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Development Of The West Ramadan Field, Blocks GS302 and SB293, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt


Maher Haddad1, Ahmed H. Ahmed1, Fielding Turlington1, Paul Henning1, Ron Krenek1, Bruce May1, Gary Mercado1, John Petler1

(1) GUPCO, Cairo, Egypt

 The development of the West Ramadan Field since its discovery in June 2000 has presented challenges and risks that are best addressed with a multi-disciplinary approach. The field produces from the Miocene Hawara Sandstone in a down thrown block west of the prolific Ramadan Field. The key challenges to developing the Hawara Sandstone include; sandstone and reservoir distribution, reservoir continuity, drive mechanism, performance and trap definition. Economic risks and Previous HitbenefitsNext Hit are being addressed by the development of parts of the West Ramadan Field from the existing infrastructure. An active program of data collection; reservoir pressures, well performance and core address some of the reservoir challenges. Material balance work provides feedback to reservoir distribution and trap geometries defined by seismic and Previous HitgeologicalTop data. This multi-disciplinary approach leads to the identification of additional opportunities, better risk management and an understanding of reservoir performance.