AAPG Rocky Mountain Section
September 24-26, 2005, Jackson, Wyoming
Search and Discovery Article #90047 (2005)
November 10, 2005
*Special appreciation is expressed to Lyn George, Technical Program Chair, 2005 Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, for providing permission to post these abstracts on Search and Discovery.
Select letter corresponding to first letter of last name of author(s).
J.M. Abplanalp, P.E. Isaacson, A.S. Gilmore
Mesaverde Gas Play - Eastern Uinta Basin, Utah
P.B. Anderson
J.S. Arbogast, S.M. Goolsby
M. Ashley
Techniques to Evaluate Resevoir Performance in a Tight Gas Field: The Wamsutter Experience
F.E. Bakun, C.N. Cecil, H.C. Gee, K.A. Haley, E.R. Ellis, S.L. McConkey
Y. Bartov, D. Nummedal
L. Batt, P.E. Isaacson, M.C. Pope, I.P. Montañez
M.J. Blackstone
Eagle Springs Oil Field East Extension – a 1965 Soil Gas Survey Success
L.C. Bortz
J.M. Boyles, K. van ’t Veld, B.F. Towler, C.F. Mason
Lewis Deltaic Shelf Sequences Predict Deepwater Sand Presence/Absence
C.R. Carvajal, R. Steel, D. Reitz
T.C. Chidsey, Jr, D.A. Sprinkel
Analyzing Hydraulically Fractured Gas Well Performance in the Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming
D.D. Cramer
Geology and Mechanics of the Basin-Centered Gas Accumulation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
S.P. Cumella, J. Scheevel
J.B. Curtis
R.H. De Bruin, N.R. Jones, R.M. Lyman, A.J. Ver Ploeg
Reservoir Geometry of the Regressive Fox Hills Sandstone: Control on Aquifer Quality
M. Dechesne, R.G. Raynolds
B. Blakeney DeJarnett, A.J. Scott
T.L. De Keyser
K.A. Duncan, R.P. Langford
The Use of Passive Seismic Monitoring for the Exploration and Production of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
P.M. Duncan, J. Lakings, C. Neale
Gas Desorption Tests: Application for Powder River Basin Gas Production Prediction
M.S. Ellis, G.D. Stricker, R.M. Flores
What are the Mechanisms and Timing of Joints in the Rockies?
E. Erslev
The San Juan Basin is NOT a Model for "Basin-Centered Gas"
J.E. Fassett, B.C. Boyce
G.L. Ford
N.J. Gilbertson, N.F. Hurley
Supplying the Next Generation of Petroleum Professionals
C. Hansen
The Megabreccia Reservoir at Ghost Ranch Oilfield, Railroad Valley, Nevada
J.B. Hansen, C. Schaftenaar
Shallow Thermogenic Shale Gas in the Rocky Mountains
N.B. Harris
The Rocky Mountain Transportation Conundrum
B.G. Hassler
Gemstones in Wyoming: Geology and Exploration
W.D. Hausel
Treatment Technologies for Coalbed Methane Produced Water Management
T. Hayes, D. Arthur
M. Hendricks
Utah - Permitting Challenges in a Rocky Mountain Petroleum Frontier
K. Hoffman
A New Look at Cow Creek Field, Carbon County, Wyoming
S.H. Hollis
T.L. Inks, T. Collett, D.J. Taylor, W.F. Agena, M.W. Lee, R.B. Hunter
Middle and Upper Paleozoic Carbonate Sequences in Idaho: Foreland Subsidence, Eustacy and Reefs
P.E. Isaacson, M.C. Pope, I.P. Montanez, L. Batt
R.C. Johnson, S.B. Roberts, D.J. Nichols
Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Petroleum Systems and Assessment Units, Wind River Basin, Wyoming
R.C. Johnson, T.M. Finn, S.B. Roberts, L.N.R. Roberts, P.G. Lillis, P.H. Nelson
R.W. Keach, II, P. Harrison, D. Harrison
Management of Produced Water from Coalbed Natural Gas Wells, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
J. Kennedy
Evaluating Thermogenic Tight Gas Shales, the Unconventional Frontier with Proven Success
J. Kieschnick, R. Suarez-Rivera, D. Handwerger
D.A. Klein, R.M. Flores, S. McKinney, L.P. Pereyra, A. Pruden-Bagchi
R.W. Klusman
What's UP on the Pinedale Anticline
S. Kneller, R.W. McDermott, S.G. Zinke
Undersaturation in Coals: How Does it Happen and Why is it Important
R.A. Lamarre
R.A. Larson, G.J. Holm, J. Lorenz
Horizontal Drilling Potential of the Middle Member Bakken Formation, North Dakota
J.A. LeFever
Characterization of the Natural Gas Systems of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming
P.G. Lillis, R.C. Johnson
Integrated Gravity and Magnetic Interpretations Yield New Insights to Basin and Range Structures
G.L. Lisle
Documentation of Late Cretaceous Forebulge Migration in Southwestern Wyoming
H. Luo, D. Nummedal
Wyoming Coal's Role in Gassification; Past, Present, and Back to the Future
R.M. Lyman, N.R. Jones
Characterizing a Fractured Carbonate with an Embedded Multicomponent Seismic Test
B. Mattocks, D. Todorovic-Marinic, S.L. Roche, S. Ronen
Evaluation of Coal Seam Permeability in Marginal Reservoirs
M. Mavor, W.D. Gunter
J.H. McBride, R.W. Keach, II, T.H. Morris, W. Monn, T. Anderson
Discovered Crude Oil Resources of Wyoming, USA
T.J. McCutcheon, J.M. Skeim
Pinedale Field: a Giant New Gas Resource, Green River Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A
R.W. McDermott, T.G. Graham
M. Millard, R.W. Clayton, C.S. Painter
B. Miller, S. Ruhl
M.D. Milliken, T.J. McCutcheon
Structure and Reservoir Characterization of Farnham Dome Field, Carbon County, Utah
C.D. Morgan, K. McClure, T.C. Chidsey, Jr, R. Allis
J. Morel
T.H. Morris, W. Monn, J.H. McBride, R.W. Keach, II
Review of the Federal Land Use Planning Process
C. Moseley
Central Utah, a New Oil and Gas Province
Floyd C. Moulton and Michael L. Pinnell
Big Sand Draw Field – The Proof is in the Details
C.E. Mullen
3D Strain at Transitions in Foreland Arch Geometry: Structural Modeling of The Beartooth Arch - Rattlesnake Mountain Transition, NW Wyoming
T.G. Neely
Coalbed Natural Gas Resource Potential of the Wyodak-Anderson Coal Zone in the Powder River Basin
C.R. Nelson
Gas Origin in Coals of the Blackhawk Formation, Castlegate Coalbed Methane Field, Utah
M. Niemann, P.R. Clarke, C.T. Cornelius, B. Ryan, M.J. Whiticar
Case Study: Greater Wamsutter Field, Wyoming—Tight Gas Reservoir
G.E. Norris, T. McClain
D. Nummedal
Late Cretaceous Subsidence in Wyoming
D. Nummedal, H. Luo, S. Liu
P.R. Oldaker, U. Fehn
S. Otteman, A.W. Snoke
C.S. Painter, W.W. Little, G.F. Embree, M. Millard
Structure, Stratigraphy, And Hydrocarbon Potential of Butte Valley, White Pine County, Nevada
A.H. Pekarek
Cretaceous Lowstand Shorelines of the Middle Park Basin, Colorado
A.L. Petter
Same Day Downhole Critical Gas Content Without the Core
J. Pope
Same Day Downhole Gas Content Analysis with Raman Spectroscopy
J.M. Pope
Overview of Oil and Gas Permitting – Issues Faced by the Bureau of Land Management in Wyoming
A. Rabinoff
A New Technology for 3-D Seismic Exploration and Development of Fractured Tight Gas Reservoirs
J.J. Reeves
V.L. Riggert, J.A. Hornbeck, D.S. Muller, B.W. Horn, G.E. Norris, D.H. Phillips, E. Glørstad-Clark, J.L. Coleman, Jr
Source-rock Analysis of the Lower Member of the Lewis Shale, Washakie Basin, Wyoming
A.V. Rigoris, I. Pasternack, J.B. Curtis, N.F. Hurley
The Waltman Shale Total Petroleum System: Does it have a favorable future?
S.B. Roberts, R.C. Johnson, P.G. Lillis
Acquisition and Analysis of Multicomponent Seismic Data, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, U.S.A
S.L. Roche, M. Wagaman, H.J. Watt
Improved Imaging of the Darby Thrust Fault using Multi-Component Seismic Receivers
S. Ronen, M. Wagaman, C. Ansorger
S. Schamel
S. Schamel, S.R. Bereskin
Geochemical Exploration Surveys in the Rockies: Strategies for Success
D. Schumacher, D. Hitzman, B. Rountree
Coalbed Methane in the San Juan and Powder River Basins: Differences and Similarities
A.R. Scott
D.M. Seneshen, J.H. Viellenave, J.V. Fontana
J.T. Sperr, R.B. Burke
Exploration History and Petroleum Geology of the Central Utah Thrust Belt
D.A. Sprinkel, T.C. Chidsey, Jr
A Structural Model of Jonah and South Pinedale Fields, Wyoming
T.C. Stiteler, T.J. Young, K.E. Meisling, W.B. Hanson
D. Strickland, J.P. Vrona, K.R. Johnson, D.D. Schelling, D.A. Wavrek
A Strategy to Reduce Risk in Searching for Gas Accumulations in Tight-Gas Sand
R.C. Surdam, Z. Sheng
R.C. Surdam, Z. Sheng
Low Flood Rate Residual Saturations in Carbonate Rocks
H. Tie, N.R. Morrow
J. Trexler, Jr, P. Cashman
Regional Subthrust Fracture Arrays in Outcrop: Guide to Attributes of Tight Gas Sandstones
K. Tushman, S.E. Laubach
Sandstone Lithofacies Within the Icebox Fm (Ordovician), Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana
A.J. Ulishney, R.D. LeFever
Active Biogenesis of Methane in Ft. Union Coals of Wyoming’s Powder River Basin
G. Ulrich, R. DeBruyn, M. Finkelstein, J. Weber
A.R. VanHolland, R.S. Martinsen
K. van 't Veld, J.M. Boyles, B. Towler, A. Ergenc, C. Mason
Application of Fractured Reservoir Simulation Concepts-Teapot Dome
E.E. Wadleigh
M.E. Ward, S.E. Laubach
S. Wo
Regulatory Framework for 80-acre Development Created in the Greater Wamsutter Development Area
C.A. Wood, C.E. Graham
Characterization of Tensleep Sandstone Reservoirs
P. Yin
Stratigraphy, sedimentology and petrophysics of the Tensleep Sandstone at Teapot Dome and in outcrop
Q. Zhang, D. Nummedal, P. Yin
R.E. Zilinski, D.M. Goldstein
S.G. Zinke, S.E. Shearer