--> Phanerozoic Regional Cycle Chart of Sea Level Changes for the Arabian Platform
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Phanerozoic Regional Previous HitCycleNext Hit Chart of Previous HitSeaNext Hit Previous HitLevelNext Hit Changes for the Arabian Platform


Bilal U Haq1, A/Motaleb Al-Qahtani2

(1) Washington, DC, US, Washington, DC (2) Saudi Aramco, Regional Mapping and Special Studies, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

 The global eustatic Previous HitCycleNext Hit Chart continues to be an important first-order tool in exploration geology. In addition to being a chronostratigraphic correlation tool, the relative magnitude and frequency of Previous HitseaNext Hit-Previous HitlevelNext Hit rises and falls and the duration of subaerial exposure are valuable exploration criteria. The Arabian Plate has had a complex tectonic history, in addition to being influenced by broad eustatic changes. Tectonic events led to changes in the direction, rate, and/or locus of subsidence that created major accommodation for sediment deposition, while causing erosional hiatuses elsewhere. Consequently, both eustasy and tectonics play important roles in the development of sedimentary sequences and in determining the characteristics of the reservoir, source and seal facies on the Platform. A regional Previous HitcycleNext Hit chart of relative Previous HitseaNext Hit-Previous HitlevelNext Hit changes based on the Arabian Platform that is compared to the eustatic Previous HitCycleNext Hit Chart could enhance the usefulness of this exploration tool for this region. A new Regional Previous HitCycleNext Hit Chart for the Phanerozoic of the Arabian Platform is presented that ties the regional events on the Platform with global cyclicity. Hence, comparisons for any given interval can reveal when tectonic influences were predominant, or conversely, when eustasy was prevalent. The comparison of the two curves will also yield better chronostratigraphic estimates and assure improved global correlations. The Regional Previous HitCycleTop Chart will also be an ideal accompaniment for sequence-stratigraphic studies on the Platform.