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Amal Field Case History: An Approach to New Plays, Prospects and Development of Old Producing Fields


Tarek Gaber1, Said El Gamil1

(1) Amapetco, Giza, Egypt

 Amal field is located in the southern province of the Gulf of Suez; the first oil discovery was in 1968, the first production was in 1989, the field passed through different exploration & development phases, each Previous HitphaseNext Hit reflects specific objectives.

Strategic goals and objectives usually amended by time even for the same firm, especially in oil business, thirty years ago investments usually were directed to oil exploration & production nowadays global demands of energy sources are directed to gases, but oil is still on the top rank.

Evolution of Amal field is an example for this subject through subsequent operators, where the first exploration Previous HitphaseNext Hit targeting deep oil reservoirs, huge oil reserves and paying no attention to gas discovery & production as gases was not considered one of the main exploration objectives in addition to, the agreement regulations at that time. The first exploration Previous HitphaseNext Hit does not fulfill the main objectives even with oil and gas discovery in shallow reservoirs.

The Second Previous HitphaseNext Hit reflects a new strategy to explore and produce limited reserves. The lifetime commercial production for the estimated reserve was about seven years.

The third and current Previous HitphaseTop, efforts to extend lifetime for the field were successful. Also, making use of new technology to revive the Amal field potentialities, delineate new plays, prospects, and overall field development.

In brief, the aim of this study is to explore and produce any commercial hydrocarbon reserves in one of the old fields “Amal field”.