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Applications of Landsat-5 Satellite Imagery to Exploration and Production


J. Brian Henry1, Taiseir H Yacoub1

(1) Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia


Applications of Landsat-5 Satellite Imagery to Exploration and Production

Many common problems faced in exploration and production can be solved in part with the assistance of satellite imagery. Examples, using Landsat-5 Previous HitdataNext Hit, are shown which illustrate the use of imagery in statics, seismic line/well location, regional mapping and correlating surface conditions with seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit quality and reservoir characterization. Where there is Previous Hit3DNext Hit coverage, digital terrain models are used to enhance the Landsat Previous HitdataNext Hit. Examples are shown to illustrate the utility of satellite imagery and digital terrain models in correlating poor seismic Previous HitdataTop zones with surface conditions. In a production application, an example is given which shows the application of satellite imagery to reservoir characterization.