--> Application of 3
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Application of 3-D Versus 2-D Previous HitVelocityNext Hit Model: Implications of Depth Conversion Hayat-Yaser-Kenz Fields (Khalda Concession,Western Desert, Egypt)


 Ali Mohamed Bakr1, Fred Wehr1, Sheldon Plahn1

(1) Apache Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

 Multiplying a simple 2D Previous HitvelocityNext Hit grid by a time grid to generate a depth grid can result in inaccurate predictions of geological tops, faults, fault patterns, and reservoir volume. This paper addresses the problem and demonstrates the value of 3D depth conversion in the Khalda area.

Apache has acquired approximately 2500 km2 of 3D seismic data in the Khalda Concession in the Western Desert of Egypt. Hayat, Yasser and Kenz are major oil fields in the Khalda concession, producing from reservoirs in the Bahariya and AEB Formations (Cretaceous). Three main 3D Previous HitvelocityNext Hit models were constructed over Hayat-Yasser- Kenz and compared to the 2D estimating method. The three 3D Previous HitvelocityNext Hit models are: (1) stacking/migration Previous HitvelocityNext Hit (Previous HitusingNext Hit only seismic stacking velocities), (2) time-depth Previous HitvelocityNext Hit (Previous HitusingNext Hit only time-depth pairs from wells data), and (3) migration Previous HitvelocityNext Hit calibrated with T-D pairs (Previous HitusingNext Hit both stacking velocities and well control).

Calibrated models provide more reliable results, including a more accurate tie to wells as well as a more structurally admissible fault pattern. The entire seismic data set, including traces, horizons (time), and faults are converted to the depth domain Previous HitusingNext Hit the proper Previous HitvelocityNext Hit model. This enables much tighter integration of seismic interpretation and well data.

The reservoir depth map out of this volume was used for validity check and it shows ± (10 feet) prediction error. Results confirm more reliable well top prediction and possible additional propectivity Previous HitusingNext Hit the 3-D calibrated Previous HitvelocityNext Hit models versus the 2-D average Previous HitvelocityTop methodology.