonics in the Eastern Nile Deep-Sea Fan, by Bruno C. Vendeville1, Lies Loncke2, Virginie Gaullier3, Jean Mascle4
Multicyclic Depositional History Of Middle Eocene-Early Oligocene Carbonate Sequence Of Panna-Bassein-Heera Block, Western Offshore India: Implications for Exploration and Production Strategy, by Narendra Kumar Verma1, D.K. Pande1
A New Loose Sand Coring Technology Resulted in Longer Core per Run with excellent core quality, by Tarek Wahdan1, Yasser Khalifa2
Case Histories of Successful Conformance Control Treatments in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Arshad Waheed1, Naz Gazi2
Review of Cementing Challenges in the WDDM Concession, by Arshad Waheed1, Tarek Wahdan2
An Improved Roller Cone, Tooth Bit Life Results in Longer Drilling Sections with no ROP Constraints, by Tarek Waheed1, Majmoud Shawkat2, Mahdy Bahr3
Historic Shelf Play Revisited - Offshore Gabon, by D. M. Wallace1, B. James1, S. R. Jackson1, S. G. Duc1
Lower Paleozoic Marine Source Rocks and Hydrocarbon Kitchens in the Tarim Basin, China, by Feiyu Wang1, Shuichang Zhang2
North African Rift Systems: Comparison of Cenozoic Red Sea and Triassic/Jurrasic High Atlas of Morocco, by John E. Warme1
The Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Framework of the Bahariya Formation, Western Desert, Egypt, by C. A. Watkins1, S. Metters1, J. P. G. Fenton1, Zeinab El Menshawy2, Zakaraya Ahmed2, J. Yule2
Improved Sensitivity and Quality Assessment of Oil Shows in Development Drilling - Strategies for Oil-based Mud Systems, by David A. Wavrek1, Mohamed Said2, Tarek El Azhary2, Daniel Jarvie3
Petroleum Systems of the Giant Oil Fields in Val D' Agri Region, Southern Apennines, Italy, by David A. Wavrek1, Fausto Mosca2
Integrated Reservoir Characterization Studies in the Khalda Concession, Western Desert, Egypt, by Fred Wehr1, Sheldon Plahn1, Ali Mohamed Bakr1, Tarek Mansoury2, John Youle1
Sequence Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Bahariya Formation, Khalda Concession, Western Desert, Egypt, by Fred Wehr1, John Youle1, George Pemberton2
Wavelet-Consistent Reprocessing of Multi-Environment 3D Seismic from Abu Dhabi, by Michael P. West1, Erik Kleiss2, Abu Baker Al Jeelani2, Mohamad Samir Al Nahhas2, Constantine Tsingas1
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy North Darag Block, Gulf of Suez, Egypt, by Walter W. Wornardt1, Robert Mitchum1, Peter R. Vail2
Structural Style and Growth History in Saudi Arabia, by Hong-Bin Xiao1, Abdulla A. Bokhari1, Randall G. Demaree2
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Using Wireline Logs Permian Basin, West Texas, by Chunming Xu1, Pete Richter1, W. Rex Butler1, Jonas Gournay2, Nathan Miller2
Exploration Geostatistics; Methods, Workflows, and Examples, by Jeffrey Yarus1, Robert Ehrlich2, Richard Chambers3
Hydrocarbon Seepage Generation and Migration in the Southern Province from the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: Insight from Biomarker Characteristics and Source Rock Modeling, by Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Younes1, T. El-Azhary2, M. Said2
Stages of the Structural Evolution of the Red Sea - Gulf of Suez Rift, Egypt, by Amgad I. Younes1, Ken McClay2
An Integrated Approach to Optimizing a Large Asset-Static Modeling, by Samir Youssef1, Adel R. Moustafa2, Ismail Fahmy3, Ahmed El-Banbi4, Ahmed Aly4, Maher Emara5, Amr Alhomosany5
An Investigation on Hydrocarbon Indicators in The Nile Delta, by Refaat Zaki1, Abdel Rahman Morsi2, Stefano Volterrani3
Impact of Transfer Faults on Basin Evolution, Sedimentation and Hydrocarbon Accumulation, by Abraham Zelilidis1, A. Barkooky1, M. Darwish1, N. Tewfik1, J. Vakalas1
Comparison between Fan Deltas Formed in the Gulf of Suez in Egypt and in the Gulf of Corinth in Greece, by Abraham Zelilidis1, A. Barkooky1, M. Darwish1, N. Tewfik1, J. Vakalas1
Appraisal of a Supergiant: The Kashagan Field, North Caspian Basin, Kazakhstan, by W. Zempolich1, C. Alberti1
The Relationship Between Oil-Gas Reservoir Formation And The Accommodation Space Changes of Songliao Basin, China, by Shiqi Zhang1
Recent Applications of Turning-Ray Tomography And Tomostatics, by Xianhuai Zhu1
Image Enhancement Below the pre-Khuff Unconformity Using Pre and Post-Stack Multiple Attenuation, by Michael A. Zinger1, Khalid I. Hassan1, Richard G. Jerskey1