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Seismic Stratigraphy and Facies Architecture of Northern Part of Nile Delta


M. A. El Hefnawy1, M. H. Abdel-Aal2, Ibrahem M. Hussien3

(1) Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (2) Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (3) Egyptian Petroleum Corporation, Cairo, Egypt

 The extensive deltaic, coastal progradation and paleo-channel coarses of Pliocene Nile as well as the base of slope failure deposits of Cretaceous and Oligocene produced by syndepositional structural development have been recognized in the study area. The seismic characters of a grid of seismic data (i.e. configuration,continuity, amplitude and frequency, interval Previous HitvelocityNext Hit and external form and association of seismic facies )tied to several well log data) were applied to define the sequence stratigraphy, seismic facies architecture and depositional environmental of Nile Delta Area. The identification of seismic sequences requires that their boundaries would be defined and correlated on seismic data, these boundaries can be accomplished by locating reflection termination on seismic data.

High frequency sequences are identified within the deltaic complex on seismic data, these sequences ,were probably in response to the high frequency cycles of relative changes in sea level that were produced by Previous HitvariableTop rates of subsidence and uplift. These sequences are precisely mapped with great lateral continuity, and within these sequences it can be possible recognized all system tracts which were hypothesized by sequence stratigraphy models. Also, the paleo-channel courses of Pliocene Nile, Protonile were also mapped .