--> A New Hybrid Cased Multilateral Junction Improves Flow Area in High Volume Applications
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A New Hybrid Cased Multilateral Junction Improves Flow Area in High Volume Applications


Karl DeMong1, Jim Oberkircher1

(1) Halliburton, Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

 Multilateral systems are finding applications in more and more wells than ever before. Demands for specific features and capabilities are driving development into non standard hybrid designs that have features of several of the TAML junction classifications but do not fit neatly into any of the categories. Design has moved away from TAML paradigm and toward find fit for purpose Previous HitsolutionsNext Hit. The development of new high volume sealed junction multilateral systems will be examined to see the results that this new approach can bring.

This Previous HitinnovativeTop system is a hybrid, most closely resembling a TAML Level 5, that provides mechanical and hydraulic isolation at the created multilateral junction without cement, and re-entry capabilities into both the main and lateral well bores. This system also is very mechanically simple to run, utilizing a minimal number of trips to establish the junction and achieve mechanical and hydraulic isolation. Originally designed for use as a method of keeping debris out of an open junction, this system has potentially a much broader set of applications. Originally a design for high volume low-pressure applications, development of this junction in a higher-pressure variant will be discussed. The paper will describe the mechanical and operational functionality of the system and two variants of the system that provide unique features that meet the requirement of these applications.