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Integration of Core, Log, and Petrographic Data For Petrophysical Analysis of The Nubia Sandstone Previous HitReservoirNext Hit, October Field, Gulf Of Suez


Gamal Ragab Gaafar1, Mahmoud Youssery Zein El-Din2

(1) GUPCO, Cairo, Egypt (2) Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt

A detailed geological and petrophysical study of the Nubia sandstone Previous HitreservoirNext Hit in October Oil Field has been made to interpret the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit heterogeneity and factors affecting Previous HitreservoirNext Hit damage. Using a computer processed log analysis program, the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit has been subdivided into six zones based on the shale content, porosity, and permeability variations. A continuous shale beds have been identified throughout the drilled section, which probably act as a barrier to the vertical flow of the fluids through the Previous HitreservoirNext Hit.

The constructed Previous HitreservoirNext Hit geology model shows that the water encroachment can be explained as edge water Previous HitdriveNext Hit, and is controlled by the continuous shale beds, which prevent the vertical fluid flow.

The factors affecting Previous HitreservoirNext Hit damage and variation in the petrophysical characteristics of the Previous HitreservoirTop should determine programs for efficient water flooding which may increase the maximum oil recovery.