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Multi-Scale Multidisciplinary Oilfield Data Integration Using Geographic Information Systems


 Abdul Wahab Zaki Ali1

(1) King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

 The integration of oilfield data becomes mandatory especially in applications that require solutions based on multidisciplinary data. These data normally stored in various formats at different scales are difficult to combine in one package. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has proved to be very successful in managing and analyzing multisource data. Today’s systems take advantage of the high speed and processing power of computers to process large data sets and use state-of-the-art Object Relational Database Management Systems, (ORDBMS) to store and retrieve information. GIS are employed to integrate multi-scale multidisciplinary oilfield information. Regional and sub-regional information including remote sensing imagery, geologic and topographic Previous HitmapsNext Hit, and surface Previous HitstructuralNext Hit Previous HitmapsNext Hit are integrated with subsurface information e.g. well-data, formation tops, seismic Previous HitmapsNext Hit as well as high resolution rock-based information (plug and core based description). The system encompasses multi-scale information in one graphic user interface where the user can leap from low-resolution regional or sub-regional to high-resolution plug-based information. The raster processing engine of the GIS enables the creation of the isopachs grids (Previous HitmapsNext Hit) on the fly from formation top data. This is only one example of many in map topology that GIS can provide for the geologist. This application allows using GIS at all project stages from field mapping and data collection to data management and finally to 3D displays, management, and analysis of data.