--> Study of Seismic Data Velocity and Mapping Method in Complicated Structure Area and Its Application
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Study of Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit Velocity and Mapping Method in Complicated Structure Area and Its Application


 Cai Gang1, Qu Zhiyi1

(1) Geophysical Engineer, LanZhou, GanSu Province, China

 At present, Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit Previous HitinterpretationNext Hit, velocity analysis, time-depth conversions usually are completed on one interpretative software. As we know, every interpretative software application has its advantages and disadvantages. Only using one kind of interpretative software in complicated structure area can't meet the needs of each work assignment. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of two mapping modules CPS-3 and Z-Map Plus in GeoQuest and Landmark respectively. The functions of the velocity analysis module InDepth have been perfected and Previous HitdataNext Hit transmission between CPS-3 and Z-Map Plus was achieved. With in a complicated structure area of inconsistent datum plane between Previous HitseismicTop section and velocity spectrum, a new method of time-depth conversion has been used to make the structural map. A 3D velocity field of high accuracy is found and time-depth conversion is completed on a datum plane of velocity spectrum to make the structural map by combining CPS-3 and Z-MAP Plus. Three dimensions visual software Earth Vision is applied to display final structural map. This method was applied and achieved success in the C area.